Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 580: 1 enemy 2

"Supernatural power! Supernatural power!"

"This despicable human, he has learned powerful magical powers!"

When the dark sky suddenly covered the top of the mountain, many siren strongmen and geniuses of various ethnic groups exclaimed one by one. The horrible aura broke out all over the body, and they could no longer be calm.

It really surprised them. This human being has a powerful magical power in front of him. You must know that martial arts in the world is the most difficult to learn. Even if they claim to be peerless geniuses, no one can successfully learn magical powers. Technique.

Nothing else, the magical powers are too difficult to learn. I am afraid that only those who have reached the state of the Supreme Master can slowly study thoroughly. Today, these geniuses can only use the secrets of the ethnic group to perform some magical powers. .

"Well, even if this human has really learned the magical powers, it is just a superficial grasp, and how can it compete with the sword breaking in the hands of shocking heavens!"

Of course, there are geniuses of the Kraken races who calm down quickly and sneer one by one.

"A broken sword, that is definitely the treasure of the whale family. This sword can not only ignore all defenses, but also shuttle space. The sword is invisible and weird!"

"We just wait for the results!"

Sure enough, it seems to confirm the speculations of the geniuses of the sea monsters of various ethnic groups. There is a place where the dark canopy on the top of the mountain is torn by a sharp sword light, and a figure rises into the sky, it seems to be ready to break away from the power of darkness. Shrouded.

This figure is a shocking city. At this moment, he has no more pride on a domineering face, and there is only a thick dignity. He realizes the strangeness of this dark sky.

Here, all breath can be isolated, so that all living things can become blind.

Originally full of confidence, he was going to torture the human with a broken sword. Unexpectedly, he lost the trace of Pei Junlin instantly.

No matter how strong the breaking sword is, weird will require a target to attack, but now that he has lost this target, it is almost as if he had no power at all.

Not only that, he was also attacked by that abominable human. This place seems to be the home of the other party and can see everything in advance.

"Run! Get out of this dark sky as soon as possible!"

This is the only thought that shocks the sky, otherwise, he will fall into an infinite passive position, even if there is a sword breaking the territory, I am afraid it is difficult to master the initiative.

The dazzling sword energy erupted, eliminating the dark power of the blockbuster. Shaking the sky is indeed a peerless genius, very strong, and by the role of the sword of breaking the field, the sword can tear the dark sky curtain.

His body is like electricity, ready to break free.

But at this moment, a faster and richer power of darkness came down again, blocking all the way out of the sky, and sinking back into darkness.

At the same time, Pei Junlin, who was in the power of darkness, was killed. He was like a ghost in the dark, and quickly approached. The bright rainbow sword erupted in the hands of Qinghong sword, piercing the head of the sky. decisive.


The sound of a long sword collision exploded, and the terrifying fighting consciousness was very strong. Even if the power of darkness can isolate all breath, but due to the instinct of combat and the sense of danger, he quickly ran a huge sword and at the same time issued a sharp counterattack.

However, his attack failed, and Pei Junlin had already moved away quickly. For a moment, Jingtian was on full alert and looked dignified to the extreme.

This human named Pei Junlin is definitely one of the strongest enemies he has encountered since he was so big. Just a short collision, the amazing power burst from the other side shook his arms.

You must know that he is a peerless genius of the whale family. He is also born with natural power. There are few rivals in the same rank, but his power can not take any advantage at all. Even if there is a treasure like the sword of breaking territory in hand, there is no victory. Grasp.


Earthquake broke out, and once again blasted into the dark canopy, trying to quickly leave this weird darkness, but every time there was a crack, a new dark force emerged, and all loopholes were blocked again.

Not only that, Pei Junlin also launched a lore, he unfolded extremely fast, three times the speed of the sound barrier, like an instant incarnation of tens of millions, and constantly launched an intense offensive against the shocking sky.

For a time, the sword air in the dark sky was endless.

Gradually, there were horrible sword injuries on Jingtian, and there were also amazing sword marks on Ujin's armor. He had been passive, and over time, he would naturally win.

One of the sword wounds was the most dangerous, and it fell on his neck. He almost cut off his head with a sword.

"Ahhh! Bastard!"

In the end, he was so intolerable that he did n’t hesitate to burn his destiny. The sword breaking in his hands burst into the glory of the sword. The terror that erupted at that moment finally broke the envelope of the power of darkness. He appeared outside. Heaven and earth.

It feels like a prisoner who has been imprisoned for many days. Seeing the sky again, that feeling is really missed!

But at this moment, the sky was covered with blood, and the embarrassing look fell into the eyes of the strong warriors around him, but they opened their mouths one by one, their faces were incredible.

It ’s really terrible at this moment, blood is everywhere on his body, there are hundreds of dense sword injuries all over the body, especially the scary sword injury on the neck, which is two inches deep. Almost cut off his head.

This embarrassing appearance really caused a sound of exclamation around them. Among them, the powers of the various monsters of the Kraken force were especially shocking. How powerful the sky is, almost every genius knows, but now it turns out Forced to look like this, the atmosphere was very weird for a while!

Even a peerless genius like Hailianqing and Shahuang has become very dignified.


At this moment, a thunderous loud noise came out from the body of the shocking city, and a strong vitality began to emerge. The shocking sky was healing quickly. The naked eye could see that the dense wounds on his body were healing at a horrible speed. .

As a demon genius in the late period of the demon god, ordinary physical damage can be almost ignored, so don't look at the shocking looks are terrible, but the real fatal damage is not great.

"Taiyin Soul! Town!"

However, how can Pei Junlin wait and see for Jingtian to fully recover, almost instantly, he did not hesitate to perform the technique of lore, and the powerful sacred power in the sea turned into an invisible sharp knife, straight into Jingtian All souls.

Suddenly he was shocked by the shock. He just felt that his soul was about to be torn apart. The unprecedented pain came from the depths of his soul and penetrated the whole body.

"The Nine-Story Mantra of Swords-Urging the City!"

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, Pei Junlin did not hesitate to use the most powerful attack and kill swordsmanship, the fourth form of the nine-layer mantra of swordsmanship!

The sound of the sword trembles, the sword is full of sky, and the unmatched Jian Mang is covered by the distant shocking sky. At this moment, even all the strong men standing thousands of meters away felt a chill. Compression came, and the pores of the whole body shrank, and the goosebumps fell to the ground.

"It's a powerful swordplay, it's dangerous !!!!"

The tiger and sharks who have been standing in the distance watching the war have a genius who is deserted. They can no longer resist the killing in their hearts and roar, with a black black halberd in their hands, dancing like the wind and bright energy, like a black scorching sun, Directly stiffly inserted into the battle between Pei Junlin and the shocking capital.


The terrible sword awn collided with the black black halberd, and a terrible storm of energy broke out. Pei Junlin quickly closed his sword and stood. The sneer with no concealment revealed on the face of the axe: "Sure enough, the siren are the most shameless Yes, when I saw one hit, I was ready to fight two and one, come on! Today, I am Pei Junlin, and I will blow you all the so-called geniuses! "

In conclusion, with countless pairs of shocked gazes, Pei Junlin was not afraid of the two great geniuses of Jingdu and Shahuang. They were all alone, and they fought with the two geniuses.

This battle can be said to be skyrocketing and dazzling!

Jingtiandu and Shahuang are two sea monster geniuses. One is wearing a black gold armor, holding artifacts such as the sword of breaking the field, and the other is holding a heavy halberd, wearing a flame-colored armor, the horror is thunderous, and the dragon growls.

The shocking sky had previously suffered a big loss. At this moment, it was definitely a fight with hatred. The sword of breaking territory in his hands showed 100% power. The sword was invisible and invincible.

The genius of Shahuang, a tiger and shark family, has bright and scary eyes, and emits a substantial flame. This is a sign of very strong spiritual power. This genius obviously cultivates a spiritual power secret technique, which is great in the realm of demon gods. It greatly increases mental strength and is very powerful.

If Pei Junlin wants to use the secret method of Taiyin to rehabilitate, it will be very difficult.

At the same time, the heavy soldier halberd in the hands of the sand desert is not ordinary, but an artifact that can summon the power of thunder and lightning, consolidate the thunder, and start killing Pei Junlin.

This was a tough battle. Pei Junlin was alone against the two geniuses of the sea monster world. He felt a lot of pressure. Even if he was a golden body and walked the path of sanctification of the flesh, every collision still shook his body. Severe pain, numb arms.

At the same time, Pei Junlin also found that he had suffered a big loss on the weapon. Although Qing Hongjian is now a magic weapon, it is still far away from the artifacts such as the broken territory sword, let alone the heavy weapon in the hand of Sha Huang. Halberd.

As a last resort, he summoned a mountain axe, with his left hand Qing Hongjian and his right hand a mountain axe, before being able to parry it.

However, the invisible attack of the sword breaking the territory is too difficult to be entangled at any time and place. Pei Junlin exerted the power of consciousness to the extreme, and was barely able to capture a trace.

In the end, he simply inspired the years of magic, and suddenly the power of darkness came again, pulling the two geniuses into the dark sky, and launched a fierce battle of life and death.

The terrible fierce battle between the three men shattered the dark canopy, returned to the world, and then shrouded in the dark canopy again and again. After that, the horrible energy storm broke the top of the mountain and dropped hundreds of meters.

For four weeks, I have been paying close attention to all the strong men in this battle. At this moment, my heart was tense, especially Wang Ziqiong, with anxiety on his face. I tried to give Ding Haizhu to Pei Junlin several times. It has been difficult to find opportunities.

Although the energy consumption in Ding Haizhu is very large, it can still be reused once or twice, but once such a treasure appears, then a little carelessness will lead to **** scramble. Wang Ziqiong has to be cautious and cautious ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Bang!

At this moment, another figure flew upside down in the boiling dark sky, sending out a painful scream. This figure turned out to be a shock, and his entire chest was sunken into the blood.

"Bring it to Lao Tzu !!!"

Immediately after that, a demon-like figure rushed out of the dark sky, accompanied by an astonishing sound of swords.

A dazzling cyan flying sword broke into the sky, and the target was shockingly heavenly, who had been holding the arm of the broken sword.


Feijian is sharp and pressing, as if cutting tofu, directly breaking one arm of Jingdudu, and then the figure burst into speed, and the electric flash came, and one grabbed the broken sword!

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