Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 302: Jealous!

At the moment of hearing the special reward, all eyes, except Pei Junlin, lit up quickly and sparkled.

Cai Shen will be the supreme person in charge of this overlord city, the master of the city. Since a big man of this level has a special reward, it must be very valuable.

"Don't be embarrassed, you are all congenital Jiupin, you can dominate the martial arts of a party, sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, where are those little family members!"

Xiahougong, who was more irritable, couldn't help but stood up and said loudly.

"Tell you, Cai Shen will represent the country, is your little guy ’s head blocked? Is a country like this huge, the treasure you have will be an astronomical figure, only you ca n’t think of it. No country ca n’t get it. from!"

"You're welcome. All of us present here are not as good as the nine cows in the country, so what a chance for your little bunnies!"

"Xia Houping, you little cub will show Lao Tzu your harvest first!"

Xia Hougong directly dropped a pair of big bronze bells with divine light on the children of his family.

Named by the elders, Xia Houping standing in the crowd with a little helplessness, plus a little expectation, reached down to unpack the heavy backpack behind him, and threw it to the ground with a bang.

The heavy weight caused everyone in the hall to narrow their eyes slightly, and under everyone's attention, Xia Houping squatted on the ground, untied the heavy backpack, and all his brain fell to the ground.

Suddenly, all the spoils came to everyone's sight, including the **** fangs of the Black Wind Serpent's demon emperor strong, and the golden armored mouse demon emperor's **** claws, teeth, and the benefits of the demon king level. Claws and teeth.

In addition, there are some bottles and jars on the ground. These bottles and jars are filled with the elixir carried by the demon tribe itself, and there are several relatively short and sharp weapons.

"Well, Xia Houping, you can. When did you collect so many loot, can those weapons be exchanged for points?"

Na Lanhao, who was standing in the crowd, saw the splendid loot on the ground, could not help his eyes widened. When he said this, the others did not have any expressions. Nalan Yunkong on the seat directly blackened his face, and his eyes fell on him. Dangerous light flashed in his son's back on the bulky backpack.

Xia Houping's expression was slightly embarrassing: "Of course, weapons can also be exchanged for points. Although the weapons of the demons are very rough, they are not worse than our human weapons. They are even stronger. In the knowledge class, all this The teachers explained it, didn't you pay attention to it? "

Although the conversation between the two was very low, there was a weak person everywhere. Everyone could hear clearly. Suddenly, many strong people looked at Nalan Yunkong in his seat. It was very strange and many people sneered. .

Nalan Yunkong's face was completely dark at this moment. I can't wait to slap his indisputable son immediately. Why don't you study hard when you go to school? Now you can ignore this Tiankeng knowledge class. It's just a fight!

"Ahem !!"

A light cough sounded, and Cai Shen, who was sitting at the top, would say: "A pair of teeth of the Black Wind Snake Demon Emperor, a pair of black wind snake demon Emperor strong, a pair of golden armor rat demon Emperor strong The teeth and claws of the pair, a pair of golden crystals of the demon king, and the eight pairs of teeth and claws of the demon king, three pairs of demon crystals ... As for the seven bottles of premium elixir, Two bottles of high-grade elixir of the third grade, three bottles of medium-grade elixir of the fourth grade ... "

"Two high-ranking weapons, two high-ranking weapons, two high-ranking weapons ... the total value of these things is almost equivalent to more than 9,500 points! Very good!"

"Among them, the black wind snake demon emperor only brought back his teeth, but no snake skin. Therefore, he deducted more than a thousand points, which is a tiny defect!"

Hearing so many points, Xia Houping's face showed a surprise, and Pei Junlin nodded a little. When he was in the tiankeng knowledge class, a teacher once talked about various celestial treasures and weapons in the tiankeng world. Conversion ratio, or the reward points for killing a strong monster at different levels.

For example, if you kill a demon-level strongman, the reward points will be 5,000 points, the demon-level strongman will be 500 points, the big demon-level strongman will be 50 points, and the demon will only have five points.

Of course, if you kill the strong in the realm of the demon god, you will make a lot of money. A strong in the realm of the demon **** is worth 50,000 points, and the demon is even more terrifying 500,000 points!

In addition, the elixir and weapons in the demon clan are almost equivalent to the classification on the human side. They are divided into seven levels, called seven grades, with the lowest grade and the highest grade. Each grade has its initial, Medium and high levels.

As for the conversion ratio, it is even more troublesome. It is probably that a bottle of one product of primary elixir is five points, the intermediate one is ten, and the advanced one is fifteen.

At that time, when the teacher explained, it was so meticulous that he calculated all the points and it was dizzying.

A bottle of the second grade of elixir is 25 points for a primary elixir, 50 points for an intermediate level, and 100 points for an advanced level.

The third and fourth grades are almost the same.

The level of weapons is also equal to the exchange rate of elixir. In the human world, elixir and weapons are luxury products. The same is true for the demons, because any kind of elixir or weapon requires extremely precise procedures and is very cumbersome.

Don't look at a lot of 9,500 points. That's because they have a very high starting point. When they play, they are the top performers of congenital Jiupin. If they are replaced by ordinary warriors, they can get one or two hundred points if they fight once. That's great!

But the same, the more you cultivate as a high-ranking powerhouse, the more treasures you consume and the more you spend, the 9,500 points actually cannot be exchanged for several precious cultivation resources.

After Xia Houping, Na Lanhao also stepped out under the pressure of his own son, and dumped everything in his backpack to the ground.

There are demon-level demon crystals, teeth, claws, and slightly more demon king strong demon crystals, teeth, claws, etc. In addition, there are a few bottles of elixir, and there is no weapon. .

Cai Shen finally calculated almost 6,300 points. Nalan Hao was very satisfied with this achievement. When he was about to grin, he found that his face was dark. He immediately smiled and hid his face. Quit quietly.

Next, Monk Monk, Bailifeiyan, Lengshuangshuang, and Huangfu Phoenix successively came out and took out the loot in their backpacks. It is surprising that there is a fifth-grade weapon in Lengshuangshou's backpack. That is a big killer that can only be controlled by the demon **** powerhouse. Its power is very powerful and its value is amazing.

This five-grade killer alone is worth more than 10,000 points, attracting everyone's attention, even those who are strong in the realm of the gods. The weapons of the demon **** class are not so easy to obtain.

Because once any demons are incarnate, the weapons or elixir carried on them will be automatically stored in the flesh. Unless the monster is killed, these elixir and weapons will be decomposed.

Even if it is broken down, the demon tribe pays special attention to the elixir or weapon possessed by the demon god, and the strong one will immediately take it away. Therefore, Leng Shuangshuang can obtain a five-class killer owned by the demon **** strong. Luck is definitely so good!

In the end, the number of points calculated by Leng Shuangshuang was the most, with more than 26,000 points, 23,000 monks abstained from the monk, 25,000 from Huangfu Phoenix, and 13,000 points from Bailifeiyan.

Hearing that amazing number of points, Na Lanhao's look was embarrassing again. Don't think about it, he must be at the bottom. This time is really too big!

Even Xia Huping, who was very satisfied with his results, did not have a smile on his face at this time. He thought that his gain was already very good, but he did not expect to become the second-to-last existence in an instant.

At this time, Pei Junlin was the only one of the seven who had not given up the booty, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"Cai Shenjiang, as long as what you get on the battlefield belongs to your spoils, even if some of the demons did not kill them in person?" Pei Junlin asked.

Cai Shen will nod his head and say, "That's natural. The point exchange is only estimated based on the value of the spoils. I don't care how your spoils come from. Although this is not appropriate, there is no better way. It's up! "

Pei Junlin nodded in understanding, and then watched with a pair of scorching eyes, his thoughts moved. Suddenly, a lot of spoils appeared in front of him, including eight demon crystals of the demon emperor, teeth, claws, etc There are also seven or eight pairs, and there is a pile of mountains and bottles, all of which are elixir.

It is just that there is no weapon of the demon tribe, because ... Pei Junlin also forgot this, it is really embarrassing!

"Space magic ?!"

A low cry suddenly sounded. On the upper seat, there was a group of powerful gods who had been watching the bustle. Except for the shepherd, everyone was shocked to stand up from the chair with a look of wonder.

Because this is really amazing, in the end, what exactly is this young man? Not only is he carrying the sword art of swordsmanship, which has been lost for a long time, but at the moment, he has shown the space weapon that has been hailed as the most precious treasure in the world. Any of these is enough. The treasure that caused countless strong people to be jealous. If it is not for the special period of the entire Huaxia country at this moment, the top and bottom must be united as one, and internal fighting is strictly prohibited. These strong people have thoughts * won!

It's too incredible. You must know that whether it is royal swordsmanship or space magic, such secret treasures cannot be owned by their hidden family or martial arts holy land for many years.

At the same time, there are researches on the laws of space. In recent years, mankind has never found a suitable breakthrough point.

At this moment ~ ~ How rare is this rare treasure and mystery all converging on a young man? !!

In the field, the only one who can be regarded as calm is only the shepherd, because he has already investigated all the information of Pei Junlin. Except for the imperial swordsmanship, the matter of the space magic weapon is known. He also knows this magic weapon. It was Pei Junlin who was taken from the awakening of Michigan on the day of the arrival, and became "the ring of god".

"Ahem, everyone is calmer. The space magic weapon possessed by Pei Junlin is actually known to the military. This magic weapon was obtained by Pei Junlin from the group of awakenings in the same day."

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, after the shepherd will groan a little, he still tells the truth, the potential meaning is open to everyone. Since the country has acquiesced to Pei Junlin's possession of this space magic weapon, then you better not make an idea. It's up!

The reason why the country can treat Pei Junlin so favorably is entirely because of Pei Junlin's current reputation and strength, otherwise, if an ordinary person obtained such a secret treasure, it would have been directly collected!

A lot of powerful people heard the words, showing the color of regret, but those eyes were still hot.

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