Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 837: Yasha Prince



It was also when the Master Taiqing rushed into the third-level space channel, two piercing figures appeared lightning, and Prince Qiong and Wang Ziyu, who had been watching from a distance, came from the sky. Cover up excitement.

"You have really surrendered that Taiqing Master, oh my God! It's really incredible!"

Wang Ziyu's cold and exquisite face was full of excitement and continued to marvel.

"This world is really crazy. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have thought of an old devil in the late period of the Supreme Lord, he would have chosen to surrender as a slave to a younger kid!"

"Really incredible! It's crazy!"

Wang Ziqiong also sighed with a look, and Qingli's peerless face was full of wonder.

In this regard, Pei Junlin just smiled: "Nothing is impossible! This is like a savvy businessman who is investing in a potential stock. Although it feels incredible in the early stage, the final result is absolutely amazing!"

"You two are really husbands and wives, aren't you always not interested in business, brother-in-law? You even use business as a metaphor!" Wang Ziyu murmured, the injuries of single dogs were really present all the time. When caught off guard, he was again Invisible harm!

Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong both laughed in this regard. After a few minutes, the three appeared again on the edge of the third-level space channel, waiting while practicing.

As for what the target of waiting is, of course, those treasures that "abandoned" the owner.

In the process of waiting, Pei Junlin couldn't help but start to understand the nine-day star formula. The more he studied, the more he felt that the law of this star's refining body was unpredictable and infinite.

With the power of millions of stars, temper your body and truly reach the immortal state of immortality. One punch can collapse the sun and the moon, and one foot can step on the galaxy!

What gods, what gods, are all at their feet, shivering!

Even this supreme refining technique can integrate all the magical powers, techniques, and martial arts that it has practiced into the physical body, regardless of each other. At that time, the physical body is the best weapon. Let the spirits of all realms tremble.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the space where Pei Junlin is is dead, without any energy, let alone devouring the star power in the sky!

If you want to improve your body again, you can only wait until you leave this space.

Pei Junlin can only temporarily abandon the study of the Jiutian Xingchen Ji, instead continue to appreciate the five emperor's laws, and promote cultivation as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and more than twenty days passed in a flash. On this day, Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong, and Wang Ziyu, who have been training with their eyes closed, opened their eyes at the same time, staring at the space channel in front of them. They sensed the space. Anomalies in the channel!

Then, two figures appeared one after another. It was the Supreme Master Taiqing who entered the third space. It was surprising that the master Taiqing was followed by a person who turned out to be a dull master.

It's just that the physical body of today's lonely lover is an energy body, but also stronger than flying with only one head flying around.

As for the Supreme Master Taiqing, the whole person was filled with a kind of hard-to-cover excitement, and his whole body was full of energy, just like a big, fat man eating, and his breath was exuding a strong vitality.

The whole person is more than ten years younger, with dark hair and delicate skin.

"Cool! It's so **** cool. The old man has never encountered such a blessing in his life. If he was not excluded by the rules of space, he would have lived in it forever!"

Taiqing sent his emotions, his face refreshed.

Pei Junlin laughed immediately when he saw this: "Now you know why I prevented you from entering this space. If we are still in the hostile forces, such a treasure land, in the alternative, will you let your opponents improve and repair? ! "

Originally, Taiqing, with a soothing face, heard a direct smile on his face, and then his face was awkward.

He is now a servant of Pei Junlin, and never dares to be as aggressive as before.

"Have met Mr. Pei!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, turned out to be the lonely Lord.

"Don't you hate me? You even called me Mr. Pei!"

Pei Junlin seemed to laugh.

Suddenly, the lonely monk looked terrified, respectfully said: "Mr. Pei joked and laughed. Since the ancient martial arts world, weak meat and strong food, it is the truth of heaven and earth. I am hurt by you, that is my skill is not as good as people!"

Just kidding, in the third space, he had already learned from Pei Junlin's horrible fighting power and cultivation status from his friend Taiqing, even his friend Taiqing was willing to be the servant of Pei Junlin, more Not to mention him.

Now, he managed to condense into a body of energy with the majestic vitality inside. As for the cultivation aspect, even a respected man was afraid of inferiority in the early days, how dare he offend Pei Junlin, the evil god.

"That's good! Since you are willing to call me Mr. Pei, then, just like your friend, choose to submit to me!"

Pei Junlin said.

The lonely master is also a rare top powerhouse, who is cultivated in the realm of the middle age. After such powerhouses earn their income, they will definitely expand the heritage of the Pei family.

Although the Pei family today is strong enough, compared with other supreme families, its heritage is still a lot worse. Therefore, it is necessary to greatly envelop a strong person and earn income to fully achieve Pei's prestige. .

With the joining of the two Supreme Masters, Supreme Master Taiqing and Supreme Master Silent, the overall strength of the Pei family will greatly increase, even if it is no more than the Yuan family of the First Supreme Family, but it is absolute more than other Supreme families. No problem.

With Pei Junlin's words falling, the lonely Master almost didn't hesitate much, so he gave a very clever dedication to his spirit, and allowed Pei Junlin to give the mark of prohibition, and then he completely chose to surrender!

As Master Ku Ji said, in the martial arts world, strength is everything. Unless there is a life-and-death feud similar to killing fathers and mothers, there is no irresistible grudge!

"Five people!"

"Five full!"

On the side, seeing that Pei Junlin was very easy to take the lonely master into his majesty, Wang Ziyu quickly spoke to his sister, and Meiyu couldn't hide his excitement.

The Pei family now has a total of five lords who are strong, one lord later, two lords in the middle, and two lords in the beginning. Such a huge camp is the only one in China and the earth.

In Huaxia, the Pei family will not fear any forces except the mysterious Yuan old fairy of the Yuan family.

Wang Ziqiong was also excited to clenched her pink boxing fist. She had never thought of Pei's great achievements today.

After another few days like this, finally, the treasures that made Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong upset began to return one after another. Three runes, runes, mysterious golden buckets and moonlight treasure boxes, stayed at Jianmu God. The time on the tree is as long as two months!

This is a very horrible figure. The treasures got nothing. The masters Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong did not know. They just could clearly notice that every treasure has changed a lot!

After entering the body, the treasure quickly fell into a deep sleep state, like a "big fat man" who had eaten and slept.

But no matter what happens to the treasures, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong's trembling heart finally put in their stomachs, and they were completely at ease!

"Go! Let's go home!"

Pei Junlin waved his spirited big hand and took a group of people to start the journey.

As for the Empress Jingtai Jingxuan, there is no need to worry. Such a terrible **** does not know how long to stay in the land of life, and once it comes out, it will cause terrible movement.

Soon after, they appeared in the familiar underwater world, but what was unexpected was that as soon as they came out, they encountered a large number of dense creatures.

"Yaksha clan !!!"

Everyone couldn't help but stare when they could see the black and strange weird shape in front of them, with sharp angles on their heads, scales all over their bodies, and strange humanoid creatures.

The Yasha clan, one of the very powerful overlords in the Kraken world, is still above the **** turtle clan, and is as powerful as the mermaid clan and whale clan.

However, unlike the famous mermaid family, this race is born with a strange appearance and weird looks.

But the ugliness turned to ugliness, but the combat effectiveness of this race is very amazing. It has a powerful Yasha, with four arms and six arms. The more arms, the more powerful Xiuwei is.

Wow! !! !!

As soon as Pei Junlin and his team of five talents came out, they were surrounded by the dense Yasha army.

"Humans! They turned out to be humans!"

When feeling the breath of Pei Junlin's five people, many Yasha screamed loudly, killing intentionally.

"Hurry up and inform the prince! Say we have caught five humans!"

Shouted a yaksha strong with four arms.

Soon the Yasha soldiers went to inform them that the so-called Yasha Prince had gone. The excited Yaks did not notice that the light and light expression on the faces of the five of Pei Junlin and his group seemed to be surrounded by them. Don't care.

As for the ‘caught’ in Yasha ’s mouth, it ’s a joke. Who stipulates that being knocked down is equivalent to being caught!

"Human! Where is it? Let Prince Ben see!"

Soon, a loud and loud voice came quickly. With the appearance of the voice, the Yasha army separated, three dragons and tigers, majestic, all with six arms of Yasha strong appeared in front of Pei Junlin five. .

At the forefront is a younger Yasha with a golden crown and a distinguished atmosphere. It is obviously the so-called Yasha Prince. He has six arms and is very strong. It seems that he has already stepped into the realm of demon respect.

Pei Junlin perceived it carefully, and was surprised to find that the practice of the Yasha Prince was in the middle of the demon prince, which was stronger than what Haiquan I and Guihaiyu he had encountered before.

In addition to the Yasha prince, the two Yashas who followed were also extremely aggressive and domineering, as if the real dragon was lurking and the atmosphere was strong. One of the oldest Yasha was like this seawater, unfathomable and turned out to be a late demon Cultivation.

Another Yasha powerhouse is also a demon statue in the middle period, it can be said to be very strong!

The Yasha clan is indeed a famous battle group in the Kraken World ~ ~ The qualifications are very strong, and you can encounter three demon-level powerhouses in any collision, including one in the late stage of demon, and the middle of demon stage. Two.

But all that was greeted by them was Pei Junlin's undisguised indifference and calmness, holding his chest with his hands, watching the monkey show generally watching the so-called Yasha Prince.

And when Pei Junlin and his team of five people calmly examined the so-called Yasha Prince, at this moment, the three strong Yasha Princes who had just approached from the team, their faces changed at the same time!

The same level of strong, everyone is very keen to distinguish the breath, and directly felt the power of Pei Junlin five people!

Turns out to be five human beings!

I thought it was a fat sheep who came to the mouth. Who ever wanted to be a hungry wolf, and there were five at a time, including one in the late period, two in the middle period, and two in the early period!

These huge battles directly made Yasha Prince's three demon respect strong look dignified, pupils tightened.

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