Shuraba Player

Chapter 808:

"Okay, then 5000 game coins, 5000 per person."

Bai Zhi followed the good advice and changed his mouth.

Everyone: "..."

"The price of 5,000 game coins is not expensive. It can even be said that we took advantage of it. It belongs to me and my sister."

After coughing a few times, Muyu Xingzhou readily turned 10,000 game coins towards Baizhi.

He also worked as a chef in that restaurant before, so naturally he knows the value of these barbecues better than others.

The other party took the risk of depleting their physical strength and sanity attributes to help them make barbecues to allow them to recover quickly, and it was appropriate to charge a little money.

And besides, is it possible that the other party still lacks this mere 15,000 game coins? The total is only 150 source coins, and at most one extraordinary material can be bought. How can a player of the opponent's level be short of money?

Helping you is due to love, not duty, even if the other party doesn't say anything now, he will take the initiative to make up for it later.

"Very well, then let's move on to the next topic."

After happily earning 15,000 game coins based on the principle that no matter how small a mosquito is, Bai Zhi also sat down at the table in a happy mood.

What will be done after this is naturally the exchange of information.

The information he has, the information Xia Wen has, the information Muyu Xingzhou has, and the information Bai Yeji has... and so on.

These things all need to be summarized.

So a few minutes later, besides the barbecue that Bai Zhi had baked, there was another severed hand on Nuo Da's dining table.

This kind of scene looks weird at first glance, but the players present are all old players, so they still have to eat and drink, and it hasn't been greatly affected.

And taking advantage of Bai Ye's sacrifice to pass on new information through him, Xia Wen also shared her previous experience.

From going out alone to investigate and accidentally found the school girl who was kidnapped, and then took the initiative to track it down until she stepped into the elevator until now, she has told all the things that happened in the middle of the way, without any details.

— But when she was talking about this, she deliberately deleted the fact that she was perfectly backstabbed by her best friend.

According to her own description, at that time, in order to avoid being a victim of the trampling incident, she personally hid in the corner and shivered all the time, and then did not take the opportunity until the arrival of those insect monsters that broke into the hall suddenly. There escaped to find them.

"Was it there at that time... Something wrong with the time?"

After listening to Xia Wen's narration, Bai Zhi couldn't help frowning.

Earlier, he had thought that Xia Wen came here with the monsters pouring out of the passage, but he didn't expect that the other party came here earlier than he imagined.

"Time is messed up. In this kind of world, no matter what happens, it's not unexpected."

Xia Wen curled his lips as he ate the skewers happily.

Her personal mentality is quite relaxed, and now she has not only recovered, but also hugged a thigh that could not be hugged outside, so the bad side in her heart gradually gained the upper hand.

With the majestic Yin Tianzi leading the fight, she only needs to be a cheerleader next to her and shout 666. Instead of thinking about these messy things, she might as well think about how many dogs she is going to give after the task is over and she returns home. Yan Luo Wang bought a big bed back...

It's not that she hasn't been in Qingyi's room before, and it's not a problem to sleep three loli, but if there is another one, someone will have to sleep on the floor.

...Or should I buy it all at once? It's best to be able to sleep ten loli at once...

While eating barbecue, Xia Wen's thinking turned to a very strange direction.

"It's not that there is a problem with time, but that the world itself is already on the verge of collapse. The consequences we have caused in the present have begun to affect the past, and everything is developing in a bad direction."

Inserting the skewers in his hand on the table, he took a deep breath, and Mu Yu Xingzhou's face became serious.

"The precursor to the collapse of the world itself is that everything is on the verge of an unstoppable collapse. The closure of that passage means the beginning of the collapse. It is precisely because of this that time will show signs of confusion. This sign will become more and more serious, and we are running out of time... How many days did I stay in that confinement room?"

The more I talked about the back, the more Mu Yu Xing Zhou began to doubt life.

Although according to the other party, he only stayed inside for less than a few hours before and after, but judging from the changes in the situation outside, how does he feel that he stayed inside for four or five days outside?

"Ahem... This kind of thing is not important, let's discuss other more important things."

Coughing a few times in his mouth, Bai Zhi put a pure black card on the table.

This card was given to him by the previous doctor before he disappeared. It was not an equipment item, but an item classified as miscellaneous items by the system.

According to Baizhi's estimate, this card should be used to open certain passages or something.

All other places that can be explored have been explored. Currently, the only place left unexplored on their side is the passage that they had previously taken that was blocked by the raging sea of ​​flames.

He didn't know how to get there before, but now he understands.

Water can indeed extinguish the sea of ​​flames, but it needs to be extinguished outside, just like the situation in the restricted area, it belongs to the same principle.

It has to be said that thanks to the sacrifice of Priest Bai Ye, they were able to have an exact contact with the outside world.

In terms of contribution, Bai Ye sacrificed too much.

Soon, the exchange will resume.

But different from the calmness inside them, according to the words written crookedly by Priest Bai Ye over there with his severed hand, the outside world has become a mess, and they are fleeing crazily.

After having a brief communication with the outside world through the severed hand and incidentally reporting Xia Wen's safety, considering the dire situation on their side, Bai Zhi and his group of seven immediately set off with the severed hand towards the fire. Go to the sea area.

——In this gradually collapsing world, the outside world is close to death, and they have to race against time inside.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1380 Chapter 461 Food can be eaten! (4k)

With the passage of time, the whole world is irresistibly moving towards the brink of collapse.

- This point, the night owls in the outer ninth ward have a deep understanding.

Different from Bai Zhi's Ping He, which can be grilled and grilled, their side has become a complete mess. Monsters from nowhere are sweeping every corner of the ward, and fighting and killing are happening all the time.

"Come on, it's endless, right!?"

Seeing the locust-like monster rushing towards him, feeling the sense of tearing coming from inside his body, he gritted his teeth slightly, activated the polyploid and stabbed a potion into his neck among.

When Bai Zhi was exploring, they were not idle. During the exploration of the Ninth Ward, they also had their own gains.

They found the medicine that can suppress the activity of the disease in the body in a short period of time, like the medicine that Huofa polyploid just injected. They found it in a certain safe.

Without this kind of medicine that can suppress the activity of the disease in the body in a short period of time, they who used their spiritual power frequently during the escape process would probably have rushed to the street because of the riot of the disease.

There are a total of nine medicines, five of which are on the body of the activated polyploid alone. Although the outbreak of the disease will become more violent after the effect of the medicine passes, but in this situation, it is also necessary to take care of it. nothing more.

Night owl, living polyploid, Liang Chen, Pu'er cat, Kongzi Benfeng, and a white night sacrifice.

Among the five and thirteenths of the people, Bai Ye Ji, who had turned into that kind of ghost, didn't have any combat effectiveness at all. As a wise man, Kongzi Benfeng's combat effectiveness was basically equal to that of a night owl who was a cook.

Therefore, the risks along the way are basically borne by the activated polyploid, Liang Chen, and the Pu'er cat.

As the frontal main T, the living method polyploid personally bears the most pressure, while Liang Chen, as an assassin, is okay in one-on-one, but in this kind of full-scale melee scene, he can only play a little bit at best. the pinning effect.

So the most important thing is to rely on the Pu'er cat who is a witch. Although she holds a magic wand in her hand, although she said that the farthest will not be three meters away from the sky, her overall performance is impeccable... Or it could be called perfect.

Several times of sudden dangers in the middle were resolved by her magic, and the whole team was attacking and rescuing the field together. Without her, the mobility of the whole team would have dropped a lot.

One T, one stab, one method and one assist, the perfect push lineup.

With the injection of the medicine in the needle tube, the dimmed golden light around the activated polyploid shone again, and he crossed his wrists to block his eyes, and he rushed forward.

And behind him, a translucent bubble floating in the air enveloped the remaining few people in it, and followed behind him seemingly lightly but at an extremely fast speed.

The texture of this bubble is extremely soft, as if it can be popped with a light poke, but whenever something wants to attack this bubble, the black spot that has been hiding on the side of the activated polyploid The shadow will appear quietly.

"Remember, you can't stop? Once we stop, all of us will be submerged. Without mobility, we are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered."

Seemingly sitting in the bubble very leisurely, while speaking these words very softly in the mouth, the magic wand in Pu'er cat's hand waved lightly.

With the tap of the magic wand in her hand, the blue-red two-color light representing lightness and strength quietly submerged into the body of the activated polyploid. At the same time, a series of lightning flashed from the top of the magic wand, and then quickly Paralyze and jump on the surrounding monsters.

As the only mage in the team, she has a lot to do. The number of monsters is too dense, and the top and sides of her head are the places where she needs to focus on defense.

As for behind the scenes, it was all handed over to the night owl.

Night Owl's original sub-job was cook, but after returning from the Tomb of the World, her sub-job was advanced to [Surgery Chef].

Although the profession of [Surgery Chef] still does not deviate from the scope of support, the limitations have been released a lot. It can be eaten, used and fried, and can be widely applied to various levels.

During the time when she returned home during the Chinese New Year, the night owl did a lot of research and developed a batch of functional foods. In addition to foods that are specially used for assistance and recovery, she also developed a lot of food for combat. .

For example, the super-sticky glutinous rice that can stick a high-speed car, the sleepy black tea that can knock an elephant down with just one drop, and the super-glutinous rice that can jump up to three floors in one go for ordinary people. Popping candy...blah blah blah.

The timid girl who didn't dare to turn off the lights when she was sleeping alone at night has truly grown up now, and her courage has grown a lot.

- Now she not only dares to turn off the lights to sleep at night, but even dares to stick her feet out of the quilt or out of the bed when she sleeps!

It is also thanks to her that wherever they pass, many monsters are often stuck on the ground and walls. The super sticky glutinous rice can even stop a high-speed car. Not to mention these monsters.

As for Kongzi Benfeng and Bai Yeji...they basically don't care about these things.

One is a white-haired boy with a stinky fart, and the other has only 3/13 of his body left. During the journey, the two of them are discussing things that other people can't understand at all, and sometimes A quarrel broke out.

—It’s just that most of the time, it’s just Kong Ziben himself who is arguing.


Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with their marching lineup, but the so-called accidents always come suddenly.

Half an hour later, looking at the scene in front of him, the activated polyploid had to stop.

In front of him, there is no way to go.

...It is difficult to describe the scene they are seeing in words.

As if the entire hospital or the entire Ninth Ward was located in the endless darkness of the vast void, the entire Ninth Ward was completely broken from somewhere in the middle, and then the two sides were pulled further and further apart by some invisible force, and the middle distance Looking at the vast and endless dark void.

The corridor that was supposed to be connected was cut off in the middle, and one step ahead was an endless dark abyss. Standing at the break and looking forward, one could see a rather wide plane cut... the other half of the corridor was already far away from them. The edge is far away.

——The entire Ninth Ward was completely torn apart in front of everyone.

"Sure enough, has the whole world turned into such a huge Ninth Ward?"

Jumping off the bubble, looking at the scene in front of him, Sora Zibenfeng's face was expressionless.

"The world itself is already beginning to collapse. If you don't want to die here, hurry up. I don't want to die in such a terrible place."

In the past, to be precise, when all the brains in the computer room and the doctor on the stage were digested into fly ash, the main task that survived for seven days in their task bar had automatically failed.

Instead, all of them have received a brand new task, this new task has no deadline, only two words.


"Uh...Although I said so..."

Putting his hand on his forehead and looking into the distance, the night owl's complexion couldn't help but look a little subtle.

"Are we going to fly there? But it feels like it's a little far away..."

Just by visual inspection, the distance from their side to that side is more than a few thousand meters, and this distance is still getting farther and farther with the passage of time.

"I can't fly, and I don't have any flying vehicles."

Scratching his hair with his hands, the activated polyploid whose clothes had become tattered earlier answered honestly.

—Behind them, a sheer sticky wall stacked with glutinous rice blocked the way of those monsters.

Generally speaking, if players want to fly, there are actually many ways, such as equipment, skills, props, or pet vehicles.

In fact, Bai Zhi can't fly either, but not only does he have a Type 3 machine, but he also has Ghost Domain by his side, which is enough to replace him.

"Flying...I have chewing gum that can fly and float here, but it's okay for a short time, and I can't fly so far."

After rummaging through the backpack, the night owl shook his head.

Although Bai Zhiyou gave her the shark's pet egg as a gift, firstly, the shark can't fly, and secondly, because she has spent all the money on research and development of those new foods, so she has no pets for the time being. idea.


After looking at each other, everyone turned to the Pu'er cat in unison.

"A witch should have the magic of flying, right?"

"Yes, but there is such a long distance, and there is a big guy weighing several hundred catties among you. My magic power may not be enough... Well, I will use other things to send you there."

After thinking for a while, Pu'er Cat answered.

"Anything else... a broom?"

After listening to the other party's answer, the night owl's eyes lit up immediately.

"I've never ridden a broom before."

"Uh... it should count..."

Inexplicably, the Pu'er cat's eyes seemed a little erratic.

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