Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 368: One after another!

As the captain of the Spoof Squad, the shepherd will not be able to tolerate himself to come back alive alone, but the members of the other Spoof Squads will not know how to live or die. This is simply the most disgraceful thing for him. Too much!

Although this time the Spooky Squad encountered an unforeseen danger, all the players could only be reduced to zero under the helpless situation, lurking in various parts of the demon world to save their lives, but it is true that he came back alive. It is the biggest misconduct as the captain.

"Lao Mu, we all know that this time it was an emergency, and we don't blame you at all!"

Cai Shen will comfort her by saying, "It is already fortunate that you can come back. The world of Tiankeng is so big, where do you go to find them? All we can do now is to pray quietly and wait for the safe return of other team members. ! "

The shepherd will stiffen his body in mid-air. This iron **** will not be afraid of the strongest person in the realm of the demon god, and he can be stunned, but at this moment, his eyes are red, and there is a faint glow, blood and fists. The grip rattled.

Guilt and guilt pervaded my heart, and my mouth kept whispering: "I'm sorry for them, it's my responsibility!"

"Lao Mu, you are also a veteran general. Actually, you shouldn't have such a mentality!"

Cai Shen will say: "Now we are all very curious about your specific encounter this time. Can you tell us in detail? And ... how are our people hurt?"

As soon as this word fell, the mood of the pastoral **** finally got a slight shift, his eyes turned red, and he fell on a pair of faces full of hope and sorrow. Finally, his voice was deep and said, "The members of the Spooky Squad are all broken up, specifically I don't really know how the damage is, but as far as I know Xu Shen will ... Xu Shen sacrificed him! "

It seemed to be the thunder of Wulei. All human warriors were stunned by the news, and then the sorrow began to permeate the entire team.

"In order to cover the retreat of the team, Xu Shen will singly attack the three late demon gods alone, and finally chooses to explode ... dragging a late demon **** strong to **** together, and also created a late demon **** strong ... ... "

"Besides, several of our innate military sacrifice also had sacrifices. They were hidden in the mountains or the ground, but they were still sought out by the army of the demons ..."

"The shepherd, then do you know what the others are doing?" Barryson said quickly.

The arrogant master, Han Bingning, Huangfu Ju and others are already anxious. The expressions and expressions are self-evident, because their disciples or children are also members of this tricky squad. Don't worry about that being fake.

The shepherd will shake his head and say, "Just abstain from the monk, Bailifeiyan, Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, etc., I have never met, so I'm really sorry, I don't know what their situation is now! Sorry!"

The faces of monks, priests, Huangfujue, and Han Bingning were all very gloomy, because the leader of the four was Xu Shenjiang, and now Xu Shen will be sacrificed. Do n’t worry about it. It's up!

But they also know that this time the operation of the spy squad encountered too many accidents.

"Look at everyone, there is golden light again!"

Just when the atmosphere was heavy, suddenly someone yelled in surprise, and everyone suddenly looked up. Sure enough, they saw the golden sky in the distant sky, and there was more than one.

One of them was more familiar and exciting!

"It's the breath of Xiahougong and Nalan Yunkong!"

The master of Deception is the first to speak out, his voice excited: "Wait, they both brought back the others!"

In the voice of the crowd, I saw two bright figures like the scorching sun in the distant sky. They were coming at a rapid speed. Behind these two golden lights, there was a small team of men and horses, the same breath. Strong.

"It's Phoenix them!"

Huang Fu shouted with great excitement. He felt the breath of his daughter. The whole man was extremely excited, and he was very helpless.

"And Frost and Feiyan! Monks to abstain!

Han Bingning also shouted with excitement, the weight that had been under pressure in her heart suddenly disappeared, and it was replaced with a great ease.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

When everyone was talking and excited, the team of men and women in the distant sky had approached quickly, and the distance was close. Everyone thoroughly saw the appearance and appearance of the people. It was led by Xiahougong and Nalan Yunkong. A group of people.

Among them, Huangfu Phoenix, Monk Monk, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan are all there. In addition, there are several congenital strongmen in the military department. The members of the Spooky Squad come back more than one third at a time. people.

A group of people are in the dust, many people are still covered with scarlet blood, and some have lost their arms or are seriously injured. They need to be supported to stand in the void, but when they face all the humans in Overlord City Several wounded military strongmen, regardless of the severity of their injuries, all immediately straightened their waist rods. The straight waist was as rigid as a gun, with a firm face, and raised their hands to salute.


Hundreds of soldiers headed by General Cai Shen across the road followed the salute, and the whole world was filled with a solemn atmosphere, which made people feel a sense of awe.

Even the Zongmen family, who is not the military department, can't help looking solemn at this moment.

The most excited of these was the shepherd, and when he saw so many members of the Spooky Squad returning all of a sudden, his captain was ashamed and full of excitement, and the lightning came up to the sky, grasping and standing in front Nalan Yunkong and Xiahougong both hands, excited: "Thank you! Thank you, take care of them for me!"

In this regard, Xia Hougong and Nalan Yunkong just grinned. The pride in their hearts could hardly be described in words. Although the two of them were expensive as a strong family in the hidden world, they had never enjoyed such high-standard treatment. At this moment, I suddenly understood what a true hero is!

At the same time, the arrogant master, Huang Fujue, who had long been unable to control his inner emotions, also came forward to the sky, stood in front of their children, and looked up and down to see if there were missing parts.

After experiencing such an unprecedented battle, all four of the monks, Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan all matured at once, even though everyone was more or less injured. But the light deep in those eyes is a wild light that can only be emitted after the baptism of war.

This scene was seen in the eyes of several strong men, and at the same time, it was gratifying and could not help but produce a strong sense of pride!

It wasn't until a long time later that everyone's emotions returned to peace. Some medical personnel have already launched full treatment for the injured members. Even the uninjured person, Cai Shen will give the high-quality Lingjing directly and give it to the body for consumption. .

"Well, what about that **** in my family?"

When everyone was busy and emotional, suddenly Xiahougong loudly said.

"My little cub is not here. Haven't they returned yet?" Nalan Yunkong also said.

The crowd, who had been emotionally excited, stopped talking and laughing and became silent one after another.

"Pei Junlin isn't there, that shouldn't be it! These three guys are sly and ghostly, why haven't they returned yet?" Huangfu Fenghuang wondered.

Baili Feiyan, Leng Shuangshuang, and the Monk Monk also said, "When we were in Jiaolu City, we met Pei Junlin. This guy's strength is improving so fast that he can actually use Jiaolu City. The owner of the city was so self-defeating that, by reason, it would definitely not happen! "

"What are you talking about, Pei Junlin's self-deprecation of the deer of Jiaolu City?"

Cai Shen will be surprised. He knows the city deer of Jiaolu City. He is an old-fashioned demon **** strong. Although his strength is only in the early days of the demon god, he is extremely powerful.

At the same time, the other powerful men also widened their eyes and their faces were incredible.

Elder Han Bingning frowned directly: "What is the owner of the deer in that corner?

"An old strong demon in the early days!"

Someone answered first.

"how can that be?!"

This time, more and more powerful men began to be shocked. How long did it take for Pei Junlin to break through the powerful gods? Has it now grown to the point where the powerful demons in the early stage of the demon **** can explode alone?

This is too incredible, especially the monks who have been on the same level as Pei Junlin, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others, and their looks are extremely complicated.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Suddenly, the shepherd God said at this time: "It is only a demon **** at the beginning ~ ~ It is absolutely no burden to use Pei Junlin's current practice to kill, because before that, in the underground veins of God Ape City, Pei Junlin has killed a demon **** in the early days with a single sword from behind! "

"Not to mention that he later swallowed a life fluid, and his strength must have been more refined ..."

"Life Spirit? A belly ?!"

When the shepherd's words fell, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. Cai Shen would flash the light in his eyes. He stepped forward and grabbed his husband's shoulders and said, "Do you really encounter the life fluid? ! "

After being questioned about the life fluid, the glorious expression of Mu Shen's face seemed to be thinking of something embarrassing, explaining: "Pei Junlin and I did encounter the life fluid, and Not only Pei Junlin, but I also swallowed the life fluid of the stomach! "

"Now I have felt the threshold of the pinnacle of gods, I believe it won't be long before I will officially step on the pinnacle of gods!"

At the end of the discourse, the shepherd will inevitably reveal a pride in his tone.

The pinnacle of wonderland!

The moment these four words were spit out from the mouth of the shepherd god, I could clearly feel the hot eyes suddenly coming around, including the envy that was hard to hide.

Don't look at the last stage of the Shenjing and the peak is only one level away, but the real cultivation is a huge gap, because the peak of the Shenjing almost represents the perfect cultivation of the Shenjing. In the entire Dongyang Tiankeng human base, There are many strong men in the late stage of Shenjing. Only one of the top strong men who can truly reach the peak of Shenjing is Cai Shenjiang!

This shows how difficult it is to make a breakthrough at the pinnacle of Divine Realm!

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