Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 814: Howling!

In order to protect the two children of the Yin Shazong, the **** tortoises even shot with the demon respect!

At this moment, it really shocked many strong monsters of various races, and they all showed a suspicious look.

Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong, and Wang Ziyu also flickered their eyes. The more the God Turtles cared about the Yin Shazong people, the greater the premeditated things by these two forces, the more they benefited from the benefits. This is since ancient times. The truth.

What the Yin Shazong and the God Turtles conspired together is something that must be figured out now!

Under the shock of the crowds, the energy ripples in the streets suddenly burst, and then a terrifying figure turned into a flash of lightning, falling from the sky, to everyone's sight.

This is a middle-class powerhouse of the tortoises in the middle of the demon. His eyes are full of power and majesty. His burly body is nearly two meters tall, wearing black gold armor, and emitting an atmospheric field that shocks the audience. No one dares to look straight.

The three of Pei Junlin also quickly lowered their eyes, and instead of staring at them, the province was noticed by the strong man in the middle of the demon lord. Although they were completely fearless in the middle of a demon lord, it was definitely not the time to be found.

"I've seen Guixuan Yaozun!"

On the entire street, Han Yao and Elder Ding Shan were the most calm. After seeing the middle-aged strong man appearing, Han Yao and Elder Ding Shan smiled and stepped forward to bow and salute. The proud look Cha Ming tells everyone how good they are.

"Nephew Han Yaoxian, Elder Ding Shan need not be polite!"

Guixuan Yaozun regained the majestic atmosphere of prison, and replaced it with a gentle face, and his previous attitude was almost heaven and earth.

With such an attitude, the Siren races around them were astounded. What kind of ecstasy soup was poured into the strong people of the Turtle family by this yin sect, and they were so taken care of.

"What do you fancy, my lord, I will give it to you!"

Gui Xuan Yaozun is very atmospheric.

Han Yao and Elder Ding Shan waved their hands quickly, saying that they don't have to. Although they are proud, they also know the size. This Guixuan Yaozun can give them such face, it is very sincere.

"Well, my king has one more thing to go!"

Guixuan didn't really send it. He was able to appear to the two Yin Shazong disciples in town, and it really gave Han Yao and Ding Shan a lot of face.

"By the way, I will tell you the master of Yin Shazong when you go back, remember our agreement!"

Before leaving, Gui Xuanzun suddenly asked, and then turned into a light and disappeared.

After Yao Xun's demon left, Han Yao and Elder Ding Shan suddenly lost their beeps. Both eyes looked up to the sky and their hands were on their shoulders. The two walked to the three powerful seahorses who were shocked by the Zhenfei and looked down on the road. : "See? This is our status as Yin Shazong!"

"Later, your eyes brighten up! Some people, you can't afford to offend in this life, understand ?!"

In this last sentence, Han Yao's eyes can hardly conceal his pride. Looking at everyone, it is clear that he is targeting all the Siren races in the audience.

Many of the Siren Powers present were angry and difficult to hide. If it wasn't on the site of the turtle family, maybe they would have already started!

Waiting until the two of Han Yao and Ding Shan left, there was an instant quarrel. Pei Junlin originally intended to keep up with the two of Han Yao and Ding Shan, but then he heard an important news and cancelled the action. .

In this noisy team, there are some strong people of the turtle family, and their status is extraordinary, and they know some secret things.

From the noise, Pei Junlin heard that a strong Turtle tribe had to reveal some secrets in order to appease the emotions of other Kraken races.

"Everyone, everyone is a little calm and calm. Siren is always a family. My **** turtle family and Yin Shazong are just a mutual use relationship!"

The strong man of the tortoise family talked, took out some treasures, and gave it to the three injured strong men of the hippocampus.

"Everyone knows that in the depths of the underwater world, many treasures require human blood to enter. Without the help of humans, we demons want to break through difficulties and multiply the risk factor!"

"Let's tolerate those humble human arrogance for a few days now, and when we get the treasures of the human world's seabed, they will be dead!"

At the end of the discourse, the strong man of the **** turtle family broke out with an astonishing killing intention, which stabilized the emotions of all the strong people. One by one, looking at the direction where Han Yao and Elder Ding Shan left, were full of sneer and ridicule ...

This scene was seen by the three of Pei Junlin. They couldn't help but kill their anger.

This anger not only comes from the sinister intention of the Kraken, but also the bottomless line of the angry evil forces. For the benefit, everything can betray.

Siren's plans are very large, and the evil factions not only did not stop them, but were embarrassed. These evil factions are more abominable and **** than the monsters!

Pei Junlin really feels that on the country's part, the soldiers have completely cleared away these evil evil tumors.

But at the same time, we also know that in the current situation, it is difficult to pay off the evil factions. The most important one is that the crisis facing the Chinese nation is very large, and it ca n’t release so much energy and troops, which is even more fueling. The evil spirit.

The evil faction is also aiming at this opportunity, so it is constantly presumptuous, this is an endless cycle ...

"The God Turtles and the Yin Shazong have definitely had great actions recently. As long as we wait in the nest of the God Turtles and wait silently, there will be great gains!"

Pei Junlin passed the sound into the secret passage, and according to their cultivation, if the Turtles really wanted to take action, they could not escape their powerful perception.

"Then let's go now!"

Prince Joan's eyes lit up.

"Just staring at the rest, you don't need all three of us to go, you two young couples, I want to keep going around this city!" Wang Ziyu said.

"Since the elixir is a necessity here, I think I can take a chance!"

"It's alchemy, I'm definitely the king!"

Wang Ziyu's beautiful eyes are full of strong self-confidence. She pretends to be the big Japanese poison emperor, and she is purely indulged in the poisonous path above the poisonous path. Naturally, alchemy is not a problem. Moreover, her strength is now one step higher, and she believes that she can make higher quality Dan. The medicine comes out.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Then go with your sister, I'll be alone in the old nest of the tortoise family! If there is any movement, I will inform you!"

"Here is a little thing that I have researched in my spare time. I named her [Telephone Note], as long as you inject mental energy, you can call instantly, one of you!"

Pei Junlin handed a piece of jade charm to Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, with complicated patterns and engraved with small arrays.

"Wow, isn't this the equivalent of an advanced mobile phone?"

Wang Ziyu exclaimed, Wang Ziqiong is also beautiful eyes, reaching out to take over as if the child got a novel toy and kept playing.

I even tried it on the spot, and then I was pleasantly surprised to find that this kind of note can receive information even if it is left in the space equipment. Never worry about no electricity, no signal, etc., a powerful one!

"Jinglin, this note is your original right ?!"

Wang Ziqiong suddenly said, beautiful eyes glittering, very shiny one.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Of course! I am afraid no one in this world can create it!"

"I think if you promote this note, it will definitely be a profitable industry!"

Wang Ziqiong said.

Pei Jun was stunned, and then he couldn't help but smile. Even if his daughter-in-law changed martial arts now, the merchant's temperament was hard to forget, but if the note is really promoted, it would be good and make a lot of money.

But this matter is not anxious, what is important right now is to have an insight into all the movements of the family of tortoises.

The three soldiers split in two ways. Pei Junlin chose to squat to guard the movements of the turtles. Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu chose to exchange elixir for treasure.

In the depths of the ocean, there are countless treasures. Among them, there are many treasures that are difficult to discern even the powerful ones. This is also a great business opportunity. As long as the method is proper, earning treasures is not laborious.

It was only on the first day that Pei Junlin had to know that Prince Qiong and Prince Yu had obtained many exotic fruits and ancient treasures. One of the treasures was very similar to the legendary gossip furnace and was regarded as a treasure by Prince Yu.

This treasure was discovered by the moonlight treasurer Qiling Xiaoyue in Wang Ziqiong's body. In order to obtain the treasure, Wang Ziqiong took Qi Lingxiaoyue as a labor and served their two sisters.

A few days later, the Turtles finally had some movement. Pei Junlin, who was crouching on the edge of the old nest of the Turtles, found a large number of high-ranking Yin Shazongs entering here. Among them, he was surprised that not only the strong Yin Shazongs, There are also ancient independents.

It can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes, and the three parties of ancient independence, evil, and sea monster are all treacherous. Many familiar old acquaintances are among them.

Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong, and Wang Ziyu, who were mixed in a noisy square, saw a huge spaceship parked there.

Already on both sides have been assembled a strong group of strong tortoises, a well-known strong armor is in the body, the momentum is very strong, the number is about 300 or so.

"set off!!"

With the order of a demon respecter from the tortoise family, the three parties boarded the ship, the spacecraft made a loud noise, broke into the air, and quickly flew out along the open portal.

"Let's go too!"

Seeing this situation, the three of Pei Junlin quickly followed the city quickly, but did not expect to find that the city was martialized, guarded by heavy soldiers, and forbid anyone of any race from leaving the city. This is naturally a order given by the Turtles to prevent the news from walking.

Not only the three of Pei Junlin were blocked at the gate of the city, but also strong men of other Kraken races. Among them, spies of various races were specially designed to steal information.

For a moment, the noise at the gate of the city was so loud that the situation was tense and the sword glowed cold.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin's face suddenly became gloomy ~ ~ If you continue to delay, the trace of the spaceship is really difficult to catch up!

boom! !! !!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin erupted into an extremely horrifying consciousness, and not only the strong man of the **** turtle family, but also the strong man of many other sea monster races.

One by one, the Kraken powerhouses are turned upside down, like drunks, and their looks are hard to hide, because they didn't expect that there are monster powers hidden in the city, and the most important thing is that they do n’t know which side The demon respect strong lurks among them.

With the horrified look of these powerful men, Pei Junlin went to the sanctuary and walked out of the forbidden portal!

However, when he was going out, Pei Junlin suddenly turned his head and smiled at many of the Siren Strong who fell to the ground, his teeth were white!

"Yes ... it is the demon respect of the hippocampus !!!"

You can see clearly the pattern of the destiny mark on Pei Jun's eyebrows. Some of the sea monster powerhouses are angry and difficult to hide. Among them, those who belong to the turtle family are even more angry.

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