Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 554: 1 little sea snake ...

Pei Junlin saw that there was a peerless array on the island, so he blocked all the monsters who were preparing to **** the dragon grass.

I do n’t know if there is Pei Junlin in Hualongcao, but what he can determine is that there is a treasure in the island in front of him. The holy breath of this island definitely has a very spiritual treasure in it. .

"It's over, there are so many top powerhouses. If we go out, we might be sieved directly if our identity is leaked!"

Seeing that there were hundreds of Kraken powerhouses around the island, Xia Houping couldn't help mourning in the spacecraft, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Other people's faces are also very unsightly, and the situation is several times more dangerous than expected. It was thought that the human strong and the plant-based monsters and the animal-based monsters would join together to contain a large number of sea monsters.

I didn't expect that there would be so many strong people here, it is hard to imagine how many monsters in the Kraken world.

The power of Siren is definitely not covered!

"What shall we do now?"

Zhang Pingping asked, "So many Kraken Powerhouses are gathered here, even if there is really a dragon grass, the chance we get is extremely slim. Instead, we might as well return immediately!"

"Since there are so many strong people here, the other mountain treasures will definitely reduce the number of strong people. Instead of consuming them here, we might as well go to other treasures and see if they are bigger than the harvest here! "

"I agree with Pingping, our time is only one month, very nervous!"

Leng Shuangshuang also said.

"Everything is coming, what are you anxious for, wait and see!"

Bai Yulong said nothing: "A month is not long or short, and we have time to get other treasures!"

"But do you know what this dragon grass is a treasure? It is definitely the holy grail of all the creatures in the world! Only in places where the dragon's blood has spilled can there be such a one-tenth chance, as long as it can Get one, and this time we make a lot of money! "

"Is Hualongcao really such awesome ?!"

Listening to Bai Yulong's solemn look, this time, except Pei Junlin and Bai Yufei, everyone else was shocked.

In this regard, Bai Yulong chuckled, and did not explain, but focused on the islands outside, and saw that the Siren Power there had already begun to break the battlefield, causing a wave of heaven and earth visions and lightning flashes. Constantly, the entire island's hundreds of miles are covered by a thick thundercloud, and the black pressure is on the top of the head, like an invisible sharp blade.

But unfortunately, the peerless array on the island is too powerful. Even the Siren Powerhouse who is extremely proficient in array ability, it is extremely difficult to crack.

From time to time, some powerful men were killed by a peerless array on the island. They spit blood from their mouths and flew out, and many of the bones that were directly bombed by the array forces did not exist.

Hundreds of Kraken powerhouses, none of them have a good complexion, and each of them is very gloomy.

The constant damage of the strong makes many of the original desire to dispel the thoughts of the heart, the atmosphere is very depressed.

In the spacecraft, Pei Junlin, who had been watching this scene quietly, had a bright light in his black eyes.

He felt that there was only one chance in front of him, otherwise, if the peerless array on the island was broken, there would really be no chance.

"You're waiting in the spacecraft, I'll go out and see!"

The moment he decided his mind, Pei Junlin immediately stood up and said.


Suddenly, Wang Ziqiong's pretty face changed, and how serious the danger of going out was, everyone knew very well that if one was bad, Pei Junlin would have a great chance of falling completely here.

"Boss Pei, although treasures are important, they are even more important!"

Nalanhao said, "If you want to understand, I'm afraid we can't help you much this time!"

Pei Junlin gently grasped the cold hand of Wang Ziqiong, and smiled calmly: "Relax! I sacrifice my life more than anyone else! And don't you think the only opportunity now?"

"Begging for wealth and insurance, don't take it easy, how can you know the final result!"

"Bai Yufei, if I come out later, you must pick me up the first time, maybe I'm really dead late!"

Bai Yufei nodded cautiously: "Understand!"

Pei Junlin released Wang Ziqiong's small hand and walked out of the spacecraft directly.

When he stepped out of the spacecraft, he immediately caught the eyes of many Kraken powerhouses on the island, and was full of scrutiny. After all, treasures such as the spacecraft are also very rare in the Kraken world. Being able to come down from the spacecraft is enough to prove that Pei Junlin's status is extraordinary.

In this regard, Pei Junlin used all the conscious power in his mind to conceal his own breath to the extreme, making all strong men unable to understand his depth.

Soon, under intense pressure, Pei Junlin boarded the island and stood in front of the peerless array.

"Oh, the younger generation is really getting more and more crazy, and dare to break into any place! Don't be afraid to break the lineage!"

A Siren Strong with an octopus's imprint on his eyebrow saw this, and couldn't help sneering and mocking.

This remark ended, immediately causing a burst of ridicule, after all, so many strong people have been damaged before, still helpless to the array in front of them, and now suddenly came up with a young junior, really do not know how to live or die.

If the peerless array in front of them is really so easy to break, then how can hundreds of them be stopped here, and they have long entered the formation to **** the treasures inside.

In the face of a round of ridicule and ridicule, Pei Junlin turned a blind eye, but focused on the peerless array in front of him. If you look closely, you will find that at the moment he has deep black eyes, as if there are countless dense Runes are fluttering.

That is the calculation of countless symbols belonging to the matrix method. The situation is similar to some mathematical formula or chemical formula. In short, the deduction of the matrix method is like the vast and infinite ocean. It requires extremely advanced knowledge to calculate step by step.

Thousands of miles are missed. This is a mathematical and physical description. If the matrix method takes a wrong step, sometimes it will even lose its life.

Time passed by every minute, Pei Junlin just stood there quietly, shielding all the ridicule of disdain. His lacquered black eyes were getting brighter and brighter, like two bright stars.

That is a sign that the power of the consciousness is running to its limit. Such a calculation is extremely mentally exhausting, and cannot be afforded by ordinary strong men.

Inside the spacecraft, watching Pei Junlin standing in the hundreds of Siren Powerhouses in immense danger, everyone felt a cold sweat and was very nervous!

You know, there are a little bit of mistakes. Once Pei Junlin leaks his blood power, he will be attacked by hundreds of sea monster powerhouses in an instant. The consequences are really unthinkable.

"Look, King came in!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Wang Ziqiong whispered with excitement, and there was excitement that could not be concealed on that beautiful face.

Others have also seen it, and their spirits have risen.

"Admire, Pei Junlin's accomplishments in this formation are really unconvinced!"

Bai Yufei also said with emotion: "Look at it, the sea monsters are also aggressive!"

At this moment, as Pei Junlin's body gradually disappeared into the formation around the outer islands, a group of Siren Powers, who had been mocking and scornful, widened their eyes and revealed an incredible color.

"It really went in. When did this sea snake family have such a young genius, I have never heard of it before!"

There was a look of wonder at the Siren Strong.

"Well, it's just to enter the entrance. It is a delusion to go deep into it! The real big danger is coming soon!"

"Don't forget, we had a lot of strong men who were hurt by the formation in the depths!"

"I can guarantee that in less than three minutes, that little sea snake will be bombarded by the formation method, with minor injuries or even a direct loss of spirit!"

When the words fell, there was a loud laughter all around, because the previous examples were really countless. All the strong players who broke the battlefield were hit hard by the formation method, and several strong men had already died directly.

Time passed quickly, and three minutes had passed in the blink of an eye. The formation in the depths of the island remained motionless, and a group of originally ridiculous Siren Powers showed surprise.

"Wait, five minutes at most!"

However, five minutes passed, and it was expected that the thunder and lightning bombardment scene did not appear. This time, many sea monster powers showed a look of uncertainty.

Did the little guy of the sea snake family really break into it?

how can that be!

"Ten minutes ... no, fifteen minutes! He will definitely be bombarded by the formation!"

Still the prophetic Octopus strongman, with a firm face.

Time passed again, and after almost a minute or so, in the depths of the formation, suddenly it became windy and thunderous, thunders continued, and a series of terrible tree-like lightnings continued to emerge in the sky, sending out a vast sky of power, as if moving from heaven. Really angry.

That terrifying coercion breath surprised all the sea monster powerhouses, all of them were cold. Any demon race, Tianjie is definitely the most terrified innate.

"Haha ~ ~ I haven't seen it yet. He has touched the formation of that little sea snake, and he will definitely be blasted out ..."

The eight octopus strong laughed gleefully, but before his laughter fell, the power of Tianwei, which had been rolling, suddenly calmed down and was not angry.

A group of Siren Powers, with a second look of suspicion, stared directly at the peerless array still full of terrible killing spirits. I do n’t know if it was an illusion. They felt that the power of the formation was increasing and becoming more and more profound Measurement.

"Did that little sea snake break the formation ?!"

There are such doubts from Siren Powerhouse.

"How could it be! He was absolutely bombarded by the power of the thunder and turned into a residue! The soul fly was destroyed!"

As soon as this sentence was issued, it was almost immediately rebutted by many Kraken powerhouses, because they did not believe that it was true.

The strength of the little sea snake was so strong that it killed the demon **** in the middle. Before that, the strong man with the peak of the demon **** entered into it and was blasted out by the powerful formation force.

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