Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 505: Reinventing the golden body

The Bai family came much sooner than expected. Just one day later, the Bai family arrived!

On this day, all the strong gods in the cultivation are feeling, and looked up to the sky.

I just felt like a breath of Tianwei, appeared in this tiankeng world, and quickly approached the city.

"Well, why did my grandpa come here in person !!!"

Somewhere in the city, Bai Yulong, who was drinking with Pei Junlin, overwhelmed the wine glass, and the whole body's wine taste was completely evaporated. Instead, it was an unprecedented shock, and hurried toward the outside.

Hearing the Bai family ancestors came in person, Pei Junlin, Yang Xue, Sun Kai and others hurried out in a hurry. When they rushed out of the courtyard, they saw that at the entrance of the city, the bear **** and the crowd The strong men have already appeared there, showing respectful colors, welcoming a light from the air.

The speed of the light was extremely fast. It almost appeared in front of the crowd in a blink of an eye, and the light gradually dissipated, revealing a man in white clothes with black hair randomly picked up by a mule, looking gentle and elegant.

When seeing this man's appearance, everyone had a feeling of being struck by lightning, standing there like a chicken.

"Bai Yulong, are you sure this is really your grandpa?"

Xia Houping, who was closest to Bai Yulong, couldn't help but asked with a low voice, showing an incredible look.

Others, such as Huangfu Phoenix, Lengshuangshuang, and Bailifeiyan, all have different looks. It is really this white man who appears in front of everyone at this moment. He is really young and looks like white jade. Long's brother is pretty much the same, and that temperament is very outstanding.

I don't see any supreme strong, the guardian of Huaxia!

After hearing such a weird question, Bai Yulong's mouth showed a bitter smile: "If it is a fake replacement, this is really my grandpa! The practice of my Bai family practice is special, it seems to delay the aging time. My grandpa is the most typical Example ... "

He didn't say that. It was okay. As soon as he spoke, the eyes of several women became brighter, and women's sensitive words such as delaying aging were almost like cats smelling fishy fish, and their eyes were shining brightly.

"Xiong Biao has met Supreme Bai!"

At this time, the bear **** general who stood in front of him, already respected and uttered respectfully, saluted to Bai Yulong's grandfather Bai Ji.

This man with an unusually young and handsome face is one of the nine supreme leaders of China today, and is also the true Zhenhai magic needle of the Bai family.

"Grandpa! Why are you here in person?"

Bai Yulong crossed the crowd and rushed to Bai Ji.

Bai Ji looked at the beloved grandson in front of him, and there was a loving smile on that young and handsome face. He smiled and said, "As you get older, you will always be active and active, and you just hear what is happening on your side, so Come and see! "

This is a very weird scene. At first glance, it looks like rehearsal drama. A young man looks at another young man, pretending to be mature, with years and emotions.

But it ’s true, all of this is really true, this is really two grandparents.

According to Bai Yulong's age, this grandfather should be at least 70 or 80 years old, but he has a 20-year-old and a 30-year-old person's face, except for the unusual vicissitudes of his eyes and the young people. Both.

If you ask the person who is the most peaceful, it is Pei Junlin. Perhaps for others, Bai Yulong ’s grandfather ’s unusually young appearance is very shocking, but to him, this is really ordinary.

In the once million world, similar to this delayed appearance is immature, youth stays forever, many strong people will know, how many thousands of years old monsters, one side of great evil looks young and incredible, one by one Pinacious, like 18-year-old boy and girl.

Judging a person's strength by appearance alone is definitely the most wrong decision.

"Who is Pei Junlin?"

Just as Pei Jun was thinking about his thoughts, suddenly a magnetic voice came to his ears, interrupting his thoughts.

"The younger Pei Junlin, I have seen Supreme Bai!"

Pei Junlin converged and gave a fist to Bai Yulong's grandfather Bai Ji.

Bai Ji's victorious eyes glanced at this moment. At this moment, Pei Junlin had a feeling of being seen through the whole body, as if no secret could be kept.

"Good physical fitness, this blood power is enough to approach a late stage ..."

Bai Ji was surprised, and then suddenly it seemed like something was found, and she said softly: "You have a special method of tempering the five internal organs and the six internal organs. No wonder you are only in the initial cultivation of a state of God. Temper the five internal organs! "

"Bai Zhizun's eyes are like a torch!"

Pei Junlin said, not too surprised that Bai Ji could see the way his five internal organs were tempered at a glance.

"Interesting, this is a good way to eat a pig and eat a tiger!"

Bai Ji smiled and said, "When one day you successfully train the five internal organs and six organs, I am afraid that Xiuwei will directly pass the middle stage of the divine realm and enter the later stage of the divine realm!"


The terrible coercion suddenly came, shocked everyone, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, what kind of wind blows us, this old man, is a rare customer!"

Yang Dingfeng's ridicule sounded, apparently he felt the appearance of the white season and rushed back from thousands of miles away.

"Yang Dingfeng!"

Seeing people in Bai Ji, she also showed a long-lost smile.

"You, the master of martial arts, have become more and more successful recently. Not only has you built a peerless array, but now you are forcing the demon to give up three thousand miles to seal the land, which is really good!"

"Less, I can't compare to your real master. Who knows that you are the real big brother!"

"My master of formation methods is just a matter of interest, but you are the real master. As a master of refiners, the way of formation methods is a basic course. I ’m far from you, so please come and laugh at me. ! "

"The development of 50% of the magic weapon in Huaxia Kingdom is from your own handwriting! Ask the whole circle, who doesn't know the name of Bai Ji!" Yang Dingfeng cursed with a smile.

In the face of countless people, the two supreme strongmen began touting each other, so that they did not know how many eyes had broken. The original so-called supreme strongman was no different from normal people. They also liked touting each other, Hu Kantiandi.

A few minutes later, Bai Ji was invited to the VIP room of the city, saying that it was just a very spacious steel house.

Accompanied by five are Xiong Shenjiang, Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, Yang Xue, and Sun Kai, as well as herdsmen packed in crystal boxes. As for other people, there is no way to participate in such occasions.

When she saw that the helmet was left, and the shepherd in the crystal box, a face of Bai Ji was exposed with a solemn expression, and a voice was sent out: "Our model of military warriors! Such heroic deeds, when Be set as a model! "

Between words, a flick of the finger, the lid on the crystal box flew away, and then a group of life psychic fluids full of life breath was injected into the crystal box.

"Lao Yang, you and I work together to help him reshape his body !!!"

Bai Ji shouted suddenly, and then with a tense gaze, Bai Ji's whole body appeared golden ripples, raised his hand and hit a golden beam into the crystal box.

The breath of the beam was very special. Pei Junlin felt a familiar breath that seemed to be the essence of the source, and could not help showing a touch of surprise.

In order to help the shepherd **** reshape the golden body, Bai Ji was willing to lose the precious source of vitality. This kind of mind is admirable. It is no wonder that the other party can become the patron saint of the Huaxia Kingdom. Such a strong mind deserves such achievements.


Another golden light containing the spirit of the origin was poured into the crystal box, and Yang Dingfeng also shot!

The resources and energy required to help the shepherd to reshape such a strong man at the peak of the divine realm are too great. It is horrible to consume Yang Dingfeng or Bai Ji alone to help reshape the gold body. Therefore, Yang Dingfeng never shot.

With the arrival of the white season this time, the two of them are able to support each other with their joint efforts. It is not a problem to practice more in the future.

With the passage of time every minute and a second, under the gaze of everyone's nervous eyes, the shepherd in the crystal box, who had always closed his eyes, was shocked by massive resources and opened his eyes instantly.

As a powerful peak of Divine Realm, his mental ideas are already very powerful, and he immediately began to operate his spiritual power and absorbed all the sources of life.

In the calm room, the sound of the thunderous waves clapping the shore gradually sounded. It was ample energy of life being stirred. After almost a minute or so, everyone's eyes brightened at the same time.

I saw that the shepherd who had been soaking in the crystal box would even control his head and floated up, and under his head, there were two kinds of purple and gold lights twirling like a tornado rising from the sky.

That is the abundant vitality of life and the origin of the two supreme strong persons of Bai Ji and Yang Dingfeng. With the energy of these two treasures, the shepherd **** will gradually begin to condense his golden body.

First the neck, then the two shoulders, the energy of the two colors of purple and gold continued to boil, and then gradually condensed into a clear internal organs, bones and veins.

This is a very shocking scene. It is like a miracle. It is really hard to imagine if it is not for your own eyes. This world really has such a terrible ability.

There is nothing like this in ancient legends. Except for the two supreme strong men, everyone is stunned!

After all ~ ~ This kind of remodeling of the golden body is really rare. Even many strong people know that the strongest person in the top of the realm can reshape the golden body. Most of them are broken arms, broken legs or something. Few strong men have their bodies broken, because in the fierce war environment, almost all the strong men who were destroyed by the golden body were dead!

"There isn't enough life fluid, just add a little more !!"

Suddenly, Yang Dingfeng shouted loudly. In the next second, a group of purple life fluids appeared again in the palm of Bai Ji's palm, injected into the crystal box.


The sound of waves like energy sounded again. At this time, the shepherd **** will have rebuilt the internal organs and the six internal organs. He is meticulously organizing the various strange sutras of the human body. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive project.

After all, the human body is really too complicated!

"Well, you said, if the shepherd will reinvent the thing, can it be used again?"

Suddenly, Sun Kai, who had been observing quietly, seemed to think something, and couldn't help lowering his voice and asking.

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