Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 356: Burrow into the vein

In a hidden corner of the market, Pei Junlin summoned the three members of the pastor general, Nalan Yunkong, and Xingrui, and described the important information they had just received. When hearing the underground veins of God Ape City, it may appear When the spirit of life, the shepherd **** and Xingrui's expression suddenly became extremely excited.

"Can you tell us first, what kind of treasure is this life fluid?" Pei Junlin frowned, and Nalan Yunkong next to him also looked blank.

"Sorry, this is our fault!"

The shepherd will soon apologize. From his words, Pei Junlin and Nalan Yunkong have gradually learned that the so-called "life spirit" refers to the true essence of a spiritual crystal vein that is unavailable, the existence of gem level, It is the most precious treasure in this world.

Everyone knows that the most important thing in a Lingjing vein is, of course, Lingjing. Lingjing is divided into several grades, there are elementary, intermediate, and high-quality. High-quality Lingjing is now Lingjing has the highest quality.

But few people know that there is a kind of Lingjing up from Gaopin Lingjing ... No, it should be called the most suitable spiritual fluid, and its name is the spiritual fluid of life, which is the essence of a vein.

The formation of the spiritual fluid of life is like the legendary millennium stone milk and the like. It can be encountered but not sought. I do n’t know how many spiritual crystals such as the spiritual fluid of the heavens and earth can appear in the veins. I did not know how many years it would take to bury it underground, and experienced countless changes in heaven and earth before it finally formed.

Any drop of life and spiritual fluid is a kind of existence that is difficult to estimate with money and money, and it is also a holy product for all heaven and earth to create everything.

Cai Shen will make a good analogy, a warrior's destiny is absolutely extremely important, right? Unless in a desperate state, the warrior will have to use that little bit, and afterwards, he must use countless heaven and earth treasure ideas to manage Make up to avoid breaking the foundation of martial arts.

But as long as you have this life fluid, all this is nothing to do, just take some life fluid, and the lost destiny can be quickly replenished without any side effects!

Listening to the narrative of Mu Shen, Pei Junlin and Nalan Yunkong were stunned directly. Pei Junlin was not shocked by the effect of the spiritual fluid of life, but he did not expect that the spirit crystal veins of the demons contained such a heaven and earth treasure. Treasures of this level are difficult to encounter even in the once-great world!

It seems that this trip to the city of apes was really right!

"Now let's find the so-called recruitment place?" Xing Rui said.

Everyone nodded. Now that they have obtained such important information, they must naturally go, otherwise, it is too wasteful!

A group of four people quickly left the market. It didn't take long for the four people to pass a question and came to a very tall building. This is the place where the gods of the apes in the bottom of the city were recruiting.

A long distance away, I saw a huge sign at the gate of this building, with the words "Recruitment" written on it.

At this time, there are already strong demons in the job application, and a powerful breath has erupted throughout the body. The realm of the demonic emperor is no doubt revealed, and the person in charge is actually a powerful demonic realm. Very concerned.

"Broken, we have to show the true cultivation, isn't our breath ..."

When seeing the powerful breath and strong demon power released by the demon emperor in the distance, the faces of the original four people changed directly!

It is true that they cover their breath with their mental strength, but this is like the paper tiger, which is nothing but imaginary and can't help experimenting at all.

If only mental energy is better, once the internal energy is used, it will be completely exposed!

"This road doesn't work! What shall we do now?" Nalan Yunkong frowned.

The shepherd's face was also extremely gloomy.

Pei Junlin suddenly said, "First of all, can you be sure that the Lingjing mineral veins are the bottom of this ape city?"

The shepherd will nod his head and say, "This is of course! The demon world, one city and one mine, is absolutely true!"

"Then it seems that we can only use the stupidest way!" Pei Junlin said.

"any solution?"

Everyone was curious.

Pei Junlin grinned, lifted his feet on the ground, and cleared off: "Dig! Dig up this landmark, we will do a heavenly surprise!"

The herdsmen, Nalan Yunkong, and Xingrui were stunned, and they all smiled bitterly: "It's ... the most stupid way!"

Pei Junlin shrugged innocently: "Then you say, is there any other way besides this way?"

"The four of us, don't look at them as powerful gods, but what about that, now we are all paper tigers, the kind that breaks at the touch, and more importantly, we can't let people touch it!"

"In this situation, I can guarantee that it will definitely not enter the underground veins!"

The shepherd will simply order: "Just as Pei Junlin said, dig!"

"However, before that, we must find a suitable place. After all, if we are going to dig a hole, soil excretion is a big problem, and we must not let the demons find it!"

Nalan Yunkong said: "This is simple, we can rent an independent yard of that kind. With the strength of the four of us, if we really want to dig a hole, it will not take a few days to open up the entire underground. Even then, It doesn't matter if you are found! "

The plan was endorsed by everyone, and the four turned and left, disappearing into the vast crowds of streets.

Kung Fu was worthy of care. After four people searched for a long time, finally in the dark, in a place similar to the slums in Shensong City, rented a dilapidated courtyard, and the rent for rent is Use those herbs to pay off the debt.

The landlord of this broken courtyard is a family of **** apes who can reach the level of the demon emperor. Don't look at the weak one, but it is infinitely arrogant. It really corresponds to the sentence that the local people on the earth are niubi. words.

If not afraid of an accident, the landlord like this would have been killed by four fingers of Pei Junlin.

After night fell, the floor of the room was directly thrown away by the four of Pei Junlin, and a big digging operation was launched!

They are all powerful gods, and they are built to be more powerful than one. The weapons they use are top-notch invincible weapons. Digging a hole is simply more brave than a pangolin. I do n’t know how many times.

The division of labor among the four people is clear, two people dig holes, one is responsible for handling the excreted dirt, and one is on alert.

Soon a black robber's hole appeared in the room. At this moment, none of the four people had any so-called identity of the divine powerhouse. Some were just like a reptile in the ground, constantly digging holes.

In less than half an hour, underground holes have been hit for at least five or six hundred meters, and enough to accommodate two people passing in parallel, which is extremely spacious.

The more you go down, the more cautious you are, for fear that the spiritual power of the demon **** strong will glance at you, and then find out all this, then you will give up everything!

Fortunately, maybe it is too easy, and there is no demon **** strong, wantonly exerting his own spiritual power, exploring everything underground, after all, such a wide range of exerting mental power is also a great drain. Which strong man will be idle and so wasting his mental energy?

After digging to a depth of about thousands of kilometers, the herding **** and Xingrui, who were digging in the front, suddenly became cautious, and said to Pei Junlin and Nalan Yun who were behind them after handling the dirt: "My Spiritual power has been detected, not far from the real veins, and we have heard the dialogue of the demons! We should be in the area of ​​the veins soon! "

Everyone was astonished that they did not dare to have any intentions, and they converged their breath to the extreme, one by one, as if there were no earthy stones.

Finally, in this careful manner, after continuing to dig down for about a quarter of an hour, a light ahead suddenly shot in, everyone's eyes brightened, and they reached the veins!

Pei Junlin and Nalan Yunkong, who had been behind them, also became completely curious. They carefully dug out two robber holes, and then carefully pierced a hole in their eyes, and moved their eyes up.

What greets you is a huge and bright underground space, with thousands of square meters in full, bare-chested and muscular, and the dragons with muscles and dragons are sweating and sweating. In the hands of the mighty monsters, they seemed to be like children's toys.

Only when the sight landed on this special space, Pei Junlin and Nalan Yunkong's eyes became red directly. At the same time, they also heard the heavy panting sounds of the shepherd general and Xing Rui not far away.

Because they saw the bright crystals piled up like a mountain all over the ground, this seems to be a concentrated processing place for Lingjing. The Lingjing excavated from the mines in all directions were transported here by the demons.

Just a glance ~ ~ Pei Junlin estimates that there may be at least tens of thousands of Lingjing piled up in the open space. Of course, the quality is certainly uneven, but even so, this is an unimaginable wealth The value is incredible.

Even if someone like Pei Junlin never cares about money, at this moment there is also an urge to steal the pile of spirit crystals with a space ring, not to mention others!

Fortunately, the four people's determination is very strong. They stiffly resisted this impulse and did nothing else. In addition to dozens of strong people in the realm of the demon emperor, there are also strong people in the realm of the demon god.

It doesn't matter if a demon **** is strong. The key is that once a war occurs, it will definitely cause the demon **** of the ape city above. After knowing that the strength has reached the demon god, unless it is against the sky, it can no longer be a simple hit. Kill!

The vitality of any demon **** or **** realm is extremely amazing. Even if the body is damaged, as long as the head is not damaged, there is still hope for survival.

"This is really the best place to detonate! Once all tens of thousands of spirit crystals are detonated, it is enough to completely ignite this underground vein. Unfortunately, our current position is not suitable for going out. Many people are confused! "

After taking a deep breath, the shepherd God forcibly suppressed his inner urge and whispered.

"And we haven't found a life fluid. Since we can meet this time, that's our chance! In any case, we must get some life fluid back!"

"After we find the life fluid, we will come back and detonate these spirit crystals!"

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