Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 538: Find trouble

In the air above the base of Nanzhou Tiankeng, several figures exuding powerful coercion fell from the sky and landed in the center of the base.

There are a total of five people, all of whom are strong in the divine realm, of which one is the peak of the divine realm, two are in the late divine realm, and two are in the middle divine realm.

Although the number of people is small, the battlefield and aura are extremely powerful.

"Who am I? It is the members of the Dongfeng family!"

On the spacious base, Xu He commanded to see the appearance of the people clearly, and said indifferently, "I don't know if you are so much fanfare, why are you here in Nanzhou Tiankeng!"

They are all strong in the martial arts world of China. Almost everyone knows that even if the relationship is not warm during weekdays, they have met a few times.

The moment he heard Xu He's words, there was a little commotion in the quiet crowd. Obviously, many strong people were shocked by the identity of the comer. It seems that the comer was actually one of the nine families of the Dongfeng family. .

"Xu He leads!"

Among the people headed by the Dongfeng family, a burly man with a sturdy face and a sturdy face, with a voice like a bell. His name is Dongfeng Lu, which is the most sturdy member of the Dongfeng family. It has a great reputation throughout the martial arts circle of Huaxia.

"I don't want to offend you, but I'm in a hurry this time, and I hope to forgive you!"

Dong Fenglu is polite when facing a big commander like Xu He. After all, Xu He is also a strong man at the peak of the state of God. His strength is comparable to him. As such a top strong man, at some time, he is not afraid. Supreme family name.

"Oh? What happened?"

Xu He's commander said faintly, Nanzhou Tiankeng is thousands of miles away from the central center, which led to the fact that although the two sides knew each other, the relationship had been very weak. Moreover, Xu He's commander had long owned his own place. Sun family, one of the supreme family.

On this site in Nanzhou Tiankeng, the Sun family is the well-deserved overlord.

"It did happen something unpleasant!"

Dong Fenglu said, his voice was low, and he was talking, his gaze fell suddenly, and he fell directly to the gate, only to see a few more figures at the moment.

When looking at one of the extremely deep faces, Dongfenglu's whole body suddenly erupted like a volcano, and he screamed loudly: "Pei Junlin !!! Come here and die !!!"

"Pei Junlin! Come here!"

"Pei Junlin !!!"

As the roar of Dongfenglu fell, the other four Dongfeng clan powerhouses quickly burst into drink, one by one, a powerful killing intention erupted.

This sudden situation has left most of the powerful people confused, wondering what happened, when did Pei Junlin offend such a powerful force as the Dongfeng family?

Among the crowd, Wang Ziqiong was even more anxious, and Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao and others have already been on full alert. Even if the Dongfeng family is large, they are not vegetarian.

If the Dongfeng family is overbearing, they can kill everyone? !!

Under the gaze of both eyes, Pei Junlin looked calm, followed by six people, Bai Zhenyang, Bai Zhengang, Bai Yulong, Bai Yufei, Sun Huang, and Sun Kai, and finally stood directly opposite the five members of the Dongfeng family. .

"Dongfenglu, I urge you to go back now, it's too late, the province's self-blame!"

Beyond everyone's expectations, it was not Pei Junlin who spoke first, but Bai Zhenyang. Facing the angry Dongfeng family of five, Bai Zhenyang looked very calm.

They are also one of the nine supreme families. Although the Bai family has always been low-key, its background and strength are definitely not weaker than the Dongfeng family, and they are even better than that.

"What is the actual truth of the matter, you and I are very clear in the heart. Exposure will only shame your Dongfeng family!"

"Fart! Bai Zhenyang, don't think that your Bai family is here, you can stop us from taking this messy determination this time! I tell you, but who dares to stop today, then it will be the enemy of my Dongfeng family, you But I want to understand! "

Dongfeng Lu Yinxie said that the eyes of Yinggulanggu glanced at the men, and the threat was not concealed.

"Oh, isn't it? Then, as you said, are you also planning to treat my grandson as an enemy!"

A frosty laughter suddenly sounded, and Sun Huang stepped forward, looking coldly at the people of the Dongfeng family.

"Sun Huang, you ..."

It didn't seem that the people of the Sun family would stand up so quickly. The Dongfeng Lu, who had just spoken of his ruthless words, suddenly changed his look, and the faces of other powerful Dongfeng families also changed rapidly.

"The Dongfeng family is really powerful. You ca n’t control me in the central center, but it ’s so arrogant to come to my Nanzhou Tiankeng today. It seems that my Sun family has never been seen by you! "

Sun Huang's face became extremely indifferent. No one in Nanzhou Tiankeng knew it was his Sun family's territory. The Dongfeng family acted so much in front of so many people and acted with such fanfare that it was clear that they would not give Sun family any face.

If this is passed on, it will also have a great impact on the reputation of the Sun family.

Seeing that the people of the Sun family also stood up, Dongfenglu's face, which was originally overbearing, finally changed, and he smiled strongly: "How can this be? This matter has nothing to do with the Sun family today, how can our Dongfeng family and you The Sun family is in dispute! "

"It's really that Pei Junlin is now in Tiankeng in Nanzhou. We can't go far away for thousands of miles before we chase it!"

After hearing Dongfenglu's explanation, Sun Huang's face only eased a bit, but he remained indifferent: "Since this happened in my Nanzhou Tiankeng, as the host, our Sun family naturally managed this thing!"

"Dongfenglu, you say you want to capture Pei Junlin, what is the reason? Make it clear. So many people here have their own opinions!"

"Pei Junlin is now a major contributor to my Nanzhou Tiankeng. Whether it is for reasons or reasons, my Sun family must have intervened today!"

As Sun Huang's words fell, he immediately received many strong reactions.

"That is, make things clear!"

"When your Dongfeng family came, they were aggressive and grabbing people. Really thought that this world is the failure of your Dongfeng family ?!"

"You are right, you are wrong!"

Listening to the shout of a strong man, the faces of the five members of the Dongfeng family suddenly became a little ugly. In fact, when they came, they had expected some people to stop them, but what they didn't expect was that there would be so many People dare to fight against their Dongfeng family.

The Dongfeng family did not make much sense about the grassland khan tomb. Once exposed, it also had a great impact on the reputation of the Dongfeng family. For a time, it made five people hesitate.

They suddenly found that this operation was a bit too treacherous. Even if they wanted to arrest Pei Junlin, it would be better to wait for a good time, such as when Pei Junlin was reduced to a person or without the support of Bai and Sun's family. Much more convenient!

At that time, as long as you catch Pei Junlin, that is not to let them be slaughtered, the new hatred can be settled together.

But at the moment, the situation has already made it difficult for five people to ride a tiger. If you turn around and leave, it will be a shame.

Dongfenglu's face was cloudy and cloudy. In the end, he bit his teeth and dropped a pair of murderous eyes directly on Pei Junlin's face in the crowd, angrily: "Okay! Don't you want answers, let me tell you!"

"It's just this mess. He used a slaughter chariot to damage my brother Dongfenghao a few days ago, causing my brother to be completely damaged. Nowadays, he has also suffered a great deal of mental damage and wants to recover. I do n’t know how long to wait! ”

"The slaughter of God is used by our humans to deal with the demon tribe. This mess is actually used on our fellow people. You said, can this Dongfeng family swallow me?"

Hum! !!

At the moment when this heavy news was thrown by Dongfenglu, the originally calm crowd immediately became noisy, and some people seemed to remember something and whispered in a low voice: "Dongfenghao? That's not the strongest of the Dongfeng family's gods. What? "

"That's right! It's the strongest at the pinnacle of Divine Realm!"

"how is this possible?!"

"It's incredible!"

Unbelievable gazes gathered on Pei Junlin's face. Even Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Na Lanhao, and Xiahou Pingren who were close to Pei Junlin were shocked.

This news is really shocking!

How long has it been before, Pei Junlin has done such a terrible event again!

The bombardment of a Dongjing family's top peak in the realm of the gods ~ ~ caused the other's golden body to be damaged, and his mental consciousness was also seriously damaged. This is definitely a very big thing.

At this moment, I could only hear Dongfenglu's voice containing choking, and continued, "My brother Dongfenghao, that's the pinnacle of a state of God. Such a top powerhouse, I don't know how much he has contributed to the country. How much credit has been made! "

"But it is such a top powerhouse. It was not injured in the hands of the demon. Instead, it was injured first by its own people, and the injury was very serious. Do you say that my Dongfeng family is sad ?!"

"Today, if anyone dares to stop my Dongfeng family from leading people, then from now on, they will be the forever enemy of my Dongfeng family! My Dongfeng family will revenge for its power!"

In the end, Dongfenglu's voice suddenly became extremely cold and cold, killing his mind and causing many strong people to shake his heart.

The Dongfeng family is one of the nine supreme families. Such a force is definitely one of the strongest in China today. If such a family is remembered and hatred, the consequences will be terrible!

"Ha ha!!!"

When many of the forces were deterred by the powerful momentum of Dongfenglu, suddenly, a soft laugh sounded, and it was harsh in the quiet place at this moment.

Suddenly, all eyes gathered on the face of the person who laughed.

"Your Dongfeng family said that Pei Junlin used the slaughter vehicle to damage Dongfeng Hao. Then why not talk about it, why would Pei Junlin do it well ?!"

Under the gaze of both eyes, the two brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei stepped forward without hiding the coldness and sarcasm on their faces.

"Everything has a result and a cause. Your Dongfeng family avoids it, so what is your conscience?"

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