Shuraba Player

Chapter 839:

Goddess Taisu frowned even tighter.

"The effect of some kind of prop or equipment, it seems to be overlooking the temple from a high altitude...Although I didn't find anything."

The man shook his head slightly.

"But don't worry, even if someone comes here, the number of people coming in will definitely not be too many. Their world is still in the age of doom, and we have the advantage in terms of strength."

"…what do you want me to do?"

After a little silence, Goddess Taisu made a compromise.

If the other party proposed other conditions, she might still need to think about it, but she didn't need to think about this kind of thing that is beneficial to their world and has no harm at all.

With the passage of time, the number of casualties of ordinary people in their world is constantly increasing year by year, not to mention that the coverage of the demon domain is expanding year by year. Such a complete paradise can solve many problems in their world and save many people. people.

Although it is a bit unreasonable to do so in this world, who would care about so many things in the face of the crisis of life and death in their own world?

Seeing that the other party finally responded, the man couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, it's very simple, I need..."

With a gentle breeze, a leaf broke free from the top of the tree, and then went to an unknown distance with the wind.

Under the slanting sunlight, a woman with a bamboo hat on her head came out of the cave, and then reached out and pulled out the iron sword stuck in front of the cave.

The iron sword has no edge, and it looks dull and dull under the sunlight.


After standing still for a while in silence, she put the iron sword in her waist, and the lottery girl walked forward.

Soon, under the shining of the setting sun, the figure of the woman in the bamboo hat disappeared in the mountains without a trace.

And after the girl in bamboo hat left the cave, the time passed by about half an hour, until the sky was getting dark, and the fat man who seemed to be in a trance followed him out of the cave.

"...a cave? In order to avoid being chased by that big bird, I hid in this cave, and even my clothes were scratched by the previous bird..."

After a moment of trance, the fat man finally recalled the previous events, and when he raised his head and saw the dark sky outside, he was shocked immediately, and cursed without thinking.

"Damn, it's getting dark!? Damn it, don't let me touch you again, or I'll definitely pluck and roast you!"

— Fatty’s yelling and cursing echoed in the mountains for a long time.

How to get on station P? Can I find a painter there?

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1413 Chapter 492 The [meme] of the full-scale explosion! (4k)

A full moon hangs over the dark blue night.

But in the darkness, a monk wearing a yellow robe was walking unhurriedly in the mountains.

The monk's speed didn't seem fast, just a very common walking speed, but every time he took a step, he appeared hundreds of meters away in the next second.

Among all people, monks have the highest level of cultivation, so their speed is also the fastest.

But at a certain moment, he had to stop his footsteps.

Raising his head, the monk looked forward.

In front of him, the sky-blue frost stretched from sky to earth, freezing everything inside, like a piece of beautiful sapphire, shining with a faint blue luster under the moonlight.

—The way to move forward has been completely blocked.

After thinking for a while, the monk put his hand on the frosty wall emitting a faint chill, and closed his eyes as if trying to comprehend something.

It was not until more than half an hour later that the monk opened his eyes.

Taking out one of the three talisman seals that he had removed from the portal, the monk first pasted it on the frosty wall in front of him, and then stepped back a few steps.

As soon as the talisman came into contact with the frost, the original color on the talisman quickly dimmed, and after a short period of one or two minutes, the talisman that had completely lost its color broke into the air.

Indistinctly, it can be seen that there are some dense cracks inside the frost wall.


Putting palms together, the monk lowered his eyebrows and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice.

The monk did not see any movements, but golden light appeared from his body again, and the golden light was like a substance, condensing into a phantom of a glaring Vajra tens of feet high behind him.

The Bodhisattva lowers his eyebrows, so he is compassionate to the six realms.

King Kong glared, so he surrendered the four demons.

Holding the vajra in his hand, this giant-like glaring vajra phantom slammed down heavily on the frosty wall in front of him.


In an instant, tremors like heaven and earth tremors spread far and wide on the ground of this Dongtian tree.

At this moment, whether it was Bai Zhi or the others, they all raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

"—Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The roar continued, as if a hydraulic press of hundreds of tons was falling straight down from the sky. Amidst the roar that resounded throughout the Paradise of Paradise, the creatures living in this Paradise of Paradise suddenly became violent.

There are flocks of birds in the sky, and groups of beasts in the forest.

Looking at the hordes of beasts of various colors rushing past in a panic from the forest in front of them, and squatting with their heads in their hands to guard against the firework Fengyue hiding in a small tree hole, their faces were full of tears.

Up to now, she herself doesn't know whether her luck is good or bad.

Originally, compared with someone else, her luck was actually quite good. Since she entered this paradise, she has really encountered adventures one step at a time.

Walking under the tree, you can be hit on the head by a spirit fruit that does not know hundreds of years old. If you are not careful, you can encounter the scene where two fierce beasts fight for a certain treasure... It is true It's a win.

…but what about the opposite?

There is an idiom called Huaibi Qicrime, which is where things go wrong.

Since entering this blessed land until now, she has basically been running for her life the whole time, sometimes being chased by a bunch of bees the size of a human head, and sometimes being thrown by hundreds of monkeys picking up stones...

Often just as soon as the front foot got rid of, the back foot got into a new incident. It was true that she was exhausted. In the process, even her pet ground horse was lost in order to protect her.

Now, she misses her lost thigh terribly...

"...Is this someone smashing the wall? It's so noisy... The small hammer is forty, the sledgehammer is eighty...It sounds like a sledgehammer..."

And just when this majesty started to think wildly in his heart, accompanied by a certain roar, it seemed that the clear and crisp sound of ice crystals shattering suddenly resounded in the entire Dongtian Paradise.

At the same time, at the moment when the breaking sound sounded, Yan Huo Feng Yue suddenly felt an extremely chilly feeling swept over her body.

Unconsciously, she shivered violently.

"No... Then what the **** is that!?"

Hastily stretched out his hand and rubbed his arms, Yan Huo Feng Yue had a chilly expression on his face.

...It's hard to describe that feeling in words.

In her perception, at that moment, she seemed to be naked in a big pit of rats, snakes and ants. There were densely packed insects and ants in all directions, and it seemed that there were thousands of insects crawling on her body. Same, goosebumps all over my body.

Now she felt inexplicably uncomfortable all over her body, as if there was something invisible on her body.

"Wait, this is..."

As if she suddenly discovered something, Yan Huo Feng Yue looked at the pear-shaped fruit in her hand that looked unusually juicy with a look of astonishment.

This fruit was the culprit that directly caused her to be hunted down for several hours. The system's evaluation has reached the perfect level, and it is priceless if it is true.

But at this moment, under her gaze, the pear she was holding was slowly dissipating. In less than half a minute, the pear completely disappeared from her hand.


As if suddenly realizing something, Yan Huo Feng Yue hastily opened her system backpack, and following closely, she saw a scene that made her feel extremely sad.

As the saying goes, there is no reason to enter the treasure mountain and return empty-handed, so in the past, she put a lot of things in her system backpack.

Heaven, material and earth treasures, spiritual plants and spiritual plants, precious jade ores... and so on and so on.

Regardless of whether she recognizes it or not, she puts everything in first. For this reason, she deliberately discarded those spatulas, chopsticks and forks in the backpack.

But now, just like the perfectly graded pear that she watched disappearing in her hand before, the things that were stuffed in her backpack are disappearing bit by bit according to the order of income.

It was hard to grab the uneaten spirit fruit before, the high-quality medicinal materials collected in the backpack that were going to be sold, the stone plate with a faint white luster that was worth a lot of money... and so on.

In just a few minutes before and after, the results of her hard work and diligence before being hunted down for five or six hours were all in vain.

...and that's not the end.

Just when she clicked on her attribute bar with a little bit of hope in her heart, the reality immediately poured a lot of cold water on her.

That's right, the attributes added to her by eating those spiritual fruits have returned to their original values ​​at this moment... Everything seems to be a joke.

It seems to be the moon in the water, and it is like a flower in the mirror.

Fireworks Fengyue: "..."

…So what was the reason for being hunted and killed for five or six hours before? Are you a fool?

And when she finally regained her composure, she discovered another thing that was very frightening after careful consideration.

When entering the ground of Dongtianfu before, the coquettish wine and meat monk left a **** mark on each of them. This mark exists on the back of her right hand. As long as she wants, she can use this mark at any time to kill the other party To call out.

But at this moment, just like the things that disappeared before, the **** imprint on the back of her right hand also slowly disappeared bit by bit...

— And this is just the beginning.

With the passage of time, Yanhuo Fengyue discovered that that change... had begun to spread to her body.


Like Yan Huo Feng Yue, Bai Zhi also encountered the same situation.

The things that were originally collected in this paradise disappeared, and the related attributes that were improved by taking those spiritual fruits also fell back, and the **** mark disappeared...etc.

But unlike Yan Huo Fengyue who doesn't know what happened at all, Bai Zhi has basically understood the true face of the [meme] that directly led to the banning of this paradise.

"...back in time?"

"That's right, it's time."

Baizhi nodded as he used Huangquan to rush forward in the night without paying any attention to the cost and consumption.

"People who are infected by this meme will quickly go backwards in time, and their status and carrying items will also be reset to the previous point in time...until they are regressed to before they were born."

Inexplicably, Bai Zhi's complexion looked a little ugly.

"Why did those people who disappeared because of this meme seem to have never appeared in this world at that time? Because time has been reversed to the limit, they themselves are equivalent to not being in this world at all. appeared before."

"Wait, if you say that, aren't we in danger?"

After hearing Bai Zhi's words, Jiang Chanyi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"How could we have completed such a mission that was clearly about to die?"

"No, in other words, perhaps only you cultivators who have lived for countless years can complete this task."

Letting out a little breath, Bai Zhi calmed down a little in his heart.

"Although this [meme] is scary, but now, who knows how many years later, perhaps because of the methods those people have adopted in the past, this [meme] has been weakened many times, and the speed of regressing time has been slowed down. A lot. Otherwise, I would have been wiped out of this meme by now."

In fact, things like this can be understood when you think about it.

The two drug boys before were completely regressed to the time when they were still fertilized eggs in an instant, and he has obviously been infected with that [meme] now, but the speed of time regressing is not counted. too fast.

The current him, although he is changing all kinds of clothes all the time, but at least he has not been regressed back to his childhood or anything in an instant.

This kind of regression in time is completely aimed at oneself.

How he was back in that time, what was in the backpack, and now he is like that.

The items in the backpack, the equipment and props you own, as well as your own attributes and skills...all are included.

Now he is staring at his panel and the changes in the objects in his backpack all the time to calculate the time.

His metamorphosis skill [Smashing pot and selling iron] is gone, and it is estimated that the talent skill is also coming soon. If it continues to regress at the current rate, let alone return to the semi-disabled physical attributes before becoming a player, it is estimated that It is possible to go back to childhood in one breath.

Now, Baizhi finally understands why their world and Jiang Chanyi's world jointly issued such a mandatory mission.

Because of this task, only those cultivators who don’t know how old they are can complete it. If it were players like them, they would probably turn into little kids or babies one by one before they really got close to the task location. How could it be possible to complete it? this task?

—They couldn’t even get close to the mission site, let alone recovering this paradise.

But as the so-called my arsenic, other people's medicine hall, this kind of [meme] is almost fatal to them, but to Jiang Chanyi and the others, especially the two cultivators with alienated bodies, it is simply It can be called good medicine.

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