Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 548: Siren World

Chapter Five Four Eight

At that moment when that majestic voice came out, all the strong men did not dare to have any delay, and rushed towards the passage quickly.

The closer you are, the stronger the coercion between heaven and earth, the persecuted people have to excite their energy and start to resist. At this time, you can see that there is a gap between the strengths of each other. Some weaker weakers will soon be excited. With energy, protect yourself.

And more powerful people are directly resisting with pure physical quality, and constantly approaching the entrance of the mountain quickly.


Six or seven hundred powerful men who are all in the state of God and monster level march together. It is simply unmatched, comparable to thousands of horses, and has caused the boiling of energy between heaven and earth, and even cracks in space.

In the end, all the strong men poured into the only channel in the center of the mountain.

A sense of time and space confusion emerged from the bottom of the heart, the world turned star-studded, and there was a dazzling light everywhere. I didn't know how long after that, light appeared in front, and then all the powerful rushed out of the channel.

And then, every powerful man's eyes showed a shocking look, without exception.

I saw a new world in sight at this moment, and at the end of the distant sky was a looming endless ocean, but at the feet of everyone, it was a vast sea of ​​clouds. They seemed to be standing on those nine days, facing Looking down.

A sense of extreme hypoxia surged, making all strong people unable to bear their faces to change slightly, quickly shielding their breathing.

As early as when leaving, all the strong have already learned through training. The Kraken World is an extremely huge low-concave basin. Many deeper places are hundreds of thousands of meters away from the land.

It used to be a sea of ​​vast oceans. After the dramatic changes in the earth and the ocean, the ocean dried up drastically, causing the coastline to continue to fall, so this is an alternative world.

Hundreds of thousands of meters, this is an unimaginable word. If the earth is the standard, I am afraid that it has reached at least outer space. At such a height, oxygen is extremely scarce, there are many cracks in space and time, and the weather is extremely bad. Even survival is a big problem.

The Siren World is such an alternative world. The rules here are completely different from the outside world of the monsters, such as the same independent kingdom.

"Everyone is careful! We have entered the Kraken World!"

"A variety of Sirens are everywhere here, and sneak attacks are possible at any time, and the means are very weird!"

"Now we go!"

Pei Junlin firmly grasped the prince Qiong in the team, and then he took the lead and stepped forward, disappearing directly into the vast clouds under his feet.

Behind him, everyone followed closely, even a group of children of the Supreme Family. At this time, no matter what the grievances are, it is safest for everyone to be together.

This time, almost all the new people who participated in the action in the flood waters, everyone came here for the first time, almost all with a blind eye.

After all, the Siren World, even if it is a high-level human, the area that is currently being explored is very limited.

With Pei Junlin taking the lead to take the lead, the strongmen in the western world also quickly followed, and then the powers of the demon race also moved. In this strange and dangerous area, some people are willing to take the lead. Will not follow it!

Soon, all the strong men disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds, and peace was restored between heaven and earth.

What the young kings who left did not know was that at the moment when they had just disappeared, on the top of the magnificent and magnificent mountain, Panghu Supreme and Supreme Saul, and the wisteria demon had already stood quietly. Here, their eyes pierced through the vast clouds below, reaching the deepest level of the Siren's World, taking in all the movements of the strong.

Not far from the strongest of the three lords, there were also three demon lords with different destiny marks on their foreheads, but the destiny marks were completely different, and the breath on their bodies was full of violence. bloody.

These three lords are the lords of the Kraken world.

A turtle, a goldfish, a crab.

"Hey, the juniors here this time are not small, and there are a lot of them, but I don't know how many can survive!"

The Turtle Demon sneered with a husky sneer, mocking his face.

"Well, look at the bunch of stupid people. I am about to reach my sacred sea tribe trap. I do n’t know it. I really look forward to the next result! Is it true gold? Just try it!" Yu Yaozun also sneered.

"You miscellaneous want to use our sacred sea tribe as a training ground and encroach on our resources, why isn't our sea tribe!"

Crab Demon said, "Many of these young offspring carry heavy treasures. As long as you kill any one, the treasures are all ours! This kind of baby delivered to the door is not a fool! "

"You sea people are too confident!"

Panghu sneered sneer: "Woo, it's close to your so-called trap, it's just a puzzle formation, we wait and see ..."

At this moment, in the thick cloud and fog, all the strong have fallen more than 100,000 meters, and are about to touch the real land, but there is still a vast white cloud between the heavens and the earth, and there is a thick fog everywhere. Obstacles.

Only by using powerful consciousness can we discover everything around us.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin stopped in a swift flight and stared at the dense fog ahead.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything dangerous?"

The prince Joan on the side immediately looked nervous, and others also showed a nervous attitude. After all, after entering the Kraken world, all they encountered were dense fog, which made people more alert to this strange world.

"Nothing, just a rough trap! We choose to detour!"

Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes burst into the light, as if he can penetrate all the imagination and reach the essence.

He then turned around and flew in the other direction.

"Dongfeng, do you notice anything?"

During the detour, Zhuge Yunfan in the back of the team transmitted the sound to the east wind around him. He just tried to release a strong sense of consciousness, but only vaguely sensed some vague fluctuations. In this case, put Normally, he would definitely go straight through without hesitation.

"Some vague perception, but the specific investigation is unclear!"

Dongfeng Duan said, his face was very unsightly.

Because there is only one such answer, that is, their mental strength is not as good as that of Pei Junlin, which is not good news.

At this time, after seeing Pei Junlin leading the team of Hua Xia Guo quickly, a group of strong men from the Western world also hesitated slightly and chose to keep up.

In the end is the mighty demon team. Seeing the human strong man in front chose a detour, several children from the descendants of the demon peak, also chose to quickly follow up after a short discussion.

"Oh, how? I said a long time ago that your sea clan's rude array arrangement will not have any effect at all!"

On the top of the mountain, Pang Hu saw the human team perfectly escaped the array of traps, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

"Huh, Panghu Supreme, you are too happy! It's all just the beginning. If you humans are doing it right from the start, that would be too boring!"

The Turtle Demon could not help but sneered: "In order to meet you, our sacred sea people have spent a lot of effort! We have carefully arranged a lot of big meals, and now we are waiting for you to drill in!"

With this remark, Pang Hu's face suddenly sank. At the same time, the face of His Holiness Sol and His Wisteria Demon also changed.

The strength of the sea clan can undoubtedly make the three sea clan monsters so confident. Obviously, the sea monster world has laid a net of heaven and earth, and is waiting for the enemy to come in and drill down!

The fog, I do n’t know when it gets thicker and thicker, completely shrouds this side of the world, the visibility is extremely low.

The team finally landed on the land. Although the fog covered the sky, it is conservatively estimated that the place where they came at this moment was at least 100,000 meters deep.

There was a dead silence all around, a little weird and quiet, and it made people feel hairy.

"Boss Pei, there must be a demon in this incident. What about a good and cruel Siren? I haven't seen any of them, but I have met all the fog!"

Xia Houping, who had been following Pei Junlin's buttocks, could not help but open his mouth, alerting himself.

"Also, those guys in the Western world will just follow us, and even the miscellaneous pieces of the demon tribe follow closely, it is clear that we are used as guns! You must throw them away!"

"Where can there be such a good thing under this sky!"

With an angry face, Xia Houping got the consent of many people as soon as his words fell. Everyone was almost annoyed with the followers behind the buttocks. There were a lot of strong people. Even the Western guys didn't look pleasing to the eyes. They were too calm Accept it.

If you want to follow, it is not impossible, at least you must show some sincerity, at least come over a few strong people, help everyone to explore the way, so that it is fair to each other.

Although they are all Earth peoples ~ ~, there is almost no intersection in the weekdays, let alone the relationship. The guys in the Western world immediately followed the **** and made it clear that they were ready to take advantage. Where is there such a good thing in the world.

Listening to the indignation of friends around him, Pei Junlin, who led the team, slightly raised his lips, evoking a beautiful arc.

"Don't worry, these guys will pay their due labor soon!" Pei Junlin said lightly.

The people around me were puzzled. Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin saw that he lifted his feet and slammed hard, yelling, "Break!"

Suddenly, the dense fog surrounding the water scattered away, gradually revealing the surrounding environment and landforms.

At the same time, weird monsters are appearing in ambush around holding arms one by one!

It seems that the fog never faded, and when the dense Siren was exposed, the air seemed to stagnate, and the forces on both sides widened their eyes.


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