Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 543: Bet!

"Hello, I'm Pei Junlin!"

"I am leaping!"

After a brief meeting, Pei Junlin took a seat, sat at the gambling table, and asked, "How big is the bet? What is the rule?"

"The rules of the game are very simple. Each player has a five pegs and then he just bets!"

Pang Yue said: "However, there can be at most five concealed cards. There are no limit on the number of famous brands. The ceiling is five hundred. Everyone is a friend. It's pure entertainment!

It's purely entertainment ...

When this word appeared, all the melon-eating crowds around them were hurt by combos.

Such a big bet is just a small play, and sometimes people can really be mad at people!

Soon the official gambling started. With the addition of Pei Junlin, the situation became even more lively. Everyone is not an ordinary person, so there is no possibility of cheating. Fifty percent of the fight is luck and fifty percent. It is a game of playing cards.

As for the look or something, it is impossible to see something in their eyes.

After a round of playing, Pei Junlin lost more and won less, and the output went to almost two hundred Lingjing.

He didn't mind this. Although he is not wealthy now, he is no better than the grandfather of any dog ​​family who is present, but the space ring is full of 50,000 to 60,000 high-quality spirits.

Being able to meet two new Supreme Family children in this kind of hand is really profitable!

With the passage of time, after several rounds of games, Pei Junlin has lost almost thousands of spirits, but the atmosphere of the game is very harmonious. Both Pang Yue and Hua Muzi have won a lot, both faces The smile on it never breaks.

After all, winning money is a pleasant thing, even the children of the Supreme Family are no exception. They may not care about this Ling Jing, but they care about the thrill of winning money.

Watching Pei Junlin lose thousands of high-quality spirit crystals without changing color, still talking and laughing, and constantly taking out the spirit crystals from the space ring, the look of the strong around him is extremely complicated.

Especially the older generations, don't worry too much!

The younger generation is really the waves behind the Yangtze River. The high-quality Lingjing is like water, one richer than the other.

"Let a let! Let a let! Blind you guys, like a wooden stake, the pestle is here, occupying that pit and not shit!"

When the atmosphere of the game was harmonious, suddenly, a commotion came along, and with the arrogant screaming, it directly attracted the attention of many people.

Then the crowd separated, and a few arrogant young men and women came in and stood beside the hand.

On the table, six of Pei Junlin, who were playing cards, saw the people coming and stopped their movements. Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes and saw two familiar faces.

Dongfengwu, Dongfengtai!

In addition to these two, there are four strange men and women.

"Ouch, who am I to have such a big field? It turned out to be the two overlords from the central hub!"

Seeing someone coming, Pang Yue hugged his chest with both hands and leaned on the back of the chair with a smile on his face.

"This time, the two of you are really big. Even one family has sent three elite children, and they are not afraid of being demonized by the demons!"

With Pang Yue's words falling, the quiet crowd immediately rumoured again, and some people simply whispered: "It is the Zhuge family and the Dongfeng family!"

There are three powers of the Supreme Family in the central center, namely the Dongfeng family, the Zhuge family and the Yuan family!

The Yuan family is well deserved first. An old ancestor named Yuan Ping in his family is the object of awe of everyone in martial arts. Even the supreme strongman of the same rank is very awesome in front of this old man.

Nothing else, just because this old man is a truly selfless veteran who has dedicated his whole life. He is now over 300 years old, but he is still dedicated to suppressing the flood waters with his own strength, making countless monsters strong. Those who heard the news were discouraged.

It is rumored that this old Yuan Yuan is about to break through the supreme realm and step out of the supreme realm that is rare in human history.

In addition to the Yuan family, the other two supreme families in the central hub are Zhuge and Dongfeng.

Although these two forces are not as good as the Yuan family, they are also very huge and have strong resources in their hands.

"Pei Junlin, you have to be careful this time!"

In the mind of Pei Junlin, Bai Yulong's voice suddenly came.

"Seeing that young man dressed in a red suit, he is the most powerful genius of the Dongfeng family. He has been rumored to have unlimited access to the late stage of the state of God and can break through at any time!"

At the same time, Yang Xue and Sun Kai also circulated to Pei Junlin to make Pei Junlin be more careful. This time, the Dongfeng family even sent out Dongfeng. It was clear that the visitors were not good.

Although the Dongfeng family acted arrogantly, this family did have arrogant capital, not only prosperous, but also talented.

Pei Junlin was stunned in his heart, but he was also fearless. If the Dongfeng family did not provoke him, it would be better to dare to provoke him again, then he would never show mercy again.

In addition, in addition to Dongfeng, Pei Junlin also learned from Bai Yulong's mouth that the other three were from the Zhuge family. This family, like the Dongfeng family, behaved arrogantly and arrogantly. The children who came this time were also the strongest of the Zhuge family. Elite.

Zhuge Yunfan, Zhuge Longteng, Zhuge breaking dawn!

Among them, Zhuge Yunfan's strength is the strongest, which is almost the same as Dongfeng's style. The other two are the medium-term cultivation of Godland, very strong and strong.

When Pei Junlin silently looked at these newly added Supreme Children, he also had a lot of eyes on his body, especially the eyes of Dongfengwu and Dongfengtai.

They seem to have forgotten the life-saving grace of Pei Junlin that day. They only remember that Pei Junlin was ashamed of the Dongfeng family, and their uncle Dongfenghao was severely injured at the moment, leaving only a breath.

"It's very fun! Would you like to count us?"

At this time, a red suit and a magnificent east style ignored Pang Yue's ridicule and walked directly to the gambling table with a smile of joy.

"Okay! Since there is a Lingjing who has taken the initiative to come to the door, is there any reason to reject it?"

Pang Yue laughed: "Come here, move two more chairs! Who will be in your Zhuge family?"

"I come!"

Zhuge Yunfan strode forward.

Soon, the chair was set. Under the gaze of both eyes, Dongfeng and Zhuge Yunfan were seated. It is strange that many people expected that the hostility of the Middle East to Pei Junlin would not appear at all, but to whom Both are personable.

Even when his eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face, he smiled and bowed his head, very polite.

This attitude made the standing prince Qiong, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping and others all look dignified, and secretly shocked the eastern style of the city. It is definitely a typical smiling tiger. Such a talent is the most dangerous. What Dongfengwu, Dongfeng typhoon is too strong.

Soon the game started again, adding two more members, making the atmosphere at the gaming table completely lively.

The radiant high-quality Lingjing seems to be the cheapest stone. It is constantly thrown on the table, and almost every time it can pile up like a mountain, attracting hot eyes.

At the beginning, the card style on the gaming table was very smooth and harmonious. Everyone was joking.

But before three or five innings, Zhuge Yunfan raised the betting chip instantly. The rule was to cap the five hundred spirits. He directly concealed the two hundred spirits once, and others needed five hundred spirits. Instantly increased the number of gambling chips.

It is equivalent to each person only having to play a card, either a minimum of two hundred Lingjing, or choosing five hundred Lingjing after the Ming card, such a bet is actually a gamble!

When eight people make a lap, if they are all on the cards, the minimum is 1,600 Lingjing, otherwise it will start at 2,000. That amazing amount has caused the crowds around to eat melon to whisper and open their eyes.

This kind of gambling, thousands of Lingjing can not help but lose a few times, it may lose all.

"Haha, is it fun to play like this!"

Zhuge Yunfan kept bursts of laughter. His luck was very good. He won three games in a row and made at least 5,000 spirits.

Dongfeng's luck is also good. He has won more than 2,000. The most losers are Bai Yulong and Sun Kai. In such an occasion, they are the children of the Supreme Family ~ ~ No one will lose.

Lingjing or something is really a waste stone.

Pei Junlin also lost, losing almost a thousand spirits.

Finally, after a few rounds, Pei Junlin's card and Zhuge Yunfan faced each other. The two spirit crystals seemed like running water and kept falling outwards, and no one would open the card first.

"Interesting, it is worthy of being the young king who has become famous recently. This accumulation is very rich!"

Zhuge Yunfan laughed at Pei Junlin.

"Where, in the presence of the local tyrants, how dare I show my family! But the card in my hand does not allow me to keep a low profile!" Pei Junlin smiled eagerly.

The corners of Zhuge Yunfan's mouth rose, seeming to disdain. In the blink of an eye, the Lingjing on the table accumulated to almost tens of thousands.

According to regulations, as long as Lingjing has tens of thousands, both sides must open the cards at the same time, and they are not allowed to continue the bar.

"Open card!"

Finally, when Lingjing was tens of thousands, both sides finally opened the cards at the same time.

At this moment, almost everyone's attention was attracted. Everyone held their breath, clenched their fists, and waited for the final result quietly. This time, the stakes were too big, tens of thousands of high-quality spirits!

Many strong men have lived their entire lives without seeing so many psionic crystals in person.

At this moment, not only the crowd watching, but even the people at the gambling table, they are staring closely at the cards in their hands, waiting for the final result.

"I don't believe your hand can be bigger than me unless you are flush or yes!"

With the sound, Zhuge Yunfan took the lead in throwing the cards in his hand to the table.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation, and I saw that the card face was amazingly plum A, K, J. This kind of card face can be called the top. There is really no other face that can be overplayed except for a flush or a flush. .

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