Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 384: Power transfer

A few minutes later, a quiet room in the logistics department of Xifeng City suddenly heard a low voice: "What are you talking about? You have discovered an unearthed Lingjing vein?"

In the room, Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Huangfu Fenghuang, and others all showed an inconceivable surprise.

Not only them, but also the military camp, Ye Tianxing, Luo Yan, Wang Tianci, Gao Xiang, etc. also showed shocked expressions, which is a bit too incredible for this news.

Under the gaze of both eyes, after Li Tianpei and Zhang Pingping looked at each other, Zhang Pingping explained: "In fact, the process of the matter is very simple, everyone remembers that I was trapped with Li Tianpei a few months ago. Come on! "

The people in the military nodded one after another, and of course they knew it. A few months ago, Li Tianpei and Zhang Pingping walked together and sneaked into the world of the demon tribe.

"That's when Li Tianpei and I discovered it!"

Zhang Pingping opened her mouth and explained, "At that time, we were chased and killed by the demon tribe. We broke into the original barren mountain under a panic, and then dug a pit to hide in the ground. We accidentally discovered that there is a strong spirit under the barren mountain! "

"Later, when we were about to continue to prepare for further exploration, the strong man of ours arrived, and in the end we could only regret to leave, but we can be sure that there must be a Lingjing vein deep in the ground!"

Having said that, Zhang Pingping's eyes fell seriously on Pei Junlin's face, and she said, "Pei Junlin, what we mean now is to make a deal with you!"

"We provide the location of the underground Lingjing veins. Everyone can go together to dig out Lingjing. As for Lingjing, everyone has their own skills, and in exchange, we want what you can do. I do n’t know if it is possible to hide my own spiritual power? ”

After the words fell, Zhang Pingping looked a little nervous, scorchingly staring at Pei Junlin, and her eyes did not conceal her inner expectations.

At the same time, Li Tianpei's always cold face showed a look of hope, and he said, "Pei Junlin, I don't know if our condition is too much, but in front of me, this is the greatest sincerity we can come up with. The underground crystal veins, as far as I and Zhang Pingping know, have never even reported to the top. "

"The reason to find you is because we know that spiritual method, we know that it came from you. You are the true owner, and even if you pass it to us without any problem, there will be no problems. ! "

"We know that you have given this spiritual power to the country, but we can't wait for the efficiency of the country now, so ..."

The atmosphere was frozen at this moment, and everyone's eyes in the whole room gathered on Pei Junlin's face, waiting for his answer.

With a pair of scorching eyes, Pei Junlin grinned suddenly: "What a big thing do I think it is, it is such a small thing!"

Zhang Pingping heard the words and jumped out of the place with a direct excitement: "So you agreed ?!"

Pei Junlin nodded and smiled, "Of course, this is not a big deal, but ..."

Hearing the change in Pei Junlin's tone, the geniuses of the military who originally showed excitement showed their nervousness.

Pei Junlin's look began to be serious, explaining: "Yes, the spiritual method has always been special and the threshold is high. Not everyone is suitable. It may even bring danger during the practice."

"Let's put it this way, among the more than 500 teams selected by our Dongyang Tiankeng team, only 30 people were able to successfully master the spiritual power method! And even Cai Shen, the pinnacle of the **** state, will not succeed, you Think of what a terrifying proportion this is! "


Unexpected exclamations filled the entire room at once, and all the military geniuses who were originally full of expectations were stunned by such a horrible success rate, and their faces were cloudy.

"Come on, we are all well prepared, even if we fail, there will be no tangles!"

After a few minutes, everyone's emotions calmed down, and they all signaled that Pei Junlin could pass power.

Seeing this, Pei Junlin no longer hesitated. He directly pointed to the sword and transmitted the work in the void, injecting the spiritual method of changing the breath into the eyebrows of all military geniuses.

There are a total of nine military geniuses present at the moment, all of whom are divine powers and the most outstanding young Tianjiao. Everyone is unwilling to live under others. Such a rare opportunity will never be missed.

Soon, the nine military geniuses in the quiet room all entered the practice of ecstasy. Pei Junlin and others saw the situation and slowly exited the room.

"Junlin, I think we should inform the senior management of Xifeng City, although we all know that you are doing this out of good intentions, but you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, what will happen if this happens ..."

When leaving the room, Leng Shuangshuang said suddenly.

Huangfu Phoenix and Bailifeiyan both nodded their approval. Now in this society, people ’s hearts are really hard to detect. The media often reveals the news that they were kindly saved and finally stunned. Very small, but have to guard against it.

After a moment of groaning, Pei Junlin nodded and said, "It's okay! This is also equivalent to asking someone to help them protect the law! Xia Houping and Na Lanhao together go to notify the herdsman, Frost and Feiyan go to inform the commander of Kong!"

Almost a quarter of an hour later, the logistics department suddenly had a number of mighty roads, such as the oppressive atmosphere of imprisonment, not only the herdsmen and Kong Sheng led, but also accompanied by Yan Nanzheng and other Xifeng City Strong military.

After these gangsters arrived, they hurriedly entered the room to check the specific situation of Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, and others. The shepherd will not enter, but will be full of helplessness, watching Pei Junlin and others in front of him, sighing: "You guys , It ’s really too treacherous, do you know how to do bad things with good intentions? ”

"After all, this is not in our Dongyang Tiankeng. Remember, this is the first and last time. In the future, you must not spread the spiritual method and know it?"

"The reason why the high-level leaders haven't popularized that spiritual power so quickly is, on the one hand, the reason for efficiency, and on the other hand, there must be other concerns!"

Pei Junlin heard the words and couldn't help squinting: "Pastoral god, is there any other renegade failure among us humans?"

The shepherd will quickly make a snoring gesture, with a serious face: "I ca n’t say this arbitrarily. All I can tell you is that this factor cannot be exhausted. After all, our country in China is not monolithic, such as ... "

"For example, some evil factions that were once expelled by our Huaxia Kingdom, such as Yin Shazong, overseas Qinghongmen, and other evil killers, such as Suzakutang, Sifanglou, etc. . "

A voice came in suddenly, and Kong Sheng's leader did not know when he had stepped out of the room and appeared beside everyone.

"These forces have always been the maggots of our Huaxia Kingdom. Although they can't set off a lot of storms, they can't help but, after all, there have been traitors in collusion with demons!"

Kong Sheng led the government with a serious expression: "It's not that these people are not patriotic, but that their ideas are in conflict with the country today. Some people have always wanted to use the power of the demons to greatly weaken our power, so as to be good. To achieve an unspeakable purpose. "

Around, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Monk Jijie, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan were stunned. Even Pei Junlin's eyes narrowed slightly. He really heard this for the first time. Secrets.

"Pei Junlin, you totally underestimated the importance of your spiritual force. Its existence is far beyond its present value, and it may even affect the changes in the overall battle situation!"

Kong Sheng commanded and said to Pei Junlin, "I know you are totally kind this time, but take precautions. Some things really can't be done casually!"

Pei Junlin nodded solemnly. This time, he was indeed a little bit rash and thoughtless.

"But ... Fortunately, the identities of the nine rabbits are very reliable this time, and nothing will happen!"

Leader Kong Sheng explained again, and then there was a look of expectation: "In fact, I don't hide from you. I am also curious about that magical spiritual power method and want to see its specific results."

"If it's so amazing, maybe I will practice it in the future!"

Everyone ...

Time passed quickly in this waiting. About four or five hours later, there was a movement in the calm room. A military genius suddenly made a painful scream and fell to the ground with his hands on his head. His facial features were bleeding, and he was quickly lifted out of the room and quickly started treatment.

This scene made everyone feel regret, and it is clear that this has failed!

Almost half an hour later, another military genius was carried out. This genius looked slightly better, but his mouth was bleeding, his face was pale as paper, and his face was painful.

"There are already two of them ~ ~ They are all geniuses who have chosen one of them. Is this spiritual power really so perverted?" Yan Nanzheng couldn't help muttering to himself.

The strong men in the military around them all looked dignified and set their sights on the pastoral **** and Pei Junlin and others. Of all the people present, only this group of people from Dongyang Tiankeng possessed this magic. ability.

Upon seeing this, the shepherd will smile with a bitter smile: "In the team of more than 500 innate and divine strongmen in our Dongyang Tiankeng, only 30 people finally succeeded in training!"

Suddenly, the original complaining voice disappeared and replaced by a sound of air-conditioning, everyone was stunned by such an amazing proportion.

Om ~~~!

Just as everyone was shocked, a bright round of golden light burst out from the window of the quiet room, and a small half of the logistics department reflected in an instant was a golden light.

"Someone has succeeded in cultivation!"

Everyone noticed this scene, and suddenly gave a low voice of surprise, some strong people rushed into the room impatiently.

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