Shuraba Player

Chapter 1068:

Above their heads, a Taoist priest with a gray beard and a black Taoist robe was sitting there looking at them, his eyes were neither sad nor happy, as if he had existed there from the beginning.

— This is what other people see.

In Bai Zhi's eyes, the figure sitting high in the sky is not a Taoist priest at all, but a robot wearing a Taoist robe.

The opponent's whole body, except for the Taoist robe that was draped outside, was basically constructed of mechanical parts. There was a faint blue light in the reset electronic eyes, and they were constantly turning and scanning to look at them below.

There was no abnormality on his face, looking directly at the figure high in the sky, Bai Zhi asked with a vigilant expression.

"Who are you?"

"Why, weren't you looking for me just now?"

Glancing at him lightly, the Taoist lightly flicked the whisk in his hand, jumped down from the clouds lightly, and then looked straight at Li, the mountain man.

"It's good to have the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand. Are you a person in the world of mortals and pure land?"

"Amitabha, fellow Taoists, please stay safe."

A moon-white monk's robe is draped over his body, with one palm erected in front of his body. Li Yiyi, a mountainside man, had a compassionate face, and his body was shining with Buddha light. He really looked like a reincarnated Buddha.

"The name of the little monk is Mengyi, and he was born in Shaolin. May I ask you the name of your friend?"

"Are you going to the Red Dust Pure Land?"

The Taoist didn't want to answer the meaning of Li's words from the mountainside man, but looked straight at him, and the Taoist asked again.

"What, is there a problem?"

Standing in front of the mountain man Li, Bai Zhi smiled and spoke.

"The road ahead is difficult, I would like to invite you all to come to my side to chat and do the landlord's favor for the time being."

The complicated electronic eyes scanned Bai Zhi's body, completely ignoring him, and the Taoist turned his attention to the mountain man Li again.

"I'm waiting for an invitation, what do you think of your Excellency?"

"Dare to ask friend where is...?"

"Thousand-year Taoism."

With one hand behind his back, the Taoist spoke lightly.


Tens of minutes later, Baizhi and his party were already sitting on a flying boat.

Compared with "Lu Xingzhou", the flying boat produced by this Taoist is obviously more advanced. Not to mention the material that makes up this flying boat, it is also extremely fast in terms of speed, and it also has its own protection, which is really a rare thing precious magic weapon.

Of course, this is the scene in the eyes of others.

In Bai Zhi's eyes, the one sitting under them is clearly a high-tech high-speed aircraft...

Not only that, but after they settled down on this spaceship, countless cameras around them stretched out from all over to point at them unscrupulously and started data analysis, without any cover at all.

... technological artifacts?

Looking at the Taoist sitting on the bow not far away, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Like the Immortal Dao with the road ahead cut off, the upper limit of technology is also locked, but unfortunately, such a ghost suddenly appeared in the mountain and sea world...

Suddenly, the expression on Bai Zhi's face was slightly moved by it.

In his current line of sight, there are two perspectives.

One point of view is on the flying boat. They are sitting on high-tech seats, being photographed by the cameras around them.

And another perspective came from the shadow puppet he had left in the ruins before.

The mutation came from the shadow puppet.

Just after the flying boat on their side had left the area far away, from the perspective of the shadow puppet, the various mechanical parts scattered all over the ground automatically flew up from the ground, and then quickly assembled in the air in front of the shadow puppet.

Gears, machinery, and countless parts...

It only took less than ten minutes before and after, and the extremely desolate inverted pyramid once again appeared in front of the shadow puppet. Countless human limbs were still attached to the outer wall of the pyramid, in the night's strong wind. Swaying wildly, it seems that the wailing from those people can still be vaguely heard.

As for the thousands of filthy beasts that were originally captured by the chain protruding from the bottom of the inverted pyramid, they were also swallowed into the belly of the pyramid when the inverted pyramid was assembled spontaneously.

A black liquid trickled out, spilling over the surfaces of those parts.

Depending on the situation, these things seem to be made into something similar to the fuel used in this inverted pyramid.

—With the help of [Pluto], he can see all this clearly.

After it was fully assembled, the inverted pyramid began to move again. While the body was constantly rising, it also began to move irregularly towards the distance.

It didn't take a moment for this mysterious inverted pyramid wandering in the wilderness to completely disappear.

"...Okay, you can come out now."

After watching the inverted pyramid go away, and showing his figure in the dark shadows, the Shadow Puppet took out the [Demon Refining Pot] from the backpack, and then tapped on the surface of the pot with his fingers.

After a while, the figures of the dead zero and the others appeared in front of the shadow puppets.

When the outside situation is unclear, Bai Zhi will naturally not take any reckless and risky behaviors. With the [Demon Refining Pot], given by the Ten Divine Artifacts, he can make too many plans.

The only ones who left with the mechanical Taoist were him, Phalaenopsis, and Li from the mountain. As for the others, they all stayed in the [Demon Refining Pot].

With the functional building "Honglu Temple", even if Li, a man from the mountain side, encounters any risks, he can return to the demon refining pot through Honglu Temple in time, ensuring his own safety to the greatest extent.

"Uh... where's the big meat ball?"

Looking at the empty wilderness around him, Huo Lingmeng seemed a little dazed.

In the demon refining pot, they have no way of knowing the outside world, so naturally they don't know what happened just now.

"What about the meat ball? You said it was an inverted pyramid made up of countless mechanical parts. Didn't you say you believed me before?"

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi looked a little speechless.

"Not long after the team left just now, all those parts were automatically assembled together again, and it is estimated that they have run far away now."

"Combination... wait, you mean..."

Responding belatedly, Huo Lingmeng's complexion changed slightly.

"That's right, we were all played by that Taoist. It's clearly a double reed deliberately played by the other party in front of the mountain man Li."

Cursing his lips, Bai Zhi looked up at the distant sky.

"Also, like that Taoist who has great supernatural powers and instantly dropped the big meat ball in your mouth with a single knife, although in your eyes he is a Taoist priest with a sense of demeanor, but in my eyes, the other party and that pure The mechanically constructed inverted pyramids are homologous."


Looking towards Bai Zhi, the deceased Ling frowned slightly.

"That's right, the whole body is purely mechanical."

Looking away from the horizon, Bai Zhi nodded.

"There is also the flying boat we took when we left, which is actually a high-tech aircraft. At this moment, the mechanical Taoist is still scanning with its electronic eyes... Absolutely."

"...what to do next?"

After a moment of silence, the deceased Zero looked towards Bai Zhi.

"Do you need me to rush over there? It's just a machine pretending to be a ghost. I'm sure I'll kill it."

"Hmm... no need, this happens to be a rare clue."

Stretching out his hand to touch his chin, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi shook his head.

"With the demon refining pot, our safety is guaranteed. You don't need to worry about it. Compared with these, I am curious what the purpose of this mechanical Taoist is. As the saying goes, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's cub? It's so rare. An opportunity to learn about the world, we naturally cannot miss it."

"I listen to your arrangement."

Letting go of the handle of the knife in his hand, the dead zero nodded calmly.

"So, what do we do next?"

Looking thoughtfully towards the deceased Ling, Fu Lingmeng asked Bai Zhi.

"...following you?"

"No need, we don't need support there, because if we encounter any danger, we will definitely run as soon as possible. You just need to help keep the demon refining pot."

Stretching out a finger in front of him and shaking it, Bai Zhi looked serious.

"Although no matter how far the distance is, as long as they are in the same world, the "Honglu Temple" can teleport the demon refining pot, but if the [demon refining pot] is placed in the system backpack, the teleportation will be difficult." Can't send it. And [The Demon Refining Pot] itself doesn't have a strong defensive ability, so you must always protect the safety of the Demon Refining Pot... That's why I want you to stay. "

When he said the last sentence, Bai Zhi looked towards the deceased Ling.

If we want to divide their team into one level in terms of combat power, the deceased Zero and the mountain man Li, who are inheritors, are definitely in the first echelon.

After that, there are himself, Phalaenopsis, Hu Lingmeng, grapefruit, and Huanyan.

And the man from the mountain, Li, couldn't move, so the only one who could be left behind was the deceased, Zero?

— Facing his gaze, the deceased zero nodded silently.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1626 Chapter 700 The Living Fairy (4K)

In the dark, someone whispered in the shadows.

The speed of the mechanical Taoist's flying boat was very fast. About half an hour later, Bai Zhi and the others saw the "Thousand-year Taoism" that the other party said from a distance.

But to their surprise, unlike what they had imagined in their minds, what appeared in front of them was a rather prosperous city, with a blazing blue energy shield covering the surrounding fields, and countless neon rays of light shining high in the sky gorgeous.

— This is an unprecedented super city.

"This is... the Millennium Dao Sect?"

Looking at the super city below, Phalaenopsis was obviously shocked.

"Such a bustling city..."

Before, they thought that people in the mountain and sea world lived in that kind of dire situation, but judging from what they saw now, things seemed to be completely different from what they imagined.

Compared with the current super city, the Tianqiu Valley they visited before is like a small mountain village in a remote mountain...

To be honest, if it wasn't for the presence of all the people around, she almost thought that she had gone to the wrong set and came to a cyberpunk-like world of cultivating immortals.


Turning his head and glanced at her, the old Taoist did not speak.

But very quickly, the flying boat descended rapidly, and then under the expectant eyes of Phalaenopsis, the flying boat flew past the side of this super city, and then hovered in a nearby wilderness.

Just when Phalaenopsis felt strange, the wilderness shook endlessly, and the sky was filled with yellow sand, and a huge figure slowly appeared in the wilderness.

If one looks down from a high altitude, one can vaguely find that this huge monster seems to be in the shape of a tortoise shell, with a body length of several thousand meters. It is hard to imagine that there are such huge tortoises in the world.

But with such a huge figure, in front of the super city on the side, it is quite inconspicuous. The two are like a bright moon and a firefly, and there is no comparison at all.

"Uh, here's…"

Looking at the huge dingy tortoise shell in front of her, Phalaenopsis looked at the old Taoist tentatively.

"Thousand-year Taoism."

Standing up, the old Taoist was expressionless.


Unlike Phalaenopsis, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly when he looked at the huge tortoise shell below, and there was a faint golden light shining in his eyes.

Because the turtle shell is too huge, even with God's perspective, he can't see its whole picture.

But even so, he also noticed some clues.

— At least half of the tortoise shell that carried the "Millennium Taoism" has been transformed into a mechanical material.

The boundary between metal and living things can be judged quite easily.

(…not camouflage, but some kind of erosion?)

Glancing at the semi-mechanical tortoise shell below, then raising his head to look at the mechanical Taoist in front of him, Bai Zhi looked thoughtful.

(Besides that…)

Turning his head, Bai Zhi frowned slightly and glanced at the super city behind him that was almost submerged in the clouds.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when he passed by above this city...he seemed to have heard a vaguely familiar singing voice.


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