Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 514: Tactics

Time flicked, three days had passed.

During these three days, all of them did not eat or drink. They focused on studying the formation structure of the Tushen chariot. When they were tired, they quickly rested and resumed work immediately after recovery.

Pei Junlin found that the Bai family is indeed the supreme family, and it actually has some good and mysterious methods. It can increase spiritual strength through cultivation. It should be the most secret thing of the Bai family, and it is also one of the fundamental foundations.

In the past three days, the white paper in everyone's hands was densely covered with paintings, all of which were the gains of each of these three days, clearly the structure of the formation of the one-by-one formation in the Tushen chariot. Detailed Painted out.

As a monster killer, the slaughter chariot is made by the demon lords. The complexity is beyond imagination, and even multiple traps are arranged in the formation. The purpose is to prevent the slaughter chariot from being human. Get it and study it.

Another day later, Bai Ji took the lead to stop the action in his hand.

During these four days, he devoted all his energy, and carefully probed the inside and outside of the Tushen chariot several times, and found a total of 1,003 arrays.

This is a very horrible number, and it proves that the vehicle of God Slaughter is extremely extraordinary.

On the fifth day, Pei Junlin also stopped, and the white paper in his hand was densely covered with a lot of pictures, and a total of 998 matrix formation methods were found.

Three hours after Pei Junlin stopped the action, Bai Yufei also stopped the action. When he saw Pei Jun who had already settled his job, his eyes flashed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the strong one continued to complete the exploration. The blank paper in each person's hands was densely painted with a variety of matrix structures. Finally, when everyone stopped exploring, it was already ten days. After that.

"Come, now everyone puts the drawings in their hands flat on the table, and we compare each other to make up for the omissions!"

Said in the white season, and soon everyone started to act. When the twelve huge drawings were laid out, they could basically see the depth of their respective formations.

The greater the number of descriptions on the drawings, it also proves that the accomplishments of the matrix method must be higher. Of course, this is only one-sided. If you want to really prove the accomplishments of the matrix method, you must slowly compare them. Less, that's the real master.

In the quiet working room, twelve people took turns to check each other. Even the white season was no exception. The status was very low. Let others check the matrix drawing he drew.

Among them, the drawing of the formation method drawn by Bai Ji attracted special attention.

When everyone saw the horror numbers of the 103 formations marked at the end of the white season, everyone took a sigh of relief, and then they were sincerely awed.

Some of them didn't even find out half the number of such formations, and could not help but feel a little ashamed.

Then, besides the white season, the most concerned person is Pei Junlin, because on the same day Pei Junlin used the formation method to defeat the dozens of elite geniuses in the Bai family, which really impressed everyone.

Naturally, it has received a lot of attention, and many of them are strong in formation. They want to take a breath and get back some of their lost faces.

It was only very quickly that when everyone saw Pei Junlin's last marked number of 998 matrix formations, they all widened their eyes and their faces were incredible.

"I'm going, really fake? Pei Junlin, do you really find out 998 arrays ?!"

"Don't you just make it up ?!"

Incredible whispers sounded, and even Bai Ji ’s pupils shrank. He is a very powerful and supreme strong man, and his mental strength is extremely powerful. However, only one thousand and three matrix methods have been found out. Pei Junlin only In the early days of a divine realm, of course, Pei Junlin's own strength cannot be measured in the early days of a divine realm.

However, the current cultivation is about the middle of the state of God. It is just five less than the formation he found, which made Bai Ji very shocked. He stepped forward and carefully examined the outline of Pei Junlin. Matrix drawing.

There are also other masters of Baijia formation methods that are also carefully examined. They are carefully and carefully compared to the formation drawings on the table. The more they look, the more shocked they are. The formation drawings constructed by Pei Junlin are rigorous and meticulous. It's simply stupefying.

He not only just constructs the drawing of the matrix method, which also clearly marks the connection between the various matrix methods, but also the role of many matrix methods in it.

Which formations are extremely important and must be treated with care, which formations are traps, deliberately misleading others ... and so on.

Looking at the densely detailed description on the drawing, at this moment, the people who originally questioned Pei Junlin's Faxiu behavior all closed their mouths tightly and replaced it with an unprecedented dignity.

It ’s really not convincing. The young man in front of him can use a horror to describe his accomplishments. They are all masters of formation. They can naturally see the annotations on the drawings at a glance. It's a fact.

Many masters of matrix formations even have a feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the sky clear, and benefit a lot.

"Pei Junlin, my accomplishments in formation are not as good as you!"

Bai Yunfei said directly. After hearing about what Pei Junlin was doing in the Bai family, he thought about it and tried to find some face, but now he doesn't have to compare, and feels ashamed.

"It's okay, in fact, the matrix method is the same as arithmetic. Sometimes, you can do everything and everything. As long as you find the key point, you can easily introduce other matrix methods!"

Pei Junlin said, "In addition, I have a feeling that the total number of formations in this slaughter chariot is more than 1,003!"

"Oh? Are you sure ?!"

This time, Bai Ji couldn't help but ask. He spent four days and four nights, checking out a total of 1,003. He has included all the various formations in it, which is almost a limit!

"I'm 100% sure I can't, but I have a keen intuition!"

Pei Junlin solemnly said that the accomplishments in the formation method, he thought he did not belong to anyone, even the white season is no exception. Now the only flaw is the mental strength. At present, his mental strength is still too weak to respect the demon. The obstacles laid down by the operator were completely lifted.

Listening to Pei Junlin's words, everyone's look became dignified.

If Pei Junlin had said this before, some people would doubt and disdain, thinking that Pei Junlin was too arrogant, and dare to deny the hard work of such a supreme strong person like Bai Ji. With the drawings coming out, this questioning voice has almost disappeared.

Pei Junlin's opinions have already attracted everyone's attention.

"What shall we do now?"

Some strong people can't help anxious road, and there is no analysis of the formation method to find out whether it will affect the research of the Tushen chariot.

"It doesn't matter much, even if the remaining formations have not been studied, we can probably dismantle them first, and then gradually eliminate them gradually, and then slowly study them later! What do you say? Bai Zhizun ?!"

Pei Junlin set his gaze on Bai Ji's face, and sought the opinions of the other party.

The white season looked dignified, and after a little groaning, he simply ordered: "Remove!"

"No matter how tightly structured everything is, there will always be loopholes and shortcomings, and it can't be integrated. We will follow the steps now, step by step!"


The crowd listened to the order and waited.

"Pei Junlin, you and I will dismantle together, and the others will help!"

"Also, is the camera ready? You must be absolutely fine. Record the disassembly of the two of us. Did you hear it ?!"

Soon Bai Ji and Pei Jun came forward and started the process of dismantling the slaughter of the God of Sacrifice. The first step was to isolate the souls of the twelve beasts first, so that others could get closer, otherwise the twelve murderers The soul coercion of the beast soul is too powerful and will definitely affect everyone.

With the careful movement of the white season, each piece of delicate accessories began to be dismantled, and someone next to him immediately stepped forward to cope with the dismantled parts and placed them on the ground.

Pei Junlin was also assisted by everyone. The entire working room was extremely serious and even breathing was minimized to avoid any accidents.

The pointer keeps moving. After a few hours, nearly a tenth of the place where the Tushen chariot has been dismantled, looks at the dense, delicate and delicate parts, even those who do not know it have a sense of dizziness. feel.

Too complicated!

Too abstruse!

If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it's hard to imagine that this is actually the product of the demon tribe. The impression of the demon tribe to humans has always been brutal and rough. Precision instruments like this are very rare.

"Extreme Bai, I can't! I have to rest for a while!"

In just a few hours ~ ~ it was more tired than a big battle. Pei Junlin was soaked all over his body, and sweat was as follows. This was the result of someone constantly helping him wipe his sweat.

"I'm a bit tired, let's take a break! Discuss together by the way!"

When Bai Ji heard the words, he also said, when he was talking, he picked up two drawings on the table and compared them.

"I have already looked carefully just now. We have some places that have different matrix formations, which need to be carefully studied!"

"I noticed that too!"

Pei Junlin sat on the ground with one buttock and took a bottle of water, grunting and drinking.

"Here! Here! And here ... There are three different descriptions of the matrix methods on the drawings we build, and the order of disassembly is different!"

Bai Ji quickly took the drawing to point out the three problems, and then looked at Pei Junlin seriously: "Can you talk about your theory first?"

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "Yes!"

Next, there was a fierce discussion among the old and the young about the formation method. When it comes to the key points, the eyes of the Supreme Strong in the white season are shining, clapping hands constantly, and a formation method can still be formed like this. .

But within a few minutes, the old and the young started to stare at each other, each other sticking to their theories seriously, refused to let go, and stared with a beard.

When it comes to the problem of the formation method, Pei Junlin directly ignored the identity of the Supreme Supreme in the white season. He was very strong and did not budge. In the end, the white season defeated him.

This scene has long been completely blinded by all the people in the Bai family around, one by one looks strange.

At the same time, Pei Jun's accomplishments in the formation of the formation, fully admire the five-body cast!

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