Shuraba Player

Chapter 870:

The comic books in his hand were read by Anna and Qingyi before... Before, Anna asked him a question about why there were no elite perfect high school students that impressed him.

Now that there is no entertainment for the soul behind the scenes, Kwon Rae uses it as entertainment.

"When I get home, will Mr. Ghost go back with me?"

Looking up at him, inexplicably, there was a little expectation in the words of the second loli.

"In The Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow didn't go back with Dorothy, did they?"

With a curl of his lips, Bai Zhi turned over a new page in the comic book in his hand.

"I can't say too much about some things, and you won't understand if I say them. You are still young now, and when you grow up, you will...huh?"

Frowning slightly, Bai Zhi suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

At some point, a full moon quietly appeared above the ink-stained sky.


At this time, Li Shiqi also noticed what appeared above the night sky, and couldn't help but feel a little strange at the moment.

In the past few days, she stayed in the circus, and she didn't even know that the moon would appear outside the curfew time.

It's just that before she could react, under her gaze, there was one more moon above the night sky.

"... two moons?"

The original trace of loss in his heart quietly subsided, he rubbed his eyes with his hands in a little astonishment, and Li Shiqi raised his head in disbelief and looked over again.

This time, there were three moons in the sky.

…no, not just three.

Three, four, five, six, seven... Under Li Shiqi's blank gaze, more and more moons appeared above the city that never sleeps.

"Close your eyes, bow your head, and don't look."

At this time, Mr. Ghost's slightly serious voice came from the side.


Nodding slightly blankly, Li Shiqi lowered his head obediently and closed his eyes.

Although her curiosity is quite strong, she still knows what can be done and what can't be done.

——She has absolute trust in Mr. Ghost who has been with her from the beginning until now.

And even if she lowered her head and stopped looking, the growth rate of the moon in the sky did not decrease, but became more and more, and finally even completely occupied the sky of the entire city that never sleeps.

By this time, Bai Zhi's complexion had become ugly after seeing the scenery above his head clearly.

…Those things in the night sky, where is the moon?

The obvious ones are the eyes of an unbelievably huge monster that densely opened above the city that never sleeps!

In this world, do monsters of this size still exist?

What made Bai Zhi even more unexpected was yet to come.

Just when those eyes opened densely, wanting to completely occupy the night sky of the entire city that never sleeps, the city that never sleeps in a dead silence finally had its own reaction.

From the very center of the city that never sleeps, that is, from the two dancing houses, hundreds of tentacles grow densely like spider limbs.

Covering the sky with its feet, it grows from the center of the urban area and quickly covers the entire urban area. It seems that it wants to enclose the entire city that never sleeps.

The earth trembled and the sky swayed.

Originally, because of the "moon" in the sky, the entire city that never sleeps was illuminated as if it were daytime, but it returned to darkness under the action of touching feet at this moment.

Looking at the scene in front of him, why doesn't Bai Zhi understand?

——The entire city that never sleeps is clearly a living creature!

Or it can also be said that the entire city that never sleeps is just a giant spider that is so huge that it cannot be added. Those monsters, including them, all live on the body of this giant spider!

Above the sky, the battle between two huge monsters is still going on.

Under that kind of battle scene that ordinary people can't imagine at all, the whole city was trembling slightly.

Now Baizhi finally figured out why the whole city would vibrate slightly at this point in time.

They didn't feel it at all in the circus before, but now outside, the true face of the entire city that never sleeps was finally fully revealed in front of them.

But compared to the past, the tremor this time was even more intense.

It used to be the kind of slight tremor, as if lying in a hammock, and it would automatically return to calm after a period of time.

But now, with the passage of time, the vibration of the urban area is getting bigger and bigger.

Not only that, at a certain moment, perhaps the battle fell into a bad situation, the ground quietly cracked small holes, and one after another monsters in a sleeping state were ruthlessly swallowed by the city itself.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this secondary loli fell into a secondary crisis.

"What's going on, is there an earthquake?"

Li Shiqi almost fell to the ground with a crooked figure, and Li Shiqi opened his eyes in a little bewilderment.

Then when she opened her eyes, she saw a small hole cracked in the street not far away, and a monster sleeping on the side of the street was directly swallowed by the small hole.

Faintly, she saw that the small hole was full of fine and disturbed tiny tentacles...

But before she could take a closer look, the figure of Mr. Ghost appeared in front of her.

"That's right, there's an earthquake, run quickly."

Squinting his eyes slightly, he glanced at the back of the second loli, and Bai Zhi nodded.

"If you want to get home safely, hurry up and run to the dancing house."

Perhaps it was because the behemoth in the city that never sleeps finally moved, so at this moment, he saw the reality that he could never see before.

Everyone in the city that never sleeps, including the middle-two loli in front of her, was covered with one or more tiny white spider threads.

The spider silk is extremely thin, and it is connected upwards to the tentacles on the top of the head that cover the sky and the sun.

— This is also an important basis for his judgment that the city that never sleeps is actually a huge spider.

In fact, the situation of the second loli in front of me is not bad, and a spider silk was glued to its back, but some unlucky monsters on the side of the road were covered with white spider silk all over their bodies. Tightly wound.

Those who were swallowed by the holes that suddenly opened on the ground were mostly these guys who were almost wrapped into a white cocoon.

So in theory, the middle-two loli in front of me is actually safe.

...But everything is just in case.

By now, he had begun to doubt his own judgment.

—Will it really be the old dean who dominates this living city that never sleeps?

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1445 Chapter 523 The So-called "Fairy Tale" (4k)

The earth is shaking and the city is shaking.

The duel between the two behemoths directly affected the overall environment of the entire city that never sleeps.

Perhaps because of being at a disadvantage in the battle, in Bai Zhi's sight, the entire city that never sleeps has been completely reduced to a spider's nest at this moment.

Tiny white spider threads were floating everywhere, and everyone in the city was reduced to a small bug in this huge spider nest.

Under such an environment, it took Li Shiqi almost an hour to reach the side of the dancing house with difficulty.

"...Go straight in?"

Looking up at the house writhing like seaweed in front of him, and wiping the sweat oozing from his forehead with the back of his hand, Li Shiqi swallowed unconsciously.

The hour before was extremely thrilling for her.

If it weren't for Mr. Ghost's lighting and early warning, and she also likes to exercise on weekdays, she estimated that she would have to account for the tens of pounds today.

Coupled with the wriggling and incredibly huge spider tentacles in the sky that she had seen along the way, although she might not be so scared that she couldn't walk or anything, the fear in her heart must be there.

" should cover your eyes first, and then plug your ears and nose with cotton."

With a subtle complexion, he glanced at the dozens of snow-white spider threads wrapped around his hands, and after a little thought, Bai Zhi responded.

In fact, to be on the safe side, the best way should be to dig out the eyes and then pierce the deaf ears, so that the danger can be eliminated to the greatest extent.

But even an adult must have a lot of courage to do this kind of thing, let alone a primary school student. For the sake of the other party's psychological safety, Bai Zhi had to settle for the next best thing.

"Uh... ok."

After a little hesitation, Li Shiqi nodded.

The Dancing House, a landmark building in the city that never sleeps, is manifested in the form of two constantly twisting tall buildings facing each other.

There are no doors and windows in the tall building, only two opposite black doors. The doors are not locked, and anyone can enter it.

But corresponding to this, all the existences that entered inside have never come out from inside again.

Looking at the black door frame that was constantly changing shape with the twisting of the building in front of him, Li Shiqi took a deep breath, and covered his eyes.

Generally speaking, there are three main ways for human beings to obtain external information.

Sight, hearing, touch.

Under the premise that vision and hearing were blocked, Li Shiqi immediately felt boundless panic.

In the past, it's not like she didn't have this kind of experience, such as covering her eyes with a red scarf, and then letting her classmates drag her from the school gate to the classroom.

- That kind of feeling, as long as you experience it once, you will never forget it.

But right now, not only her eyes, but even her ears were blocked with the cotton prepared in advance, so she was naturally more frightened in her mentality.

Her imagination is already rich, and in this state where she can't see or hear anything, almost in an instant, she imagined countless strange and terrifying scenes in her mind .

And just when she couldn't help but wanted to tear off the cloth strip covering her face, a voice that sounded quite gentle quietly rang in her heart.

...Mr. Ghost?

When she heard that voice, her fearful state of mind was calmed down almost instantly.

To be honest, this was the first time she heard Mr. Ghost speak in such a gentle tone. The natural intimacy in the tone even made her a little unconsciously addicted to it.

Gathering her mind, according to Mr. Ghost's instructions, she stretched out her hand and pushed open the door in front of her, then walked into the building in front of her.

Although her eyes can't see anything and her ears can't hear anything now, she can still feel the surrounding situation.

Ever since she stepped into the gate, the first thing she felt was a hot feeling, which was a bit like walking into a foggy bathhouse, with water vapor permeating her body.

At the same time, the explanation from Mr. Ghost also resounded in her heart at the right time.

【 have stepped into a bathhouse now, and there are many things bathing in the bathhouse...It's a good thing you covered your eyes, otherwise this scene might not be too eye-catching. Now take three steps to the left, and then go forward...]

...Is it really a bathhouse?

While secretly cursing in his heart, Li Shiqi moved his body obediently according to Mr. Ghost's instructions.

She is not an idiot, on the contrary, she is rather smart. She has long been aware of Mr. Ghost's protection of her in terms of words and actions.

Or to be more precise, when the other party in the circus strictly prohibited her from watching other circus performances, she already had some guesses in her heart.

Some things just don't lie.

…For example, the few humans in the circus who have almost turned into lunatics.

Although I don't know what those people went through in the circus to become like that, but thinking about it, it wouldn't be a good thing.

—Mr. Phantom, he has been silently protecting her in his own way.

It was like that before, and it is like that now.

The other party said that the place where he is now is a bathhouse, but maybe the real situation outside is a gloomy and weird place. The water vapor stained on the skin may be blood or something...

[Congratulations, you have left the last bathhouse with extremely hot eyes, and now you have come to a brand new scene... Well, let me take my congratulations back, this scene is also very weird, there are all cats in it, some Cats are doing backflips, and some cats are tied to a piece of bread to become a perpetual motion machine...]

…a cat that can do a backflip?

Hmm...Mr. Phantom lied to me again by fabricating the scene, he really is a good person...

【…Well, here are a lot of mice drawing with paintbrushes in their hands and hats on their heads...Take three steps to the side, try not to touch the pictures drawn by the mice...】

…after the backflip cat, the drawing mouse?

Although Li Shiqi didn't think that what Mr. Ghost said was the real scene, but this did not prevent her from sketching those scenes in her mind based on the other party's narration.

All of a sudden, she was thinking about it in her mind.

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