Shuraba Player

Chapter 943:

...that transfer student has a problem.

She knew this, but she couldn't tell anyone else.

I don't know if it is a psychological effect. All day today, she felt that the other party has been observing her intentionally or unintentionally. No matter where she is, it seems that there is a pair of eyes secretly staring at her. It was quite torture.

Because of this, after returning to the dormitory, she went to bed early on the excuse that she was not feeling well.

But even so, the feeling of being spied on still exists, and it has become much more unscrupulous, and she can only endure it silently.


A moment later, with the soft sound of the dormitory door being closed, the dormitory returned to its previous silence.

Until this time, Yi Yuezhuo breathed a sigh of relief.

——The lingering inexplicable sense of spying finally disappeared with the closing of the dormitory door.

Gently letting out a breath, Yi Yuezhuo carefully opened a small slit in the quilt, allowing some fresh air to come in.

Only then did she have the thought to think about the transfer student.

My roommate never came back after violating the rules, but the other party was able to ignore the rules, and judging from the previous behavior of the other party, the other party seemed to be deliberately leading them to violate the rules.....the reason what is it

Just a rough thought, the opponent's body is full of doubts.

Logically speaking, those transfer students who didn't care about the rules should have had the accident, but the ones who got hurt were the original students who obeyed the rules... No, those rules seem to only apply to us original students...! ?

Suddenly, Yi Yuezhuo's complexion changed.

A rustling sound came from above her head.

But she remembered very clearly that when she went to bed before, there was no one on her upper bunk, not even a quilt, only a lonely bed board.

...... Her upper bunk is the bed of the roommate who disappeared yesterday.

After a little hesitation, Yi Yuezhuo bravely pulled down the quilt a little, intending to secretly take a look.

However, before she poked her head out, she froze there as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

—A few bunches of black hair hung down from the top of her head, and just fell in front of her.

Almost uncontrollably, she made up such a picture in her mind.

I was wrapped in a quilt and lying on the bed facing the wall, and my missing roommate was clinging to the back of the bed above my head and staring at me blankly at this moment, a few strands of hair came from the roommate's gray His withered face drooped down, right on the side of his pillow...

She has a strong ability to make up brains, and even imagined the expression on the face of the roommate above her head.

Yi Yuezhuo: "..."

…There is no time when she hates her imagination that is far beyond ordinary people more than now.

Perhaps the only thing that comforts her is that she doesn't seem to be as... afraid as she imagined?

It was as if in her subconscious mind, she had already experienced many situations that were more terrifying than the current situation, and even she herself felt a little unbelievable.

"...Am I so courageous?"

After thinking about it for a while, she didn't know what she thought of. She turned over carefully under the quilt first, and then quietly opened the quilt a little and looked out of the bed. .

About two steps away from her bed, a figure stood there quietly with his back to her.

—The transfer student didn't leave at all, but stood in front of her bed with his back to her at some point.

Yi Yuezhuo: "..."

... No wonder she felt that prying stare was gone.

This night, Yi Yuezhuo didn't even know when she fell asleep.

Because she didn't sleep well last night, when she woke up the next morning, she looked a little listless.

After a simple wash, she hurried to the teaching building.

On the way to the teaching building, there were thousands of people in the whole school, and there was a tacit understanding that no one talked to each other, and everyone was in a hurry.

— All students will not be able to speak to each other until self-study is completed.

This is also one of the principles of Yiyang Middle School.

Here is Yiyang Middle School.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1514 Chapter 591 [Yiyang Middle School] (4k)

In Yiyang Middle School, there are many rules that cannot be violated.

No one would think about why these rules existed, including Yi Yuezhu herself. These rules were so commonplace that they had completely integrated into their respective lives.

Just like no one will doubt why 1+1 is equal to 2, why day and night appear alternately, students in Yiyang Middle School will not doubt these various rules that exist in Yiyang Middle School.

After repeatedly confirming that he was in his own class before entering the classroom, Yi Yuezhuo came to his seat, and then took out his textbook from the desk.

During this process, she kept her eyes fixed and focused all her thoughts on the textbook in front of her.

—During self-study in the morning, you can't look around in the classroom, and you must never try to count the number of students in the class.

In this regard, as a top student, she undoubtedly did a good job.

During the morning self-study period, they are not allowed to make a sound. They can read the textbook silently and try to do their homework at the same time. In this respect, they seem relatively free.

Stretching out her hands and rubbing her slightly tired eyes due to poor sleep, looking at the textbook she placed on the table in front of her, Yi Yuezhuo began to read silently in her heart.

(In the deepest caves dwelt horrors.)

(The thing is so strange that the eyes can't see it.)

(In accursed lands, dead thoughts gain new life and monstrous flesh.)

(Those bodies are headless, but have evil thoughts living in them...)

In this morning that should have been full of vigor, there was no sound in the school, and the overall silence was terrifying. From the classrooms, there was only the rustling sound of flipping books.

No one thinks there is anything wrong, everything is normal, commonplace.

Because the quality of sleep last night was really worrying, so in this morning self-study, Yi Yuezhuo inevitably seemed a little groggy, and she always felt a voice ringing in her head.

Under the premise that this kind of mental state is really bad, even the contents of the textbooks she was familiar with were stumbled silently in her heart, and her brain became more chaotic, and the more she read, the sleepier she became. Go to sleep.

But the problem is that sleep is not allowed during early self-study.

If you fall asleep on your desk during morning self-study, the student will be taken to the office for education by the patrolling teacher outside the classroom, and it is said that if it is serious, you will even be dismissed.

During the class break, Yi Yuezhuan had heard that students from other classes were dismissed because of early self-study and sleeping. was cleared out.

As a top student, she didn't want to be kicked out of Yiyang Middle School.

It is precisely because of this that in order to keep herself from falling asleep, she did not hesitate to pinch her arms to stimulate herself with pain, and tried her best to keep herself awake during morning self-study.

You know, based on her unique perception, she can clearly sense that several eyes outside the window are already staring at her, as if they are waiting to catch her...

—Under such circumstances, she naturally couldn't allow herself to fall asleep.

I don't know how long time has passed, but in Yi Yuezhuo's impression, it seems that after about a century has passed, she finally got her wish and heard the bell for the next self-study.

It's just that when she breathed a sigh of relief and was about to lie down and squat for a while, her whole body suddenly trembled.

According to what she heard, the bell for self-study rang four times in total.

- The bell for self-study will stop after it rings three times. If it rings too much or less, or the student will not be counting as the next morning self-study until he hears the correct bell.

…I hate formalism.

After lamenting with resentment in her heart, Yi Yuezhuo pulled herself together again.

If she heard the wrong ringtone, it meant that there was no morning self-study. If she lay down at this time, it would be equivalent to falling asleep during the morning self-study.

She has persisted for so long before, she will not make such a small mistake at this time.

But for some reason, when she supported her body again, she seemed to hear some unpleasant tone words in a trance, but she didn't take it seriously.

At the same time, as if seeing her determination, the gazes outside the window that had been staring at her finally moved away from her in satisfaction.

Dragging her drowsy head, after about ten minutes passed, Yi Yuezhuo finally heard the correct three clear and crisp sounds during self-study in the morning.


Heaving a sigh of relief, he closed the textbook in his hand and put it in the table, Yi Yuezhuo lay down on the table and closed his eyes.

It was breakfast time after the morning self-study, and their students could choose to eat in the cafeteria, but since she was so sleepy now, she naturally didn't think about eating breakfast.

It's just that what makes Yi Yuezhuo feel dumbfounded is that the endless drowsiness accumulated during the morning self-study began to disappear after she lay down on the table, and at the same time her brain became more and more clear, Her whole body also began to become more and more energetic...

This situation is very similar to the yawning when I was doing my homework before, and then I was full of energy after I put down my homework and picked up my phone.

... What about trouble?

After lying on the table for a few minutes to make sure that she was really becoming more and more energetic, Yi Yuezhuo sat up helplessly.

At this time, some students in the class had already left the classroom and went to the cafeteria, so the whole classroom inevitably seemed a little empty.

After a short glance, Yi Yuezhuo immediately withdrew his gaze.

Never try to count the number of students in the class. This is one of the rules in the class. Her own thinking is already out of bounds. She doesn't want to violate the rules unintentionally.

"... let's go to the cafeteria and have breakfast."

After thinking for a while, Yi Yuezhuo stood up from the chair.

The cafeteria is only open one hour after morning self-study, one hour after the last class in the morning, and one hour after the last class in the afternoon. The other students were wiped out.

Of course, breakfast is not included. After all, there are no dishes for breakfast, and everyone eats the same.

It's just that when Yi Yuezhuo she didn't expect, she just stood up, and she suddenly noticed a familiar sight focused on her body.

"It's that transfer student again..."

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at a **** her right back who also stood up after her, and Yi Yuezhuo's heart sank immediately.

She still remembers all the things that happened last night.

The sound above my head rang in the middle of the night, and the other party stood in front of my bed with her back in the middle of the night. Most of the reason why I was depressed during self-study this morning was due to the other party.

But when she was on guard, the other party had already walked in front of her, and then extended an invitation to her openly.

"Student Yi, I still don't quite understand the rules in the cafeteria. Can we go to the cafeteria to have breakfast together?"


Thoughts were spinning sharply in her mind, but Yi Yuezhuo nodded in agreement.

The two of them are roommates after all, it doesn't really matter whether she agrees or not.


The canteen is located at the rear of the west side of the teaching building, not too far from the teaching building, and it takes five or six minutes to walk there.

Because the self-study time had already passed, the school was no longer as quiet as before, but rather bustling. The two of them were not too conspicuous among the mighty students going to the cafeteria.

Yi Yuezhuo now has a general understanding of the transfer student beside her.

In terms of personality, the other party obviously wants to escape too much, and is quite curious. In the past few minutes of the journey, the other party has asked her no less than a dozen questions about the cafeteria.

In fact, it's okay to ask questions. After all, the other party has just transferred to this school, so it's normal to have questions.

But the problem is that the other party doesn't care about the crucial rules that cannot be violated in the cafeteria. Instead, they care more about the types and tastes of the dishes in the cafeteria...

Quietly, Yi Yuezhuo put a distance of a million points away from the other party.

The other party doesn't care about that, but she has to care about it.

As a top student, she does not allow and cannot tolerate breaking the rules.

Because it was necessary to provide food for the entire school, the area occupied by the cafeteria was not small, but because they arrived late, there were already long queues in front of the breakfast outlets.

"There's no one at the restaurant, let's go over there!"

Just as Yi Yuezhuo was about to go to the queue honestly, the transfer student reached out and grabbed her finger without any explanation, pointing to a deserted dining window beside her and started talking.

—In the cafeteria, there was a long queue at the other dining outlets, but the one the other party was pointing at was deserted.

"You can't go there."

Taking the opponent's hand away, Yi Yuezhuo looked vigilant.

"Didn't you listen at all before? Here in the cafeteria, all the staff are wearing work clothes. Although there is no one in front of the dining window, the staff inside are not wearing work clothes."

——For the vigilance of the other party, she has never let go of it in her heart.

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