Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 382: A record of excellence

Hum! !! !!

Quietly and silently, the blue ray of light suddenly exploded when approaching a peach tree demon less than twenty meters away, blooming a sword-like sky full of sky, the sword is as powerful as lightning!

The Peach Tree Demon, who was escaping from the power of flames, was a warning sign in his heart. His reaction was also very fast. At the moment when he felt the danger of life and death, his whole body was soaring into the sky, and a terrible energy defense broke out.

However, one was a sneak attack that remained intact, and the other was a hasty defense, and the results were self-evident.

In a sudden explosion, the cyan rainbow broke through the peach tree demon's defense and passed through his trunk, leaving a transparent hole.

The painful screams rang through this world, the momentum of the peach tree demon momentarily waned, and the leaves began to wither.

Although the main part can't kill the tree demon, it can cause unimaginable damage. The situation is equivalent to an important body part of the human body. Although the level of the divine power is strong, it will not die, but it can cause damage. Hit hard and affect strength.

The same is true of the tree demon. The main part is equal to the body. If the body is severely damaged, it will naturally affect the exertion of strength.

Severely injured by a sword issued by Pei Junlin, the momentum of this peach tree demon immediately dropped to the lowest point, his strength also suffered unprecedented trauma, and the risk coefficient increased sharply.

"Be careful!!"

"Hello, mankind !!"

At the moment when the peach tree demon was severely damaged, the two tree demon beside him were frightened, and they were angered and came forward to support immediately.

Pei Junlin looked cold and unhurried, and the whole person left a residual image in the void. At a speed that exceeded the sound barrier, he was the first to approach the injured peach tree demon, and began the killing of the thunder again!

The botanical demon clan is powerful and yes, but the speed is indeed a flaw, especially when converted into a body, which is far less flexible than the human or animal demon clan.


In the sound of terrifying energy collision, the peach tree monster was once again broken by the leaves and shells bombarded by Pei Junlin, and the trunk burst, terrible.

At this moment, the peach tree demon was really aware of the crisis of life and death. The face revealed on the trunk was full of horror, and the two feet formed by the tree were scattered to try to avoid Pei Junlin's pursuit. .

But his speed was really too slow. The more he ran away, the more fierce he was killed by Pei Junlin. The left-hand flame and the right-hand flying sword each brought an unimaginable trauma to the peach tree demon.

In the back, the two tree demon who have been trying to support the peach tree demon, are anxious and are going crazy. On the one hand, they are anxious and strong. Human beings beaten hard.

Continue in this mode, not to mention the demon realm, even the strongest in the realm of demon respect will be killed alive!

"Peach three demon, you # @ ¥¥ 's, you have to fight against it!"

Because only in this way can give them time to catch up with Pei Junlin.

But unfortunately, the peach demon in front had already been scared and scared, and his fighting spirit was completely gone. He just felt that the essence of his body energy was constantly flowing, and he was about to die, and fled away.

What he ignored was that his own speed was not Pei Junlin's opponent at all. The more he ran away, the deeper the damage he suffered, and he was almost in a situation of being beaten. Finally, when Pei Junlin controlled the flying sword, a sword penetrated it. At the root of the tree, this desperate peach tree demon flew into a void in an instant.

Not all monsters have that kind of bold self-explosion. As long as they are intelligent creatures, they will sacrifice their lives. Pei Junlin once encountered a self-exploding moose deer in Jiaolu City. He almost hurt him. The peach tree demon in front of him was obvious. Not that kind of courageous member.


A crisp crackling sound came out, and on a well-preserved turquoise branch and leaf, two large red and bright peaches suddenly appeared, and the skin was clear and fragrant.

Pei Junlin's eyes lit up quickly, and Lightning Detective grabbed the two big peaches in the palm of his hand, showing a satisfied smile.

The third tree demon!

Since the beginning of the battle, he has already cut three tree demon powers in the realm of demon gods. His record is amazing and his harvest is very rich.

This scene attracted the two chasing tree demon strongmen to go crazy, and roared towards Pei Jun, and flew towards him, apparently in preparation for revenge.

At the same time, Pei Junlin's beheading of the third tree demon was also noticed by everyone. Everyone showed an envious look. Even the cold Li Tianpei was no exception at this moment. Then, everyone became more and more crazy. , Evil spirit soared.

Pei Junlin has already slashed three tree demon, and among them, except Li Tianpei and Monk Monk, others have not successfully killed any tree demon, which is definitely a shame.

No one wants to be far surpassed by others!

kill! !! !!

An amazing swordman covered a 100-meter-long land, Zhang Pingping holding a * chopped the root of a peach tree demon, successfully killed a tree demon, and obtained the same two bright and big peaches.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao also exerted their efforts to suckle and successfully killed their respective tree demon opponents. The two were as tired as gasp, but what was the smile on their mouths? Can't hide it.

Not long ago, Ye Tianxing and Luo Yan over the military department also successfully killed the tree demon. For a time, the human side was full of vigor and war.

"Good killing !!!"

"Haha! After returning today, all of them have great rewards!"

The voice of Kong Sheng's leader suddenly rang through the entire battlefield, apparently noticing the wonderful killing of a group of talented warriors.

Originally, he was full of despair for this war, already holding the **** battlefield, the firm idea of ​​Ma Ge's body wrapping, even if he blew himself up, he must not let the demons break through Xifeng City. Who ever thought that there would be surprises one after another. Breaking through to the peak of Divine Realm, now a group of young geniuses on the battlefield in the early days of Divine Realm have also shown their amazing strength, and they have continuously cut and killed all the tree demon.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, there have been as many as ten demon gods who lost the demon clan, and the damage of the demon emperor below is even more numerous.

Of course, human beings also have casualties, but in the realm of the gods, except for the thoughtful self-explosion, no one has died again, and some are only seriously injured. Such a war can already be said to be a great victory in advance!

As the commander of the first army, how can Kong Sheng not see that human beings actually have a winning hand, successfully resisting this deliberate war of the demons.

Sure enough, as Kong Sheng had expected, Wumen suddenly sounded the horn of retreating, and the army of the demons began to retreat like the tide. After the human strongmen continued to hunt for a while, they gradually began to retreat.

"Why retreat at this time ?! Why ?!"

Huangfu Phoenix jumped angrily and gave her some time to definitely kill a tree demon, but the demon tribe chose to retreat at a critical time, which made her very irritable, and her body was full of strangers. Aggressive momentum.

At the same time, the faces of the two women, Leng Shuangshuang and Baili Feiyan, were not very good-looking. The two of them and Huangfu Phoenix were in a similar situation. Seeing victory in sight, the demons retired, which made the two women's faces clothed. Full of frost.

In Dongyang Tiankeng's team, all four men successfully killed the tree demon, but only one of their three women did not kill it. This makes the three women who are shameless and eyebrows shameless. How to balance them? !!

Haven't seen the two women over the military department, have they also successfully killed the tree demon?

It wasn't just Huangfuhuang, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan who were sullen and depressed. Several geniuses in the military genius camp also had several geniuses who did not kill the tree demon, and their faces were full of gloom.

But the war is like this. Examples like this have never known how much has happened. All you can do is to wait for it to go back and improve your practice as soon as possible so that you can be clean when you kill the enemy next time.

The slaughter of undead enemies is still the reason of complaining about their lack of strength.


Almost half an hour later, a loud laughter filled with excitement erupted in the spacious and bright conference hall of Xifeng City.

Kong Sheng, the leader in the first place, wore a battle armor and laughed loudly. He did not conceal the excitement of his heart, and patted the shoulder of the pastor in front of his eyes. He laughed and became a chrysanthemum.

"Lao Mu, you have really done a great job this time!"

"I didn't expect that you were so reliable at the critical moment, you were promoted directly from the late stage of Shenjing to the peak of Shenjing. Without you, Xifeng City would be really dangerous!"

Around, all the strongest gods in the world will cast envious and awe on the shepherd god. This time, the biggest contribution of human beings to victory is in the shepherd god.

The energy possessed by a Divine Peak powerhouse is extremely imaginable. If not the shepherd **** will break through at a critical moment. With the strength of the two demon gods of the demon clan, Xifeng City is likely to be really broken.

At that time, what the consequences will be, I can hardly imagine that everyone here will be a sinner.

Congratulations, Mu Shen smiled with his own face. The credit for merit was the second, and his success was the happiest thing.

The peak of Divine Realm is just a small difference from the late Divine Realm, but there is a big difference in terms of strength and status. This time, he does not need to take the initiative to apply. I believe that human beings will grant him Greater identity and rights.

At the same time, a group of powerful divine powers, especially those in the late divine powers, asked the shepherd gods to break through their experiences, so as to accumulate experience and reserve themselves.

The shepherd will grin and answer: "In fact, I did n’t have any experience to share with you this time. If you insist on your experience, it is for everyone to collect as much life as possible in the future! The biggest reason for my breakthrough this time should be It was the life fluid of the last stomach! "

Life Spirit? And still a belly? !!

The powerhouses who were originally full of expectations and desires froze, and then collectively changed from sunny to dark and dark.

Are you sure not to tease everyone?

If the life fluid is so easy to get ~ ~ everyone is still asking a fart here!

That ’s one of the most important first-level resources in the country. It ’s one of the most important first-level resources in the country. !!

"Pastor, have you ever drunk a belly of life fluids?"

But soon everyone started asking new questions.

"The shepherd, I heard that the city explosion that shakes the entire demon clan not long ago, you are one of the pig's feet, and the life fluid also seems to have erupted from that event. Have you really encountered a huge amount of life fluid ?! "

"What kind of treasure is the Life Spirit? Do you have any inventory now? How can you open your eyes ..."

All the strong men are gathered around the pastoral god, and they are so enthusiastic that they cause the pastoral **** to be busy.

After seeing this scene, the leader of Sheng Sheng grinned, and then his eyes fell on another group of people who also had a lot of credit, and he walked away with a smile ...

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