Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 294: Non-human!

This extremely feast of monsters lasted more than an hour, and finally ended.

Everyone has a mouthful of oil, their tongues are bitten, and they lie on the snow, lazily without any action.

"No, no, today's barbecue is too full, it will definitely add two pounds of meat, and we will lose weight later!"

Under a large pine tree, Bailifeiyan and Huangfu Phoenix and Leng Shuangshuang were sitting together. The three women all covered their belly with their hands, all complaining and hating their mouths.

This scene aroused the continuous ridicule of Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, and Pei Junlin was also smiling. He could feel that after this meal, the relationship between all people became closer.

As for gaining weight, that's just a joke. As a congenital Jiupin strong, you can refine all the energy in your body with one thought.

"Pei Junlin, always forgot to ask you, how strong is your physical body now?"

Leng Shuangshuang asked, with a curious expression: "Just tell the monk that your physical strength today, I'm afraid he can't compare, is it really fake?"

This statement attracted everyone's curiosity. In fact, each of them wanted to ask this question. After all, the path taken by Pei Junlin was too shocking. It turned out that the legendary flesh was sanctified. Only the martial arts saints can. Strong physique.

In today's martial arts world, I don't know how many years have passed, and no one has set foot in that field.

Pei Junlin shook his head: "I don't know how strong it is. At that time, I only focused on sneaking boxing in the gravity chamber, and I didn't open the gears in the gravity chamber."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and try it out! This has just been so full and inactive, aren't you really waiting to raise your uncle?" Xia Houping was eager to try.

The other Tianjiao people were looking forward to it, but Pei Jun came to see him, but he didn't mind, he laughed and shouted. In fact, he also wanted to see how much his physical strength has increased, and verify once. [Original Nirvana] Power].

At that time, when Pei Junlin was studying this Xianjia Peerless School, he felt the movement of a refining body on his own, and then began to hone his flesh unconsciously. The new strength of blood was stirred. When he was awake, he came out of gravity. Shi, I do n’t know how much his own physical strength has increased.

A group of people walked together and came to the area of ​​the gravity chamber again. Pei Junlin walked into an idle gravity chamber without hesitation, while others stayed outside and watched the gravity multiple on the display screen.

In the gravity room, after taking a deep breath, Pei Junlin first raised the gear to 30, which is a multiple that he can bear before, indicating the gravity of 30,000 kilograms.

A strong pressure shrouded from all directions, as if there were countless sitting mountains squeezing, and suddenly made Pei Junlin's body slightly sink, and then ... there was no more. In addition to feeling that the body movements are a bit heavy, Without any discomfort.

"It really has become a lot stronger!"

Pei Junlin felt everything carefully, then raised the gear to -50 without hesitation. This is a rough weight figure that he obtained based on his physical quality.

50 means 50 thousand pounds of gravity! !! !!


It seems to be a slump in the sky, an unparalleled strong pressure, under the pressure of the air, the situation is like the Buddha ’s palm, when the sky is photographed, suppress the lawless monkey!

Pei Junlin was full of blood and blood, his bones exploded, and his knees kneeled down involuntarily. The sudden pressure was so strong that he couldn't help bending his spine.


Pei Junlin looked up, and gave out a silent roar deep in his heart. Two sharp rays of **** light burst out from the depths of his eyes, which was a kind of strong unyielding thought.

On the surface of his crystal-like body, a dense rune gradually emerged. The rune was extremely ancient, as if it contained the mysteries of heaven and earth, the truth of the road, embedded in the deep skin, and above the bones. Only under the pressure of the emergence.

At the moment when these ancient runes emerged, Pei Junlin's whole body was boiled with blood and blood, and the horrific blood power poured directly into the bent legs and spine, and then turned into a demon **** who stood upright and gradually rose. Waist up.

At this moment, he did not use strong mana, but simply used physical force to bear 50,000 kilograms of gravity. If it was passed out, it would be absolutely shocking.

You should know that the top monk in the gravity chamber rankings, the strongest gravitational force that he can bear is 50,000 kilograms. This is the result that he obtained by using the power of the physical body and the true element.

It is equivalent to Pei Junlin today. If you simply compete with strength, purely physical strength can be balanced with the monks who are trying to abstain.

The power of the original Nirvana is terrifying!

At the same time, when Pei Jun came to test his strength in the gravity room, the eyes of the monks, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Na Lanhao, Xia Houping, Baili Feiyan, etc. all gathered outside the gravity room. On the top display.

When you saw the bright red number on the display soaring to 50, a sound of inadvertent cold air sounded, and everyone's face gradually changed.

Even if it was long expected that Pei Junlin ’s strength has increased significantly, you can see that in just half a month, Pei Junlin has soared from the strength of 30,000 kilograms to 50,000 kilograms without using any external force. Many people still find it difficult to accept.

The gravity room is a public place. When you see a group of heavenly pride congregating outside a gravity room, it naturally attracts the attention of other powerful people coming and going. Then everyone seems to think of something and starts to notify their friends.

Everyone thought that at this moment in the gravity room, it should be Pei Jun who made a huge noise recently, a young Tianjiao who set foot on the path of the saintly Wu Sheng strong body to become holy.

"Gravity of 50,000 kilograms has been on par with the No. 1 Luohan Temple monk who abducted the monks. This Pei Junlin is so good!"

"Having boosted the strength of 20,000 jin in half a month, I'm really afraid to break the record!"

The crowd talked and was amazed.

But suddenly, just then, an incredibly low cry sounded: "Look at it, the multiplier has increased again!"

"Look down, 60 times! The strength of 60,000 jin?"

"how can that be?!"

I saw that the bright red number suddenly changed to 60 at the top of the display, indicating that Pei Junlin was under the horror pressure of 60,000 kilograms in the gravity room.

When I saw the amazing red number again, the faces of the group of arrogant celestial beings in front of me also changed again. The radiant light in their eyes, especially the look of the monk who had sacrifice, became more serious than ever. This is a great challenge and threat from the opponent.

However, what shocked everyone was more than that. At this moment, I saw that the red number on the display began to beat again.

"Still up? Is this going to break the rhythm?"

Countless strong people are dumbfounded, and their hearts are difficult to calm down. With a pair of stunned eyes watching, the red number on the screen keeps beating, and finally jumps to 70!

70,000 kg of gravity!

This number has caused countless strong men to start despair. This is simply to tear up the rhythm of all opponents with brutal force. Is there a humanoid beast?

In the future, who would dare to show resentment against the human beast inside? If you are not careful, you will be pinched to death like a pinch ant, fragile like a porcelain doll.

"Muff, is this the power of sanctification of the flesh in the legend? It's too scary!"

A strong person reflected and finally came to an amazing conclusion. There is no perfect explanation except this explanation!

After all, the sanctification of the physical body has always been a legendary existence, and the martial arts-level body should not exist in the world. Now, since the world is now, it should naturally show the power to crush everything!

"Who knows the method of sanctification in the body, I am willing to pay any price!"

There are also some strong people who are jealous. It is that Pei Junlin's powerful power is too shocking and tempting!

As a warrior, no one can resist this temptation!

"Quick! Quick ... Look at it, the number on the screen is beating again!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed aloud, and because of the emotional excitement, the voice was stuttered.

It was like a horrifying thunderstorm that hit everyone, er, in the deepest part of their hearts, stunned the whole body that every strong person bombarded, and their heads fell into a blank.

I saw on the display that the numbers that had not changed began to increase again. Although the frequency of the increase this time was not as fast as before, it just beat one by one. With the passage of time, there are countless incredible numbers. With gaze, the bright red number at the end stopped at 80 and finally stopped changing!

My God ~ ~ 80,000 jin gravity!

Dozens of strong men gathered outside the gravity field do not know how to describe their mood at the moment, and some are just despair!

How can such a figure make people stand by, not even the courage of shoulders!

At the forefront of the door of the gravity chamber, the monk suddenly slammed into the crowd of people around him. On the original handsome face, there was a gloomy water directly into the nearest gravity chamber.

At the same time, Huang Fuhuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Na Lanhao also said nothing, and strode toward the free gravity chamber. Everyone exuded a breath that was not allowed to enter, which was extremely gloomy.

In the end, there were only two people, Xia Houping and Baili Feiyan, with big eyes and small eyes. They laughed helplessly and didn't say much. They also chose to leave.

Looking further, they fear that they will have some incurable psychological shadows.

The guy named Pei in the gravity room is completely non-human!

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