Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 339: The Holy See's Medicine Garden

At the moment when this majestic sound came out, I saw a dazzling white sword-mantle like a dragon in the depths of the vast cloud-filled canyon, straight out of the body of Pei Junlin who fell from the sky. .

The sword air is sharp, tearing everything!

At the same time, along with a mighty spirit of coercion, block the circle!

The man who shot in this canyon turned out to be a powerful god!

Such a sudden change made Pei Junlin's face change immediately. I did not expect that in a canyon I ran into, there would be a strong guardian of Godland. What is this place? !!

And the breath emanating from the man who shot it is full of sacred light ...

At the moment of Pei Jun's thoughts flashing in his mind, at the moment of life and death crisis, the blue rainbow sword at his feet shone brightly, the sound of the sword shook into the sky, and it turned into a blue streamer, which directly collided with the ramming sword that broke through.


The harsh sound of sword-gas collision, the energy of the exploding heavens and earth boiled, and the sound booming ceaselessly. For ten miles away, Pei Junlin once again made a moan, his face was pale and terrible, and a pair of lacquered black eyes twinkled deep in the heart. Light.

Two great gods, he is really a bit big this time!

Then he used the force of that shock to plunge into the vast clouds under his feet, and Qing Hongjian disappeared with him quickly!


Just as Pei Junlin disappeared into the vast clouds underneath, an oppressive figure flew up to the sky, the Cardinal appeared in the sky, and at the same time, there was a figure in the vast cloudy valley below. Soaring into the sky.

This is a middle-aged foreign man wearing a white robe with a grim expression. He saw the Cardinal with a grim expression: "Victor, what's going on ?!"

Victor, also the Cardinal, heard his face gloomy: "Fred, it's a long story, I'll explain it to you when the boy is dead!"

Speaking of this, Victor's somber face suddenly showed an undisguised sneer and ridicule, looking at the misty valley below, and said lightly, "This is the taboo place of my holy religion. I don't know how many kinds are carved in it Ancient killings, don't say that he is a congenital Jiupin strongman, even if I wait to break in, it will be the end of a lifetime! "

"Since this kid is actively seeking death, we can only fulfill him!"

Fred agrees very much with this, because it is indeed a taboo place for his Holy See. They call it a medicine garden, which contains many rare elixir and ganoderma lucidum. Many elixir are extinct in the outside world. .

This medicine garden child is the biggest treasure place to provide elixir continuously. The reason why a godlike power like him appeared here is to keep it here!

Now I didn't expect to be intruded by a young man who had only congenital nine grades. Fred and Victor were not in a hurry, so they stood in the void and laughed and talked while waiting quietly for the formation in the formation below. movement.

As expected by the two, very soon, there was a huge movement in the depths of clouds and fog below, with rolling clouds and thunder and lightning, and an extremely horrifying ancient killing atmosphere like a volcanic eruption, from the canyon. Gushing from the depths, the mighty battle made Fred and Victor, both standing in the void, with a heart-warming expression on their faces.

"Ancient killings were inspired!"

Victor whispered softly: "Unfortunately, this boy, I originally planned to surrender him for the use of my holy religion! Especially the boy's most famous sword technique in the Eastern world ..."

Fred next to him exclaimed: "Imperial swordsmanship? Is that horrible swordsmanship that can be killed thousands of miles away? This young man in the Eastern world is so powerful?"

Victor's look was a little complicated, and he nodded, "Not long ago, he defeated Son Aaron!"

Fred's expression was stagnant, but the thing that shocked him didn't stop there. At this time, Victor continued: "And he also took the blow of my holy weapon!"

At this moment, Fred was really hard to calm down, but he knew very well the power of the old friend around him, especially the ancient sacred lance, once he was excited, even he was very scared, never thought ...

"Well, why did the kills below stop so quickly?"

Victor suddenly said, "Is that kid already killed by the formation ?!"

Fred sneered: "It's natural. Even if this kid is strong, how can he survive the killing team inside ... Come, although the two of us did not have a passport to enter the medicine garden, but the treasure in our hands , But you can take a look at the situation in the medicine garden! "

This medicine garden is the important place of the Holy See. No one can enter without authorization unless the Pope personally handles it.

Between the words, a delicate box appeared in Fred's hand. As soon as it opened, a simple bronze mirror came into view.

Fred held the copper mirror in his hand and was excited by the running energy. Suddenly, a red-yellow beam shot from the copper mirror and fell into the rolling clouds below.

It ’s also amazing. At the moment when the red-yellow light beam poured into the rolling clouds, I saw that the boiling clouds gradually split into two from the middle, and a long passage appeared. One thing.

"I already said that, the kid must be dead ... eh ?!"

The smile on Fred's face froze suddenly, and his limbs trembled, and at the same time, Victor's eyes next to him rolled round as if he had seen something incredible.

Because they even saw a garden full of fragrant fruits like a green carpet, there was a young man with blood on his body looking around, and his face was full of shock and incredible, and soon Two people saw the young man in the deep part of the garden in the canyon. They picked a whole body of crystal from a fruit tree, and put the glowing fruit into their mouths, and tasted it.

"My God! How could he not die ?!"

The first person to exclaim was Victor, and his eyes rolled round as if they had been struck by lightning.

"Mad, it's broken! Something big will happen!"

Fred finally returned to his mind, and suddenly a terrible evil broke out in his whole body, and the angry anger shouted, "Hurry up! Let people inform the Pope and hurry up!"

Awake by such a loud roar, Victor's face changed drastically, because they thought of a terrible result at the same time.

Below is the most important medicine garden of the Holy See. In these years, I do n’t know how many exotic fruits and rare herbs have been cultivated. It has consumed the energy and material resources of countless holy church personnel. Even strong people like them ca n’t. Unauthorized access, but now intruded by a stranger, the consequences are almost impossible to think.

Once this matter is not handled well, it will definitely be a catastrophic event for them, and the blame will not be escaped, and the loss of the Holy Religion will be difficult to estimate!

"But ... the Pope is in the Tiankeng world, there is no signal at all, and there are thousands of miles away from here ..." Victor burst into tears, and the cardinal was sweating on his forehead.

Fred shouted: "Then call the base quickly! Let the people over there quickly inform the Pope and let the Pope come in person!"

Victor returned to his thoughts, hurriedly pulled out his cell phone and started to make calls. Due to anxiety, he dialed the wrong number several times ...

Just at this moment, Pei Junlin in the depths of the Holy See's Medicine Garden seemed to feel some fluctuations, raised his head and looked at the sky, although it was difficult to see the outside world through a thick protective barrier, Pei Junlin Still grinning, thumbs up to the sky, then thumbs towards the ground!

It was full of severely provocative international gestures, almost maddening Victor and Fred outside, and kept roaring, but their voices were blocked by a thick energy barrier, and it was difficult to get in. In law.

This drove Victor and Fred to madness, but the matrix in the canyon was too powerful. Even their top powers did not dare to break through, and they could only watch the deep canyon. In the medicine garden, Pei Junlin treats the exotic fruits one by one as snacks.

They were very puzzled. How did the young man from Huaxia enter the medicine garden? Did some of the loopholes in the ancient killing array fail? !!

Regardless of the furious and Fred and Victor, at this time, Pei Junlin, who was in the medicine garden, was really excited ~ ~ he never thought of it, casually A break-in broke into a garden full of magical fruits everywhere.

Although the area of ​​this garden is small, the rare elixir contained in it and the fruit on top of an ancient tree of various shapes are hard to find.

Pei Junlin alone recognized no less than ten kinds of fruits, all kinds of rare elixir, what Zhu Guo, Ling Zhi Hua, passion fruit, snow pineapple ... and so on.

In addition, the ground like a green carpet at your feet is full of precious herbs such as Ganoderma lucidum, Cordyceps sinensis, Dendrobium, Pteris, Venetian, Violet ... dazzling.

Throughout the garden, there is a strong medicinal scent everywhere, aura like mist, between the breaths at will, and the mouth and nose are full of that delicate smell.

There is so much light here, and the aura is like mist. There is a holy atmosphere everywhere, just like the legendary cave heavenly land and fairy house.

Pei Junlin's originally injured body was stimulated by the environment here, and she couldn't help but start to absorb the strong aura around her and began to recover.

Especially after he ate several kinds of exotic fruits, his energy in the body boiled like a tide, and his body was crystal clear. The originally injured body began to recover at an amazing speed.

Pei Junlin was really surprised and happy. At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was worth being chased down!

As long as he is given a certain amount of time, he can even use the treasures of this place to step into the third turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Gong, which is now a powerful **** on the earth.

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