Shuraba Player

Chapter 804:

Although Bai Zhi didn't know why the other party made such a seemingly unwise choice, the other party must have found some important clues.

Originally, Bai Zhi was worried that Mu Mu would not be able to accept this horrible scene, but the other party had a normal expression.

It was only after asking that Bai Zhi found out that although the other party said that they hadn't left the base very often, and they didn't know what strange talk was or what was called a player, they had seen too many things like this when they were receiving treatment.

It was just a severed hand, which was really nothing among the items Mu Mu described.

…The education they received before was quite terrifying.

After Bai Zhi stuffed the pen into the hand of the severed hand, the severed hand did not make any movement at first, until five or six minutes later, the hand slowly started to grasp the pen .

This scene seemed nothing to others, but Bai Zhi frowned unconsciously.

There can only be one reason for reacting after stuffing the pen for such a long time, that is, the other party’s body has been split into many parts, so it took so long to re-sensing and manipulate my hand .

… At such a high price, what information did the other party discover?

Because he couldn't see everything around him and could only perceive it vaguely through his arms, it took a long time before a few lines of crooked words appeared on the paper.

"Upper space...both inside and outside...Noah's Ark...what is this all about?"

While identifying the handwriting on the paper and reading it out, Brian Yin scratched his head in some doubts.

He could understand these words individually, but if they were put together, he couldn't understand them.

But he didn't understand, but Bai Zhi on the side did. At this moment, he suddenly understood where the night owl Xia Wen and the others were.

As the saying goes, one step at a time, one step at a time.

Not only that, he figured out everything about how Muyu Xingzhou and the others could get out of the confinement room, and how to extinguish the sea of ​​fire that blocked their way.

But at the same time, he also realized something.

— There are some things that they can never accomplish alone.

It's just that before Bai Zhi thought about it for too long, there was a loud noise from the other end of the passage, the chirping sound was like tens of thousands of insects intermingled together. Quite uncomfortable.

When those sounds sounded, Bai Zhiyou noticed very keenly that there was a trace of fear on Mumu's face at the side, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the corner of his clothes to hide behind him. behind.

"The monsters are coming after them."

Turning around and looking outside the confinement area, Brian Yin turned his head to look at Bai Zhi with an ugly expression.

"Those things can't be hit at all, and the number is scary. Since they can catch up here, it means that other places are also occupied by them. Is there a place to hide here?"

"Those confinement rooms can hide, but it takes a little effort to get out, but I already know the way out, so you can choose to hide in it, and I will release you later, you choose one yourself .”

After thinking for a while, he tore off a note from the white paper and quickly wrote something on it, without Bai Zhi looking up.

"As for me, I still have some things to do... Do you have any props that can perfectly simulate other people?"

Rolling up the written note, Bai Zhi looked up at Xiao Hua, emphatically adding the accent on the word "perfect".

"Uh... yes."

After being stunned for a while, the school girl who came to her senses nodded.

"But simulation requires a carrier, I have some here..."

"It doesn't matter, the shadow guard is enough."

While talking, Bai Zhi easily pulled out the arrogant shadow guard who made the gesture of "this is it" to him.

—He holds no grudges.

Shadow Guard: "..."

Does anyone know what's going on with me?

As long as I scratch it a little because of itching, there will be large spots and strips of bumps on the skin, which is so uncomfortable that I will die...

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1376 Chapter 457 The real bosses just skip levels (4K)

Some things, although seemingly unconnected on the surface, actually have a quite clear cause and effect.

—For example, the monsters gushing out from Brian Silver.

As soon as the matter on my side ended, something went wrong on Brian Yin's side. Although it seemed like a coincidence, how could there be so many coincidental things in the world that all picked a time to get together?

Combined with the fear on Mu Mu's face, Bai Zhi already guessed something in his heart.

Those monsters rushing this way are probably here to **** Loli... How dare they rob a good girl in broad daylight?

Bai Zhi felt his fist harden.

As for the previous time, why didn't there be such a big commotion... Was it because of the existence of the doctor?

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi thoughtfully glanced at the confinement room where the doctor had entered earlier.

At this time, the chirping sound from a distance became closer and closer, and it was estimated that those monsters would arrive here in two or three minutes at most.

"Then I just randomly find a room and go in?"

Unlike others, Brian Yin had seen those monsters before, and now that the monsters were approaching, he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Wait, put this hand on, and tell him about the restricted area. Whether you can get out of it depends on it."

Picking up Bai Ye's sacrificial hand and throwing it to Brian Yin, Bai Zhi's expression was concise.

"Uh... how to tell?"

Looking at the hand thrown to him by Bai Zhi, Brian Yin looked a little dumbfounded.

"He's just a hand, and he doesn't have any ears..."

"Writing, or other methods, you can think about it yourself, or you don't necessarily need it."

After waving his hands, Bai Zhi didn't look at him anymore, but then turned his gaze to Xiaohua who was at the side.

At the moment beside him, besides the original school belle, there is also an additional original "school belle" with an unlovable face. After having a definite appearance, Bai Zhi is the first time to see that the shadow guard can There is such a rich expression.

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi took out a pencil from his backpack, and stuffed it together with the note into the pocket of the "school beauty" in front of him.

"Are we going to enter the confinement room too?"

Glancing outside the confinement area, Xiaohua asked a little worriedly.

"Under such a situation, you can't use too much psionic energy, can you?"

"No need, let's go to the top floor."

Slightly squinting his eyes, Bai Zhi glanced at the door on the dome.

"There are some things that I need to verify a little bit."

A few minutes later, accompanied by a loud and disgusting sound like thousands of worms frying in a frying pan, a wave of thousands of monsters appeared at the gate of the restricted area like a tide.

…this is a monster that is difficult to describe in words.

Just looking there from a distance, Bai Zhi could not help but frowned slightly.

Although from the outside, these things can barely be seen as human beings, and it can be seen that these monsters were originally human beings, but on these human beings, various parts of the body have appeared to varying degrees similar to insects. A highly alienated situation.

Spiders, cockroaches, flies, bees, ants, mice...

With just a cursory glance, Bai Zhi could identify dozens of animals.

This is not a type similar to a cat girl orc, but a pure existence that is born after the fusion of humans and alien species, as ugly as it looks.

Compared with the patients infected by the disease, these monsters are more like another existence infected by other strange stories.

After entering the restricted area, these insect monsters spread out with a bang, just like a spider egg was broken and thousands of spiders spread all over the ground in an instant, these monsters densely spread all over the entire restricted area in an instant .

Among these monsters, some flew towards the top floor with a clear goal. When seeing those ugly monsters flying over, Mu Mu subconsciously grabbed Bai Zhi's hand tightly.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

Reaching out his hand to stroke the purple-haired loli's head to show comfort, Bai Zhi turned his head to look at the school beauty at the side.

"How, can it be done? If possible, I'll send you out now. Also, no matter what happens to me in the future, don't ask me, understand?"


Taking a deep breath, Xiaohua nodded firmly.

Along with her movements, her figure changed rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, she became the doctor who was fooled into the confinement room by Bai Zhi earlier.

Cross-dressing props are not too rare, because they can only be simulated on the outside, no matter in terms of breath, habits, or movements, so there are actually not many places where they can be used. many.

But after combining the core talents of Xiaohua, this type of props has undergone a qualitative change.

The core talent of Xiaohua is [Perfection]. As long as this core talent can be applied to props, then this kind of simulation will be perfect.

This point, just from the fact that the school belle who changed from the shadow guard deceived Xia Wen, who had been with her for more than ten years, is enough to show it.

Before that, Xiaohua had been trying to see if she could apply her core talents to the production of equipment and props, striving to make more perfect things.

But now, because I have been thinking about this before, and at the same time, I have made many attempts when manufacturing equipment, so now that I have a sufficient supply of talent points, I will further improve my talent core. Using what is natural is a natural thing to do.

Just like Wan Ci applied [Deception] to herself, Xiaohua can now apply [Perfection] to other aspects.

—This is the correct way to open the talent core.

It's just that due to the problem of conversion rate and the difficulty of accumulating talent points, it is basically very difficult to achieve this step.

Even Xia Wen, who is attached to the concept of "perfection", can't detect any problems in a short period of time, let alone the doctor transformed into the school girl.

When those alienated monsters of flies and bees were about to rush to the top floor, a doctor in a white coat and a mask quietly appeared at the door.

When the doctor appeared, those monsters that were about to pounce on him suddenly fell silent, staying on the outside with their flapping wings, and seemed to be quite afraid of the doctor.

"Really? That doctor is a character responsible for guarding this place..."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Beside him, a pure white Rubik's Cube silently surrounded his body, and a faint white light radiated from this pure white Rubik's Cube.

Ten seconds later, even if they were urged by something, those monsters hovering in the air finally couldn't help but rushed towards this room.

Most of them rushed to the doctor, and the remaining small part rushed directly to the door with a clear goal. The division of labor in the plan can be said to be quite clear.

But under such circumstances, the doctor had a calm expression on his face, and he didn't even move.

A second, or half a second later, those monsters who rushed up first seemed to hit an invisible wall head-on, and when they were half a meter away from the doctor's side, they rushed up again. Also unable to move.

Immediately afterwards, terrifying pressure emerged from their bodies, as if an invisible big hand was holding them tightly, the monster's body was squeezed and shrunk bit by bit, and finally it was forcefully squeezed. It was squeezed into a small ball the size of a fist.

…and this is just the beginning.

In the beginning, the monsters who rushed half a meter away first suffered, and then followed by one meter away, then two meters, three meters...

One after another, the monsters were squeezed into small **** by invisible forces, irresistible and defenseless.

Finally, when the invisible position began to spread to 16 meters, in the face of such unnecessary casualties, the monsters pervading the entire confinement area began to retreat.

As fast as they came, they receded as fast, as if they had done many drills before, they seemed so familiar... except for taking away a loveless shadow guard .

Soon, the entire restricted area returned to silence.

After confirming that the monsters finally receded, the "doctor" finally could no longer maintain the calmness, and at the same time when his figure changed back, Xiaohua hurriedly ran behind.

Although she didn't know what the other party had done before, she had seen with her own eyes the terrifying lethality that was almost crushing.

With so many monsters in front of her, they were squeezed into meat balls, and those monsters couldn't even make a little resistance...

When passing through the statue hall before, the other party lost control of his illness due to excessive use of psionic energy, so what about now?

It's just that what Xiaohua didn't expect was that when she pushed the door open, she didn't see the other person's body covered in ice and fire or with many holes, but instead saw someone who was concentrating on helping Mumu peel off the skin. with lollipops...

"This is a lollipop, understand? Put it in your mouth and eat it."

Handing the peeled green apple flavored lollipop to the purple-haired loli in front of him, Bai Zhi looked serious.

"There's more after eating, don't worry, I still have a few boxes here, just keep full."

School belle: "..."

The outbreaks of illnesses associated with the use of psychic powers are a big problem that players have to face, but for Bai Zhi, the problems that can be solved have never been a problem.

If he suffered a loss once, he will never suffer a second time.

Even Xiaohua can further use her own talent core now, let alone him. After all, he still has a talent value of more than 1,000, and the conditions are absolutely not lacking.

Just as Wanci applied [deception] to himself, he also applied [trust] to himself.

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