Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 822: Silent Master-Death!

Wang Ziqiong ’s pure Yin body is a very rare constitution, and the world is very rare. Therefore, such a treasure body is very wicked and precious, otherwise, it would not even be a peerless powerhouse like Taiqing Shangren All are attracted and want to conquer as a furnace to practice.

At this moment, this blow is definitely a long-term full-force burst. Even though Wang Ziqiong has just broken through His Holiness, the icy frost that erupted is enough to wreck His Holiness, His Holiness.

The horrible chill seemed to be a sharp blade, constantly drilling into the skin, bones, and even the internal organs, deep in the soul, pain like a thousand swords, and the stubborn will of the lonely Master could not help but make a sound The painful screams were pale as paper.

However, he is worthy of being an old monster who has cultivated for many years. His combat experience is extremely rich, but he instantly burned his destiny, in exchange for the terrible explosive power, and thus resisted the terrible cold and cold power around his body.

Click! Click! !!

Bursts of cracked ice sounded, and the naked eye could see a crack like spider webs in the frost surrounding the body of the lonely silence. The blood was soaring into the sky, which was the ultimate outbreak of the lonely silencer when he burned his destiny. power.

Prince Qiong Qiao changed his face slightly, quickly printed his hands, and again used the Statue of Ice and Snow. The boundless coldness covered the sky, making the world thousands of kilometers into a snow and ice world, shining brightly.

Click! Click! !! !!

More frost was blessed on the lonely Lord, making him completely an ice man.


"If you dare to kill him, the old man swears that he will kill you!"

Suddenly, an angry roar came from the distant void. It was the Supreme Master Qing arrived. After all, the ice and snow power exerted by Wang Ziqiong was too noticeable. It was white and dazzling, which directly attracted the hard pursuit. Taiqing Master.

Seeing that Taiqing Shangren in the distance turned into a flash electrode and hurried, Pei Junlin's figure instantly appeared next to Wang Ziqiong, and he quickly said, "I need to help him to kill him!"

Among the strong men who besieged Prince Wang before, there were three people, namely Taiqing Supreme, Yin Lianyi and Silent Supreme. Due to their strength, Taiqing Supreme could not be killed for the time being, so Pei Junlin chose Yin Lianyi and loneliness.

Yin Lianyi has been quickly beheaded by him, and the body and treasures have been loaded into the space ring. Now there is only this lonely lover, and it should be killed by Prince Qiong, so that the idea can be communicated.

Wang Ziqiong was chilling all over his body, and he was so anxious that he did not hesitate when he heard the words: "No! You help me to stop that Taiqing Supreme for a while, I will kill this one!"

It is not enough for a lord to make Prince Joan afraid, otherwise, she will be blind and pure in the past thousand years, and now she has the absolute advantage. It is only a matter of time to kill the lonely Lord. .

"it is good!"

Pei Junlin nodded quickly, and then burst into a sudden speed, facing the madly rushing Taiqing Master, and he was trembling with fear.

Just as Prince Qiong dared to kill the middle-aged strong man such as His Holiness Lord, Pei Junlin's current practice is to challenge the high-powered man in the later period because he can now kill the middle-aged strong man. Existing in the later period, although killing can't be killed temporarily, it is absolutely no problem to compete with one or two.

Bang! !! !!

The horrible energy shakes the void, and Pei Junlin dazzles the five emperors behind him. Like the five emperors who opened the world, they are all in the same position, and they directly stop the mad Tai Qing.

"Boy, you look for death !!!"

The Taiqing Master is extremely angry, what kind of existence he has been, has been so despised by a junior, and dare to openly fight against him by respecting the initial cultivation, which is a great insult to him!

"The Devil is Coming! Kill !!!"

Behind the Supreme Master Taiqing, the incomparable demon **** phase also appeared. Although his words were arrogant, his actions were completely the opposite, he was very cautious, he tried his best with one shot, and did not leave anything.

Suddenly, the energy of the mountains and the sea was pushed down toward Pei Jun, and the waves were horrifying, like a galloping horse.

"The Five Emperors were first formed, and the gods are disrespectful!"

In the face of such a terrible offensive, Pei Junlin's whole body of war was burning like a fire, and a blue flame burst into the palm of his palm, which instantly turned into a lance of flame, floating in the void, and the fire dragon was swallowing.


In the end, under the control of Pei Junlin's huge consciousness, these dozens of flame spears rushed towards Taiqing Master, who was rushing in shock.

At the same time, in the hands of Pei Junlin, a bright three-footed green front appeared again. His whole body flame was changed to a majestic sword spirit. Thousands of pores were relaxing, and the sword was rushing to the sky. Go away, forming a double-minded offensive.

Sure enough, the flame spears were soon blocked by Tai Qing Shangren, and the flames turned into the sky and disappeared into the air.

"Nine layers of mantra swords!"

"Moving the mountain, pouring the sea, breaking the river !!!"

At the moment when the flaming spear was broken, Pei Junlin followed closely, and the second round of attack was killed, and the first three types of the nine-layer mantra of swords that were best at one shot.

Suddenly, the sky was covered with vanity and the sword was bright, sometimes like a round of scorching sun, and sometimes it seemed like thousands of sword rains, violent storms, and intensities continued in the sky.

Master Taiqing showed solemnity. Pei Junlin has not yet used the five-fold superimposed attack of the five emperor's laws behind him. It has already brought him a dangerous breath. If Pei Junlin used the five emperors' law, it would be fine!

"This son must not stay today! Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't really kill it in the future!"

Such a thought appeared in the heart of Taiqing, a quaint, mysterious, large bow full of complex textures appeared directly in his hand, pulling the bow like a full moon, the energy arrows appeared out of thin air, and he pointed at the sky-sweeping rain.

"Buzz !!!!"

The energy arrows burst into the air and turned into one, two, four, four and eight in a split second ... the same as the arrows in the sky, as if all arrows were launched, powerful.

This is obviously a very rare archery method. It can be called the climax, and immediately broke the intensive sword rain offensive of Pei Junlin.

"Pei Junlin, get away from my husband!"

"The devil bows and shoots the dragon!"

Suddenly, at this moment, Master Taiqing yelled again. This time, with his movement, the demon king behind him followed, and he made a bow-and-arrow shooting action, and a spirit in his hand appeared. The bow also has an energy arrow, which is aimed at the soul of all opponents.

After Pei Junlin saw the actions of Tai Qing, he looked very dignified.

Huh! !! !!

The crisp sound of bowstrings shook the void, and Master Taiqing fired the arrow. The arrow of energy suddenly burst into the air, faster than lightning, and even took the space out of a hole.

Pei Jun exhaled, his sword trembled in his hands, his eyes burst into light, and a sword fell.

Bang! !!

Under this blow, Pei Junlin's body seemed to be hit by a majestic mountain, and the whole person stumbled backwards in the air by hundreds, and a long white air wave was pulled down at his feet.

His face was white for three minutes, his face was dignified, and he shook his numb arm. Not only did he have no panic but he was full of admiration, staring at Taiqing Shang humane: "Nice! Really good! This power is indeed a man His Holiness Late! "

Master Taiqing squinted his eyes, but his heart was far more calm than he was on the surface. He used the blow of the demon **** method to hurt the opposite Pei Junlin in the slightest, but just let the other party back a distance of 100 meters. This result was simply unexpected.

You must know that he is two levels higher than Pei Junlin. In the realm of the Lord, such a gap is almost an insurmountable mountain, but now he is losing for the first time!

Pei Junlin's troubles are far beyond expectations. The horror of this younger kid is even more terrible than he expected. It is definitely the biggest scourge!

"Relax! The old man will not let you down!"

"You have a try to pick up the old man with a few arrows!"

The voice didn't fall, and Taiqing's whole body momentum changed again. The deities and gods behind him seemed to be angry, and the bone spurs wriggled, exuding a radiant light.

"The devil is sky!"

The roar sounded like a rolling thunder, and Taiqing suddenly swooped down towards Pei Jun, at the same time, the big bow in his hand was full again.



Huh! Huh! Huh!

This time the Supreme Master Taiqing seemed to be completely angry. One shot was a burst of violent bursts of fire. A series of horrible arrows across the sky like a meteor, firmly locked Pei Junlin.

"Admiralty bell !!!"

The roar also blew up at this moment. A big golden bell appeared around Pei Junlin's body, and his body was merged into one. In a critical moment, Pei Junlin used this door to defend the world's first magic skill without hesitation.

Boom! Huh!

The dense rain of arrows poured down ~ ~ and fell on the golden bell, and there was a sound of loud bells in the void, with golden ripples constantly.

In it, Pei Junlin quickly swallowed a large number of elixir, thus continuously providing horrible consumption.

In the face of such a high-intensity battle, the consumption is very horrible. A huge shaking force like a row of mountains came in. Pei Junlin's mouth had scarlet blood leaking out. His body was brutally injured!

His late revisions are really terrifying. His current revisions are still a little worse. If he can break through the mid-levels of the Supreme Revival, the result will not be so!


At this moment, a figure of lightning came towards this side, an anxious Prince Joan!

A **** head was also carried in her hands. This first grade was from the lonely silencer. Wang Ziqiong finally looked away and successfully killed the lonely silencer, even if she consumed too much. Burned the destiny.


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