Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 824: Bone Legion

"Pei Junlin, how dare you threaten your husband !!!"

After a brief silence, Tai Qing's sharp voice sounded sharply, and his spirit was boiling.

"Stupid, there are four of us here. The three of us are a group. We don't threaten who you threaten!"

Facing the anger of Master Taiqing, Pei Junlin not only seemed very calm, but also had a sense of contempt.

"Of course, you can choose not to go, it's fine! I don't mind!"

As he spoke, Pei Junlin removed the sealed silence from the back of his waist, and the golden rope attached to it was very eye-catching.

With a pair of gazes, Pei Jun came to the edge of the space vortex, like a fishing bait, ready to throw the sealed dead silencer's head into it, the other end of the rope in his hands.

In this scene, Tai Qing nearly blew up his lungs and yelled, "Stop !!!!"

Pei Junlin turned his head, revealing a hint: "It seems that you and this lonely lover are really deep in love! Then it is time for you to choose, whether you go in or your friends go in!"

"Pei Junlin, the old man swears that you will definitely pay a heavy price for your actions!"

Tai Qing's voice was almost squeezed out of the teeth, and he was boiling like a volcano about to erupt.

However, Pei Junlin ignored this directly and joked that if he was afraid of threats, he would not grow to the level today!

"Stop the ink, are you going in or not ?!"

Master Taiqing gritted his teeth and strode toward the vortex of space. If he entered and encountered danger, there was at least room for resistance, but if the master enters, he will really only have a dead end!

For this choice, he had no choice at all.

With a touch of determination, Master Taiqing resolutely jumped down from the space vortex, his body was quickly drowned by the boiling energy inside, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

"Why do I suddenly feel a bit like this Taiqing Shangren!"

Looking at the disappearing figure of Taiqing Supreme Master, Pei Junlin suddenly sent a trace of emotion. Regardless of his position, Taiqing Supreme Master's ability to take risks for his friends is really a rare and valuable quality.

"It's rare!"

Wang Ziqiong nodded.

As for Wang Ziyu, he did not express any opinion. The time elapsed in minutes and seconds. After about three or five minutes, suddenly, a figure rose from the vortex of space and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This figure is the Supreme Master Taiqing who has returned and returned. His whole body is intact, except that his face is a bit ugly, there is no abnormality.

"It's safe now, go! Let's go together!"

Pei Junlin greeted Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, and then the three jumped into the vortex of space and disappeared in an instant.

After a halo flow and the obscure space fluctuations, Pei Junlin's footsteps fell on solid ground. Here is a new world. They came to the second floor of this mysterious space.

Unlike the first world, the world here is even more silent, there is a dark atmosphere everywhere, and the air is filled with an unpredictable taste, which is very special.

"I smell the familiar smell of death!"

Pei Junlin said: "This seems to be a world of undead!"

Click! Click! !!

At the moment when Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, everyone suddenly felt that something had changed in the depths of the ground, and saw that the original smooth ground had cracked open, and a white skull appeared.

These skulls are weird, humanoid and beast-shaped, but without exception, they are all bones. In this dark world, add a more gloomy atmosphere.

boom! !!

Wang Ziyu tried to launch an attack and landed on a few skulls that had just emerged from the ground. He did not expect to fall down into a piece of debris.

"Well, these skeletons seem weak!"

Wang Ziyu was surprised: "The stone giants on the first floor are far from amazing!"

Pei Junlin, Prince Qiong, and even the Supreme Master Qing are also surprised. The first layer of the giant stone horror they have all experienced. It is really strong. Many of them are cultivated in the state of respect. In the middle of His Holiness.

I thought this second layer was stronger, but unexpectedly it was unexpectedly weak.

"Before all the results are unknown, we must not take care! I always feel that there must be a great danger in this undead world!"

"Let's go into this world together!"

Pei Junlin said, just when he was about to leave, suddenly, as if he felt something, his face changed, and he whispered in a low voice: "Did you find that there is no absorbable spiritual force in this space! "

As soon as this remark was over, the faces of the people changed greatly, and they quickly perceived them. After a while, the faces of Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu, and Taiqing Master changed, and they did not perceive the existence of any spiritual power.

This means that they can only rely on themselves. Once their own energy and resources in the space equipment are consumed, it will become weaker and weaker. At that time, I am afraid that a skull can be destroyed by even a random hit at this moment. Will be their enemy!

"I'm afraid that there is no valuable treasure in this space. We must find the third-level passage at the fastest speed. Otherwise, the longer the time, the more unfavorable to us!"

Tai Qing suddenly said.

Pei Junlin's expressions became dignified, and they immediately pulled up and moved quickly. They wanted to find a passage in the third space.

"Ziqiong, Ziyu, you two go in that direction, and Taiqing and I choose this direction!"

After flying in this deadly space for almost an hour, nothing was found. Pei Junlin had to stop himself and began to assign tasks. The four of them were a waste of manpower.

Everyone has no opinion on this, because this is the best method of distribution.

Soon the four were divided into two groups and started searching again.

The speed of His Holiness can easily reach more than ten times the speed of the sound barrier, so it can really be said to be very fast, but the undead world in front of it is incredibly large, as if there is no border.

boom! Boom! !!

I do n’t know how long, Pei Junlin and Taiqing, who were speeding in midair, suddenly heard abnormal noises, as if there were thousands of troops marching together, and the movement was very loud.

They searched for the source of the sound. After almost a few breaths, they couldn't help showing a shock in their eyes.

I saw at the end of the horizon ahead, a large army of white bones slowly appeared, the number of which was almost endless, densely packed, all bones and skeletons!

The source of the rumbling sound is from the neat footsteps of these skeletons.

Among these skeletons, Pei Junlin saw generals riding on war horses and wearing armor. Of course, the war horses under them were also skeletons of white bones.

Some skeletons held the rotten war flag in their hands, faintly printed with ancient writings, which was a type of text never seen before.

"Might this space once lived a powerful dynasty, otherwise, where did these white bones come from?" Pei Junlin whispered.

Suddenly, two black rays of light spewed from his black eyes, staring directly at the center of the bone-armed army.

There, there was a huge mountain of unknown white-bone monster skeletons, pulling an ancient bronze chariot, which attracted Pei Junlin's attention. On the head of the chariot, which was obviously a female skeleton, sitting on the knee, wearing A jeweled crown.

Even after the inexhaustible years passed, the jeweled crown was still dazzling and very eye-catching. It was like a star in the dead boneless army.

"Treasure! Absolutely a valuable treasure!"

Pei Junlin was excited, but just as he was about to fly up, there was a figure faster than him. He had taken the lead to turn into a streamer, dived down, and pounced on the bronze carriage in the center of the Bone Army. Just that gem crown!

This figure is not someone else, it is Taiqing Supreme!

Pei Junlin's face suddenly became gloomy and watery. He also burst into high speed and dived down quickly.

While in the process, Pei Junlin noticed that among the bone-in army that was advancing below, suddenly many skeletons riding white-bone warhorses lifted their heads, as if they felt their existence, deep in the heads of a pair of skeletons, There were scarlet spots of light.

Silently, those generals raised their bone-blade swords and bone-bone spears neatly and quickly.

Pei Junlin, who was diving down, braked quickly. I didn't know why, but he felt an abnormally dangerous breath on those bones.

These bone-general generals are by no means comparable to those little crickets they met before. They are afraid of being really strong. This was true during life and after death!

At the same time, Tai Qing, who was rushing in front, naturally felt it, but his speed was very fast ~ ~ It was very close to the bronze carriage, and he wanted to retreat, but he was unwilling. Immediately roared, a magical power appeared behind him, and he gave it his best!

"Let the old man die !!!"

Lord Taiqing roared, and an ancient sword appeared in his hand.

In the Bone Army below, several generals gathered around the bronze chariot, raised their weapons in a neat manner and waved them in midair.

A special wave of energy swept through, without any monstrous sound, and not a dazzling aura, and some were just a weird calm.

But it was this attack that made Master Taiqing's face change instantly, and Pei Junlin, who stood hundreds of meters away, changed his face, because he found that all the moves used by the bone-bone generals were all mysterious methods, that is, They say that what they use is not physical attack at all, but spiritual attack!

This attack method is almost the opposite of the stone giant on the first floor!

At the same time, the risk factor has also been expanded dozens of times!

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