Shuraba Player

Chapter 956:

He hadn't forgotten that he still owed that Lolita a whole 10,000 origin coins...

The Shadow World is really swallowing too many resources, and the cultivation of the World Tree is a bottomless pit. Like the equipment and props on his body, they have not been updated for a long time, and they are all supported by entries.

If Lin Xiaoyi hadn't given him a tailor-made [white dress] before, he probably didn't even have a facade...

While Bai Zhi was thinking hard about how to make money at the supper stall, on the other side of the bustling city, a competition that was as large and lively as the King of Duel was about to begin.

Compared with the Duel King event, which required decks and duel boards to participate in, this game called [God of Cookery] seemed quite friendly.

The Duel King competition is for the title of the Duel King, while the God of Cookery competition is for the title of the God of Cookery.

—The one who participated in this competition is Hitomi.

Originally, with Hitomi's shy character, she didn't want to participate in such a high-profile competition even if she had been quietly signed up, but for some reason, she finally mustered up the courage to choose to participate.

After hearing Tong's answer, Mu Qianse was a little surprised at that time.

As the cook at home, it can be said that she is one of the few people who understand Tong best. Although under Anna's influence, Tong's shy personality has improved a lot, but it is only in comparison.

Once in such a crowded place, the most common thing Hitomi will do is to hide behind other people, even when she is hanging out together, she is also the most inconspicuous one.

Among the autographs of [Shidian Yanluo] currently on the market, Hitomi is the only one without a signature.

After all, with her personality, it would be nice if she didn't find a place to hide or hide behind others when facing strangers, let alone write autographs for others.

It was precisely because of this that at that time, apart from being a little surprised, Mu Qianse was more delighted. She felt sincerely happy that the other party was able to take this step bravely.

It's just the truth...

"Just, just treat those people as carrots?"

In the pure white space, looking at Shu Ling who looked exactly like her, Tong asked nervously.

"That's right, trust me, this method works very well."

There was still a book spread out in front of her, and she looked up at the black-haired loli in front of her, and Shu Ling nodded with a serious face.

"If radishes don't work, you can still make those people imagine as cabbages or watermelons. It's just that there are a little more people. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"Ugh... I will try my best."

With a cry of mourning in his mouth, he tightly held the book of Gospel in his arms with both hands, and nodded his head.

For her, even the flow of people in an ordinary supermarket would scare her, let alone the spectacular crowds of people outside.

— This game was regarded by her as the biggest challenge in her life.

"Since it's so reluctant, why did you agree to play?"

Looking at the expression on the face of the black-haired loli in front of him, he sighed slightly, and Shu Ling closed the book in front of him.

"Actually, I think..."

"...Because it was my elder brother who signed up for me."

After interrupting Shu Ling's words, the expression on Tong's face suddenly became firm.

"No matter what, I don't want to disappoint my lord brother."

In the last two days, ask for a monthly pass (ノ○Д○)ノ Qun Yiliu 8②一7⑦①⑥

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1528 Chapter 604 Lolita War? Part 3 (4k)

As a grand event held during the celebration period, the God of Cookery Contest is naturally not as simple as it appears on the surface.

For this competition, the organizer specially opened up a brand new competition area. Nearly a thousand participants were concentrated and generally distributed in this competition area. The scene looked absolutely luxurious.

In fact, the flow of people gathered in this area is indeed the largest, and there is never a shortage of foodies.

Not only that, all the ingredients and kitchen utensils needed by any contestants will be provided by the organizer. As long as some protected animals are not used as ingredients, any ingredients can be obtained from the organizer.

Although he kept cheering himself up in his heart, but when he was about to take the stage and looked at the crowd of people below, Tong's complexion still turned pale.

— She had never seen so many people in her life.

"Is it really okay?"

Looking at the black-haired loli who was holding her hand tightly beside her and looking extremely nervous, Mu Qianse couldn't help asking.

The current state of the other party is truly worrying.

To be honest, seeing Tong's nervous look, she was really worried that the other party would hug her body and shrink under the stove since she came on stage...

"No, no problem, it's all carrots."

As if she had made a huge decision, she let go of her hand. Hitomi mustered up her courage and walked towards the passage. Although her body was a little stiff, she took a solid step.


Seeing Loli walking towards the entrance of the passage firmly with a stiff posture of hands and feet in front of him, Mu Qing's complexion couldn't help but look a little delicate.

Apart from other things, the process of this event is very simple. It is divided into three rounds, the preliminary round, the rematch and the final final.

In this competition, there are no so-called judges, but a special prop [God's Tongue? Competition Edition] specially customized by the manufacturer in Haicheng as the evaluation.

A total of more than 1,000 people participated in the competition in the preliminary competition, but when it came to the finals, there were only ten people left on the field.

Although Mu Qianse didn't think Tong could make it all the way to the finals, but the fact that the other party was able to overcome his psychological weakness and stand on the stage that attracted much attention was enough to make her feel gratified.

It's not that she has no confidence in Tong, but in her impression, the other party seems to have never had cooking experience.

Although the other party may secretly practice cooking like a certain white-haired loli, but recalling Qingyi's cooking, I always feel that I don't have any confidence...

When I was at [Zhu Rong] before, a certain white-haired loli who did not give up did not secretly hone her cooking skills again, but cooking is actually very talented.

Like a certain evil dragon that crosses the waters, after eating the food made by the other party against its will, it treats itself as a frog and jumps in front of them for a whole day, croaking and arguing endlessly...

Although a certain white-haired loli refused to admit it afterwards, but in the face of the iron-clad facts, except for the other party who has a criminal record, who else can do this?

As the saying goes, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black, and Tong has been following Qingyi for so long...

Hmm...Fortunately, there are no judges this time, so it would be nice to win a participation award...

Thinking of this, Mu Qianse nodded somewhat rejoicingly.

—It’s just a pity that she still underestimated Hitomi’s popularity and the arrogance of the organizer.

Originally, although he was so nervous that he was going to die, Tong still managed to overcome it. According to Shu Ling's instructions, he visualized all the audience in the audience as Chinese cabbages.

But the question is... which cabbage can talk?

As one of the Ten Halls of Yan Luo, her popularity on the Internet was already quite high. When she made her official debut on stage and was recognized by the audience below, the scene immediately boiled.

Although there are many beautiful girls among the contestants on the stage, Loli is the only one, and even the kitchen utensils are tailor-made to take care of this Loli.

In this case, it's like in the college entrance examination room, suddenly a primary school student appears conspicuously, even if you don't care much, you can't help but look there.

In this way, one spreads ten, ten spreads one hundred, one hundred spreads one thousand... The number of tourists gathered in Tong's area began to increase.

Under the strong onlookers of the audience, Tong found sadly that the method Sister Shu Ling said was completely useless.

After all, in her cognition, there has never been any talking cabbage or watermelon...

Just when Hitomi's mind went blank and she couldn't help but want to run away, her gaze suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure off the stage.

Under her gaze, the figure smiled and raised his hand, giving her a thumbs up.

…Suddenly, Hitomi felt that she was not nervous at all.

"Tch, that guy..."

In the pure white space, looking at that scene with the help of Tong's body, a certain book spirit couldn't help but look a bit apprehensive.

Because of the special connection with Hitomi, she can actually perceive everything that Hitomi sees or touches, so she naturally discovered Hitomi's mood changes earlier than others.

In order to help the other party, she had said so much and proposed so many methods, but in the end, she couldn't compare to someone's gaze and thumb... This made her feel quite unbalanced psychologically. why?

With a little emotion, he reopened the book in front of him, and Shu Ling looked unhappy.

Originally, she wanted to see that the situation was not good, so she went out to help take over Tong's body to complete the game, but now, she felt that Tong didn't need her anymore.

As for Hitomi's culinary skills... From her point of view, although she is not as good as that cook girl, it shouldn't be a problem to advance to the finals.

—That's right, among the lolis, the other's cooking skills are the best.

Others don't know, but she knows it clearly in her heart.

Although he seldom speaks on weekdays, in Tong's heart, he is always thinking about whether he can help his elder brother a little more, and he is still working tirelessly for this goal.

For example, the culinary skills that the other party currently possesses were honed from her. I don't know how much sweat I have put in for this, just to be able to surprise her elder brother at a suitable time.

...well, she wasn't envious at all.

real. (gritting teeth)


"...Is Hitomi's cooking skills so good?"

Under the stands, Bai Zhi was surprised to see the black-haired loli making dishes in an orderly manner under the eyes of everyone.

It's rare that Tong can overcome himself and walk onto the stage that attracts so much attention. Naturally, he can't miss it, but he didn't expect that the other party's cooking skills can be so amazing.

Looking at the movements of Tong Tong's hands, it seems that he has experimented hundreds of thousands of times before...

At first, he was a little suspicious that Shuling was acting on his behalf, but after watching it for a while, he already rejected this guess in his mind.

To be honest, watching the scene of the black-haired loli cooking seriously on the stage gives people the feeling of a good wife and loving mother...

After spending a little while, Bai Zhi successfully found a suspicious person among the more than a thousand contestants.

Still has long blue hair, still looks like a girl, still wears a fox mask on her face, completely changed without any changes...

Although her image is a bit weird, in today's environment, this image is actually very common. There is even a person on the stage wearing a mecha and using polymer cooking...

"Well, the name of the competition this time is not 3.1415926, but has become Pie... Is there a difference?"

Looking at the **** the stage, Bai Zhi suddenly felt a toothache for no reason.

According to this situation, this little loli is probably going to challenge Qingyi and the others... Is this necessary?

For this kind of thing, he is very incomprehensible.

Tens of minutes later, with the completion of the contestants' dishes one after another, the preliminary competition also slowly came to an end.

As for the evaluation of relevant dishes, [God's Tongue? Competition Edition] will give scores to determine the ranking.

And when the audience regretted that they could not taste the dishes, the organizer gave them another surprise.

In order to show the fairness of the competition, and also to allow more people to taste the taste of the dishes, the organizer will send dozens of [chefs] professionals to provide everyone with a unique experience.

In other words, under the ability of [Chef] professionals, each of them will have the opportunity to taste the taste of the dishes. Although they can't eat enough, they can actually taste the taste of the dishes.

It’s just that [Chefs] professionals lack skills, so in the preliminary stage, only the 20 contestants with the highest scores among the votes voted by the audience have the opportunity to let everyone taste the taste of the dishes.

— On this list, Hitomi is the best.

There are 20 contestants, and each contestant only has a share quota of 500 shares. Because there are too many people from there, Bai Zhi used certain methods when he had to.

"The ability of players who take the logistics support path..."

Taking a look at the diced carrots in his hand that were distributed by the staff, Bai Zhi thoughtfully threw it into his mouth.

The carrot melts in the mouth, but the taste is not the taste of the carrot itself. It is rich and mellow in the mouth, leaving a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

As the organizer said in the previous introduction, in this case, you can only taste the taste, but you can’t be full, but this alone is enough, it is better to say that it is the favorite of some foodies.

" turns out that the second best cook in the family is Hitomi..."

Looking at the top of the stands, Bai Zhi's expression could not help but look a little subtle.

Not only on Tong's side, but also on Pai's side. After trying both sides, Bai Zhi found that the two sides were really indistinguishable for a while.

...Then he voted for Hitomi without hesitation.

Compared with the preliminary round, the number of participants in the semi-finals is less than 100, but correspondingly, the difficulty of the dish proposition has also increased a lot compared to the preliminary round.

It is also because of this, because of the diversion of the flow of people, that the number of people in front of each stand has been greatly improved compared to the preliminary round.

But things like these didn't have any impact on Hitomi.

For her, it doesn't matter if there are many or few people in the audience, as long as one of them is silently watching her with encouraging eyes, that's enough.

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