Shuraba Player

Chapter 818:

Following Bai Zhi's last words, his and Mu Mu's figures disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a few people here looking at each other in blank dismay.

After half a sound, Muyu Xingzhou was the first to break the silence.

"Do as he said, hurry up, everyone, something is coming."

He took out a fishing rod made of emerald green bamboo from nowhere, staring at the way he came, while reeling the fishing line, he started talking.

"...two or three minutes at the most."

His hearing is still very good, and he heard it just now.

—Some bad things have quietly come to this passage.

I went to the hospital today and prescribed medicine, and the urticaria is really hard

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1392 Chapter 471 The Dead "Deed of the World" (4K)

The length of the long corridor is only over a hundred meters. At the end of one side is the sea of ​​fire, and at the end of the other side is an iron gate.

In this kind of place, Mumu has stayed for ninety years, and no one knows this place better than her.

It didn't take too long for Bai Zhi and Mu Mu to walk to the end of the passage.

"...It's here."

Looking at the iron gate in front of him, Mumu's eyes showed a complex look.

"That woman left everything behind the door."

In the past, she tried to open this iron door countless times, but no matter what, she was always unable to succeed, and even if the world is about to fall apart, there is still no big impact here. Impact.

—The only thing that can open this iron door is the "key" kept by the doctor.

She didn't know exactly what was behind this iron door, but she could guess something. She was so eager to open this door before, but now, she doesn't seem to have that kind of thought anymore.

For Mumu, her wish is actually very simple.

…get out of here and be truly free.

Choosing to become the master of ghost stories is not her goal, but a means for her to realize her wish.

But correspondingly, what she wants is not a world devastated by illness, what she wants is simple and ordinary.

Frankly speaking, Bai Zhi actually doesn't know much about the existence of the Lord of Strange Talk, the only one he is familiar with is the [Lord of Flesh and Flesh]... It's a pity that the other party ran too fast back then.

But it is undeniable that their existence itself is a kind of disaster.

It is precisely because of this that in the new world Bai Zhi created for her, she fell into unprecedented confusion.

——All the gifts given by fate have already been secretly priced.

Becoming the master of strange stories will not allow her to be free, but will only plunge her into a deeper level of despair. Under the premise that Baizhi provided her with another choice, she has no reason to choose that one again. road.

On the premise that the other party showed her a miracle, she was willing to believe that the other party could create another miracle.


Looking up at the thick iron gate in front of him, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi took out the card from his backpack.

This card was given to him by the doctor in the restricted area before he disappeared.

On the surface, this card looks ordinary, but only Bai Zhi himself knows what the meaning of this card represents.

— This card is the [Deed of the World] of this world.

Before he got this card from the doctor, he always thought that Mumu was the chosen one of Noah's Ark in this world, but from the actual situation, the doctor was the real chosen one.

[The contract of the world is the core of Noah's Ark. 】

But compared with the [World Deed] of the Shadow World in his hand, this one that was handed over to him by the doctor is lifeless, without any spirituality.

You know, the Shadow World is completely dead, but the World Deed of the Shadow World at least retains a bit of spirituality, but in this world deed, there is no spirituality at all.

In other words, this world hasn't died yet, but the [World Deed] of this world has already died first.

No matter which direction you look at this point, it seems quite weird.

Of course, with the mad scientist temperament of that doctor, there may be some insane modifications to the "Deed of the World"...

Speaking of which, the reason why the other party handed over this card to me before was because of the legendary title of [World Guardian]?

If that's the case...

Thinking of this, Bai Zhi turned his head thoughtfully and glanced at Mu Mu beside him.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Keenly aware of his gaze, Mu Mu looked up at him with some doubts.


Smiling slightly, Bai Zhi once again set his sights on the iron gate in front of him.

To be honest, he hasn't been able to figure out Mumu's true identity until now. Although he has some rough guesses in his mind, that guess is too bizarre.

But thinking about these questions, they should be able to get answers behind this iron gate... Probably?

Looking at the iron door slowly opened by the [World Deed] in his hand, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Holding Mu Mu's hand, Bai Zhi stepped into the iron gate together with her.


Meanwhile, on the other side.

"Fuck, are these things crazy? What's going on over there?"

In a hurry, he pulled off a head with spider limbs that was biting his **** tightly and threw it out. The activated polyploid said a little aggrieved.

"If it continues like this, I don't think we can last five minutes before we have to retreat again."

"Be conservative, three minutes at most."

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, while reloading the revolver of his golden pistol, Sora Zimoto remained expressionless.

—The specific change happened more than ten minutes ago.

Under the **** of those nurses all the way, they poured out the sea of ​​flames in the fireplace as promised, but before they could catch their breath for too long, bad news came one after another.

The monsters that flooded into the ninth ward became more and more crazy as if they were suddenly stimulated by something.

Originally, the place they came to through the elevator was not invaded by monsters, but for some reason, those monsters who had become completely crazy invaded here forcefully.

If before, the attacks of those monsters were wave after wave like a tide, then now, the attacks of those monsters are already like a tsunami.

Even if the nurses who stayed here were mobilized collectively, they were retreating steadily under the crazy offensive of those fearless monsters.

Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?

But even if they all go up to help, in the face of this fearless insect sea tactics, their defense line is retreating again and again, and even among the nurses, a few have been completely mad by those nurses. The monsters were completely overwhelmed and torn apart.

Their current situation is quite bad.

"It's true that something has happened... Liangchen, night owl, you two should go find someone."

At this time, Priest Bai Ye's expression moved a little, and he spoke very quickly.

"Activate the polyploidy and bring a nurse back under cover. We need her intelligence support."

The information from Brian Silver had already been passed on to him. Under the current situation, he made the most correct decision with the fastest reaction speed.

——By now, he already basically knew what these monsters that suddenly became insane were looking for.


Without asking any more questions, the activated polyploid responded without turning his head, and his already tall body suddenly swelled twice. While his body was shining with golden light, he had already rushed up again with a roar. forward.

The line of defense they are currently defending is a relatively wide corridor. It seems that this kind of thing has been considered at the beginning of construction. All the passages here are basically formed by this winding long corridor. composed of corridors.

Otherwise, if it wasn't for their geographical advantages, they would have been overwhelmed by the tsunami of monsters in front of the monsters thousands of times their number.

—The nurses at the front bear most of the pressure for them.

After the body swelled again, the activated polyploid had almost occupied half of the corridor. Although the flexibility had dropped by more than a notch, the strength had increased by several times out of thin air.

It didn't take too long, a nurse was grabbed by him and thrown to the rear.

Half a minute later, the nurse who had finished communicating with Priest Bai Ye nodded, and then led Liang Chen and Night Owl towards the rear quickly.

"...What do you know?"

Turning his head to look at the priest Bai Ye beside him, Kong Zibenfeng's face was expressionless.

He asked himself that he was no worse than the other party, but because of the intelligence, he was often suppressed, which made him feel quite unconvinced.

It was like that before, and it is still like that now.

"You'll find out later."

Dragging the remnant body to the back of the other party with a little effort, Priest Bai Ye spoke unceremoniously.

"I don't have any fighting power now, remember to protect me."

Kongzi Benfeng: "..."

It's just that although Bai Yeji said so, the situation on their side has not improved. The real man's form of the activated polyploid only lasted for three minutes. Didn't return it again.

Without the food recovery and auxiliary support for the night owl, in just ten minutes, they had to retreat again and again, and two nurses were torn apart and submerged.

Under the chain reaction, their original formation has a faint tendency to collapse.

Once this collapses, it will be a thousand miles away.

But at this moment, there was a rumbling sound from the ground. The sound came from behind them, as if there were thousands of troops and horses, it was deafening.

When the activated polyploid Pu'er cats looked back in a little astonishment, they happened to see an uncle zombie wearing reading glasses rushing towards them angrily at the next corner.

"...zombie disease?"

Before they could think too much, more patients in hospital gowns emerged from the turning.

——Among them, Yi Chong is the most conspicuous, holding an iron bed in his hand and leading a human figure whose whole body is made of black shadows.

These patients seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, screaming, holding or holding crutches, newspapers, table legs, steel pipes and other things, charged past them, and then slammed into the monster army head-on.

Inexhaustible, inexhaustible.

Under such circumstances, it was meaningless for them to continue to stay here. After much difficulty, they passed through the wave of patients retrogradely and arrived at a certain hall.

Those patients who appeared suddenly came out of this hall continuously.

And on the other side in front of the hall door, Liang Chen and Night Owl were standing there, but beside them, there was an extra purple girl in a blue and white hospital gown that was too large. hair loli.

When seeing them, the purple-haired loli happily raised her hand and waved towards them.

"This situation is..."

"I'm Mumu, nice to meet you!"

Pu'er Cat hadn't finished her probing words when the purple-haired loli interrupted her by raising her hand excitedly.

"Excuse me, have you met Mumu's brother?"

"…elder brother?"

Because of the thoughtless words of the purple-haired loli, everyone couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Among all the people, only Night Owl and Bai Yeji had vaguely guessed something.

— But the Baiye priest was thoughtful, but the night owl's mouth twitched slightly.

As the earliest cook, she didn't know Qingyi, but Anna and Tong, she had witnessed with her own eyes how it was picked up by someone...

...Really planning to join the ten halls of Yama?

May I ask what should I do if my man always likes to pick up **** home? Waiting online, very urgent.

"He is on the other side with another you now, can you perceive the other you?"

After thinking for a while, Priest Bai Ye asked.

"What is the situation on that side... you are?"

Before finishing a sentence, seeing the purple-haired loli who was starting to glow all over in front of him, Priest Bai Ye couldn't help being slightly stunned.

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