Shuraba Player

Chapter 864:


Li Shiqi was a little confused.

"After listening to your description, I think those monsters may be feeding on your fear. After all, if their purpose is to eat you, then there is no need to go to such lengths to come up with a series of things to scare you. you."

Turning his head to look outside the door, Bai Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Those things need to pay attention to certain rules. When you turned your head and saw the monster mother standing on the desk, your fear reached its peak in that instant, so you gave the other party an opportunity."

"Hmm... so as long as I'm not afraid?"

Li Shiqi blinked his eyes.

"Yes, fear is the food of those things."

Bai Zhi nodded.

"But even if they know this kind of thing, few people can control the fear in their hearts, so..."

"Mr. Phantom, don't worry, I can definitely do it."

Before he could finish his sentence in vain, the loli in front of him interrupted his words with her hands on her hips and a confident expression on her face.

"After all, I am the protagonist!"

Bai Zhi: "???"


Seeing the other party walking out of the room with his pajamas in his arms, Bai Zhi's eyes flickered a few times.

Some of what he said just now are indeed correct, but that kind of situation does not apply at this moment.

— After all, strictly speaking, the other party has been eaten now.

It would be fine if he could interfere, but the problem is that he is really like a ghost now, he can't even pick up a book, and he can't do anything at all.

After a little thought, Bai Zhi took out the Kunlun Mirror from his backpack.

The Kunlun mirror itself was seriously damaged. After the forceful action brought him to this era, the mirror surface that was already full of cracks cracked a few more thin cracks.

If you want to use it again, you have to wait for a certain period of time.

According to this situation, if this kind of time travel is repeated three or four times, the mirror surface of the Kunlun mirror will be completely broken.

When that time really comes, maybe he won't be able to go back by himself...

So strictly speaking, there are not many opportunities for him to try and make mistakes.

Holding the Kunlun Mirror in his hand, Bai Zhi used its second function.


The descriptions of the special effects of the Kunlun Mirror are mostly general. In addition to the introduction about the special effect of seeing, there is only a sentence of "anchoring and solidifying the power of seeing history".

In this case, he is also using it for the first time.

And after a while, Bai Zhi put away the Kunlun Mirror with a subtle expression on his face.

—During the time period he is currently in, the power of [Seeing] cannot be used.

You will never think of what dream I had today.

In the dream, I dreamed that I was taking the college entrance examination, and I abruptly finished a Chinese paper for the college entrance examination from beginning to end...QQ group 16 bar 2 Yi 7⑦① slip

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1439 Chapter 517 [Monster] (4k)

The [Illumination] power held by the Kunlun Mirror is somewhat equivalent to the camera created by Huo Lingmeng in the Tomb of the World.

In layman's terms, it is a complete reproduction of what happened in the past.

It's just that Bai Zhi didn't expect that the Kunlun Mirror would not be able to see what happened a day ago in the current scene, or even an hour ago.

"...Because she has been eaten by that thing, so she is now in a time segment that does not exist?"

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi turned his head and looked out the window.

There is nothing to say about the scenery outside the window, a peaceful alley scene at night, but if you look carefully, you can still find some distinctive details.

The weird graffiti hidden in the shadows on the wall, the trash can that is turned upside down on the ground and changes position with the passage of time, the woman with disheveled hair crawling up the wall...uh...

Looking at the female ghost with four limbs outside the window who had already climbed up to the window and looked at him, Bai Zhi's complexion couldn't help but look a little delicate.

It seems that with Li Shiqi's departure, more and more weirdnesses began to slowly emerge.

Of course, just like that "monster mother", the female ghost who was sticking to the glass and watching the room completely ignored him.

After staring at the empty room for a while, the other party continued to crawl towards the side with hands and feet.

"Are there so many monsters... What the **** is this place?"

Putting his head out of the window, Bai Zhi couldn't help but feel a little headache when he looked at the world that was gradually becoming a riot of demons.

It would be fine if he could change from parallel lines to intersecting lines. No matter what he said, he and the loli could be guaranteed the basic safety.

But the problem is, he has somehow become the spirit behind a loli, and now he can hardly do anything.

...maybe try cheering on the opponent?

While Bai Zhi was pondering, on the other side, Li Shiqi had already taken a bath.

But it's a bath, but it's just a simple rinse a few times. If it were before, she would not be so perfunctory, but when is it now?

—In the living room, there are two monsters disguised as their parents.

"Fear...that's right, as long as you're not afraid."

While combing his hair in front of the mirror, Li Shiqi cheered himself up in his heart.

"And there's Mr. Ghost around, so I...huh? When did something grow here?"

Suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a black spot on his face, Li Shiqi couldn't help being slightly stunned.

When a normal person looks in the mirror and suddenly finds that there seems to be a black thing on his face, his first thought is naturally to get closer and take a closer look, so she is no exception.

But just as she moved her face closer to the mirror and touched that spot on her face with her hands at the same time, an unusually horrifying scene appeared in front of her.

—The self in the mirror suddenly tore the flesh off his face forcefully.

In an instant, blood was dripping.

A large piece of flesh drooped directly from her face, revealing the **** flesh inside.

Faced with this sudden shock and fear, each person reacts differently according to his personality.

Some people screamed in terror, while others were dumbfounded and silent.

As for Li Shiqi, she belongs to the latter category.

No matter how strong her curiosity is, she is only a primary school student now, and adults will be shocked by this sudden and horrifying scene, let alone her?

She, who had never seen such a **** scene, turned extremely pale in an instant.

Originally, she was standing on a chair, but because of the sudden fright, she lost her center of gravity and fell heavily behind her.

The severe pain from all parts of her body dispelled the fear in her heart for a short time.


Sitting on the ground panting heavily, recalling the horrifying scene he saw just now, Li Shiqi subconsciously stretched his hand towards his face.

—Her face is naturally fine.

And at this moment, her mother's voice came from outside the bathroom.

"Shiqi, what happened, why did you make such a big commotion?"

And with the sound of this familiar voice, outside the carved opaque glass door, the vague shadow of her mother also clearly appeared.

"No, it's okay, I accidentally fell."

Startled by this sudden voice, Li Shiqi quickly stood up from the ground.

The anomaly from the mirror is second to none, the "mother" outside is a real monster.

"Hurry up and go to bed early after taking a shower."

There was no doubt about her answer, her mother turned and left the bathroom door after she responded.

After seeing the outline of her mother gradually disappearing outside the door, Li Shiqi finally breathed a sigh of relief. After a little hesitation, she bravely stepped on her feet and glanced at the mirror.

—Where he came into view, his face in the mirror was still a **** mess.

Now, she was really a little scared.

At first, I thought there were only two monsters, but now it seems that there are monsters hidden in the mirror... She no longer dares to look in the mirror anymore.

"...Forget it, go directly to Mr. Ghost."

After looking at the wet hair with some confusion, Li Shiqi quickly made a decision.

Originally, she wanted to dry her hair, but the hair dryer was on the shelf next to the mirror. If she wanted to get the hair dryer, she would have to face the mirror again.

It's not worth taking such a big risk for a little comfort.

It's just that just when she wanted to leave the bathroom, an accidental discovery made her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

...the bathroom door wouldn't open.

It was as if something was blocking the door, with her strength, she couldn't push it open at all.

Not only that, but as if disturbed by something, the lights in the bathroom also began to flicker.

In Li Shiqi's extremely frightened eyes, at the window of the bathroom, a bright red palm print appeared outside the window.

As if there was an invisible thing slowly climbing up the window outside, after just a few seconds, another bright red handprint slowly emerged.

In the foggy bathroom, under the flickering lights, looking at the bright red handprints emerging from the window, Li Shiqi was completely dumbfounded, and his mind went blank.

But soon, the pain from her body woke her up.

—Pain can help people dispel fear in some cases.


Seeing the bright red handprints on the bathroom window, Li Shiqi gritted his teeth slightly, first pinched himself severely, and then quickly turned off the flickering light in the bathroom.

After doing all this, she quickly ran under the shower head and turned over a large bathtub used for bathing, and then quickly hid under it.

Her own mobility is very strong, and she was the same in the previous nightmare. After doing this whole set of movements, it only took five or six seconds in total.

But just after she hid under the bathtub, her heart beat suddenly slowed down when she accidentally caught something out of the corner of her eye.

The bathroom door in her house is the kind of high door with a wide opening at the bottom, because she is hiding under the bathtub now, so she can clearly see the scene outside the bathroom through the opening.

…she saw an eye.

The mother who came to the bathroom door didn't leave at all, but lay lying outside the bathroom in a posture lying on the ground!

—At this moment, she and her "mother" looked at each other with a distance of just a few meters.

After looking at each other briefly, her "mother" smiled.

Under her gaze, the "mother" who was lying outside the bathroom slowly crawled into the bathroom. Although she was such a big living person, her body shrank into such a piece of human skin, like a caterpillar. Slowly creeping towards the bathroom.

For a moment, Li Shiqi felt that the blood in his whole body was cold.

But at this time, the vision suddenly appeared.

The bathroom, which had been dark with the lights turned off, suddenly became filled with red light.

And the "mother", who was crawling inside while looking at her, suddenly showed abnormal fright as if she saw something that made her feel extremely frightened.

But just when the other party was about to retreat out of the bathroom in extreme panic... something appeared in the bathroom.

...What kind of terrifying monster is that?

Ugly, deformed, like a lunatic painter in a state of madness, using a brush to paint on paper the deepest nightmare he has seen in his heart.

Just seeing the slightest appearance of that monster, Li Shiqi felt that his brain had been hit like never before.

There was a rumble in her head, as if millions of strings of firecrackers exploded in unison in her mind, and as if there were countless speeding trains roaring and galloping in her mind.


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