Shuraba Player

Chapter 834:

"Looks come from the heart, what the benefactor says is what it is."

After listening to Yan Huo Feng Yue's words, the corners of his eyes twitched imperceptibly, he folded his palms together, and Li, a man from the mountainside, spoke with a smile.

"The so-called body and mind are like illusions, and there is no self and no self. Cultivate according to the body, and there is nothing to gain. Contrary to the illusion of the five shades, and cultivate according to the heart, you can't leave life and death forever. What you get is merit. The so-called supernatural power, also It’s just the basic skill of a bodhisattva to save the world, and there’s really nothing unusual about it.”

Fireworks Fengyue: "..."

… At this moment, she deeply understood what is called the top Versailles.

After everything was ready, Baizhi and Yanhuo Fengyue entered the portal together, accompanied by several lolis.

Baizhi's original plan was not to let Qingyi and the others enter the Paradise of Paradise, but since the other party insisted, he had no choice but to let them.

Fortunately, the lolis are very strong, so there is no need for him to worry too much...

So soon, the dilapidated temple returned to its previous tranquility, only one monk wearing a moon-white monk's robe stayed here.

The faint moonlight shrouded the monk's body, setting off himself as if he had just stepped out of a painting.


Standing upright in front of him with a single palm, he murmured a Buddha's name in his mouth. Li, a man on the side of the mountain, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, with a look of compassion, as if the Buddha was alive.

"As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, who doesn't go to hell, be merciful, be merciful."

After saying this, with a kind of compassionate attitude... Li from the mountain side took out a pot of hot skewers and a few bottles of beer from nowhere.

"Just after supper, I was called on a business trip... Is it easy for me to have supper once?"

Shaking his head and sighing in his mouth, Li, the man from the mountain, set up a table and put the skewers and beer on the table.

But it's not over yet. After the skewers and beer, he successively set out a plate of roasted duck with sauce, a large pot of crayfish, a pot of braised pork legs...until the entire table was filled to the brim.

"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha keeps it in his heart, Amitabha."


While Li, the man from the mountain side, was feasting on a large piece of food, on the other side, Bai Zhi and his party had already entered this unknown paradise.

I don't know if there is any special mechanism in that portal. Baizhi originally entered it together with Yanhuo Fengyue and Qingyi, but after a change of perspective of 7,200 degrees, he appeared in a lush forest Bai Zhi found that there was no one around him.

"...Is this a special mechanism of the Paradise of Heaven?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is not worried about Qingyi and the others, after all, if there is a fight, he may not be able to beat those lolis.

As for the fireworks... that guy's luck is good, he should be fine.

To be honest, this was his first time entering the Paradise of Paradise, and the first feeling that Paradise of Paradise brought him was the extremely fresh air.

If we insist on making a comparison, then the air in the real world seems to be like the smell in a stinky ditch, but the air quality in this paradise seems to be in a vast and endless grassland or continuous grassland. Among the mountains.

The contrast gap between the two is quite obvious.

After taking a few sips, he felt that his body became much lighter. Even in this environment, his upper limit of spiritual energy began to grow slowly with the passage of time...

...Is this the aura of heaven and earth?

Sensing the changes in his body, Bai Zhi suddenly understood why the relevant departments and the night watchmen began to try to continue the dragon's veins.

—Compared with the environment inside Dongtian Paradise, the outside environment seems like a scum.

"But... it doesn't feel like there's any danger here?"

After thinking for a while, looking at the surrounding towering trees that had grown into the sky for hundreds of years, Bai Zhi opened the ghost domain, and his figure instantly appeared on the top of a big tree.

Looking around, there is a vast forest around.

There is nothing unusual, and there is nothing abnormal. Bai Zhi can even see the flocks of birds flying in the forest. This place has formed a complete self-prepared biological system, full of vitality.

In his own perception, he didn't feel any strangeness or danger, everything seemed so peaceful and peaceful, and this place seemed like a paradise independent of the outside world.

...but is it really okay?

Looking at Lin Hai who was undulating like waves in front of him, Bai Zhi frowned slightly.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Micro-Probability: Chapter 1408 Chapter 487 The so-called "Death for Money" (4K)

The sun is shining and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Although it was late at night outside, the sun was shining brightly inside this blessed land. The sunlight fell from the gaps in the tall trees that had been there for an unknown number of years, embellishing the forest with light spots of various shapes, large and small.

Everything in this paradise is filled with a taste called peace.

There is no abnormality, nor any abnormality.

—But without the anomaly itself, it just happens to be the biggest anomaly.

Of course, because of the unique environment here, some rare and exotic beasts were born here, so it can't be said how safe it is, but this level of danger is far worse than what he imagined.

And those powerful creatures have a certain sense of territory, as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke the other party, let alone him, even players who have not yet left the novice level of level 15 can live well here. And still alive quite moist.

All kinds of rare and exotic beasts, as well as the spiritual materials and herbs that were born from the spiritual energy nourishment of those beasts, that is, Bai Zhi knew nothing about these things, otherwise, if it were Huo Lingmeng who was here, he might not know what to do. Where are you going to get excited.

For such a well-preserved paradise, the spiritual materials and herbs bred and grown in it are simply like heaven for her who takes the job of a doctor as her main focus.

"Strange, if there is no problem here, why did you use those talismans to seal it off?"

The God's perspective was turned on all the way, and while stepping on the ghost domain to quickly shuttle through the forest, while eating an apple-like fruit in his mouth, Bai Zhi thought quickly in his heart.

The players from different worlds who entered this place before are definitely not weak. Since it is their compulsory task, logically speaking, the difficulty of this task should match their strength.

— But judging from the current situation, the danger level in this cave is too low.

"...Could it be those powerful beasts that exist in this paradise?"

Looking at the half-gnawed fruit in his hand, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.


[Item Name: Natural Dragon Blood Fruit]

[Type: Special Item]

[Quality: Elite]

[Special Effect ①: Delicious. After eating, the user will enjoy the supreme delicacy. 】

[Special Effect ②: Aura. After eating, randomly increase the player's own attribute value by 1~5 points. 】

[Special Effect ③: Evolution. After eating, the player has a very small probability of obtaining entries related to the fruit, and some alien creatures that are compatible with the fruit will have a certain probability of turning into a dragon after eating a large amount of the fruit. 】

[Conditions for eating: none]

[Remark ①: The strange fruit grown from being bathed by a drop of dragon blood is very popular among some alien creatures. 】

[Remark ②: Be careful not to make up for a deficiency. 】


Because the cave has not been damaged in any form at all, there are quite a lot of treasures in the cave.

The fruit in his hand is one of them.

Earlier, when he was on his way, he found a quiet lake somewhere in this forest. There was a strange fruit tree growing in the center of the lake. Few of the trees bore a few fruits. The fruit was snatched from that fruit tree.

...well, grab it.

At that time, he just wanted to find some material to study, but who would have imagined that there was an evil dragon lurking in that lake to guard the tree?

Caught off guard, he almost suffered a big loss.

To be honest, that evil dragon is indeed quite strong. If he didn't have the two entries of [Holy] and [Netherworld], even the high-power crit of [Judgment] would not be able to break that evil dragon's body. Defend.

But even so, it didn't cause any decent damage to the opponent. On the contrary, he was almost frozen into ice.

I don't know how long that evil dragon stayed in that cold lake before, and how much fruit it ate. It seems that it has some signs of transforming into a dragon.

It's a pity that the other party has no wisdom at all, and he failed to communicate with the other party over and over again, so in the end, he only planned to pick one to try something new, and he simply took the few knots from the tree. Basically all of those few fruits were taken away.

— This is called retribution.

Every cause must bear fruit, and your retribution is mine.

He doesn't know how big this blessed land is, but the forest sea can't be seen at a glance, and he has been guarding by the fruit tree for a few fruits. The evil dragon is just a small role in the entire blessed land.

And in this entire cave, how many existences are stronger than that evil dragon?

...But the problem in this paradise, will it really appear on it?

Recalling the scenes he saw when he came along the way, after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi shook his head again.

The possibility is too low to be considered.

"Let's wait and see, maybe the changes here are accompanied by the passage of time...Huh?"

Suddenly discovering something, raising his eyebrows slightly, Bai Zhi stopped, and in the next moment, his figure appeared in a deserted medicine garden.

The medicine garden itself is not big, just a simple courtyard surrounded by a few small wooden houses and some wooden fences. Due to the age and lack of care, the courtyard is overgrown with weeds and looks dilapidated.

——The first man-made structure he discovered since he entered this paradise this time.

Bai Zhi didn't know anything about those herbs, so naturally he didn't spend his time in the garden that was already overgrown with weeds, but walked straight into the house.

The house has not been lived in for a long time, and a thick layer of dust has fallen on the floor and the door, but everything inside is still largely intact.

I don't know if this abandoned medicine garden has specially arranged formations for protection, but there are no mosquitoes inside. After walking around a few rooms, Bai Zhi found a piece of white in a certain room. spar.

The white spar was just placed on the dusty desk, the surface was pure white and flawless, but there was a vague shadow in the center.


[item name: shadow stone]

[Type: props (one-time)]

[Quality: Elite]

[Special Effect ①: Take a photo. In a certain way, the past images can be engraved into the shadow stone. 】

[Special effects ②: play the movie. Past images can be released again. 】

[Number of engravings: 1/1]

[Number of uses: 0/1]

[Use consumption:? ? ? /100 Psionic]

【Manufacturer: What name should I use】

[Remarks: Disposable props, once used, they are discarded. 】


"Is it deliberately left behind..."

After pondering for a moment, Bai Zhi reached out and picked up the white spar, and then poured his own spiritual energy into it.

And as the spar in his hand shattered silently, a large piece of flowing light and shadow poured out from the spar, and the scene around him changed rapidly as the halo flowed.

After just a few seconds, Baizhi found that the surrounding environment had changed greatly.

The house is still the same house, but the decoration inside the house is completely new. Not only that, the few acres of medicine garden outside the window are not overgrown with weeds, but in good order.

"Past image?"

After trying to touch the table with his hand but his hand directly penetrated through the table, Bai Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He originally thought that this kind of past images would be displayed in front of him in the form of a big movie screen, but he didn't expect that it would be such an immersive way of watching movies.

But at this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and two boys dressed as Taoist boys came in from outside the room. The two boys were tall and short, and looked pretty. They seemed to be in charge of serving the medicine. The medicine boy in the garden.

Ignoring him who was standing in front of the table in the room, the two boys were busy packing up the things in the room. Seeing how they were packing, they seemed to be planning to move away from here.

After tidying up the room for a while, finally the short boy couldn't hold back and asked.

"Brother, why do you think Master gave up on this medicinal field? Many precious medicinal herbs are about to mature. Now that we are gone and have no care, they will wither in a short time. That is a hundred years of painstaking efforts."

"Who knows? Maybe Master has his own ideas."

Unlike the short boy, the tall boy is much calmer.

"Hurry up, check out the gaps in the formation, maybe you will come back later."

"Really? I don't think so. It is estimated that we will never come back to this side."

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