Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 313: Demon God Strong!

No wonder the wind demon **** would be so shocked. This scene in front of him made him a little too incredible.

Where is Heiwu Cliff? !!

That is definitely one of the most important resource strategic locations of Heijin City. It contains a spiritual vein that is extremely rich in resources and minerals. Every year, the energy source continuously provides a large number of spiritual crystals, which are used to cultivate the demons.

In places like this, there are demon soldiers guarding everywhere and strict patrol defense lines, but now there are human invasions here, how can we not shock the wind demon god!


Endless anger and murderous intentions erupted in an instant. The wind demon **** broke out in a terrible momentum, and flew directly towards the nearest, three monks, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping, all covered in blood.

He is very clever and wise, and analyzes the situation in front of him almost at a glance. The three monks have been injured, and it seems that they are ready to leave. In this case, he might as well kill the three humans first, and then kill them alone Another human battle.

The result is that he can wipe out the four humans in front of him and stay in this black mist cliff completely.

How terrible the strength of a monster **** realm is, at this moment, the three monks, Nalanhao, and Xiahou Ping finally realized it, even if the body of this monster **** real power was also repaired by the realm of forbidden territory. The seal, but the powerful physical power that erupted, was just a face-to-face, and they threw back the three of them. The bones of the whole body seemed to be broken, and the internal organs were in pain.

If they were n’t wounded, the strength of the three of them might still be able to barely fight, but at this moment it was in a dangerous situation instantly, and there was nothing to fight back by the amazing wind demon god.

The amazing blood power possessed by the wind demon **** is almost like a vast sea, endless, but just a few face-to-face, the three people Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jiyin monk can't support it!

"Mad, we are really finished this time!"

Xia Houping was full of blood on his face with a look of despair. The other party was a terrible demon **** power, which is equivalent to the human **** power.

This realm is the existence of the title "True God". God has been the most powerful existence since ancient times. The title of "True God" is definitely not a casual name.

Because, any creature that reaches this level is really comparable to the legendary gods. Except for the head, the whole body can be called a real *. It is inaccessible. Even if the body is broken by external forces, as long as there is enough energy, it can The physical remodeling and rebirth of severed limbs are terrible.

Similarly, the physical strength and blood of the strong in this realm has reached an extreme, far from being able to be compared with the innate strong, this is the horror of the true God!

Don't look at them. These people are all innate cultivation of the nine grades. They are only one threshold away from breaking through the powerful gods, but this step seems to be a heavenly divine book. There is a difference between the heavens and the earth. The two are not at the same level. Above.

"Fight it, today he will die or we will die! Since everyone chooses to come to this world of pits, it is natural that they are ready to fight to death! And today is the time for us to fulfill our promise!"

The monk abstained from tearing away the clothes that had been torn into pieces, revealing a bronze-colored body full of the wounds of the urn, with a solemn look and no grief or joy.

"Grass, my generation of warriors, what is particular about is a life and death that is not important, just do it!"

"Today, even if we die, we have to make this guy pay a price!"

Nalanhao gritted his teeth, and his blood-stained face was full of sullen expressions. His voice didn't fall, and a longan-sized brown elixir suddenly appeared in his hand. After hesitating a little, he swallowed it.

"Yunlongdan, you guy has such a treasure?"

Xia Houping was surprised. He immediately took out a jade bottle from his underwear pocket with pain on his face, opened it, and gritted his mouth. "Mom, this time I really lost money, no! We must not die!" , Be sure to bring back all the high-quality Lingjing obtained this time! "

"Repair stock solution?"

Jie Monk made a surprise sound, shook his head and sighed: "You two guys really have the deepest hiding, since this is the case, the little monk is not hiding too!"

The words didn't end, and the monk abstained from his hands with a red crimson medicine. After a little regret, he swallowed it.

"Xiao Huan Dan!"

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping lost their voices, and then looked at each other. Both of them suddenly broke out and killed the Wind Demon God directly. At this moment, their momentum was full of indomitable!

At the same time, the momentum of the monk monk also began to erupt, resolutely joining the war circle.

All three of them have just taken the most precious life-saving elixir given by their elders. Unless they are in danger of life and death, they will not dare to take it randomly.

At the moment when the elixir entered the body, a powerful momentum erupted in all three of them, and they fought to the wind demon **** regardless of their body.

"Unexpectedly, you are still geniuses in humans!"

When I saw the three monks who swallowed the elixir, they immediately increased their momentum. The wind demon's eyes flashed, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face. "


The amazing sound of the sword collision sounded, and the four silhouettes instantly fought into one piece, and the horrifying force of blood was boiling like a volcano in the underground passage.

During the fierce battle on this side, on the other side of the underground passage, Pei Junlin and the swallowing beast presented a very strange situation.

One person and one beast face each other. With each step of Pei Junlin's move, the eyes of the swallowing beasts are alert to him. Although the two did not continue to fight, the delicate situation where a fatal blow broke out at any time was more dangerous. .

Although the gold-swallowing beast in front of him is still an infancy, this special creature born of heaven and earth is not weak in wisdom. It has seen that Pei Junlin wants to step forward to help the other side fight, so it stopped Pei King's Landing.

Looking at the tiger in front of him, alerting him to every move of gold swallowing beasts, Pei Junlin could not help but have a headache. Although the gold swallowing beast in front of him is only an infant, the strength is not weak at all, which is almost equivalent to a divine power, especially In addition, at the moment in the opponent's field forbidden area, all the magic attacks are invalid, and only the physical strength is retained, swallowing the gold beast is an invincible existence!

Otherwise, the demons will not allow this creature to occupy a spiritual vein of the Black Mist Cliff, and remain indifferent.

However, seeing the fierce fighting situation not far away, Pei Junlin couldn't let this stalemate continue any longer, and the danger of dragging the monks to a halt for one minute increased the point by one point.

Of course, Pei Junlin saw a scene not far away from monks and other people who swallowed the life-saving medicine. Once the medicine effect of the life-saving medicine was consumed, it was really dangerous!

How to do? How can I do? !!

Pei Junlin's mind was spinning wildly at this moment. With his current cultivation and physical strength, he is not yet an opponent to swallow the gold beast, so he can only use it!

According to some rumors that have been obtained in the thousands of worlds, the gold swallowing beasts are notoriously stingy and stingy. Any creature who dares to slay their treasures is the enemy of the gold swallowing beasts.

Pei Junlin thought of this, and with the thought, a palm was quietly placed behind him, and soon two crystal clear high-quality Lingjings appeared on the palm of his palm, which was directly squeezed into powder by him.

And when Pei Junlin was doing all this, the nose of the swallowing beast on the opposite side suddenly moved, and it seemed to have felt. Pei Junlin cursed the dog's nose of the other person. In the next second, the shape of lightning broke out and a breakthrough was made. The speed of the sound barrier directly flew towards the wind demon **** who was not far away to fight.


A roar came from behind, roaring, and the engulfing beast was furious, like the same light.

"Flash away!"

In the air, Pei Junlin issued a roar, and the monks, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping who were fighting desperately against the Wind Demon God heard the words and flashed quickly into the distance.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

The wind demon **** turned to look at Fei Junlin, who was shot from the air. A cold killing intention appeared on one face. Unexpectedly, it was filled with white mist. Pei Junlin waved at his hand, and countless powders covered the sky. he.

The wind demon **** was unmoved, on the contrary he also showed an unabashed taunt. He is a demon **** of the black wind snake family. The black wind snake family is inherently poisonous. In addition to the few terrible toxins in this world, Besides, other poisons have no effect on him.

Therefore, the wind demon **** sneered to kill Yisen cold, ignoring the overwhelming "poison powder" punched into the air of Pei Junlin from the sky.


This punch directly knocked out Pei Junlin and knocked it against the wall of the passage, causing a collapse.

The wind demon **** looked at Pei Junlin with a trace of scarlet blood on the corner of his mouth, and strode closer.

But suddenly, his footsteps were stopped by a figure falling from the sky, a gold swallowing beast appeared in front of him, a pair of blood-red eyes staring at the body of the wind demon god, his mouth uttered a low roar full of anger!

"Animal, today I don't want to bother you, hurry away!"

The wind demon **** Lengheng, compared to the gold swallowing beast in front of him, the four humans are his main target, and all must die here today.

But what he didn't expect was that, just as his words had just fallen, the gold swallowing beast suddenly went mad like a lightning bolt, and his whole body was shocked.

"you wanna die!"

The wind demon **** was so angry that he didn't hesitate to throw a fist.

But the gold swallowing beast was not afraid, and he was in the air, and his barbed tail was flicked freely, with amazing power, and he shook his fists. As soon as the two collided, the amazing blood power broke out.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and run! No matter who you are, run slowly and wait for your death!"

At this time, Pei Junlin's voice suddenly sounded ~ ~ The next second, his body burst into lightning, directly breaking through the layers of landmarks above his head, like a diamond rat, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The monks, Na Lanhao and Xia Houping in the hairpin immediately awakened, learning from Pei Junlin and fleeing separately, each of them seemed like a monkey.

"Asshole! Where do you run ?!"

The wind demon **** noticed this scene, and his lungs exploded immediately, and he roared, and flew up, ready to catch up.

I never thought that he had just made a move, but was stopped by the swallowing beast and launched a fierce attack on him.

"Animal, Lao Tzu allows you to eat and drink in this mining area. Why are you helping humans now?"

The wind demon **** is about to explode, let him be extremely clever, and did not expect that the gold swallowing beast in front of him would help humanity!

Ok? wrong!

The wind demon **** suddenly became stiff, and looked down slowly at his powdered body. He perceived it carefully, where is this poisonous powder? It is clearly the high-grade spirit crystal!

Recalling the scene when the gold swallowing beast was fighting with the four humans when he arrived, it is obvious that the gold swallowing beast does not belong to the human side. The answer is obvious. He was pitted by that human!

Using Gao Pin Ling Jing's powder to sneak in with him, making this brainless beast in front of him treat him as a thief who stole Gao Pin Ling Jing, only to attack him so badly!

After trying to understand the cause and effect of the matter, the wind demon **** couldn't help but raise his hair and utter a hysterical roar: "All the monsters will obey the order and immediately block the entire mine. Whenever humans are encountered, there is no pardon!"

Amazing roar, through the landmark, rang through the entire black mist cliff, all the demon soldiers stationed were shocked, and ran out with weapons ...

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