Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 570: Meet the most beautiful!

Almost an hour later, a drunken group of people took the spacecraft and left the island.

Soon after, the horrified Siren Strong approached the island. When he saw the corpse of the strong man on the island, and the fish bones that ate the leftovers, he was horrified.

"The prince willow of the tiger shark family was cooked by those humans!"

The news came out, and it instantly shook the Kraken world.

The mermaid princess Helena, who had just returned to the mermaid tribe, was dismayed when she heard the news. Her exquisite and delicate body trembled. After a long time, she calmed down and quickly ran towards the temple within the tribe. .

At the same time, terrible roaring roars were heard in the tiger shark family town thousands of miles away from the mermaid family. Immediately after, a large number of tiger shark family leaders led large forces and rushed out of the city. , Came straight to the mermaid tribe.

Many sea monster forces who have obtained all this information through the spies in the nearby waters know that the excitement is completely here.

Humans this time are really too bold and brave enough to dare to cook the grand princes of the tiger and shark family, and wait for their mass destruction!

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, an angry roar suddenly came from the endless void. There was a mountain as big as a horrible figure emerged from the void, and his lantern-like eyes shot out. Two substantive rays directly destroyed two space cracks.

"Oh, tiger shark, it's just one of your thousands of offspring who died, wouldn't you lose this?"

As the horrible figure rolled out, an endless void suddenly heard a light laughter, and then a giant figure as high as a mountain appeared faintly.

"White season! Didn't you go and hunt the starry beasts in the depths of the starry sky, how could they appear here?"

When the tiger shark saw someone, it made a dull roar that shook this space storm.

"Tired, so come by and see the fun by the way!"

Bai Ji's voice briskly said, "I didn't expect to see a wonderful place just after I just arrived, and I can't help but applaud!"

"Huh! You know what the deity is talking about is not that crap, but Ding Haizhu!"

The tiger shark sounded low and seemed very angry.

"Originally, you are talking about Ding Haizhu! I am also about to tell you about this. Thank you for your generosity and generosity, and you are willing to contribute such treasures to my people!" Bai Ji said.

"During the white season, you have to be proud. Ding Haizhu is not so easy to get! I hope you humans don't regret it too much!"

The tiger shark gave a low sneer, and then the huge figure was re-introduced into the clouds and disappeared. Then Bai Jiwei's figure slowly disappeared, and the world regained its calm.

In the depths of the endless ocean, a spacecraft shuttles quickly.

Naturally sitting in the cabin is Pei Junlin and others.

"Did you guys, where should we go next? I don't think we can stay in this area of ​​Huxiao!"

Bai Yufei, who controlled the spacecraft, said.

This time, they and their team first robbed people of the dragon grass, and then ransacked the treasure house of a city. Now they are roasting a family of princes to eat meat. With their buttocks, the entire Huxiao Sea area will soon be a Tianluodi net, so It is still important to seize the road during this time.

Everyone heard the words and nodded. A mermaid princess and a prince of the tiger and shark family joined together to bring together so many strong men. Now they have caused such a big accident. I am afraid that the sea monster strong men in the entire Huxiao sea area are looking for them. Settle accounts.

Only a fool will continue to stay in this tiger howl!

It's just embarrassing everyone that they really obliterate the Kraken world, and the ghosts know where to go!

"No matter what, we must now quickly leave this area of ​​Huxiao, and then find a piece of land, otherwise in case this sea is surrounded by the Siren Powerhouse, there is really no way to heaven, no way to go down!"

Bai Yulong said.

Everyone nodded unanimously, and the spacecraft quickly speeded up and crashed all the way. Unless it was a large city, the small city shuttled directly from above.

There are many Kraken eyes everywhere in the Tigers Roar area. It is really difficult to hide your figure. Instead of letting go, the spaceship has extremely high speed anyway.

Time passed quickly, and finally a vast land appeared in front of it. On the land, the mountains were surrounded by towering towering towers, and sometimes there were flying sea monsters galloping, this is an unknown area.

Huh! Huh!

Figures jumped from the bottom of the sea and appeared on this land.

"There is a treasure mountain ahead, and there is a divine glory. Let's go there! Maybe we can get some gems!"

Bai Yulong said, everyone nodded, stopped speaking, and quickly walked away from the air.

"Kill those flying monsters, and our whereabouts will be passed on!"

Li Tianpei opened his eyes, staring at the flying siren in the air.

Suddenly there was an extra bow and arrow in the hands of Huangfu Fenghuang, who was also a powerful magic weapon. Pei Junlin obtained it from the treasure house and gave it to her.

On the sharp triangular arrows, arcs of wind entangled, that is the unique thunder and ground shagong of the Huangfu family, which can summon the thunder power in the sky.

call out! call out! call out!

Three arrows containing the power of thunder came out of the air, exuding a burst of destruction, dazzling.

In the sky, several stuns were still in a daze, and they screamed and fled, and shouted, "Humans! There are humans ..."

Before the words were finished, they were passed through the body by sharp arrows and corpses were spotted on the spot.

Pei Junlin looked at the barren mountain where the light appeared, and he groaned and said, "Although this mountain is not small, resources are probably limited. I don't think it's necessary for all of us to pass by all!"

"Further, we must speed up, because it won't be long before the Kraken Army in the Tiger Howling Sea area will kill them all! We must go to the deepest part of this land!"

"It would be best if we could meet those demon clan of the plant and animal series. We can blame them and let them bite the dog!"

Everyone laughed when they heard Pei Junlin's words like black belly, but this sea monster world is so big. Can you really meet those plants and animals?

After Shao Qing, Bai Yulong led a team and took Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Bai Lifeiyan, Luo Yan and others to the treasure mountain for treasure hunting.

Pei Junlin took Wang Ziqiong, Bai Yufei, Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing, Jie Monk and so on to find another Baoshan.

There is a reason why the team is so divided. Almost all the teams led by Bai Yulong have not yet broken through. In this world of monsters everywhere, everyone hopes that the team members will break through quickly, so as to save their lives. the power of.

Soon after, Pei Junlin and others in the process of hearing heard huge energy fluctuations coming from behind him. It seemed that Bai Yulong's team was fighting with the sea monster in that Baoshan mountain.

Wherever Baoshan is, there will surely be the guardian of the Kraken powerhouse. The Kraken world is very large. Naturally, there are many powerhouses similar to those of the human world. They each occupy the mountain as the king, or they gather their strengths and call the king to dominate.

Now they are arrogant and tyrannical, they have plundered all the treasures in Baoshan to strengthen themselves.

Almost half an hour later, Bai Yulong and others rushed behind, one by one, with obvious joy, obviously gaining a lot.

Through the notification, Pei Junlin and others knew that the Siren that was guarded in the Baoshan Mountain was only a demon **** in the mid-term practice. Such a strength was like a slag, and it was directly destroyed.

As for the harvest, it was not bad. From the mountain, two fruit trees full of different fruits were found. Everyone got a few of them, and there were many spirit crystals.

In this way, in the process of destroying Gula, an overbearing human team swept across the entire area of ​​Baoshan, killing a Siren Power who only guarded Baoshan on the spot, all resources were looted.

The chickens and dogs jump in the entire land area. The benefits of doing so are obvious. Everyone's pockets quickly swell, and even more gratifying is that in this process of wild plunder, Xia Houping and Na Lanhao also Successfully broke through and stepped into the middle of the divine realm.

At this point, the team's strength is getting stronger and stronger.

And just as Pei Junlin and others swept all the way, as if the robbers were crossing the border, suddenly a ship emerged from the depths of the sea on the shore of the Huxiao Sea. Inside the ship, there were many dense sea monster powerhouses. , Soaring.

The strong leader who led the team has two peaks of demon gods, one from the mermaid family and one from the tiger shark family, and the mermaid princess Helena is also in it, except that the beautiful face of Tianzi Country is full of paleness, and seems to have endured a certain An unspeakable punishment.

"King, I just received news that the horrible humans are rushing to the site of King Octopus!"

"And they burned and looted along the way, killing many scattered demons!"

In the sky, a strange-looking Siren Powerful fell quickly and reported the latest information.

This is a special race called the Eagle Hawk. It is good at speed and has good eyesight. It can hide in the clouds and see all the ground information below 10,000 meters.

"They are looking for their own way !!!"

The demon **** peak of the tiger shark family has a terrifying evil spirit.

The pinnacle of the mermaid demon **** next to him is also a grim smile.

"They really thought that a small team would be able to make waves on our sacred sea territory. It was ridiculous!"

"Quickly notify the King of Eight Claws and try to intercept the human team. After the incident is completed, the king is willing to pay a million spirits as a reward!"


The eagle owl quickly flew away and left ~ ~ speed is amazing.

"Advancing at full speed, we must kill all this human team. Our dignity of the sea race must be washed with blood!"

The peak of the demon gods of the tiger and shark family, the order was fierce ...

Pei Junlin and others did run into trouble, but what was more special was that it was not the Kraken Killer, but the old acquaintance—a team from the Botanical Demon Clan.

The leader of the team was a young king from the sunflower family, and a young king with orchids on his brows. Among them, the Lord of Lan County was also there, all old friends and acquaintances.

There are more than 30 strong men in this team, which is twice the number of Pei Junlin and others.

However, Pei Junlin and others did not have any panic, but had a sense of joy and excitement when they met their ancestors in other places.

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