Shuraba Player

Chapter 810:

And just after Bai Zhi finished all these preparations, just a second or two later, in the vision of God's perspective that was pulled to the highest point, the man with a smiling face and melting eyes holding a shadow puppet The little girl with the head appeared in the field of vision of God's perspective.

Compared with the image he saw before, the little girl's appearance has not changed at all, she is still wearing a blue and white hospital gown that does not fit well, barefoot, holding a "ball" in her arms .

The exposed skin all over the body except the face is full of smiling faces, the eyes are completely melted, there is a small smiling face on the face, and a big smiling face on the face.

As if aware of this gaze, the little girl looked up suspiciously, but she couldn't find anything.

——The field of vision brought by God's perspective does not have any fixed observation value.

When he saw this scene from the perspective of God, Bai Zhi's heart suddenly trembled.

If he had wanted to observe through the perfect concealment of Shadow Dun, he would have definitely been discovered now. As for the consequences of being discovered... I believe it will definitely not be too wonderful.

After searching suspiciously but not realizing the source of that staring, the little girl simply gave up searching, while continuing to pat the "ball" in her hand. "Very cheerfully walked towards the patient lying on the operating table.

Bai Zhi: "..."

… He once again experienced how sour it feels to be hit by someone else's head like a ball.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1382 Chapter 463 Xiaoyi, I'm sorry! (4k)

For Bai Zhi, his current feeling is quite sour.

In the past, the shadow puppet did not feel pain at all. When manipulating the shadow puppet, it was like playing a first-person virtual vr game.

So in the past, the shadow puppet was just a shadow puppet.

But after the skills are strengthened, the shadow puppet is actually equivalent to his clone, and can perfectly perceive all the states of the outside world, including the flowing wind, falling rain, and physical pain.

—Pain is an important source of human perception of danger.

Originally, Bai Zhi had an indifferent attitude towards this kind of enhancement. If there is no, there is no, and if there is, it will be better, but at this moment, the shadow puppet who has been stuck with a bug is severely pitted He has a big one.

Although he was able to perceive the position of the quasi-monster master through the shadow puppet's head, on the contrary, he was also forced to feel all the feelings of that head at this time.

It's okay to be held in the arms of the other party, but being patted on the ground up and down... So where is the flexibility of this thing?

Looking at the little girl walking towards the operating table from the perspective of God, Bai Zhi's complexion turned dark for a moment.

—Even if he has a high tolerance for pain, it doesn't mean he's a masochist.

What Xia Wen said before was not wrong. Once something approached the patient lying on the operating table within a certain range, his body would be extremely alienated.

He got this point by observing the changes in the shadow puppet's head.

Once the head is out of the little girl's hand, the whole head will be deformed quickly, just like the head spider in the clown's return to the soul, and the ferocious joints will quickly grow from the sides of the head in the middle of the air. When it came out, the slippery tentacles stretched out directly from the eye sockets and ears.

Originally, when he saw this scene, Bai Zhi thought that the shadow puppet's head could finally be freed, but he ignored the little girl's love for this "handsome" ball.

Just reaching out to grab the ball, the abnormality on the head quickly returned to its original state, and then the opponent stopped shooting the ball, and walked over there angrily holding the ball.

Hmm... the anger was something that Bai Zhi imagined.

The location of the operating table was in a rather wide hall, the lights above the head were shining, and the patient was lying on the operating table, covered with a white cloth that covered his head.

Bai Zhi and Xia Wen have explored three wards so far. From the first ward to the third ward, the situation in each ward is basically the same. Many wandering patients have such a taboo hall where patients lie, and also have such an operating table.

Originally, Bai Zhi planned to take a closer look, but because of Xia Wen's warning, he just observed from a distance.

In his guess, those taboo patients lying on the operating table are very likely to be the last Gu kings that can be raised in each ward.

If we speculate according to this, then the Ninth Ward where the night owls are currently in, it is very likely that they will also fall here in the end.

To be honest, this is a very important discovery.

It's just that Bai Zhi didn't expect that even when he was planning to go back and share this information with Priest Bai Ye, the quasi-monster master would come here at such a time, and he didn't know what happened. want…! ?

At this time, Bai Zhi's complexion suddenly changed slightly.

In the field of vision presented by God's perspective, the quasi-monster master had come to the side of the operating table, and then he stretched out his hand and directly lifted the white sheet that covered his head.

— On the operating table, Mumu was lying there in an ill-fitting hospital gown.

Or it can be said that the taboo patient lying on the operating table is exactly the same as Mumu in appearance.

"…The third?"

Looking at the scene on the other side of the operating table through God's perspective, Bai Zhi's face was cloudy and uncertain.

…If the contraindicated patient in the third ward is another Mumu, what about the first and second wards?

Vaguely, Bai Zhi felt as if he had grasped an extremely important thread, but for a while, he couldn't sort out all the thoughts that popped up in his mind.

And while he was frowning and thinking, an extremely weird scene was happening on the other side of the operating table.

Holding the ball in his hand tightly, the quasi-monster master stretched out his hand towards the patient lying on the operating table, and followed closely. The patient on the bed seemed to be absorbed by the whole body, and his whole body began to slow down. shrinking for it.

Calculated according to the current progress, according to Bai Zhi's estimation, the patient on the bed will be completely absorbed within ten minutes at most.


After a slight silence, holding Xia Wen in his arms, Bai Zhi and the other party disappeared in an instant, and two shadow guards replaced them and appeared on the spot.

——That crucial context has been completely grasped by him.

As for the pair of suffering brothers who were replaced... When they were replaced at the beginning, they didn't care. After all, they were already used to things like this.

But after seeing the scene on the other side of the operating table from a distance, especially after seeing the head of the dead shadow puppet held in the arms of the other party, they didn't even have the slightest hesitation. Decisively chose to commit suicide and return to the city.

...the business is quite skilled.

A moment later, when the smiling Mumu noticed something and turned his head, he only saw some dissipated shadows.


For Xia Wen, this is the first time she has experienced the teleportation function of the shadow guard.

Where was the shadow guard before being teleported, then after being teleported, she will replace that shadow guard and appear in the shadow guard's original position.

So after being teleported back, she was still immersed in her inner fantasies and was completely unprepared. Because of the imbalance of her center of gravity, she directly and firmly threw a quite classic flat land fall in front of Xiaohua.

Xia Wen: "..."

School belle: "..."

"I would rather suggest that you add the item of accidentally falling to your death in your 100 ways to die."

Glancing at the embarrassing Xia Wen lying face down and motionless on the ground, after making some speechless complaints, Bai Zhi looked at Mu Mu who was sitting next to Xiaohua.

After such a long time, Mumu has almost woken up from a deep sleep, and at this moment she is sitting obediently next to Xiaohua and eating a lollipop.

Although she doesn't seem to have changed much from before, Bai Zhi can clearly feel the other party's confusion at the moment.

To be honest, Bai Zhi is already somewhat confused about the real identity of the other party.

Originally, earlier, he thought that the other party was the chosen one of Noah's Ark in this world, but Mu Yu Xing Zhou broke the news with him about the fact that the other party was a non-existent person.

Before he could sort out the matter, the "Quasi-Ghost Talker" appeared again, and in those wards that appeared suddenly, he found that all the taboo patients in those wards were all Mumu...

The first ward, the second ward, the third ward...then went to Bai Ye to sacrifice to the ninth ward where they are currently located.

It is known that in the first eight wards, there is a taboo patient based on Mu Mu, so where is the last taboo patient in the last ninth ward outside?

…the answer is actually quite easy to deduce.

The quasi-monster lord has already started to act, and he is actively absorbing and devouring those taboo patients. From the first ward to the eighth ward, he has now swallowed up to the third ward.

The most optimistic estimate, based on the time it takes 20 minutes for the contraindicated patients in each ward to be devoured by it, they currently have less than three hours left.

When the taboo patient in the eighth ward is swallowed and absorbed by the other party, when it is the turn of the ninth taboo patient in the ninth ward... the quasi-monster lord will come to them personally to complete the final Metamorphosis.

At that time, the real master of strange stories will be born, and their mission will be completely declared a failure.

—Existences like the Lord of Ghost Story are not something they can deal with now.

Just like the missions of the white night priests outside have changed, all of their missions inside have also changed. The main mission and additional missions have all disappeared, and there is only one mission left.

…to prevent the birth of the Lord of Ghost Story.

"Uh... are you okay?"

Seeing Bai Zhi who was whispering to Mu Mu over there, after thinking for a while, Xiaohua squatted down, and carefully poked Xia Wen who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead since just now with her finger.

"When did you guys..."

"It's okay, I just went crazy just now."

When he heard the voice of his good best friend, Xia Wen quickly got up from the ground as if his whole body had a quick wit.

"It's just a complication caused by the incoordination of the limbs caused by epilepsy. It's just a minor illness, not worth mentioning."

School belle: "..."

"As for what happened just now..."

As if he had made some important decision, he took a deep breath, Xia Wen first put his hands on the shoulders of his best friend with a heavy face and looked at him with sincere eyes, then He lowered his head sadly.

"Xiaoyi, I'm sorry!"

School belle: "???"


In the communication with Mu Mu, Bai Zhi didn't get any useful information, what the other party knew was not even as much as he himself knew.

She couldn't even understand the concept of ghost stories and players, let alone understand the "Quasi-Ghost Story Master" and such things as [Noah's Ark].

He was the one who was talking the whole time, and then Mu Mu listened with a ignorant face, with an expression of "Although I don't understand, but I feel that my brother is very powerful".

Hmm... Although cute is pretty cute...

And during the time when Bai Zhi had a headache, Mu Yu Xingzhou and the others followed him back to this side one after another.

Although it is impossible to completely allow the patients who wandered out of the eight major wards to enter here, but with their efforts, at least in a short period of time, no patients can come here.

It's not difficult to do this, you just need to find a way to block or cover up the hall that was originally full of statues but is now empty.

"The quasi-Ghost it that bad?"

After listening to Bai Zhi's narration, Mu Yu Xingzhou couldn't help but glance at Mu Mu.

—Bai Zhi did not choose to hide the information he had speculated.

"That's right, frankly speaking, it's terrible. We may only have less than two hours left. At most, after three hours, the master of ghost stories in this world will be born..."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead slightly, Bai Zhi looked towards Brian Yin.

"Now you can ask Priest Bai Ye about their side, and ask them what the main mission has been changed to."

"They? Their mission shouldn't be with us..."

"Hurry up and ask."

Before the other party finished speaking, Bai Zhi interrupted the other party's words.

"When the time comes, tell them that, if their speed can't be faster, then everyone will wait here to die together!"


"Okay, I don't bother to talk about unnecessary things. I'm going out to do some errands now. Remember to take precautions on your side."

Swinging his hands, Bai Zhi stood up from the chair.

"Remember, Mumu is the key to our mission. You must protect her, understand?"

"Hey wait, take me with you if you need to do something, am I still useful?"

Seeing that Bai Zhi turned around and was about to leave, Xia Wen hastily raised his hand high and introduced himself.

"I'm still short of 20 ways to die, why don't you ask me to collect a hundred ways to die?"

Turning his head and glanced at Xia Wen, Bai Zhi didn't say much, but accompanied by a burst of cold air, Huang Quan had already enveloped him in it.

In the blink of an eye, with the help of Huang Quan's high mobility, the figures of Bai Zhi and Xia Wen disappeared in front of everyone.


Looking at the direction where the two disappeared, Xiaohua's expression was gloomy.

…Suddenly she seemed to know who the [Lover] card corresponded to.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1383 Chapter 464 Listen to me ~ Thank you ~ (4k)

Because there is not much time left, so in the following process, Baizhi completely lost any scruples, and used Huangquan to rush the whole process.

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