Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 864: Panic boiling (below)

At a time of earth's crisis, Yuan Lao Shen, a leader-level figure, suddenly showed a great magical power comparable to that of a god. It was tantamount to a light in the dark, which brought hope to everyone.

Each person's energy and spirit are completely different. No longer the kind of heart trembling that preceded them, the six gods have no master.

At this moment, the image suspended in mid-air is not something else, it is the image extracted from the outer space satellite.

When you saw the King Peng Peng and the 10,000-meter-long dragon in the image, the look of all the strong men was so dignified that the panic could not be controlled at all.

Because the content of the picture transmitted from the video is too shocking, even if human beings have experienced the centuries-old war of the demons, when have they ever seen the legendary beast.

You know, the reason why the demon tribe invaded the earth is to hope that it can evolve into a beast, such as the sea snake family. The ultimate evolution is to become a real dragon with a longer life and strength. But now the real But the beast is about to land on the earth, and its strength is unknown how many times stronger than the demon, and how not to make people panic!

In addition to the roc birds and dragons, there are other powerful creatures in the heavens outside the world. Even through the video, you can clearly see the infinite cold eyes that only a powerful creature looks down on the earth. It was a kind of indifference to the common beings, and everything was the existence of a ruminant dog.

It is hard to imagine what kind of price the entire human race would pay once such a powerful creature came to earth ...

"The result of the video is this!"

In the silence, the voice of the **** Yuan Yuan suddenly sounded, interrupting the thoughts of everyone, turning back to God one by one, his face ugly and terrible.

"The reason why the extraterrestrial powerhouses do not come to Earth now is because they are blocked by a large array of planets outside the earth, temporarily stopping the invasion of those extraterritorial powerhouses!"

不过 "However, according to my guess, it won't be long before those powerful extraterritorial powerhouses will find a way to come, and then it will be the biggest calamity for my planet!"

"Those who are extraterritorial, their realm is far beyond all the warriors on our planet today. Everyone is now concentrating and talking about it! What should we do now?"

Yuan Yuanxian said, the tone was also full of weight. Obviously, the sudden appearance of those extraterritorial powers made the omnipotent old immortal also under tremendous pressure.

Now that the advent of extraterritorial powerhouses is temporarily obscured by the state, otherwise, once it is distributed, it is not difficult to imagine that it will surely cause a great panic on the whole earth and all human beings will be confused.

At this moment, in the entire folded space, the atmosphere was terrible and depressed, and no one dared to speak casually.

Today, almost the most powerful people in China today are gathered here, almost all are in the state of honor, including the new generation of young supremacy who has just broken through the supreme power, such as Li Tianpei, Zhang Pingping, Ye Tianxing and others, and Na Lanhao , Xia Houping, Huangfu Phoenix, Baili Feiyan, and children of the Supreme Family such as Yuan Fei, Lei Xuan, Sun Kai, Pang Yue, and Hua Muzi.

In addition, there are strong men who have recovered from the ancient times, whether they are the magic path or the right path, they are all present.

Can be described as a very rare meeting of the top powers, representing the top fighting power of China today, but everyone was silent at this moment, the atmosphere of depression permeated the entire space.

This is definitely not a good sign. Everyone in a heavy mood didn't notice that Pei Jun, who was standing in the crowd, stared at the continuous replay of the void, exposing an unprecedented color of hatred.

Especially when the 10,000-meter-long dragon appeared in the video, Pei Junlin's hatred in the eyes of the whole person reached the extreme.

Because of the death of Pei Junlin during the last world in the Thousands of Worlds, the fall of Pei Junlin was caused by the dragon tribe, and was besieged by thousands of dragon gods of the dragon tribe to besiege to death. Only in the end did he have a sense of indestructibleness and a livelihood.

看到 Now seeing the reappearance of the Dragon Clan, Pei Junlin can't help but recall the scenes of the last life. He has always buried the monstrous hatred deep in his bones, and at this moment he is finally completely ignited.

In this life, he has not stepped out of the earth to find the Dragon family accounts, but he did not expect that the Dragon family appeared in his vision again, and the object of the invasion was his home planet, Earth!

I can't stand it! I can't stand it! !! !!

"Have we tried to reach out to the strong men outside the region, what do they need ... if we can get it out, we will give them away!"

Finally, in the endless silence, a strong man began to speak, talking to a young supreme from the Zhuge family, a successor newly cultivated by the Zhuge family. His name is Zhuge Baiye.

"This proposal is very good. China Huaxia is now discussing with other countries and sending out ambassadors to communicate with those strong outside the region!"

Yuan Yuanxian said: "Now we have Star Wars protection, it is still safe for the time being!"

"I have an old universal phrase here, which may be useful for communication!"

Suddenly, an old voice sounded, and everyone was dismayed, and found that it was the Yangzi Daochang who spoke, but at this moment, the long face of the Yangzi Dao looked very unsightly, as if there were endless thoughts.

Everyone was surprised, Pei Junlin also showed a hint of wonder. This universal language may be very simple and insignificant to him, but why this Yangzi Dao may also have ...

It seems that the strong in ancient times are hidden in many secrets!

However, at this moment, it is an occasional problem, and there are many eyes and people, and everyone is good at asking what.

Pei Junlin set his gaze on the faces of Taiqing Shangren and Kuai Shangren who stood beside him, and found that these two guys also dodged his eyes a little.

"Sure enough, there is a secret!"

Pei Junlin thought to herself, but now it's not suitable to ask more.

At the same time, he has no hope for the so-called communication at all. No one knows more about the existence of those races outside the country. It is definitely for the self-interest and the unscrupulous master. Many peerless powerhouses are to promote cultivation. You can sacrifice hundreds of millions of souls on the planet.

一次 This time, the resurgence of the earth's aura has many fragments of the original law. It is definitely a treasure in the eyes of those outside the race. How can they give up?

And just as Pei Junlin had expected, it was just the same. Just a few days later, the messengers dispatched by the major powers of the earth came back, all looking ugly.

They brought back very bad news. Those extraterrestrial strongmen ignored human summation and spoke wildly. They would step down the billions of souls of the entire Huaxia world and use them to sacrifice to get the planet. The true law of origin, so as to find the legendary fairyland!

仙界? !!

When this strange and familiar term appeared on the earth, all the strong were shocked. Could there really be a legendary fairy on the earth, or a secret passage or treasure connecting the fairy realm? !!

Otherwise, why are these extraterritorial powers so enthusiastic about the earth!

消息 This news is of great significance to all people on the entire planet. If you can really find the treasure of ‘fairy’, then it is not that you have not really countered the capital of these extraterrestrials!

All of a sudden, the whole earth set off a rush to search for the 'Immortal Treasures'. At this moment, the news of the advent of extraterritorial powers has been exposed, and all the people on the entire earth know, causing great panic.

At a moment when the entire population of the earth is in a panic, at this moment outside the atmosphere of outer space, the strong men of all ethnic groups are gathering together, seemingly planning something great.

"Dear everyone, the power of this planetary array is beyond imagination, and the rules are complete! It may be a handwriting from the" fairies ", and the king proposed that our many races work together to tear the planetary array apart! "

"Even if I can't come down in person, I can force the talented children of all races to come down!"

"By then, with the power of such a weak race in this big Huaxia world, the talented children of our ethnic groups will be able to sweep it!"

At this moment, the 10,000-meter-long Dragon King turned into a middle-aged man in a vest and majestic heavens. A pair of dragon horns on his head flashed a special wave. His voice was loud and spread throughout the stars. .

"My King agrees with Dragon King!"

King Dapeng nodded, and under a black gold battle armor, his eyes were cold and dazzling, and his eyes were cold.

"My Golden Birds agree!"

"I agree with the flying ape family!"

"And my wolf family!"

The powerful creatures standing in the distance opened their mouths. A pair of cold eyes looked down at the blue planet beneath them, full of cruelty and ruthlessness, just like watching a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

Roar! !! !!

The dragon yelled loudly, the Dragon King took the lead, and the pair of dragon horns suddenly began to light up ~ ~ bursting out two terrible beams of light, hitting the star array wrapped around the earth.

At the same time, one of his hands changed, turning into a huge dragon claw covering the sky, as if he could grab the sun, moon, and stars, and grab it toward the planet.

Where the light of the dragon claws and dragon horns passed, the sky was torn directly to open a terrible space crack, and the storm gale suddenly started. Such a storm gale can easily hang the strong in the realm of the gods, but Ignored by this dragon king directly!

I can see how terrible the dragon king ’s cultivation is, at least at the peak of the Yin God or even stronger ...

"Tianpeng decisive, unparalleled wings! Cut!"

At this time, the king of Dapeng also moved, and a pair of veiled wings suddenly extended behind him. Each black golden feather was like the sharpest weapon in the world. Wherever he passed, the sky was cut and broken. The edge was unmatched, and then it intersected with the dragon king's attack, hitting the star array heavily.

Condensed by the attacks of the two great peers, the entire planetary array trembled, and it seemed to have suffered a strong external force. Then the entire planetary array seemed to be fully awakened, and billions of rays of light erupted. .

"Asshole, what are you still doing, don't hurry to shoot together !!!"

Perceived the powerful counterattack of the planetary array, King Dapeng couldn't help turning back and roaring. In a moment, the powerful extraterrestrial spirit strongmen such as the flying **** ape, the golden spirit bird, the wolf, and so on began to shoot together.

The entire outer space is full of energy for a long time, endless!

This scene was spread to the earth by satellites, countless countries were completely frightened, and countless people were in a mess.

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