Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 365: Planning mistake

Five strong demons in the realm of spirits at the same time stimulated the demons in the body, and the volatility of their breath was enough to trigger the fear and panic of the demon in the old forest of the entire mountain range. Shocked, lying on the ground, trembling all over.

The monsters with low strength were directly frightened by the horrible coercion, and some simply died directly. Some monsters in a far range fled in desperation, trying to escape this place of fear. .

Any strong demon **** is already at the top of the demon food chain, the supreme existence, just like the king of beasts in ordinary beings, when tiger howling comes out, the forest is silent, and the beasts panic.

In a short moment, this primitive old forest became extremely lively, beasts panicked and fled wildly, and in this chaos, a towering old tree was densely populated, and the sky's demons were filled with madness, converging into a sky network. .

Five demon gods are on the alert, carefully searching for the three humans who have escaped and concealed, all of them are like powerful scanners, and they scan the square kilometer crazy!

In less than 20 or 30 seconds, the five demon **** strong men can be sure that the three humans have not run far away and are hidden in the depths of this primitive old forest. What makes them wonder is that The three humans seem to have disappeared out of thin air, but they can't be found!

Where the spiritual power radiates, it feels that some of the similar demons are scared and shivered, but these are low-level demons that are directly ignored by the five demons and strong!

Time passed every minute, and there was a more irritable demon **** strong who directly raised his huge palm and photographed Zhou Zhou on the ground.

The ground cracked in an instant, a large pit collapsed, the rubble flew, and the towering tree fell in response!

There are unlucky low-level demons nearby, crushed by the terrible palm force into pieces, and disappeared into nothingness.

"They can't run. It's in the surrounding area. It may be hidden deep in the ground. We will search with a carpet-like bombardment. We must be able to find these three cunning humans!"

There was a middle-aged demon with a low voice, and his whole body rolled with demon anger.

"Not only the ground, but the towering trees above us are also very likely. Everyone be careful!" Another demon **** powerful shouted.

The five demon **** strongmen gradually separated in this way and began a carpet-like search. They were very cautious. When the feet fell to the ground, they must first be bombarded with powerful palms. After they realized that everything was all right, they were relieved.

With the passage of time, the five demon **** strongmen gradually separated, and there was a great distance between each other.

They didn't find that deep in the dim old forest, at this time there were different positions, with three pairs of dark eyes, all of which were in their eyes.

The owners of these three pairs of eyes converged to the extreme, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into stone and mud. Even if there are really demons here, if they do n’t come forward and look closely, they will not recognize their true body. Because the demon's destiny mark on the foreheads of three people was enough to cover up 99% of the demon.

It's close! Closer!

A strong man in the early days of the demon god, his shape gradually came into view, and the distance was close. The sharp waves of attack that came out were smashing, the vegetation was shattered, the ground took off, one was hiding at the root of a big tree, holding his head with his hands, and his **** high Rising, barely showing the destiny mark of the eyebrows, the demon trembled with fright.

At this time, the evil glance of the demon god's early power has fallen to the low-level demon clan who has been scared of courage, just one glance, when the demon **** power sees that it belongs to his demon clan only After the imprint of his destiny, there was no longer a glance of interest, but a scorn of contempt was revealed.

His sharp eyes crossed the low-level demons, and he continued to search, leaving his footsteps.

What the early demon strong did not notice at all was that just at the moment when his footsteps had just left, the original “shaking” demon tribe suddenly stopped shaking, but slowly raised the buried in the dirt. Head, revealing a muddy face.

Although the mud covered the entire face, making it impossible to distinguish the original appearance, his eyes were too familiar, Xia Houping was undoubted.

In his arms, he held a peculiarly shaped long sword tightly. It was one of the few precious instruments of the Xiahou clan. It was very powerful and matched the well-known peace and control techniques of the Xiahou clan. It is truly invincible, but it is the top martial art that was born for killing.

call out! !! !!

A sword is like a cold moon. At this moment, Xia Houping is like a peerless assassin. His direct shot is a must-kill. The cold sword light illuminates the dim old forest, as fast as lightning!

However, the demon **** who was just a few meters away in the early stage had a very fast reaction. When he felt the danger, the whole body of the demon instantly boiled like a fire, and when he didn't look back, he was cut back with a knife. Daoman horror!


The sound of the sword burst into terrible collision energy in the depths of the old forest. The towering trees fell down in a row, and the sound of rumbling was endless. Yi.

After all, it was a hasty response. The chest of that demon god's early strong was cut by a long sword in the hand of Xia Houping.

In the distance, the other four demon **** powerhouses who were searching in the carpet style heard the fighting here and looked back. When they saw the vigorous human blood of Xia Houping, the excitement was hard to hide in his eyes. In color, a strong man in the middle of the demon **** directly rises into the air and rushes towards this side.

Suddenly, at this moment, the metamorphosis regenerates, and on a towering tree, a sharp sword light falls from the sky, and directly strikes the back of the demon **** strong with a sword, thunderous!

Unexpectedly, the demon god's mid-term powerhouse was directly recruited. Although he had a demon body, he could hit the sharp sword light, and the whole person ate a dog directly, lying on the ground, extremely embarrassed.

At the same time, the blood and blood in the body tumbling sharply, and the back pain of bone erosion, which made the strong face of the demon **** in the middle of the day immediately gloomy water, he quickly rolled up, a pair of killing eyes, straight down to The figure who attacked him in the void.

"Human, you must die today!"

Pei Junlin sneered with a volley of swords. Facing the mid-powerful demon gods, he didn't have any fear at all, but was full of provocation. He twitched his fingers at three other demon powers not far away, mockingly, "Come on You four weak chickens! "

Pei Junlin's provocative gesture directly angered all the demon **** powerhouses. Almost immediately when his words fell, there was already a middle-aged demon **** powerman who stood up in the roar, and the whole body burst into terror.

The other two demon **** strong were also eager to move, but at this moment, the middle demon **** strong who was wounded by Pei Junlin's surprise attack suddenly stopped the actions of the other two companions, his voice was cold: "You don't impulse, this human Two are enough to deal with! You two unite Sawyer to kill the other human! "

"At the same time, there is still a human who has not yet appeared, and must also be found out!"

The two demon **** strongmen heard that although they showed strong unwillingness on their faces, they did not refute and turned and flew towards Xia Houping in the distance!

This scene fell into Pei Junlin's eyes, but he changed his face greatly, because the cunning of the demon tribe obviously exceeded his expectations. Although these guys were angry, they were very determined and calm. Deserves to be the top power of the monster.

"Humans, you think that with your little tricks, you can make me wait for the honorable demon gods. It's too young!"

It seemed that he had noticed the change in the look deep in Pei Junlin's eyes, and the strong man in the middle of the demon **** sneered, without concealing his inner sarcasm.

Pei Junlin's face was a bit gloomy. This time, it was indeed the three of them who cares, and some underestimated the demon **** in front of them. So, of course, the only choice is ... run away!

In the face of three demon gods in the middle and two demon gods in the early stage ~ ~ their side is just a young man in the early stages of the three deities, and the escape is not shameful at all, okay? !!

"Don't fight! Run !!!"

Pei Junlin shouted, and took the lead in exerting his speed to the extreme, directly rushing into the clouds, and blinked into a small black spot, which caused Xia Houping, who was fighting the demon **** in the early stage, to yell, his face was purple!

At the same time, in the depths of a jungle not far from Xia Houping, a swearing figure came into the sky, and there were no one but Nalanhao.

In the horrible sword light, the two of them rose into the sky as if they were burning their ass, and the speed soared to the extreme!

No way, not running!

The enemies are weak, and staying is a death, and the fool will continue to stay!

At the same time, the ancestors of Pei Junlin were greeted by the two people. This dare pitted them. This account must be found in a small book!

The two did not remember, they did similar things a while ago ...

Soon, a new pursuit operation was performed again. The most bitter ones were Nalanhao and Xia Houping. In order to run, they had to take out the long-cherished high-quality Lingjing, and ran wildly while absorbing it. So as to maintain the consumption of true elements in the body.

Don't mention the feeling of soreness, and finally put all the responsibilities on Pei Junlin's head, and go back and liquidate in one go!

Although they don't know what kind of treasures Pei Junlin has obtained this time, with their instinct, Pei Junlin has definitely got more treasures than them. If they do not take advantage of the opportunity to exploit the local tyrants, they feel that they are really losing money!

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