Shuraba Player

Chapter 951:

"In the face of such a big issue that concerns the safety of the whole world, all countries in the world are preparing to send elite players from all countries to that world together to prevent and delay the return of that world, so I want to ask if you have the time..."

"No, I'm so weak, helpless and pitiful, you let me go to such a dangerous place?"

Before the old general finished speaking, Bai Zhi interrupted the other party with a look of disbelief.

"You who raised this question, do you still have humanity? In this world, do you still have the principles of heaven?"

Old General: "..."

...It's okay to be weak and helpless.

Although it is said that on the Internet, there are more and more news about Dongfang's Yin Tianzi going to Japan to abduct the Shenzi of the castle tower, but in China, because of the frequent attacks of the other party in the past few days and in the official news reports With many appearances, Yin Tianzi has undoubtedly become a shining sign on their side.

"Don't look at me like that. To be honest, I don't even have a master job yet, and the system rating has only barely reached the perfect level. Isn't it weak and helpless enough for me like this?"

Pointing back at himself, Bai Zhi took it for granted.

"Besides, I spend five days at home without..."

"No, you don't even have a master job now!?"

Before Bai Zhi could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by the stunned old general. Even with the original words beside him, he looked like he was looking at a monster.

The substantial improvement in the player's strength after level 25 is partly due to the player's personal core talent, and more comes from the huge changes brought about by the player after taking up the main job and condensing the professional core.

They always thought that Bai Zhi had already assumed the position of master and condensed the core of his profession long ago. They even speculated that the pure white Rubik's Cube floating beside him was the core of his profession.

It turned out to be good now, not to mention condensing the core of the profession, the other party has not even taken up the main job... This is quite outrageous.

What's even more outrageous is that the other party doesn't even have a master job, yet they can get a perfect evaluation from the system...

You know, even if it is the original speech as an inheritor, she just barely reached the epic rating by virtue of her status as an inheritor, and the old general only has an elite rating.

Or it can be said that in today's world, except for those inheritors, the system's perfect rating can already be called the top in the world.

Players who have reached this rating, not counting those inheritors, the total number of players in the world at present does not know if they can exceed one hundred...

...What is the top Versailles?

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1522 Chapter 599 Positive and Negative and [Blood of Xuanhuang] (4k)

Kunlun, built on wood.

The damage caused by a disaster involving more than 40 cities around the world has been so heavy, it is hard to imagine what the world will be like when the strange world of [Shan Hai Jie] returns.

In the face of this worldwide crisis, no one can stay out of it.

It is precisely because of this that the plan to gather a team in advance to break into the mountain and sea world to find a way to delay the return of that world also came into being under this major premise.

In this plan, only the elite.

At present, the candidates who have clearly joined this plan include Chuci, Pluto, Tingshi Xige... and even the name [God] in the West.

Of course, this plan is only a draft so far, and the number of participants has not been determined, but the final number of participants is expected to reach as many as 20 or 30 people.

"When is the specific action time?"

After patiently listening to the old general talk about these things, Bai Zhi asked with some interest.

"Depending on the situation, it may be within half a month...Are you sure you don't want us to help provide the master job?"

Before finishing a sentence, the old general couldn't help asking.

"Among the Night Watchmen, there are quite a few pretty good career manuals, which can definitely meet your requirements."

"Forget it, I have arrangements for the master job."

He yawned in his mouth, and Bai Zhi waved his hands.

"Let's talk about serious business. I have been to that place in Shanhaijie before. It is extremely dangerous and the level of horror is far beyond what you can imagine."


"I have to pay more."

Putting up a finger in front of him, Bai Zhi's expression was concise.

Old General/Original Speech: "..."


No matter what earth-shaking changes have taken place in the outside world, in Kunlun, the situation inside has always remained the same.

However, compared to the past, the current development of other paradises has caused a large number of technical personnel to go out, so that the flow of people here in Kunlun is obviously reduced by a large amount.

After dealing with Yuan Ci and the old general, when Bai Zhi just wanted to find a place to rest, he accidentally bumped into a figure that he would never meet in the middle and lower floors of Jianmu.

"...for me?"

Looking at the petite figure in a white coat and holding a cup of coffee in front of him, Bai Zhi's complexion couldn't help but look a little weird.

"Have you not rested for a long time? This cup of coffee is just for refreshing."

After handing him the cup of coffee in his hand, positive and negative turned around in a flat tone.

"Come with me, I have something to see you."

Bai Zhi: "..."

...It's okay if you give me coffee to refresh me.

In other words, in this case, shouldn't I be asked to rest?

While complaining in his heart, while following behind the other party, Bai Zhi took the cup of coffee and took a sip.

He can see that the other party who has always only stayed in his research institute is now coming down specially. It is obvious that he is here to look for him, and considering that he is busy on Sundays, he even has coffee prepared for him thoughtfully. So much so that it's still hot in my mouth when I drink it now... Uh...

As soon as he drank the warm coffee in his hand, Bai Zhi's face froze immediately.

The extremely bitter coffee is still fine, but the problem is that in this extremely bitter coffee, he even tasted the taste of Roujiamo... What kind of dark culinary world coffee is this?

—It was the first time in his life that he drank Roujiamo-flavored coffee.

"Wait, this coffee..."

"Why, doesn't it suit your taste? You said before that you want the taste of Roujiamo."

There was no intention of stopping, and while walking up the long green wooden stairs, Positive and Negative answered in a flat tone.

"If the Roujiamo flavor is not enough, I also have Houttuynia cordata flavor and **** sauce flavor."

"...Forget it, I'll continue to drink the Roujiamo flavor."

Rolling his eyes, Bai Zhi raised his coffee cup and took a few more sips.

Although the Roujiamo-flavored coffee is a bit weird and tastes extremely bitter, the effect is immediate. The drowsy sleepiness in his mind has completely disappeared now.

And besides, compared with the cup of coffee in the Red Leaf Lab, who doesn’t know how much sugar has been added, this cup of extremely bitter coffee with the flavor of Roujiamo is actually not bad in terms of taste...

"By the way, have those things been researched?"

Following the other party up the green wood stairs step by step, while drinking the coffee in his hand, Bai Zhi started to ask.

In his mind, the only thing that could make the other party come to him on his own initiative was the big needle of dark yellow blood that he had given to the other party in his original words.

"There are traces of being transformed."

With both hands in the pockets of the white coat on both sides, he climbed up the stairs with a calm face, and spoke in a calm manner.

"From the results of the anatomy, it looks a bit like it was left after being transformed by an existence like [Doomsday]."

"[Doomsday]... wait, you mean the time worm?"

After a moment of stupefaction, Bai Zhi quickly came to his senses.

When he used the [Kunlun Mirror] to travel through time and space to return to the past time period, he caught a [Time Worm] in that time period, and the turmoil in the past was caused by this worm.

At that time, he suspected that there was a pusher behind the worm, so he brought the worm back to the other party for research, but he did not expect that the other party actually researched something.

"That's right, that's a doomsday modified creature."

Nodding, Positive and Negative spoke flatly.

"According to the comparison of the anatomical results of some biological samples captured from the doomsday field in Japan, there is a great possibility that the time worm came from that [doomsday]."

"You mean, it was the [Doomsday] that released the [Time Worm] in our world?"

After listening to the other party's words, Bai Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly.

He is actually very concerned about the doomsday advance group that came to Japan and the [doomsday] behind it.

There is no way, after all, his main job is now all counted on the doomsday domain that he and the pink hair have dragged back to the [Yincao Hell] together, and he can't pay attention to it.

"have no idea."

Shi Shi simply shook his head, and answered positively and negatively.

"I don't know much about the existence of [Doomsday]. If one day I have the opportunity to dissect [Doomsday], maybe I can give you an answer to this question."

"Dissect [Doomsday] really dare to think about it."

Seeing the girl walking in front of him, and taking another sip of the meat-flavored coffee in his hand, Bai Zhi couldn't help but look a little speechless.

You know, even he just has the idea of ​​using those things as appetizers... Well, it seems to be similar?

After this moment of discussion, the two of them stopped talking for the rest of the trip, and just hurried on their way silently.

Positive and negative, no one knows what she is thinking, but Bai Zhi said that while drinking coffee, he was thinking about the [Time Worm] aimlessly in his mind.

To be honest, he didn't expect that [Time Worm] could be related to [Doomsday]. The two are clearly irrelevant.

—He had a hunch that the matter about the time worm was far from over.

About tens of minutes later, the two of them finally arrived at the research institute located on the upper level of Jianmu, or it could be said that it was her personal research base.

At Jianmu's height, not to mention ordinary people, even stronger players cannot stay at this height for long.

"Huh? Li, from the mountainside, has been transferred to you?"

Walking on the metal passage in the research institute, listening to what positive and negative said, Bai Zhi couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Yes, he is currently receiving further treatment here."

Walking beside Bai Zhi with his hands in his pockets, Positive and Negative nodded flatly.

"When he was transferred here before, his condition looked very bad. Due to excessive overdraft, he almost passed away, and even the relics began to manifest... Do you want to go and have a look?"

Stopping, Positive and Negative turned their heads to look at him.

"...Let's go and have a look."

After thinking for a while, Bai Zhi nodded.

In all honesty, although this monk seemed a little unscrupulous, he still admired him very much in terms of what the other party had done.


Looking at the monk who was sitting in front of the bed after opening the door, holding a chicken leg in his left hand, a pork knuckle in his right, and a large pot of spicy crayfish and a large beer in front of him, Bai Zhi and positive and negative People couldn't help but fell into silence.

"Uh... Amitabha, the black benefactor, the right benefactor, don't come here without any harm."

After a moment of stupefaction, he put down the chicken legs and pork knuckles in his hands as if nothing had happened, and Li from the mountain side clasped his palms together and saluted with a smile on his face.

And with the movements of the mountain man Li, his whole body seemed to be shining with golden Buddha's light. Under the reflection of the Buddha's light, his whole face became compassionate and compassionate.

Baizhi/Positive and Negative: "..."

"...Didn't you say that he is going to die soon?"

Glancing at the sumptuous meal in front of the other party and the oil on his hands, Bai Zhi silently turned his head to look at the positive and negative beside him.

"Have you ever seen a dying person with such a good appetite? This guy eats better than me. I just ate steamed buns and boiled water these days."

"...that was before."

After a moment of silence, Positive and Negative calmly answered.

"From this point of view, my treatment is still very effective."

"Hmm... Do you think it is possible to return to the light?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Then is there still time for me to buy wreaths and incense candles?"

"In time."

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