Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 560: Powerful Mermaid Princess!

Xia Houping's unicorn arm is the arm bone of an ancient strongman, and he was grafted on himself. For this unicorn arm, Xia Houping devoted all his energy.

For this reason, they even gave up their previous swordsmanship and specialized in boxing, only to fully release the power of the unicorn arm.

The effect of this is undoubtedly amazing. Under the action of the unicorn arm, Xia Houping's combat power has advanced by leaps and bounds, with the cultivation in the early stage of Godland enough to shake the middle stage of Godland.

At this moment, under the terrible pressure of the mermaid princess, he was desperately bursting out of his liver, and he burned his destiny without hesitation.

A vague and ancient atmosphere flowed from his right arm, making the entire unicorn arm thicker and thicker, causing the clothes to burst, and the blue veins on it were like a dragon, exuding an amazing sense of power.

boom! !! !!

When the mermaid princess's sharp arrow came out, Xia Houping did not hesitate to punch out.

An unmatched fist print emerged out of the air, and it was a mighty thunder.

Finally, they collided with that sharp arrow, and a terrible energy storm broke out in the heavens and the earth, which caused a large area of ​​houses in a radius of 1,000 kilometers. Many low-level monsters screamed and suffered heavy injuries.


The mermaid princess uttered a frivolity, and there was a touch of surprise on that peerless face. She didn't seem to expect that the arrow she was going to get would be blocked by a human who was only in the beginning of the state of God, and the other party was unscathed.

Are the current young human powers so powerful that they can even fight two levels higher? If this is the case, then the identity of the sacred sea tribe as a hegemon may well have died in name!



When the mermaid princess hesitated, in the distant void, the battle had reached a very cruel point. The strong human beings hidden in various positions showed a strong attacking force, each with two enemies and two The famous Siren Power, beheaded and killed on the spot, blood splattered in the void.

In the blink of an eye, at least three demon **** strong souls have fluttered and died completely!

Such a situation suddenly made the number of Siren Powers, which was originally small, completely lost its advantage.

At this moment is the critical moment when the Kraken Powers collectively resist the triad of humans, plants, and animals. Therefore, after vigorously drawing the strong, the base of the Kraken World's hinterland powers has shrunk significantly.

The sudden killing of a group of people by Pei Junlin is definitely tantamount to catching the killing of the individual fish. Now in this city, the number of demon gods is not more than ten.

"Asshole, you humans are really bold!"

Seeing his capable subordinates suffered heavy losses in a blink of an eye, the mermaid tribe was furious, and the big bow in his hand was flowing again, and this time three direct arrows of light condensed directly. The sharp arrows reflected the heart-shinging light.

On the opposite side, Xia Houping, who had been preparing to stop with all his strength, changed his face completely this time, and he felt a strong breath of death.

The gap between him and this mermaid princess is really too big, and there are two big steps. This gap is not enough to make up even if he has a unicorn arm.

"Well, this mother-in-law is desperate. Who will help Lao Tzu? I can't carry it!"

Xia Houping immediately yelled anxiously. If there was no support, he would run away, leaving the mermaid princess to someone who could deal with it.

"Haha, Xia Houping, you have today too!"

Laughter came, and the two figures approached quickly, it was Ye Tianxing and Baili Feiyan.

"Fuck at you! You guys and men, you know how to do things that you can't see, and you leave me such a powerful opponent, I am not immortal!"

Xia Houping was so angry that he kept scolding.

Bai Lifeiyan had a frosty face and heard a sneer: "I think you should let this mermaid princess shoot your stinky mouth with an arrow!"

After that, the three quickly turned on their faces and began to stop the arrogant mermaid princess.

Xia Houping used fists, Ye Tianxing used swords, and Bai Lifeiyan used legs, and those two long legs brought up a large residual image, and the offensive was extremely fierce.

Finally, they blocked three mermaid princesses together!

"Well, this **** is really strong!"

Although blocking the terrible light and arrow, Ye Tianxing was also extremely embarrassed by being blown all over his body, and could not help cursing with a black face.


At this time, there was a sudden loud noise in the distance, which directly attracted everyone's attention.

When they saw that the explosion came from the city's main government, Ye Tianxing, Xia Houping, Baili Feiyan and others immediately rejoiced.

"Extremely, it ’s Captain Pei. Except that he can break the formation, everyone else has absolutely no ability!"

Xia Houping shouted, "Let's work harder to trap this mad mother-in-law and give Boss them enough time!"

Ye Tianxing and Bai Lifeiyan nodded at the same time, and the three joined forces again to attack the mermaid princess.

"I know who you are!"

Suddenly, a ray of lightning flashed through the mind of Princess Mermaid and shouted, "You are the people who grabbed the dragon grass!"

"We don't know what the dragon grass is !!!"

Ye Tianxing buries his head.

"Damn, it really is you! You guys are really brave!"

The mermaid princess was so angry that she really didn't expect that the humanity in front of her was so bold that before, there was a human being who took risks and pulled out his teeth, and stole the treasure from the hundreds of demon gods. Hualongcao caused a large earthquake in the entire area of ​​the Huxiao Sea. I don't know how many Kraken forces were alarmed.

In the end, hundreds of Siren Powers were hunted down. At the same time, tens of thousands of scouts were dispatched to find clues. Unexpectedly, the forefront of the searched force had just left, and this group of humans dared to appear on her mermaid's territory , Making waves.

This is simply not paying attention to her sacred sea tribe!

The mermaid princess grew more and more angry, especially when she saw the explosion of the most important city main government house, and finally, those cold eyes showed a tinge of spite.


A burst of blood-red energy suddenly erupted from the mermaid princess, and the momentum rose instantly to a peak.

"Broken, this woman has burned her destiny!"

Ye Tianxing's face changed drastically, and before her voice fell, she saw that the speed of the mermaid princess increased sharply, and she rushed directly to the nearest Baili Feiyan. The crazy icy killing intention was not concealed.

"Feiyan, be careful !!!"

Ye Tianxing was frightened, the speed soared to the extreme, and the whole person turned into an afterimage.


The dull impact sounded, accompanied by a figure spitting and flying, which smashed into the arms of Baili Feiyan, pale to the extreme, and the chest part was deeply sunken into it.

"Ye Tianxing !!!"

Bai Lifeiyan's pretty face was pale as paper instantly, making a terrifying scream.

"Come on! Come on! We are not opponents of this crazy woman! Let her give it to Boss Pei!"

Ye Tianxing, who was seriously injured, urged.

Bai Lifei Yan Qiao's face was white and she suddenly hated her lameness. She took back Ye Tianxing in her arms and quickly backed up. Her legs were unparalleled in the world. If she really wanted to run, she would be as powerful as a mermaid princess. On.


Only one person, Xia Houping, was left, and saw the mermaid princess's crazy eyes sweeping away, scared to pull back immediately, this woman is really too strong, let's give it to Pei Junlin!

These people are really not opponents. Besides, they have been blocking the road for so long and the time is almost up!


Seeing Xia Houping retreating, the mermaid princess pulled out a long **** gas wave and slammed into the direction of the city's main palace.

However, before her shape was approached, two sharp swordsmanships came over at the same time, directly blocking her shape.

Prince Qiong, Li Tianpei and Huangfu Phoenix joined forces to block the way of the Mermaid Princess.

"Get out of this Princess!"

The mermaid princess is extremely powerful, and she has burned her destiny to the highest point in history. At the same time, she also has powerful weapons in her hands, which is truly invincible.

It was just a collision, Huangfu Fenghuang and Li Tianpei both murmured at the same time, and the two looked at each other without hesitation.

The prince Qiong next to him was also a pretty face, and he didn't hesitate to burn his destiny.

The fierce battle is staged again ~ ~ The mermaid princess wants to enter the treasure house to prevent the abominable human looting. Huangfu Phoenix, Li Tianpei, and Wang Ziqiong are desperately trying to stop, trying to give Pei Junlin enough time.

With the passage of time one minute and one second, Wang Ziqiong, Li Tianpei, and Huangfu Fenghuang had already become **** all over their bodies, and their injuries were amazing, but they did not retreat half a minute, but just clenched their teeth and stood firmly.

"Ziqiong, Lao Li, Phoenix, you back!"

Finally, when a steady and extremely sound came, the three people who had been working hard persisted, and the three people who were about to fall down were relieved. When they turned around, they saw Pei Junlin who had stepped out of the treasure house.

The mermaid princess with a shocking body all over her blood red eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face. The next second, without hesitation, flew to Pei Junlin.

Because she knew that the treasures in the treasure house must have been taken away by this abominable human being. The other party shouldn't look at nothing in the body, but they must have treasures like space magic.

The anger of the mermaid princess could not be suppressed at the thought of the treasures of a city being looted by human beings.

How amazing is the treasure house of a city, it is definitely an astronomical figure.

Even if it is rich like the sea tribe, such losses are somewhat unbearable, not to mention this time it represents the face of the powerful mermaid family.

"Humans, die!"

The mermaid princess showed a terrible killing intention, and came straight to Pei Jun, the momentum was unstoppable.

However, at this moment, the metamorphosis occurred instantly, and saw the mermaid princess who was madly rushing towards Pei Junlin suddenly regressed madly, and at the same time issued a scream of anger: "Human, you are despicable !!! "

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