Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 573: Joy is sad

The site of the King of Eight Claws is by no means good, so after passing through the interception, everyone immediately unfolded and moved at the fastest speed.

And shortly after Pei Junlin and others left, where they had stayed before, a mighty army, a joint army of mermaids and tiger sharks, finally arrived.


I saw the Eight-Claw King standing in the middle, but did not see the horrible group of human beings as expected. The leader of the Mermaid clan immediately asked angrily: "Humans? The Eight-Claw King, the group that the King let you intercept. Damn humans !!! "

At this time, although the octopus king who was extremely upset despite getting 20,000 spirit crystals was black, the anger voice of the mermaid leader suddenly seemed to have ordered a bag, completely igniting all the unhappiness in the octopus king. .

"Well, you still have a face to ask Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu wants to ask you, what do you mean! It ’s at least a bit smarter to want to frame the King, is it really an idiot?"

The King of Eight Claws seems to have finally found the place to vent, and his whole body is full of anger, and he cracks up against the leader of the Mermaid clan. He is a powerful demon god, so he is not afraid of anything.

The sharp words and anger gesture made the mermaid chiefs stunned.

"King of Eight Claws, what kind of wind do you draw, and we are asking you, what about the humans that let you intercept?"

The leader of the tiger shark family was so dull at the moment that he had a very bad hunch.

"Crap, of course, let go! King let go, how are you going?"

The King of Eight Claws squinted his eyes, and the momentum was so strong that he was not afraid of anything.

"You dare to collude with humans ..."

The leader of the mermaid clan was furious, and a horrific killing exploded all over his body.

"Put your mother's stinky fart, who has colluded with humans, and Lao Tzu hasn't settled with you yet!"

The King of Eight Claws was also angry and angry, and the spirit was soaring into the sky: "The information you sent clearly stated that there are only humans, so why are there plant-based monsters, and there are more than thirty people, including humans? The strong are close to fifty, and each is an elite! "

"Say! Are you a group of unscrupulous goods that have long lost sight of Lao Tzu's place, and want to take the opportunity to eradicate, so as to win two birds with one stone and benefit together!"

The eight-claw king grew more and more angry. As the overlord of this land, he occupied the land for hundreds of years. Do n’t mention his life, but who dares to touch his territory, that is, the enemy of life and death, endless.

With the extremely angry words of the King of Eight Claws, the strong angry mermaids and tiger sharks looked at each other and frowned one after another.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Here are some botanical monsters involved?"

Mermaid Princess Helena asked.

"Nonsense, I see all the children here, you ask them, aren't they ?!" The Eight Paw King sneered.


"You are despicable!"

"Design framed, kill two birds with one stone!"

Suddenly, all the minions who belonged to the Eight-Claw King seemed to fry the pan, they yelled out loud and angry, and they greeted all the female relatives of the fish and tiger shark families.

They are a group of lawless scattered monsters, otherwise they would not follow the goods like the King of Eight Claws.

Listening to the insulting insult, the strong men on the side of the mermaids and tiger sharks were also angry, and they started to fight back, messing up instantly, as if numerous bees were buzzing and screaming.

"Shut up for the king! Whoever dares to scream and kill without amnesty!"

In the end, the peak of the demon **** of the tiger shark family couldn't bear it first. Horrible coercion erupted throughout the body, and the noisy and chaotic situation was restored to purity.

The demon **** of the tiger and shark family has a somber face, stretches his fingers to the Eight-Claw King, and grit his teeth, saying, "Okay! Good! You are fine!"

"All the tiger and shark families obey orders and follow the king at full speed to hunt down the horrible humans!"

Then the peak of the demon **** of the tiger and shark family took the lead in the air, and slammed into the claws of the eight-claw king who blocked the road, scaring a group of scattered demon to make way.

"The mermaids listened to the order and moved forward at full speed. They must stop the abominable group of people within the area of ​​the Huxiao Sea!"

"At the same time, use the secret method to promptly notify the nearby blue sea and the Chiyan Sea. Once you encounter these humans, help to intercept them! The dignity of the holy sea tribe cannot be profaned!"

The leader of the mermaid family also quickly ordered, and then glanced at the eight-claw king fiercely. This cunning bastard, he completely remembered it!

The King of Eight Claws just sneered at this, a group of black-hearted mouths, trying to frame your grandpa, still tender!


At this moment, there are two teams on the vast expanse of land and air, moving at full speed.

They did not hide their breath, the strong blood power bloomed, the gold was shining, and the other team was equally enchanting, covering the sky.

Such a special combination formed by the two teams is extremely powerful. Even if there are some Kraken strong people below, they are quickly hiding, and dare not take the lead.

Unless there is a real attack by the Kraken powers, individual forces alone are afraid to stop them.

"It's so **** good!"

"It's still Pei Boss who is wise and savvy, and has drawn this plant-based monster clan team to his side. Not only can we jointly resist the sea monsters, but we can also let us gallop in this void!"

In mid-air flight, the coquettishness of Xia Houping and Na Lanhao was as if the emperor was cruising on his own territory.

"Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly!"

Even Li Tianpei, who has always been calm, now reads a poem out of the bag.

At this point they have flew at least a thousand miles away, and this distance is enough to escape most of the danger, and they are really comfortable.

The next group of botanical monsters are not looking gloomy at this moment, but smiling.

The familiar blue sea appeared again in front of them, representing that they had arrived in the new waters and completely separated from the Huxiao waters.

At this point, many strong men are relieved. The mermaids and the tiger sharks are just the hegemons in the Huxiao sea area. They should not have so much energy to run wild in other sea areas.

This is almost the most basic and unified survival law from ancient times to the present. No matter how you toss on your own land, other powerful people can't control it, but if you cross the border, you may not be sure.

They are all overlords in one area of ​​the sea, and they are proud of their longevity. How can they be willing to be commanded by other overlords? Of course, there are exceptions, such as the combination of interests between the two overlords ...

"Everyone don't let go. I think the danger has not been lifted. If we say safety, at least we must cross several seas before we can completely get rid of the pursuit of the mermaids and tiger sharks. This sea is still too close ... "

Pei Junlin said.

"Boss Pei, you are too careful, races such as Siren are selfish, such as the Eight-Claw King ..."

Xia Houping was a bit disapproved. After running for so long, they have gradually reacted to the reason why the former Eight-Claw King would let them leave so easily. He must be afraid of the strong of the Mermaid and Tiger Sharks.

Therefore, they were very cunning and let them go, leaving nothing to hang up.

"Is it?"

Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes glowed deeply: "How do I feel, our trouble has arrived!"

"What do you mean?"

Everyone was horrified and looked tense one by one. Pei Junlin is now the strongest person in the team. He was trained in the late stage of Gundam God Realm and possessed far more consciousness than other people. He could perceive the unknown danger in advance.

"There are Siren Powers coming, and there are many!"

Suddenly, the young king of sunflowers was too horizontal, and his face was dark.

He is also a top-level powerhouse in the late period of the demon god. He is extremely powerful in consciousness. He has already sensed the depths of the ocean in front of him. There is a strong breath approaching them, and there are many.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard only a loud sound like a sky-scraping sound. A behemoth appeared on the calm sea, strong like a mountain.

"Fuck, it's a whale! What a big whale !!"

When everyone could see the behemoth that emerged from the sea, their pupils could not help shrinking.

That was a huge whale that seemed to be as big as a mountain. The back of each whale was enough to open two or three football fields, which was huge beyond imagination.

"Mad, run away! It's a whale family!"

"It feels like a true Siren Overlord. It is even stronger than the Mermaid and Tiger Sharks!"

Everyone's face changed completely when they saw the whale that was as big as a mountain.

Whales, since ancient times, that is definitely the overlord of the entire sea area, can swallow the sky completely, large in size, and extremely powerful, such a creature is almost born to be king.

"Humans, surrender Hualongcao and Dinghaizhu, and let you go!"

A loud voice rang loudly across the world, shaking the sea.

Adjacent to the Huxiao Sea area, the whale family naturally knew very clearly some of the things that happened in the Huxiao Sea area, such as Hualongcao, such as Dinghaizhu ...

Even rare whales like Hualongcao and Dinghaizhu are extremely enthusiastic. At this moment, seeing this group of humans take the initiative to be delivered to the door, where is the reason?

"Pay you paralyzed, Bai Yufei, the spaceship is ready!"

Pei Junlin swears with a somber expression. The Kraken world is really too dangerous. The strong are almost endless. They have just escaped from the tiger's mouth and encountered the wolf's mouth again. It is almost endless.

Not far away, Bai Yufei summoned the spacecraft without hesitation, but his face changed the next moment, crying cryingly: "Boss Pei, there is no place to show, all the dense whale below, our spaceship can't even enter the seawater. Here! "

I do n’t know when the dense whales emerge in the sea below, and the number is almost scalp, especially one whale is as large as a mountain ~ ~, it is just natural. Barrier can instantly isolate the entire sea area.

At a glance, the entire sea was occupied by a large whale, and it was very difficult for the spacecraft to get into the water.

At this moment, everyone's face changed completely!

The whale family is so heart-warming that they want to leave everyone completely, and they have such a big battle.

Pei Junlin and others flew in the void, and these whales were swimming in the sea in a very orderly manner, one by one, and the speed was amazing, breaking the waves.

What is even more serious is that in this army of whales, at this moment, two horrible breaths burst out and flew at their positions. The breath is really two peaks of the demon gods.

This is a typical example of joy and sadness. The front foot is still laughing, and the hind foot is in danger of extinction!

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