Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 566: Ding Haizhu (on)

How powerful is the original Nirvana, and Pei Junlin's knowledge is difficult to know.

All I know is that this is a true fairy tale, which contains the truth of the road, and it is very obscure to understand. So far, Pei Junlin can simply use some of the fur power of the original Nirvana to restore consumption. Physical power and spiritual power.

To participate in deep research, it takes a lot of perseverance and opportunity to crack, which is far from a day's work.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, it was in this crisis of life and death that it took the initiative to operate. Wherever it passed, the strange power of the seal body melted away, and Pei Junlin regained control of his body.

"court death!!!"

At this moment, the anger in Pei Junlin's heart reached the highest point in history. The intention of killing was like a volcanic eruption. His body turned into an arrow of lightning and he summoned the Qinghong sword without hesitation.

The sound of the sword trembled, the mountains were rushing to the sky, and the flying sword, the size of a palm, burst into speed, killing the monsters directly.

At the same time, Pei Junlin once again had an axe in his hand. The fire dragon roared in the palm of his left hand, the Nether Industry fire erupted, and the right hand split the mountain axe and axe bright.

Puff puff! !! !!

Where Feijian passed, the body of a famous Kraken Strong was directly pierced and screamed incessantly, and many of them simply burst out of his head.

The fire dragon formed by the nether industry fire is also invincible, taking the life of a famous Siren Power.

More powerful and terrifying horror axe, fell from the sky, split the enemy of the offender.

Almost in a blink of an eye, when Pei Junlin broke out with all his strength, he immediately killed seven or eight monsters in the Kraken. In front of him, he was **** and cruel.

Pei Junlin, who was in the late stage of his ascension of strength, completely launched the killing ring and returned to the once indifferent style of Shura war general.

Shocked by his terrible **** repression, the Siren Strong who rushed to the front couldn't help showing his fear and stopped.

Siren is also afraid of death. As a highly intelligent being, death is always the most feared thing.

"Waste, how can we so many strong men be suffocated by him as a human being, and we will charge Princess Princess forward!"

At this moment, a familiar figure appeared on the island, and the mermaid princess Helena appeared in a peerless form, but her face was iron-blue, very unsightly, and seemed to be annoyed by the group of people who were afraid of falling back.

"Princess rewards everyone who kills the enemy!"

"My mermaid beauty is free to choose, there are everything in life lysates, exercises, and high-quality spirits!"


When hearing that big enough temptation, the original Siren Powers, who were still hesitant, rushed in.

There are many sea monster powerhouses, and they are even going to kill Prince Qiong and others who are still settled by Haizhu after Pei Junlin.

But before they approached, the flying sword in the void fell from the sky, and the sword was soaring to the sky, cutting the whole body of those monsters who were going to speculate.

"Human! You will die this time !!!"

A voice filled with icy bitterness came, and the mermaid princess Helena and the strong men of the two mermaids stormed towards the shape of Pei Junlin at the same time. Repair for.

Obviously, after eating the last loss, Helena was so determined that she would kill Pei Junlin, so that she would never suffer later, and she would be ashamed.

"Go and kill other humans. Anyone who kills anyone will be rewarded!"

Helena ordered decisively.


Sure enough, the other Kraken powerhouses, with all their faces killing, rushed to Prince Qiong, Li Tianpei and others who were still locked in place.

"You are looking for death !!!"


Pei Junlin is cringing, her eyes are red. If everyone else is really dead this time, then he will be used to living in the shadow in this life, and it is difficult to look up and be a man. Everyone here is his important friend. And loved ones.

The terrifying breath bloomed from his body, and the golden body of Dacheng burst out with dazzling golden light. At this moment, the breath erupted by Pei Junlin made all the sea monster strong people moved, even if it was Helena and The two mermaids' demon gods in the late period were all with tight pupils.

If they had previously doubted that Helena's mighty strength would be defeated by a human being, then at this moment there is really no doubt anymore, and some are just an unprecedented killing intention.

This human being must not stay, otherwise, it will surely become a big trouble for the holy sea tribe.

Suddenly, at this time, the mutation occurred, and the strange power that had enveloped the entire island faded like a tide, and all the people who were originally anchored on the island restored their physical control.

The time for Dinghaizhu Magical Power controlled by Liumu is coming!

"Mad, I'm going to die!"

After the disaster, the princes Qiong, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing, Zhang Pingping, and Xiahou Pingping broke out. Everyone couldn't care less about the breakthrough, and some were just a strong murderous intention mixed with anger.

The feeling of being settled and becoming fish on the chopping board just now makes all people turn around as if the ghost door was closed, and many people's backs have already been wet with cold sweat.

The scuffle broke out at this moment, and all the strong humans in the rest of the life after the calamity shot without any reservation. The means were very cold and thunderous.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that the cultivation of Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing has already successfully advanced to the middle stage of the divine realm, and the combat effectiveness has greatly increased.

"Damn, Liumu's bastard, when the chain fell off at the critical moment, he couldn't support it for a while to fix the sea pearl!"

Seeing the strong human beings have restored their physical freedom, Helena was furious.

"Princess, it's not good to scold someone behind!"

At this time, Willow fluttered in from the outside. He was tall and of extraordinary temperament, and dragged a long shark tail behind his butt. Not only did he not have any ugliness, but he exuded a unique charm.

Behind him, there is also an old tiger shark, who is also a top powerman in the late period of the demon god, with a deep breath, and his eyes are turning cold.

At this time, Willow's hand was still dragging the most precious sea pearl, the orb was azure blue, and returned to calmness, but still could not cover up the powerful Qi machine, let people know at a glance that it is not ordinary.

Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the Dinghaizhu, his pupils narrowed. Although he didn't know what the treasure was, he felt a sense of alertness in his heart.

"Humans, you are very interesting, and you can even crack the magical power of the king, which is definitely the sea pearl. Obviously, you also have some powerful secrets, or you have cultivated some extraordinary kung fu methods!"

Liu Mu's pair of lofty eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face. Before Pei Junlin broke the magical power of Haizhu, could he not know, he was very interested in Pei Junlin.

"Kill you, I'm sure I can get it all!"

Liu Mu did not hide his inner desire, but it also represented his strong self-confidence at the moment, because even if Pei Junlin is no matter how strong he is, they are definitely not better than them. Now he counts the strong side of Merina Princess Helena, and there are five Bit demon **** late.

Such a battle, even if it is the peak of the demon god, is enough to shake hard!

And any one standing here is not the ordinary demon **** late, but the outstanding one in the demon **** late.

However, unexpectedly, in the face of such a critical situation, the expression on Pei Junlin's face was very calm, and he sneered directly when he heard the words: "You want my exercises, I want the one in your hand. Ding Haizhu! "

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want with more bullying? It's ridiculous!"

At the moment when the words fell, Pei Junlin directly used the power of darkness without hesitation. Instantly, darkness descended, and the whole world fell into a strange darkness. This darkness even wrapped the people who were engaged in a fierce battle on the island below.

Pei Junlin has never been afraid of the art of battle, because he has the power of darkness!

"what is this?!"

"Supernatural power! This is supernatural power!"

"Be careful!!"

The sound of panic instantly filled the hearts of all the Kraken powerhouses, even the faces of the mermaid princess Helena and that willow tree changed, revealing a strong alertness.

This weird magical power has never been seen before!

After the strength was promoted to the late stage of Divine Realm, Pei Junlin now exerts the dark power that is now more powerful. When the power of darkness covers this world, Pei Junlin immediately launched a powerful means of killing.

Covered by this dark power, he is the only eye that can see everything.


His body was like a ghost in the dark, and he quickly approached a strong man of the mermaid clan, and then punched out like a scorching sun.

This merman tribe's late-powerful demon **** is not a weak one. Almost immediately, the moment of the fist rush, he immediately had a psychological reaction and quickly picked up a weapon to block it.

But it was still a half-beat, and Pei Junlin hit him on the shoulder with a punch. Suddenly, the sound of bones and bones broke out, and blood splattered. His body was like a meteorite, and he hit the landmark fiercely. There was a panic in the eyes.

The punch just made him deeply understand the strength of Pei Junlin, and the opponent's strength is more than doubled. How is this possible? !!

The power of the same level, how can the power be so different!


But all this is just the beginning. When the mermaid tribe was scared, Pei Junlin had once again killed and attacked. This time he used the sharpest flying sword technique.

In the dark, the palm-sized flying sword approached the body of the merman clan who fell on the ground silently and then the speed increased sharply. ~ directly hit the opponent's head!

The same strong as the demon **** in the late period, the physical birth-death barrier is almost close to perfection, so the only lethal key is on the skull.

If you want to kill cleanly, headshots are always the choice!

The speed at which Feijian burst out was faster than lightning. This time, even if the strong man of the Mermaid tribe felt the heart and tried to dodge, he was still in the middle!


With a clear sound of cutting, Feijian directly cut off half of his head. Suddenly, the strong man of the mermaid clan suffered unprecedented pain and screamed in pain.

This is still the result of being a late demon strong, trying to avoid under the crisis of heart and soul, otherwise, this blow alone will be enough to completely explode his head and completely dispel his soul!

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