“Bang!”Amoye’s powerful punch exploded on Rogers’ body, and the air wave echoed two or three meters!


Rogers was not moved at all!

“Are you kidding? It feels like steel. It’s unbreakable.……”Amoye couldn’t help but sweat on his forehead…

Looking up, he saw Rogers with a grim face. A huge shadow loomed over him, and endless fear rose from the bottom of his heart.……

“No, how is this possible?……”

“Nothing is impossible. Your little strength is not enough in my eyes!”

Rogers raised the black stick and hit Amoye’s head with a stick! Blood splattered!

You beat my subordinates to pieces! Then you will also have a taste of such treatment!

After such a blow, Amoye had no ability to resist. Rogers punched him in the head a few more times and beat him into a pig’s head!

Amoye’s body fell to the ground, his face covered in blood, his eyes white and he lost consciousness.

“Boss Amoye, lost.……”

“What should we do?……”

The fall of Amoye made the rebels and pirates panic.

At this time, shouts of fighting came from both sides.

“Kill! Kill these rebels!”

“Avenge your fallen comrades, and don’t let any of them go!”

“Go to hell! Rebels! And the damned pirates!”

It was the other two squadrons of the King’s Army that surrounded them.

“”Enemy reinforcements have arrived! Run! If you don’t run, you will die!” A rebel shouted this and ran away immediately.

Now both sides were besieged, and this sentence was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

“Run! The enemy army is coming!”

“Lord Amoye has been defeated! We can’t win!”

The remaining rebels and pirates began to flee, each running faster than the other, wishing they had an extra pair of legs.

“Heroto and the others are here, so the encirclement should be complete.”Rogers thought.

Looking at the fallen Amoye in front of him, he felt a little emotional. He could actually defeat the guy with a bounty of 54 million Baileys. It seemed that he had made great progress during this period.

But it was still not enough. This was the New World! This strength was not enough!

Rogers touched Amoye’s heartbeat.

But the people in the One Piece world were really tenacious. Even in this state, they were not dead yet, but just lost consciousness and passed out.

Of course, Rogers would not show mercy, and he would definitely finish him off.

He picked up a pistol from the pirate next to him and pointed it at Amoye’s forehead.

“Never see you again”


Aimoy completely lost his breath.

“This is just the beginning.”Rogers took one last look at Amoye, stepped over his body, and prepared to continue the battle.

However, the green furnace in his mind suddenly moved!


During this period, Rogers focused on training his body and developing his abilities, but ignored this small green furnace.

However, this green furnace has been silent all the time, why did it suddenly react?

The green furnace swayed gently, pulling Rogers’ soul in a direction to sense.

“This is… Amoye?” Rogers turned around and saw that it was Amoye who had died that caused the reaction of the green furnace.

What was going on?

A small green light dot, the size of a ping-pong ball, suddenly appeared on Amoye’s body. The green furnace in Rogers’ mind shook and attracted it. The green light dot quickly rushed into Rogers’ head and fell into the green furnace.

“Hey, what is that?……”Rogers touched his head, a little scared, and hurried to check the situation in his mind. That was his own soul.

After the green light entered the furnace, the furnace slowly rotated, and the green soul flame was strong, melting the green light.

Every time it was melted, the green light became a little smaller.

A refreshing and transparent feeling of the soul spread throughout Rogers’ mind. Rogers felt that his entire soul was sublimating! Getting stronger!

Gradually, Rogers got used to it. The smelting in his mind was not over yet, and it would probably take some time.

The green furnace was obviously his soul skill. The green light should be the soul of Amoye. It would only be sensed when it died. No wonder the green furnace had no reaction in the military camp before.

Then can the souls of other people be the same?

Rogers walked to the side of several fallen pirates, and shot them again if they were not dead. He tried three people, and the green furnace did not react at all.

Could it be that Amoye’s soul is special?

Compared with these ordinary pirates, is it the difference in strength? Or is it that this green furnace is already melting souls and will not react to other souls for the time being?

Rogers thought of many questions at once, but this special ability, no one can give him the answer, he can only rely on himself to explore step by step

“Boss, Boss Rogers! What are you doing here?”Huck ran over.

The rebels had already fled, and they had all rushed here.

“Oh oh.” Rogers reacted, his face normal, pointing at Amoye who was lying on the ground,”I just killed this Amoye, wasting a lot of my time”

“Boss! You actually killed that Quick Hammer Amoye? That’s a powerful pirate with a bounty of 54 million!” Hake exclaimed.

“Are you kidding? I am your boss, so it is natural for me to have such strength. Rogers showed a confident smile.

“It’s amazing, Boss, you’ve become so strong!”Hake is still in shock.

“Okay, let’s continue the pursuit. The rebels have started to run away. We have to wipe them out.”Rogers set out to pursue.

The smelting of the green furnace obviously cannot be completed in a short time. Let’s end the battle first and then go back to explore it carefully.

“”Yes! Boss!” Hake followed with high morale.

The next battle was pure pursuit. The rebels and pirates had no power to fight back. Wherever Rogers passed, he was like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, crushing them all the way.

Since the two squadrons on the side had already completed the encirclement, none of the enemies escaped this time, and nearly a hundred prisoners were captured, a complete victory.

The battle was over in less than half an hour, and Rogers and his men walked back with the prisoners and spoils.

Their Mok Kingdom has a famous mining industry, and these prisoners are the best free labor.

On the way back to Moku Town

“”Hehehe, Boss Rogers, I killed five enemies by myself! I should be able to get a lot of bonuses!” Huck said happily beside Rogers.

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