Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 804: Phalanx

"What kind of treasure is this? It looks like some kind of rare medicine ?!"

"Not necessarily. The blood of some beasts in the legend is golden!"

Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu gathered around the clay pot could not help speculating.

Huh! !! !!

At this moment, a stream of air penetrated into the ceramic tank, and then quickly flew out, disappearing into the part of Dan Tian who had entered Pei Junlin.

"Brother, look! The golden liquid inside is less than half full !!!"

Wang Ziyu exclaimed, and Qiao's face was full of shock.

Wang Ziqiong was also full of astonishment, staring straight at Pei Junlin's Dantian. She could see very clearly that the mysterious airflow was the thing that had previously snatched out the mysterious earthen pot offering from the altar, but she was still Seen for the first time in Pei Junlin.

Looking at the golden liquid that had shrunk in half in the clay pot, Pei Jun blinked slightly, then a smile appeared on his face.

This mysterious golden bucket is quite trustworthy. It is said that fifty-five points is five-fifth points, and even for the sake of fairness, he took the lead to put all the treasures in his hands, and waited for him to take them away.

"Sure enough, the interests need to be strong enough to win!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, if he hadn't made a hard bar before, this mysterious golden liquid should not be said to be half, I am afraid that it is difficult to get even a thousandth, I still remember that Dandanzhong gave it to him last time A gas, almost discouraged him!

When everything calmed down, Pei Junlin's consciousness fell on the mysterious golden liquid in the pot, and he was also curious what kind of treasure it was.

Produced by the altar, must be a boutique!

This is beyond doubt!

The only thing that is curious is what kind of effect does the mysterious golden liquid in front of me have? !!

This is not difficult to Pei Junlin. He is a top Dan Dao master, mastering tens of millions of pharmacological knowledge, and soon with the penetration of the consciousness, he gradually breaks down a kind of golden liquid composition. At the same time, Pei Junlin tries to take out a drop of golden liquid. , Use energy to refine!

But what surprised him happened that this golden liquid was not absorbed by the flesh!

"Not absorbed by the body, that's mental power!"

Wang Ziyu's beautiful eyes looked bright, and the precious medicine that can be absorbed by mental power is absolutely rare and very rare in the world.

Not to mention the golden liquid in front of it is produced by the altar, and it is extremely high, raising several steps!

Pei Junlin tried to absorb it with his mental strength. Suddenly, an unprecedented trembling felt permeated the deepest part of the soul, making him can't help making a sound, and his face was intoxicated. The sound fell in the ears of Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu. Blushed!

It's really that Pei Junlin's voice is so awful, it feels like he is doing something, and the expression of "Silver Dang" he showed at the moment.

"Fuck you! Ziyu is still there, can you converge a bit!"

Prince Qiong could not help but blushed and reprimanded.

Pei Jun came back to life with a smile on his face: "This is the supreme medicine to cultivate spiritual strength, which is very good!"

"Come, I'll give you a little bit, and it will definitely increase your chances of sprinting to the Supreme Lord,"


When Pei Junlin's words fell, the two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu hesitated, but the desire in their eyes was hard to hide!

Because each of them understands that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will not know if you will get it once in your life.

"Jinglin, each of us only needs a little bit, your cultivation is the most important thing!"

Wang Ziqiong said, when the Kraken is about to invade the land, the danger factor is greater than that of the previous animal and plant demon clans. Therefore, Pei Junlin's safety is more important than anyone.

"My brother-in-law, my sister is right. Our breakthrough is not anxious at first. Your cultivation is crucial. When the Kraken invades, you must be the first one!"

Wang Ziyu also said.

Pei Junlin smiled: "Rest assured! My own cultivation knows for myself, and there is a lot of this golden liquid, enough for the three of us!"

After that, Pei Junlin directly extracted a part of the golden liquid with energy and sent it to Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu.

Seeing this, Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu showed an unbelievable surprise in their beautiful eyes, quickly took over, and then they couldn't wait to use their mental energy to absorb it.

But at this moment Pei Junlin, with a touch of excitement, uttered the truth: "Five emperors and law!"

Buzz! !!

The top of the Jade Emperor's top changed color, thunder rolled, and five emperor emperors appeared in the sky behind Pei Junlin. They seemed to come across endless time and space, each with a powerful aura and majestic prison!

And what Pei Junlin has to do now is to cultivate the five emperors and dharmas!

Since stepping into the realm of the Supreme Master, the Fa phase is everything of the warrior. It is an extension of spiritual power. Ascending the Fa phase is equivalent to improving spiritual power. The two are inseparable!

The moment Pei Junlin summoned the five emperor's laws, it was like a whale sucking water, so that the five emperors' law swallowed the golden liquid in the pot at the same time.

At the moment when the golden liquid was swallowed by the five emperors, the naked eye could see that each of the five emperors had a burst of electricity and light, and the situation was like a long dry desert encountering nectar and absorbing it frantically.

This is a very long process. The practice of Pei Junlin's practice in the weekdays is mainly to continuously listen to the sound of the scriptures in the original Nirvana. If the sound of that scripture is a fine and soft spring rain, then This time, the mysterious golden liquid was a heavy rainstorm, infuriatingly filling the unfathomable bottomless pit of the five emperor's laws.

Time passed every minute, and the entire Jade Emperor's roof finally fell into a rare calm. Not only was Pei Junlin's rapid ascension, but Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu also made rapid progress.

Today, the two sisters have already accumulated enough. They are all able to ascend to the sky and step into the supreme state of supremacy!

And just as the three of Pei Junlin were working hard to improve, at this time the outside world was boiled completely because of one thing. This thing was that the powerful Siren finally began to invade the human world!

But unlike the thunderous full-scale invasion of the animal and plant demon family, the invasion method of the sea monster world is very feminine, no! It's very sinister to be exact!

They even sent the most outstanding Tianjiao of the young generation, and began to challenge the young generation of the entire Huaxia country. It is worth mentioning that these so-called Kraken Tianjiao are all young demons, and when they were born, there were three of them. !!

Three young monsters! !! !!

Behind every young demon, there is a peerless big demon as a guardian, to guard against the sneak attack of top human beings!

These peerless monsters did not take any action, they just let the three young monsters challenge the entire Huaxia Kingdom, so that Huaxia Kingdom could not find any loopholes in attack!

This is a very creepy figure. It is important to know that among the younger generation of the entire earth today, except for Pei Junlin, no young king has entered the realm of honor, but the Siren is enough to appear There are three!

This is definitely a shame of Chi Guoguo, crackling in the face!

Except for Pei Junlin, the youngest supreme strongman in martial arts today is probably over 50 years old. How can he call it the younger generation!

"Humans, it turns out that you only have this kind of heritage, which is really ironic!"

"Haha, the entire younger generation, no one dare to accept our challenge, the famous Huaxia Kingdom, but that's it!"

"What Huaxia Kingdom is the forbidden area of ​​the demon tribe, this prince wants to ask you, does this feel good about yourself ?!"

"Where's Pei Junlin? Get out of this prince !!!"

"Aren't you claiming that the young generation is invincible, here we are! Where are you ?!"

In the news media, various families broadcasted the provocations from the three powerful young monsters, that is, the young monsters from the sea snake family, the young monsters from the turtle family, and the young monsters from the crab family!

These three young monsters are all heroic and brave, wearing battle armor, temperament or cold, or shy, or calm, but they all prove their strength!

The three young demon statues directly confronted Pei Jun and were extremely arrogant.

However, Pei Junlin seemed to evaporate from the earth without any sound.

The heroes were angry, feeling both aggrieved and angry. Was Da Huaxia really no one other than Pei Junlin who could compete with these abominable young demons? !!

Many young kings were so angry that they bit their blood out of their teeth, and were ashamed and ashamed. They claimed that they were young kings, arrogant to their contemporaries, but when the enemy arrived, they found themselves only a frog at the bottom of the well, watching the sky from the well!

They had no use at all, they could only let the sea monsters ride on their necks, and pull and scatter without any resistance.

Whether it is the young Tianjiao of the Supreme Family, or the genius of revival from ancient times, this moment is very near humiliation, one by one.

Everyone wants to go out and kill some of them, so as to vent their inner pain and depression, but their reason can hold them back. The gap between the Divine Power and the Supreme Power is like an insurmountable gap. There is no comparability at all, if you go out, you will die!

Even the characters of the older generation were angry and unwilling, feeling very aggrieved.

In the process, the Internet has set off a rhythm of Aite Pei Junlin, because so far, only Pei Junlin is the only one who can recover his face from the sea monster. He is the only young supreme on earth, and more It is a collection of legendary taboos, and has an excellent record. So far, it has successfully killed two strong monsters, one in the early stage and one in the middle stage.

And defeated the most outstanding Tianjiao Lanji of the Rose family, with great achievements and great fame!

If Pei Junlin appears, these three clamoring young demon respects will definitely not be a problem.

But after many days passed, Pei Junlin still didn't show up and there were no traces. Few people knew where Pei Junlin had gone, which made many people desperate ...

Suddenly ~ ~ At this time, Pei Junlin's parents, who have always been low-key and have never been in the limelight, suddenly made a noise. The second old man announced directly that Pei Junlin is now in Taishan. If those young demon statues really want to challenge , Then go to Taishan to find Pei Junlin!

As soon as these remarks appeared, it immediately seemed like a lighthouse in the dark lit up, bringing unprecedented hope to all people. All the people of Huaxia, who had been aggrieved for many days, turned into an unprecedented sound, driving the three young demons. I have the ability to go to Taishan to find Pei Junlin!

At the same time, there was a commendation on the Internet for Pei's father and mother, frankly, this is an example of good parents in the world!

Father of the nation!

Mother of the nation!

In order to solve the embarrassing situation in China today, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun did not hesitate to expose the trace of their son, although they knew that this would bring many unknown dangers to Pei Junlin, but in the face of national justice, they resolutely chose to do !!

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