Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 380: Nether industry fire grams tree monster!

The entire battlefield was filled with horrific killings. The **** smell in the air was tangled down. The ground was sticky, like mud after rain.

It is just that this kind of 'mud' at this moment is not caused by rain, but the blood infection, which is flushed and extremely permeating.

Countless monster soldiers slaughtered, fell to the ground, and turned into a peach tree or a willow tree. Of course, there are many human soldiers and warrior corpses.

In the sky, the battles of the powerful gods are becoming more and more fierce, with energy passing across the sky. The human golden power and the gray demon of the demon form a sharp contrast.

And just as everyone was killing wildly, there was a special battle on the edge of the battlefield. Two peach tree demon and two willow tree demon were transformed into four towering trees. As a net of heaven and earth, at this moment every tree demon is trying to release a powerful demon in his body, so that the heaven and earth prison cage is getting smaller and tighter!

This is a unique fighting method. The four demon gods did not perform physical attacks, but instead used the most dangerous mental force bombardment method, in an attempt to tremble Pei Junlin trapped in prison!

The mental force bombardment of the four demon gods in a wheel battle is very fatal to any strong person in the same realm. After all, one's mental strength is strong, and it is impossible to withstand the four demon gods. Wheel battle.

At this moment, Pei Jun encountered an unprecedented crisis of life and death. In a seemingly peaceful cage, his spiritual consciousness is being beaten by stormy waves. The spirit of the four demon gods is like the sickle of death. With his mental power.

He is also fortunate that Pei Junlin's spiritual power is different, because his exercises are higher than any of the exercises on the earth or the demon race, so others are spiritual, but he is godly.

Although God's consciousness also belongs to spiritual power, it is a product of advanced spiritual power. It is far beyond ordinary popular mental power. It is more pure and advanced than ordinary popular spiritual power.

To use a simple example to illustrate it, that is the comparison between the refined steel and ordinary iron.

This is also why other powerful men used to perceive what was spiritual, but Pei Junlin has been using Divine Consciousness, especially after practicing the original Nirvana, Pei Junlin's consciousness has become more pure and tenacious.

But even so, at this moment, Pei Junlin has encountered an unprecedented life and death crisis. In a prison cage impenetrable and full of terror, Pei Junlin sits cross-legged in the void, adheres to the spiritual platform, and the original Nirvana turns into a golden one The reef is constantly resisting the terror of coercion from all directions.

Every now and then he had a powerful mental power, and he became an invisible sharp knife in an attempt to break his defense, but returned without success.

Millions and thousands of hits are also tough, Rener southeast northwest wind!

This is a special and special kind of battle. Under the seemingly calm surface, it contains more fierce and dangerous danger. If you are not careful, your mental strength will be severely damaged. It will end in a lifetime and die.

At the beginning, the four demon tree demon in the beginning were very confident. They thought that the four of them aimed at a human strongman, even if this human strongman is no matter how outstanding, it is the end result.

But with the passage of time, the four tree demon gradually lost their calmness at first, and replaced it with anxiety and anger, because they found that the human being trapped in the cage was still in the slightest. Indestructible, their mental power cannot break through their defenses at all.

Rather, they are, after such a long time consumption, everyone has noticed the huge consumption of their own body, and there is a strong tree monster that can't hold it anymore!

There is a peach tree demon's trunk with a furious face: "This human is a little demon, I can't hold it anymore, what can I do?"

"I can't hold it anymore, if the mental strength is consumed, it will hurt the foundation!" A willow demon also said, his voice was equally furious.

"Stand on for a while, I don't believe this human is iron, and none of us can die this guy!"

There was a tree demon cheering on his companion, and time passed quickly again. After a few minutes, a branch of a willow demon showed huge fluctuations in his body and exclaimed, "No, I really can't, we can't continue like this!"

"In my opinion, we have to change our combat policy, leaving three people who continue to trap this human being, and the remaining one sneaks in on this human being in other ways!"

"That's a good idea, just do it!"

"Peach demon, you are the strongest, you come to attack this **** human!"

A peach tree demon nodded, and began to slowly and thoroughly mentally prepare to take a physical attack to sneak attack on the tenacious human in the prison cage.

However, at this moment, the abnormal change is abrupt!

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I saw Pei Junlin, who had been sitting cross-legged in the void to resist, suddenly opened a pair of black eyes, and suddenly, two terrible golden beams burst out, just like the light of two gods.

"not good!!!"

The peach tree demon's face that had just removed his mental power changed suddenly. When he was about to save, it was too late, and he saw Pei Junlin suddenly had a huge fire dragon soaring into the sky, sending out a dragon that shook Jiuxiao. Groaning.


瞬间 The power of this fire dragon's instant burst was huge and expansive. It directly trembled the steel like a cage, and many branches began to burn from the fire. The crackling sounded all the time.

Such a sudden change, scared all four tree monsters, and when they reacted, their faces changed dramatically. Until now, they didn't know where they were, and they did an extremely stupid thing.

Originally, their four mental strengths were able to suppress Pei Junlin. Not long ago, one of them was withdrawn, and Pei Junlin immediately found a breakthrough opportunity and launched a powerful counterattack.

However, the four of them are indeed demon-level powerhouses. They reacted quickly. When they realized that they were not good, they simply removed the exhausted mental power and instead used the most direct physical violence to attack Pei Junlin at the same time!


Void shaking, the swaying branches, turned into the sharpest weapon in the world, and stabbed at Pei Junlin who had not yet opened his prison cage.

"Lotus Seal!"

"Seal of silence!"

At the same time, Pei Junlin, who was in a prison cage, also issued two beast-like roars, and the flames of his body erupted like volcanoes. Two powerful flame techniques have been bombarded by him.


The impenetrable prison cage finally exploded in the void as usual, shattered leaves and branches, and a horrible aftermath of flames swept out, letting the four powerful tree demon who were nearby hummed, and continued to tremble in the backwards. Burning branches and leaves on fire.

But soon they found that the flames on the branches and leaves were very weird, and it was difficult to extinguish them with energy. On the contrary, the flames became more and more powerful, and the tree demon could only endure the pain and broke the branches, which saved the whole body. Burned ending.

Only after cutting off these burning branches, each tree demon found that their lush and dense branches and leaves had become scarred, as if they were chickens with chicken feathers removed, not to mention how ugly!

The lush foliage was destroyed. This situation is equivalent to the birds being stripped of their feathers. This is an unknowable humiliation and pain. The four tree demon are all crazy at once, and the killing is like a tide. It broke out and rushed to Pei Junlin at the same time.

At the same time, Pei Junlin is also unprecedentedly furious. Today's battle is almost the most humiliating encounter he has encountered since his rebirth. He will be imprisoned by several tree demon warriors, and he can hardly come out.

If it wasn't for the last tree demon's mental strength, there was no way to consume it to the end, it would be really troublesome today!


Furiously angry, Pei Junlin summoned the Qinghong sword, and at the same time blessed the Nether Karma fire on the sword body, and launched a crazy killing!

Nether industry fire is the sharpest weapon to restrain the tree demon. Fire tree is the eternal truth. All the branches hit by his nether industry fire will explode directly. Unless the tree demon endures the branches and leaves, the flame will Entangled.

For a while, Pei Junlin turned out to be invincible with one enemy and four, and the powerful tree demon in the early days of the four demon gods!

This scene fell into the eyes of the military genius and Xia Houping, Na Lanhao and others not far away, and they all showed shocked eyes.

Pei Junlin's ability to break through the imprisonment of the four tree demon with one person's strength was beyond everyone's expectations. I did not expect that at this moment, such a terrible flame power broke out. The terrible flame was burning power. , Let the tree demon fearful and roar.

卧 "Well, when did Pei still hide such a terrible flame technique, this is an artifact that restrains all plant-based monsters, so jealous and hateful!"

Xia Houping shouted, and did not hide his envy ~ ~ Everyone else was full of envy.

"In my opinion, this guy is actually an old insidious thing. We have been with him for so long. He has never shown any flame technique. Today he just showed it. This is just to humiliate us! "

Nalanhao is even more indignant: "We have not even killed a tree demon since the beginning of the battle, this guy has killed two!"

其实 "Actually ... In fact, there was a flame technique before Pei Junlin, and it was the last barbecue ..."

Suddenly, Leng Shuangshuang said.

"shut up!"

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping yelled at the same time, their faces were dark. You pig teammate, you have grown a face, did you see that our brothers are fighting for your face!

In the team, a group of talents from the military genius cried and laughed. The group of guys in Dongyang Tiankeng were so fun!

what! !! !!

Sudden screams filled with pain and scream suddenly attracted everyone's attention. When I looked back, I saw the Monk Monk who had been concentrating on killing the enemy. His whole body was radiant and blasted the root of a willow demon!

"Buck, you bald ..."

Xia Houping and Na Lanhao were both shocked and widened, their faces were incredible.

At this time, the monk just turned back, and on that face, the king seemed to be scorned: "I have told you long ago that weak chickens are always weak chickens. Even if the breakthrough is early, the result is still the same!"

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