Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 330: World shake

The war broke out directly at the speed of lightning. Even Pei Junlin couldn't respond quickly. He watched Xia Houping's six people in a lightning gesture sweeping the armies and surrounded the five of Louis directly.

On the contrary, Pei Junlin's pig's feet suddenly became nothing to do and acted as a spectator!

One side is a new vital force, and it has a large advantage in both number and strength, while the other side is a light knight who is already exhausted. Such a battle is naturally self-evident.

It didn't take long for the battle to start, and the Bright Knight was soon knocked to the ground, his face was bloody, full of humiliation and unwillingness.

He's so bullying!

Among them, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao are the most insidious. They are exactly the kind of underhands. Many crotch kicks are throat locks, or they are just digging eyes ... The damage is brought out, and each one falls to the ground. The knights were all curled up, tears in pain.

Fortunately, although the six of Xia Houping were angry, they did not kill, and they were mainly punishment-oriented. Otherwise, the five bright knights were already dead at this moment!

The battle started quickly and ended very quickly. In less than an hour and a half, including the Louis, all five bright knights fell to the ground with swollen faces, one after another, and their heads were swollen like pigs' heads, full. Humiliation.

"Well, how dare you stare at me!"

Xia Houping stepped on the stomach of a bright knight. The pained partner twitched and was full of grievances. He was staring, but his eyes were beaten into panda eyes. The pain was unbearable. Not open!

Nalanhao also stepped forward to make up his feet and scolded him, looking like a hooligan.

"Are you all Chinese?"

Of the five miserable bright knights, Louis barely managed to keep a trace of calm, he asked coldly.

"Crap, aren't we Chinese? Can't you be Chinese?"

Nalan Hao Yin surveyed, pretending to step on the back of one of Louis's hands in a casual way, and his muscles twitched in pain.

"You Huaxia warriors broke into our country for no reason, did you want to trigger a war between the two countries?" Louis was furious.

This time, even Pei Junlin couldn't listen anymore. He went straight forward, and there were a few big ear scrapers. The captain of the bright knight army, Louis, had flew a few teeth, and his face was swollen like a pig's head. I am afraid that my parents may not know you when they come.

"Miscellaneous, I don't kill you now, you have given the Holy See the biggest face. Why do you dare to conceal mischief, really think I dare not kill you!"

Pei Junlin's voice was bitter and cold, and the intention of killing rang out, shocking everyone.

Even the arrogant Louis was also tight in his muscles and showing fear. He had personally taught the strength of Pei Junlin. This guy dared to kill so many people in the O'Brien family, and also killed Ron and Fei. These two ascetics are definitely not joking.

"This Italian country is not your home, so why can't I be a Huaxia warrior to come to your Italian country? Wouldn't it be great if I came here to travel?"

"You don't think you are who you are, because you are an ant-like guy, and you want to stir up the war between the two kingdoms, really **** put gold on your face!"

Pei Junlin sneered and ridiculed, and then the icy words made Louis indignant and clenched his fists.

The situation is stronger than people, even if this is the site of his Holy See, but this group of people is really too strong, it is better not to offend these people until there is a strong helper.

For a while, Louis never dared to speak again, which made Xiahou Pingren somewhat unwilling.

To be honest, the Holy See ca n’t be murdered, otherwise, the big basket will really come out, but if it can be trampled once and in the presence of so many people, it is definitely a thing Very cool things, spreading out is tantamount to rising the prestige of the martial arts world of Huaxia.

"In the face of the Holy See, get out now!"

Pei Junlin finally said: "The O'Brien family and I are completely private, and have nothing to do with the Holy See, so you'd better report to your top when you go back, and let Belin O'Brien's **** roll back, otherwise , I will kill the entire O'Brien family! "

"Oh, by the way, from now on, that bitch's time is only eight hours. The journey from Flenrosa to the Holy See is at most three hours. Eight hours is enough for you to inform her when you return. Get that **** back! "

The faces of Louis and others were very blue, and one of the bright knights couldn't help anger: "Bellen O'Brien is already a disciple of my religion. Do you know that this is tantamount to declaring war with my religion?"

"Declaration of war ?!"

Pei Junlin sneered: "If the Holy See really thinks so, that's fine!"

"Okay! Good! We know!"

Louis sneered, waving his somber face and waving his hand: "Let's go!"

The five embarrassed light knights stood up to each other and limped to leave. Suddenly, Louis stopped and said, "Yes, can you tell us your names?"

Pei Junlin looked indifferent: "My name is Pei Junlin! As for the others, you don't need to know!"

After the departure of the Louis five-man wolf, Pei Junlin ignored the many forces still surrounding him, and his cold eyes fell directly on the people of the O'Brien family who were shaking in the corner, indifferently saying: "The words just now You also heard that if you still want to live, then let the **** come back immediately, otherwise, you all have to lose his life here! "

With this remark, the faces of all the O'Briens' families have completely changed, and many people have already started to cry with horror. Lawrence O'Brien and William O'Brien are ugly.

Compared to the life of the entire family, even Belian? O'Brien is so important, at this moment they also shake their resolve ...

At this time, the night had slowly fallen, and the earth was covered by darkness. Pei Junlin was under these eyes and ordered the people of the O'Brien family to prepare dinner for them.

The O'Brien family dared not have any resistance to this evil order, and almost rushed towards the kitchen. Pei Junlin was too lazy to deal with it. As for running away, a joke!

Under his consciousness, the whole manor's every move was covered, but if anyone dared to escape, then there was only a dead end to greet the other party.

Not long, and soon the people of the O'Brien family in the courtyard have set up a dining table, covered with clean and clean tablecloths, and then a variety of unique Italian-style cuisine is served on the table in turn, there are dozens of them. It's full of tables.

As for the fine wine, it is the red wine that the O'Brien family has collected for many years. As one of the 13 major Mafia families, it must be said that the O'Brien family has a very rich heritage. The knowledgeableness of Junlin and others is also a big move for the index finger.

Then eight people sat down around the dining table, and began to eat and drink directly under the gaze of countless eyes, not to mention how refreshing it was!

You know, around the manor at the moment, those who watched the many forces have not yet withdrawn. Not only that, but more and more gathered, only because of Pei Junlin's eight hours of death!

It's only eight hours, everyone can afford it, and everyone wants to take a look at it. What will be the final outcome of this battle?

On one side is the Holy See, Europe ’s top power, and on the other is a group of young kings from the mysterious Huaxia Kingdom. This battle is really very eye-catching.

Even the whole world was shaken. One afternoon was enough for many forces to find out the identity information of everyone in Pei Junlin.

The whole world was shocked when it was learned that the troublemaker in the eyeball was the Pesura who was once famous on the dark web of the international underground world.

Not long ago, Pei Junlin used thunderous methods to wipe out the killer branch of the Quartet, which ranked fourth on the killer list, shaking the entire international underground world.

Now, how long has this passed, and more than two months later, this sturdy fierce man turned out to be on the vault and burned the Holy See's Holy See, and announced to the world with an amazing record of one enemy to five. He is strong.

Someone who sees the good things that are not too big is simply uploading the captured pictures to the dark web and various forums. Even the scene of eight people eating and drinking by Pei Junlin was broadcasted live. .

Once the video was broadcast, it immediately attracted a large number of spectators. The crowd of tens of thousands around the world were watching the live broadcast.

I don't know how many people swipe the screen on this live broadcast. The number of people who watched it lastly broke through the million mark, and it continues to soar ...

Huaxia Kingdom, Dongyang Tiankeng, Overlord City.

When Cai Shen, Mu Shen, and others learned the news reported by the following people, the whole person was almost shocked to fall from the chair. One head was two big ~ ~ This thing is really too big Now, the rights of the two great gods are a bit overwhelming, and they quickly called out the masters of Deception, Han Bingning, Huangfu Jue, Nalan Yunkong, Xiahougong, and Pelichen.

After hearing this amazing news, it was not unexpected that the first members of the six major forces that had always been calm were jumping with steel pins on their butts.

"Mad, I know that Pei Junlin's **** is not good. You don't have to look at it, how obedient my son is, he is directly taken away by him!" Xiahougong was angry and the whole person looked like a cross-eyed Big cock.

The others also agreed, and nodded.

"No, we have to go and see. This bird doesn't shit. There isn't even a network. Wouldn't that group of rabbits break the sky?" Nalan clouded loudly.

As soon as this word came to an end, they were immediately approved by the other five people. They had to make a trip to Tiankeng. Do n’t see it with your own eyes.

Neither Cai Shen nor Mu Shen can say anything about this, and they both have a serious headache for this matter. Besides, Dongyang Tiankeng is now a little calmer. Immediately Cai Shen will let Mu Shen take six The first one set off for the base outside.

In fact, the distance from the base to the Tiankeng is just a few minutes. Even if a major event occurs, they can quickly rush back.

Soon, under the leadership of Mu Shen, a group of men appeared aggressively inside the base, and then everyone was attracted by a live video on a large screen.

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