Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 358: Shoot!

The arrival of Pei Junlin didn't attract much attention from the demons. Even the two demon **** powerhouses sitting cross-legged on the ground were unheard of. They did n’t know if it was too inattentive to practice, or they did n’t bother A low-level monster like Pei Junlin ...

This is convenient for Pei Junlin. He tried his best to cover his breath and tried to pretend to be a low-level demon miner. Sincerely, he walked quickly to the same ethnic group, and then learned the appearance of other demon clans and started mining.

Something unexpected by Pei Junlin was that the rock and soil in this mine was extraordinarily hard, like steel, and many monsters had to summon furry claws to mine, the sharp claws and hardness Sparks erupted as the walls touched.

Pei Junlin guessed that this might be one of the reasons why the psychic fluid such as life and earth can be produced in this mine. The soil and various components here are completely different from other mines.

However, it is not difficult for Pei Junlin. With his current physical quality, even steel ore that is several times harder than this can be easily broken into pieces.

In the silence, Pei Junlin was slowly digging the spirit crystal on the stone wall, and slowly approached the forbidden barrier. He needed to carefully observe the power of the forbidden barrier to see if he could break it with a single blow.

However, the demon tribe attaches great importance to the life and spiritual fluid. Within ten meters of the barrier, no demon is allowed to approach. Pei Junlin can only carefully release a trace of knowledge and approach the barrier.


The accident happened suddenly. Just when Pei Junlin had just released his consciousness, a strong mental force burst out from the barrier that was originally silent. He quickly chased Pei Junlin.

Not only that, a demon **** strong who always sat cross-legged on the ground a few meters away, suddenly opened his eyes, the light burst, and an astonishing evil broke out throughout his body.

If it wasn't for Pei Junlin's retreat of the gods fast enough, he had already been discovered by the demon **** strong!

But even so, the entire mine was full of the terrible breath of the demon **** powerman, who was so enraged, tumbled, and shouted angrily: "Who? Who was just wanting to detect the prohibition of life and spiritual fluid. Stand up! "

All the demons who were digging up Lingjing were chilly and did not dare to have any movement. Pei Junlin also pretended not to know, and stood there with his head bowed.

His heart was full of gloom, but this time he did not get nothing. At least he completely determined that the purple liquid was the spiritual fluid of life.

It's just that the restraint is obviously covered by the mental power of the demon **** powerhouse. Once any mental power is detected or changed, it will be found by the other party.

Pei Junlin felt that now it seems that there is no other way than to attack, but he is alone now, and he is not sure whether he can break the barrier of forbidden with one hit, which is extremely tricky!

If the shepherd will be here, then the two of them will still have a fight. Once a fight occurs, one of them will barely control the two demon **** strong, and the other will fully attack the forbidden barrier. There is still a chance!

In addition, there are two demon gods in other mines. The two demon gods have Nalan Yunkong and Xingrui confrontation. Pei Junlin's only hope now is the shepherd **** in the next mine. Body, I just hope that the shepherd will be able to hear the roar of this demon **** strongman, so as to find a chance to come over!

At this moment, in a mine next door, the shepherd will be digging the spirit crystal with a group of demons. When the roar of the demon **** power fell, the shepherd who was mining will suddenly tremble his ears, followed by the body. With a tremor, two eyes burst into excitement deep in the eyes.

He did hear the roar of the demon **** powerful, and he clearly heard the exact word "life fluid" in the roar. The life fluid was hidden in the mine next door!

Suddenly, Mu Shen's heart trembled again. He thought of Pei Junlin as if he had entered the mine next door. Could it be that the restless guy found the psychic fluid of life, and the thief had been discovered by the demon god? !!

At this point, the shepherd will no longer be able to stay. At this time, the phantom on a cart is almost full, and a demon is preparing to leave the mine cart to push out the mine. The shepherd ’s spirit will be excited immediately. Severely pierced the demon's head.

Suddenly, the demon tribe trembled, only to feel the pain in his head, and he couldn't help humming.

The shepherd will see this, and step forward quickly and caressingly, holding up, and said, "It's okay? May I help you out the mine cart?"

The spirit-inflicted demons couldn't even say a word at this time. With the help of the herdsman, she slowly sat on the ground, while the herdsman pushed the mine cart toward the outside of the mine.

After waiting out of the mine, the shepherd will immediately plug the minecart into a hidden corner, and then take the opportunity to make a flash and enter the mine next door.

When the shepherd will come to the depths of the mine, the demon **** is still angry and yells loudly, because no demon stands up to admit his mistakes, which makes him more and more annoyed. Provocation.

The eyes of the pastoral **** have been attracted by the spiritual fluid in that place, and two bright lights burst out in his eyes.

Pei Junlin, who has been obediently trained, sees that the shepherd will be coming in, and two shots will be shot in his eyes. He quietly made a movement of wiping the neck of the shepherd while all the monsters were not paying attention, and then reached out his hand. Pointed to the two demon **** strong.

The meaning is very clear, one by one, after solving quickly, you can do a big fight!

"Which mine are you from, and who made you enter here without permission?"

The demon **** strong who was angry, noticed that the shepherd who broke in suddenly, suddenly, it seemed that the anger in his heart had found the vent, and the roar of the fierce **** was very scary.

"Uh ... ah ... um ..."

The shepherd will dance with hands and feet, and perform all kinds of gestures, like a dumb, can't speak, at the same time, the pace at the foot is non-stop, quickly approaching inside.

Hum! !! !!

At this moment, in the calm mine, the sharp sword screamed suddenly, and Pei Junlin, who had been standing behind the demon **** strong, finally attacked, and the shot was the strongest kill!

Qing Hongjian burst into a dazzling sword light, and a sword slashed against the head of the demon **** strong with his back to him. It was really hot to the extreme, thunderous!

The demon **** strong is the same as the divine power among human beings. All the strong heads in this level are the only weaknesses. Of course, the weak demon **** strong, the body's internal organs are also weak points!

Pei Junlin doesn't know what the demon **** power is in front of him. In the end, it is absolutely not wrong to cut his head with a sword!

The dazzling sword light was mixed with the harsh sound of the sword, and Qing Hongjian chopped directly on the head of the demon **** strong without any fancy.


The scarlet blood sprang up with Jianguang soaring into the sky, splashing everywhere, just like the broken water pipe. The demon **** strongman never dreamed that he would be on his own site, and someone dare to attack him.

By the time the reaction came over, half of his head had been lifted up by the volley, and he saw the half of his body that was constantly spraying blood!

He is just a strong man who has just reached the middle of the demon god, how can he stop Pei Junlin's attack?

Demon God strong, sudden!

The metamorphosis came so suddenly, it directly stunned all the demons in the entire mine!

And at this moment, taking advantage of all the demons' moments of daze, the shepherd **** will also suddenly launch a thunderous means, and directly go to another demon **** strong.

The demon **** strong, although the response was slow, but at a critical moment, he finally stimulated his whole body strength, and only heard a loud bang, the demon **** strong was directly knocked up by the shepherd's punch and hit the hard On the walls of the mine, a deep pit was broken!

He was seriously injured, and his eyes were full of unbelievable expressions. He was staring at the full-blooded shepherd of the whole body: "You ... are you human beings ?!"

It's no wonder that his expression was so incredible that the demon was so incredible. Deep in the underground veins of the divine ape city, two human strongmen emerged, which subverted the cognition of all the demons. They Nothing was found before!

The shepherd did not say a word, and drew out a short knife hidden in his waist. Between the running of the real power, the blade trembled and the sound of the blade was amazing, and he slashed again and again against the demon **** power.

This sword was extremely powerful, and the sword was pulled out for twenty or thirty meters, scaring the demon **** strong, his face was white, and his whole body was so enraged that he slammed into the stone wall and evaded quickly.

"The shepherd will be ~ ~ you and I will work together to break this barrier!"

Just as the shepherd will want to continue to hunt down the demon **** strong, Pei Junlin's voice suddenly came, I do not know when Pei Junlin has run to the edge of the forbidden body of life and spiritual fluid, is using the Qinghong sword, bombarding the pool with all his strength Four weeks of prohibition.

With the repeated bombardment by Pei Junlin again and again, the ban was bright and the colors flickered.

The shepherd will see the situation, no longer hesitate, and immediately flew up, and the dagger of the magic weapon in his hand once again broke out the terrible razor blade, and split it down.


Containing a full-strength blow at the end of the divine realm, it finally broke the forbidden barrier. Instantly, an extremely vigorous vitality erupted.

After just taking a breath of that strong vitality, Pei Junlin felt lighter and lighter throughout his body, and not only that, the Nine Turns of the Ningming Gong and the original Nirvana Sutra both started to operate.

But it's obviously not the time when these life fluids are devoured, Pei Junlin can only forcibly suppress them, and then open the space ring, and start to fully accept the purple life fluid in the pool!


It seems to be a very powerful pump. When Pei Junlin unfolded the space ring's loading function, the life fluid in the pool dropped at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. The purple waterfall would surprise the pastor. shocked!

It turns out that the space ring is so eye-opening!

However, at this moment, a terrible alarm sounded suddenly in the underground mine, and at the same time, a terrible roar passed into the depth of the mine.

"Bold humans, dare to break into the site of my ape city, steal life fluids, be a scum !!!"

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