Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 376: Plant demon

This wine has been drunk from day to late night, maybe because of the end of a war, so no one has restrained this group of young people. Drinking can be regarded as a kind of emotional release. In the end, almost everyone is drunk. Yes, everyone's relationship quickly became a lot closer.

In the early morning of the following day, after the crowds of wine had dispersed, they all recovered their soberness, and one was more powerful than the other, and they were all divine powers. In fact, no matter how much wine you drink, you will not be drunk easily. I use real power, so it's a bit high!

Someone came in and said that everyone was going to the conference hall.

Everyone did not dare to delay, they all dressed up, and used real strength to disperse the wine and rush to their destination.

When the party arrived, they found that in the spacious and transparent conference hall, there were already a lot of people, and each one was hidden. Fortunately, a dormant beast, the herdsman and Yannan Zheng were in the first place. Sitting in a handsome man, the hero is extraordinary, he is the supreme leader of Xifeng City, Kong Sheng!

A ruthless person who is ranked third in the global top of the world rankings, with unpredictable strength!

In the face of such a strong lineup, even if this group of young people are unruly, at this moment, they are all well-behaved and have rules.

"It's better to see it all. It's worthy of being the proud of Dongyang Tiankeng Tianzhu, who is famous all over the world recently. Sure enough, all of them are dragons and phoenixes!"

In the first place, Kong Sheng commanded himself to stand up, a pair of eyes deep in the sea, fell on Pei Junlin and others, and praised.

"I heard that you are the heroes of the troubled ape city not long ago. All seven people have mastered that magical spiritual method. Not only can they use their spiritual power to cover their own breath, but they can also consolidate the unique destiny mark of the demons. Can you show them collectively now, so that people here can have a long experience? "


With this remark, Pei Junlin and others immediately became the focus of attention of the audience. A pair of scorching eyes shot, full of expectations.

Now Dongyang Tiankeng has a special group of powerful men who have mastered the spiritual powers that can change their own breath and can enter and leave the world of the monsters at will. It is no secret anymore. I do n’t know how many martial arts are jealous.

Now that the Lord is here, of course, I ca n’t help but be full of expectations, I do n’t know how many martial artists want to see the magical spiritual power with their own eyes.

With a pair of scorching eyes, Pei Junlin frowned slightly. He remembered that he had already contributed the spiritual method. How does it look like it is not popular at all now? What is the situation? !!

He couldn't help but set his gaze on the face of the shepherd, but found that the shepherd was slowly shaking his head at him, and motioned to talk later.

In no other way, Pei Junlin can only use his sense of consciousness like everyone else. Instantly, the whole body's breath disappears, and a kind of demon's destiny mark appears on the eyebrow.

Seven people have different seven kinds of demon's real names imprinted on the center of the eyebrow, including the black wind snake, the golden rat, the **** ape, and the civet cat, and so on.

There was an incredible sound of exclamation all around, and countless warriors were full of envy regardless of their strength. Even Yan Nanzheng and Kong Lin's leader were radiant in their eyes, and carefully released their spirits. Force, feel everything.

At this moment, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Monk Jijie, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan were all proud, with their heads raised and their vanity greatly satisfied.

Because this is the pride and glory that belongs to them alone. Other strong men, regardless of their strength, are envious.

Even for the sake of display, a few people deliberately used their mental strength to constantly change the imprint of their eyebrows. The function that can randomly transform various demon identities can be seen. All the people around them looked red and had shortness of breath.

A group of military geniuses headed by Li Tianpei clenched their fists.

This is simply a must-have skill for entering and exiting the world of the demon tribe. As long as you can learn this special spiritual power to use the method, then you will not be afraid of the demon tribe later!

"Okay, that's it! Everyone put away!"

Kong Lin commanded the opening, and then praised: "It is really good. In the same level, it is basically difficult to see loopholes and flaws. If this spiritual method can be fully promoted, it is indeed a blessing for us humans. Big!"

The shepherd will nod his head and say, "That's nature. Not long ago, our Dongyang Tiankeng, as the first person to eat crabs, has thoroughly proved the power of this spiritual method. Now we have already given this method to the upper levels. At the same time, I made a detailed report on this trip to the city of the ape, and hope that the people above will be promoted as soon as possible! "

"Hmm! They are a group of inactions. They are sloppy and have many rules. Such a good method, promote it earlier, I don't know how much loss we humans can save!"

Yannan Zheng couldn't help the cold road, which said that the hearts of many strong men, could not help showing an angry look. As a soldier, what he paid attention to was efficiency, and it was very popular. However, some of China ’s current culture is not There are so many people who are lazy or lazy!

Wow! Wow!

Everyone was discussing, suddenly, there was a harsh sirens sound from outside the base!

The task of being extremely familiar with this alarm sound. As soon as the sound came in, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. One by one, they became lightnings, flew out at high speed, and soon appeared on the wall!

Enemy attack!

The Yaozu has launched a new round of offensive!

I saw a huge city looming dozens of miles away from Xifeng City, and in the sky above that city, there were horrible demons, and the demons seemed to be preparing to launch a new round of offensive!

In this scene, many powerful people changed their faces, and some people simply scolded: "The demon tribe is crazy. It was only yesterday that the offensive was launched, and today comes again!"

"It is clear that we want to consume our Xifeng City to the death!"

"Mad, even if one of my arms is broken, I can still spit out the **** killed by these bastards!"

The yelling and screaming kept ringing, and the men on the human side were so angry that it became clear that the hatred of the demons had reached its extreme.

At the same time, the strong have already risen up in the air, and started to rectify the team aloud, so as to usher in a new round of war!

The time is not long, and soon there are black soldiers appearing at the end of the horizon on the side of the demon clan, but after seeing the demon clan that appeared, Xia Huping, Na Lanhao and others who were eager to try, immediately glared. I closed my eyes and sweared in my mouth.

"Well, the demon of the plant system ?!"

"It's so ugly! It turns out that the plant monsters are so ugly!"

Leng Shuangshuang frowned, with a disgust on his face, Huangfu Phoenix and Baili Feiyan also had similar expressions.

As for Pei Junlin, his face is very calm. His experience is completely different from everyone here. There are all kinds of wonders in the thousands of worlds. Why hasn't he seen the so-called botanical monsters? !!

Zhang Pingping next to me looked surprised and said, "Have you never met a plant monster?"

The people shook their heads. The demons on the side of Dongyang Tiankeng are all animal species. They have never encountered the plant tribe. Although everyone knows that the demons have two major factions, they are the plant and the animal. This is the first time I have encountered it.

At this time, on the horizon far away, many uncultivated botanical demon races were just a plant running with a green and faint color on its head, and the roots of the trees were flying around, as if the antennae were like these plants. He has eyes, nose, ears and other features, which is really ugly and ugly.

On the human side of Xifeng City, the gates are also wide open, and the black soldiers start to move forward like a tide.

Even more powerful gods have risen from the sky, and the whole body burst out with bright golden light.

"Dongyang Tiankeng friends, since you haven't met the botanical demon clan, today you have to taste the botanical demon clan! Haha!"

Ye Tianxing laughed loudly: "I tell you, in the opposite group of demons, there is a demons called peach tree demon. Once killed, you will have the opportunity to pick up ripe and delicious big peaches. The demon crystal in the animal department, but the taste is amazing! It makes people linger, just like the legendary peach! "

"Really fake? Peach tree demon, Peach ?!"

As soon as this remarks came down, besides Pei Junlin, everyone's eyes lit up. It turned out that the demon family of the original plant system had such benefits.

"Not only the peach tree demon, but also many kinds of botanical demon clan in Xihua Tiankeng on our side. For example, the expensive cherries, ugly oranges, There are apples and so on. There are almost as many types as you can count! "

The genius of the military department explained with a grin, and everyone's eyes became brighter.

Pei Junlin suddenly said, "If you say that, this Xihua Tiankeng is just an orchard!"

"That's awesome! Our Dongyang Tiankeng side is full of all kinds of animal-type monsters, all of them are meaty, and it's almost boring to eat! This side is all of fruits, and the combination Do n’t be too perfect! You can eat a hot pot directly! ”

The geniuses of the military who were still presenting their treasures in the four weeks, they heard their words widened their eyes, as if they had suffered some kind of huge shock. The monster meat was almost tired, really fake? !!

At this moment, Pei Junlin seemed to be very clear about the psychological activities of the people around him. He summoned two unusually large and deer deer legs from the space ring, weighing hundreds of pounds. This is his action in the city of the apes ~ ~ Kill the forelegs of Jialulucheng, the demon **** in the early days, and have forgotten to eat.

"Let ’s take a look. This is what I used to harvest. It was cut from an elk demon god. In addition, I still have some python meat. After this war, let ’s get some fruit and we can go together. Eat a perfect hot pot! "

At this moment, not only a group of military geniuses were in a daze, but even some high-ranking military officials standing around saw the shaking of the front legs of the two extremely fit elk in Pei Junlin's hands, and couldn't help but stunned. I feel that saliva is raging and I can't help it.

The breath emanating from those two deer legs can be basically determined. It is undoubtedly the breath of the demon **** strong!

The bones of the demon **** powerhouse, such extravagant treatment, most of the powerhouse present are probably not tasted.

Well, this group of guys in Dongyang Tiankeng are so extravagant, avant-garde, and big brains, they want to combine the two faction demons of Dongyang Tiankeng and Xihua Tiankeng to have a hot pot feast!

This is simply too tempting!

Why didn't they think of it before ...

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