Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 521: Tomb entrance

More than two months ago, Dongfeng Wu returned in the land of Tiankeng in the Central Plains, and caused a great sensation in the Dongfeng family.

In particular, the person who defeated Dongfengwu was not a child of the Supreme Family, but a child from the wild family, which stimulated many people in the Dongfeng family.

The name Pei Junlin was first known by the people of the Dongfeng family. Many talented children, flexing their muscles, vowed to find face, but I did not expect to meet them so soon!

Pei Junlin's face also became indifferent, looking at the two eyes of the Dongfeng family who had dark eyes and stabbing eyes.

Even the children of the Supreme Family, annoyed him, still showed no mercy, Dongfengwu before is a good example.

Since he dared to attack Dongfengwu, he would have no fear of hitting two more people.

"Oh, Dongfengtai and Dongfengyue, I haven't seen it for a while, I've got a bad temper!"

Just as the atmosphere was solidifying, Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei took a step directly, blocking Pei Junlin.

"What's wrong? Want to continue studying?"

Bai Yulong's fist clattered, and his expression was not good.

"Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei!"

When they saw the two people blocking the road, Dongfengyue and Dongfengtai's faces changed immediately.

"All we are looking for is Pei Junlin, nothing to do with your Bai family!"


Bai Yulong interrupted directly and rudely, with a somber expression on his face: "Pei Junlin is a friend of Lao Tzu, why don't it matter to us! Your Dongfeng Yue and Dongfeng Terrace want to get in trouble, I am afraid it is not that important!"


Dongfengyue and Dongfengtai were furious and irritated, but Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei refused to let them go, which made the faces of the two people look ugly.

They are all acquaintances, and naturally they have already fought each other, knowing that there are two people stopping them, they are having some difficulties trying to find Pei Junlin today.

"Pei Junlin, you wait! I don't believe you can live under the protection of the Bai family's wings all your life!"

Dong Fengyue mocked.

Pei Junlin smiled at this, and said lightly: "The strong are not speaking by mouth!"

This sentence once again made the three members of the Dongfeng family even more angry and bitter.

Pei Junlin's dark black eyes are also flowing coldly. If the three members of the Dongfeng family are too presumptuous, he doesn't mind using the Khan Tomb to set up a battle and directly come to a unknowingly unknowingly. I believe that even when it is as strong as the Supreme Family, it may not be able to be found out.

"Well, don't waste any time. Now that everyone is here, let's break the matrix here at the same time!"

Bai Yulong said lazily: "Dongfengtai, you are also a master of matrix formation, let's go into battle! Let's see how your Dongfeng family's formation techniques are accomplished!"


Dongfengtai snorted, glanced provocatively at Bai Yufei, and said coldly: "Go into battle, just fight, I'm afraid you will not succeed!"

"Bai Yufei, you and I haven't consulted for a long time. Today, I will try and compare!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed, come!"

Bai Yufei sneered, and the two stared directly at the eyes of a strong man, and began to study the formation of the Khan Tomb.

As one of the nine supreme families, the Dongfeng family is undoubtedly very powerful, and it is also very proficient in matrix formation. Otherwise, it will not be possible to fight for the slaughter of the chariot.

Both men developed a powerful secret technique, and began to carefully measure the large array of the ground.

"Pei Junlin, who do you think is better?"

When Bai Yufei and Dongfengtai each launched a secret method to detect the tomb array, Bai Yulong whispered inquiries, because only he knew that the true array player was here, although he didn't want to admit it, but Pei Junlin's array methods It is really very strong, even if it is a genius in formation, Bai Yufei is still far behind.

Pei Junlin looked at the two people who were exploring the terrain array in the distance, and smiled bitterly: "I'm not a god, where can I see it so quickly!"

"But ... I know that the two of them have probed the wrong place and it takes a lot of time to find the correct entrance to the grave!"

"Oh? So, you have found the right entrance to the grave ?!" Bai Yulong was surprised.

Pei Junlin smiled mysteriously: "Almost!"

"Then what are we waiting for, just go straight into the grave!"

Bai Yulong said in surprise.

"That's not good?!"

Pei Junlin hesitated.

"What's wrong, we can get in first when we enter this big tomb earlier, and you can also arrange some traps after we enter to stop those who want to take advantage and fish in muddy water!"

Bai Yulong sneered and glanced at the mixed fish and dragons. Among them, I am afraid that there are less than one in ten who are really proficient in array formation, and more than nine out of ten people come to muddy water to find fish.

Pei Junlin heard the words and nodded after a moment of groaning: "Okay! I heard that the demons attacked from the Tiankeng area in Nanzhou, and the war was fierce. We can finish things earlier, and we can support them there sooner!"

After that, Pei Junlin suddenly stomped his feet hard, and the ground collapsed not far from where he stood, the real fire was released from the billowing heat, and the heat wave stunned everyone, shocking everyone.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

Dongfengwu and Dongfengyue, who were not far away, immediately yelled, their faces full of anger, just now a very strong sun really burst out from their feet, which scared the two of them. If it wasn't fast, they would probably Burned in flames, the Dongfeng family's face will be thrown in at that time.

Unfortunately, Pei Junlin ignored this anger directly. He carefully measured the real sun's fire below the ground. These real fires did not come out for no reason, but contained some law.


Pei Junlin scatters out arrays of bases, falling on all sides of the horizon very regularly, and then shouting at Bai Yufei in a daze not far away, and then Pei Junlin took the lead and jumped into the billowing flame. Disappeared instantly.

"Yufei, fast!"

Bai Yulong shouted, Bai Yufei, who was not far away, finally reacted, his body turned into an afterimage, and arrived in an instant. Then the two brothers followed Pei Junlin and jumped into the flame of the billowing fire, completely Ignore the terrible flame burning.


Watching Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei jump into the flames of the real fire billowing all around, all the strong men around were stunned, their faces were incredible.

Is this a dead end? !!

I have never seen suicide like this before!

Some people even have such thoughts in their hearts. You must know that the real fire under the ground is terrible. Even if they are strong, once they are trapped in it, they may be worried about their lives. The three people dare to jump in. Just looking for death!

However, the face came very quickly, and at this moment, suddenly, a furious roar sounded: "Asshole! They have found the entrance to the tomb, hateful!"

Dongfengtai appeared next to the billowing flame mouth, and after scrutinizing half a minute, Tsai made an angry voice immediately.

"Let's fast forward, don't let those three abominable guys stand out!"

But before his voice fell, he saw that the mouth of the flame suddenly disappeared, and the ground was calm again.

A group of strong men who rushed in the distance were stunned, especially those who were still taunting and ridiculing, even more ashamed.

They also ridiculed that the three of Pei Junlin were trying to find their own way of death. Unexpectedly, the face came so fast. The original master of matrix formation was others.

"The entrance to the tomb has disappeared again. This entrance is alive. All the people who know the formation method come here. Let's stand together and start searching carefully!"

Dongfengtai's roar sounded, and Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong, and Bai Yufei turned out to be at the top. This was a very unbearable thing for him.

Soon, a strong figure appeared, and the two cloak men were among them. The total number reached ten. It can be seen that the martial arts world is really a hidden dragon and a tiger, and the breath on each person is very vague. Obviously Are some hidden peerless powerhouses.

All the mages joined forces and started a search. So after more than a full minute, they finally yelled and settled the slippery tomb entrance.

"Damn! The person who designed the formation is definitely a bitch!"

"Yes, the kind of childless son!"

Some strong people can't help yelling and screaming, it's really an abominable entrance to this array, like a slippery mouse ~ ~ It's very difficult to determine the fundamental position.

"Quick! Quick! Let's go in!"

Seeing that the entrance to the tomb was finally fixed, people with anxiety have swarmed to the entrance to the tomb. In the face of absolute interests, the identity of any Supreme Family child has been ignored by them!

It is very likely that you will get valuable treasures in advance, and no one can resist this temptation.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

In the process where Dongfengwu and others have not yet responded, several strong men have already jumped into the crater of the blazing sun.

"Asshole, do you want to die?"

Dongfeng was so angry that he could not help but burst into a strong practice. At the same time, both Dongfengtai and Dongfengyue were dull, showing the terrible coercion of the powerful gods. Finally, the three of them joined forces. Only then was Kankan suppressed the greedy crowd.

"Let's go in ... ah, be careful !!!"

Dong Fengyue had just entered the entrance to the tomb, but suddenly, a fire man with a flame in his body screamed and rushed out from the entrance with a terrible painful sound.

"Dead! All dead!"

"This is not a real entrance to the grave at all!"

"It's all under fire! It's red !!!!"

The crowd was terrified and could not help but step backwards, away from the entrance to the tomb.

At this moment, Dongfengwu quickly shot, directly extinguishing most of the flames on the man, and his face was extremely gloomy: "Asshole, you can make it clear, what's the next ?!"

However, the figure had been burned with unconsciousness and dull eyes, but kept muttering: "Fire! Fire! All fire!"

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