Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 568: Kill Prince Willow

"Huh? You're looking for death!"

Prince Liumu was furious. This humble, lowly human being dared to touch his precious treasure Haizhu, he just didn't know how to live or die!

Suddenly, his body was full of enchantment, his black hair was flying, and Ding Haizhu was spinning rapidly in his hands, bursting into a bright light, hitting the moonlight treasure box in the sky directly.

"Dinghai Shenzhu, everything can be set, set!"

Prince Willow speaks truth.

At this moment, the sudden change attracted the attention of the strong men on the entire island, because everyone did not expect that Prince Qiong dared to take a shot at the powerful Prince Willow, and the goal of the shot was the most precious sea pearl.

Even Pei Junlin's pupils shrank and his muscles tightened, but when he saw the moonlight treasure box flying out of Wang Ziqiong's body, the tension in his heart suddenly relaxed a lot.

Others may not know what the Moonlight Treasure Box is, but he is very clear. It can be said that there are only a handful of treasures comparable to the Moonlight Treasure Box on the earth and even the demon world.

The Moonlight Treasure Box is the highest level of Chaos Lingbao. Even in the thousands of worlds, it is also one of the best. The highest level of existence, such as the heavenly treasure. Too.

As the legendary chaos spirit treasure, what kind of anti-sky effect the moonlight treasure box has, Pei Junlin is not clear, but it is certain that since these treasures can be sacrificed by Prince Qiong, it almost represents moonlight treasure The idea of ​​the box itself.

Sure enough, at the moment when Pei Junlin's thoughts fell, the opposite void changed again. I saw that it had never been unfavorable, and was invincible. Ding Haizhu, who could fix everything, lost its function again.

But this time it was not resolved by people, but directly by that moonlight treasure box, that strange power was swallowed in and disappeared invisible.

"What? It's impossible !!"

The ridiculous Prince Willow, who had been ridiculed on his face, froze, and replaced it with a **** expression.

Previously, there was such a strange type of Pei Junlin, who could defeat his unfavorable Dinghaizhu magical powers, and now he came up with a human woman who was only in the early days of Divine Realm, and he could inspire a strange treasure to resolve him. How could this be the magical power of Haizhu? !!

Prince Liu Mu had a kind of insane vertigo. This was something he had never encountered before, but today he bumped into it twice in a row, making him a little unacceptable for a while.


And at the moment when Prince Liumu was in a daze, the moonlight treasure box that devoured a strange power radiated the glorious glory around the void, and quickly approached the Dinghaizhu.

"Asshole, dare to remember the king's supreme treasure Haizhu, you are looking for death !!!"

The willow prince who had returned to God was furious and was ready to put Dinghaizhu into a storage bag as soon as he thought about it. Since Dinghaizhu's supernatural power failed, it was better to put it away quickly.

call out!

However, at this moment, a snow-white brilliance radiated from the moonlight treasure box, shrouded the Ding Haizhu directly, and then watched with an incredible pair of eyes, leaving Ding Haizhu violently and leaving Prince Liumu Control.


Prince Willow made a roar like a beast. His whole body was so enraged that he used secret methods to try to counteract. He felt a deep crisis and seemed to be about to lose this treasure.

On the opposite side, Pei Junlin witnessed this scene with his own eyes. When he saw this, he immediately turned his eyes, and did not hesitate to use the power of the flying sword. Suddenly, the sound of the sword shook the sky, and the bright green light pounced on the skull of Prince Willow. .

"Helena! Stop him !!!"

The terrifying sword spirit was coming, and he was fighting against the moonlight treasure box with all his strength, and the willow prince who vie for Ding Haizhu changed his face.

Huh! !!

The golden paper burst out, with a terrifying edge and spirit. The mermaid princess Helena offered the golden paper without hesitation. On it, countless runes and words ran, sending out a mighty Vast mysterious power.

But Pei Junlin sneered at it, the flames of the palm of his left hand spurted, and the Nether Industry Fire directly turned into a cyan flame lance, which was thrown out by him.

The flame pistol burst through the air, thundering like a thunder, and in the middle of the golden paper hovering in the void, the golden paper trembled.

Suddenly, the energy of the heavens and the earth was boiling like water. This strike was evenly matched, but being so obstructed, the flying sword controlled by Pei Junlin was close to Prince Liumu less than ten meters away.

"Son of a bitch!!"

The crisis came, making Prince Willow's whole body scales stand upright. At the critical moment, he did not hesitate to burn his destiny, and then the shark tail behind him instantly turned into a long whip, dancing out, and hitting the flying sword. together.

The flying sword and the shark tail collided, and bursts of bright Mars burst out, which was comparable for a time.

This prince willow is indeed the top young king in the Kraken world. There is no doubt about his strength. Whether he is capable of self-cultivation or reaction, he can be called a top-notch, and he has a treasure like Haizhu. Is invincible.

Had it not been for Pei Jun's exorcism such as the original Nirvana, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

Blocked by Prince Liu Mu's unwillingness to burn his destiny, and at the same time, the mermaid princess Helena attacked with a secret treasure. Pei Junlin was unable to make a meritorious service for a while, and the battle appeared to be deadlocked.

On the chaotic battlefield below, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others noticed the situation in the sky, one by one, they wanted to rise to the sky and gave a helping hand, but they all failed. They were entangled by the sea monster strong around them, it was difficult. Get out.

Even the brothers Bai Yulong and Bai Yufei were besieged by the sea monster powerhouses. In terms of quantity, the human powerhouses are always at a disadvantage.

But this stalemate situation was still broken, because the Prince Qiong suddenly burned his destiny, and spit out a blood arrow, which was sprayed directly on the moonlight treasure box.

The moonlight treasure box originally stalemate with Prince Liumu absorbed this energy-rich essence, and the light burst into a flash. It seemed to awaken a little divinity of the moonlight treasure box. Suddenly, Dinghaizhu was always controlled by Prince Liumu. Was completely shrouded in the bright light of the moonlight treasure box, and he disappeared into the treasure box.

"Oh no!!!"

Seeing Zhi Bao stiffly lost from his hands, Prince Liu Mu's eyes were completely congested, and he suddenly turned his head, and blood-red eyes like beasts fell to the face of Prince Qiong behind him.

"Bitch, my king killed you !!!"

Prince Willow never hated a human, and was still a woman, a humble human like an ant in his eyes, but it was such a woman who robbed Haibao Dinghaizhu from his hands, and did not kill the woman, he Prince Willow never stops.

Then, a trident with a profound light appeared in the palm of Prince Liu Mu's palm. He was full of murderous intentions and shot like an electric power, stabbing directly at Wang Ziqiong's body.

Prince Qiong Qiao's face changed greatly. She was just a strength in the early days of Divine Realm, and how she was the opponent of the late demon gods such as Prince Liu Mu. Moreover, the other side also burned his destiny.

"Ziqiong, be careful !!!"

At an extremely critical moment, Pei Junlin's figure suddenly turned into a lightning bolt, and the Nether Industry fire in the palm of his hand was burning wildly, and turned into a flame spear again, piercing the head of Prince Willow.

This move is called Wei Wei to rescue Zhao. If Prince Liu Mu wants to kill Prince Qiong, he will not survive!

But suddenly, at this moment, the mutation is regenerating.

I saw Prince Liumu's angry blow approaching Prince Qiong's body ten meters away, and all the energy was devoured by the moonlight treasure box in the hands of Prince Qiong. The original terrifying trident left only a bare weapon itself.

"this is……"

This sudden scene not only left Prince Liu Mu dead, but even Pei Junlin was also shrinking his pupils, staring at the moonlight treasure box.

The power of this treasure box seems to be really inspired, and it can swallow all energy bodies, which is simply overbearing!

With this treasure in hand, even if Wang Ziqiong is a mortal, I am afraid it will be difficult to be hurt.

Pei Junlin was shocked and delighted, the flame spear suddenly accelerated, and stabbed at Prince Liu Mu's head fiercely.

All of this is very slow to say, but the process that happened is just a blink of an eye.

boom! !!

This shot was without any fancy. In the middle of Prince Liumu's head, the horrific ghost fire broke out instantly, turning Prince Liumu into a fireman.

He screamed in pain, his brain was cut off, and he tried to extinguish the flames on his body, but how could the Nether Karma fire be so easy to extinguish.

This powerful flame technique, with the increase in Pei Junlin's practice, has also increased, and among them, Pei Junlin has also absorbed the true essence of the sun many times, making the ghost industry fire power more and more powerful.

Flame-ridden, just like death, is very difficult to get rid of.

"Taiyin Soul! Town!"

At this time, Pei Junlin hit the snake with his stick and did not hesitate to perform a powerful peerless study again, trying to completely leave the prince of the tiger and shark family.

The strong sense of power turned into an invisible sharp knife, which penetrated deeply into the soul of Prince Liu Mu, causing him to utter a painful scream once again, and he couldn't even care about self-explosion!

The whole man went mad, as if he had gotten mad, his hair was flaunting, and his whole body was burning wildly.

"Fei Jian, cut!"

In the end, Pei Junlin controlled the power of the flying sword, and Jianman was shocked, and passed directly through Prince Liu Mu's head ~ ~ bursting white blood.

The genius of this dignified tiger and shark family fell down and completely lost his soul.

"His Royal Highness Prince!!!"

When the prince Liumu died, an exclamation came from immediately above the island below. All the powerful men of the tiger and shark family came to death, and their prince was killed by humans!

This is definitely to cause a big earthquake for the entire tiger shark family!

"Escape! Escape! Be sure to report this information to the family!"

"Princess Mermaid, you actually let my prince die, you can't escape the blame this time! Wait for my family to collect debts!"

The strong man of the tiger shark family yelled venomously at the mermaid princess with a gloomy face in the void.

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