Shuraba Player

Chapter 962:

Bai Zhi nodded.

"Everyone's level cap is different. This is a personal innate limitation. When your level reaches level 39, no matter how you gain experience, you will not be able to increase your level again... The upper limit is probably the perfect rating. "

If he remembers correctly, in order to break through to the epic rating, the player level must be at least over level 50. In Xia Wen's case, it is difficult for her to break through the limit of the epic rating.

"Can't it be promoted?"

Xia Wen looked very unwilling to give up.

Regarding the level cap, thanks to a good girlfriend who is keen on collecting information, she naturally knows about it.

But she knows that anyone can know exactly where her limit is only after her level reaches the upper limit. She knew her limit in advance, so she was naturally a little unwilling.

"Of course you can. After all, the limit is used to break through."

Glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi had a noncommittal expression on his face.

"However, for things like this, let's wait until you reach the limit first. If you want to break through the limit of the level, you must first reach the limit of the attribute."

To be honest, if it wasn't for the data given by [Demon Refining Pot], it would be the first time that Bai Zhi knew that the attributes also had so-called limits.

…Pushing the limits?

After making up his mind to take out his household registration and take a look again, Bai Zhi looked at the others.

"How about it, do you want to wait and watch in private, or watch it now? It's actually quite good to be able to know the existence of your own limit in advance."

"Ahem... I'd better wait and see in private."

For some inexplicable reason, she felt a little guilty, and after coughing a few times, Yan Huo Feng Yue stretched out her hand towards Bai Zhi.

"Excuse me, thank you."


Shrugging his shoulders slightly, Bai Zhi handed over the picture scroll that belonged to Yan Huo Feng Yue to the other party.

Not everyone is willing to show their attributes to others like Xia Wen, this kind of thing is easy to understand.


Seeing that Yan Huo Fengyue started, she turned her head to look at Bai Zhi's side, and Lin Xiaoyi also spoke a little embarrassedly.

It's just that before the other party finished speaking, Bai Zhi had already handed over the picture scroll that belonged to the other party very understandingly, but when it was Mu Qianse's turn, the other party was quite generous.

"It's okay, give me a review."

— Mu Qianse winked at Bai Zhi from a position where no one else could see.


【Mu light color】

[Race: Human]

[Personal attributes: Strength 31, Dexterity 42, Constitution 32, Intelligence 33, Perception 69, Charm 26]

[Five elements of yin and yang: gold 13, wood 18, water 75, fire 63, earth 27, yin 56, yang 56]

【Current Status: Normal】

[Skills mastered: BACK, cooking technique, diet therapy...]

【Exclusive Skill: Food】

[Current Level: LV27]

[Level cap: LV41]

[Maximum attribute: Strength 80, Dexterity 90, Constitution 100, Intelligence 90, Perception 160, Charm 90]

【Introduction: Lovers】


When the picture scroll was fully unfolded in front of everyone, everything was silent.

Bai Zhi: "..."

...Is this demon refining pot so intelligent?

At this moment, he suddenly understood what Mu Qianse was trying to express when he winked at him earlier.

Looking at the few people who were silently staring at the picture scroll, Bai Zhi, who suddenly had a sense of foreboding, quietly moved towards the outside of the gazebo.

——The current deadly aura is really tormenting.

But before he moved a few steps, a certain night owl followed him.

Bai Zhi: "..."

"... I remember that you two seemed to be in a relationship before?"

After a long silence, Xia Wen suddenly broke the silence with a thoughtful expression.

"If you look at it this way, the Demon Refining Pot has revealed the previous relationship?"

"I think it's quite possible."

As if he had received some inspiration, after he opened the picture scroll in his hand very quickly, glanced at it and then quickly closed it, the expression on his face returned to normal, and Yan Huo Fengyue nodded solemnly.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of the legendary Ten Weapons of China."

Bai Zhi: "..."

With the help of God's perspective, when a certain majesty unfurled the scroll very quickly just now, he also clearly saw the information on the be precise, the information in the last column of the information column.

【Introduction: Lovers】

...Is it true that this introduction is based on your own ideas?

Inexplicably, Bai Zhi suddenly felt some toothache.

"Okay, let's look at other things. I'd rather see Qingyi."

Following you, she secretly unfolded the picture scroll in her hand and took a look, her face was slightly flushed, and Lin Xiaoyi coughed a few times in her mouth.

In the past, she didn't think as much as a certain majesty, but now, she suddenly felt a little grateful for the choice she made before.

"Hmm... For things like this, I think it's better to ask for their own opinions."

Selectively ignoring the resentful eyes of a certain night owl, Bai Zhi stretched out a finger in front of him with a solemn face.

"It's fine if they want to, but if they don't, we have to ask for their own opinion."

Just kidding, among the few lolis, except for Shenzi who is clean and innocent, the identities of the rest of the lolis are a bit shady.

Even Mumu, didn't he have the experience of almost becoming the master of ghost stories in a world?

Even now, he still remembers the feeling of the opponent playing with his head like a ball...


After listening to Bai Zhi's question, Anna's eyes lit up immediately, and she raised her hand without thinking.

"I want to see... um, um..."

"No, this kind of private thing, let's see it in private later."

Before Anna could finish speaking, Qingyi quickly covered her mouth with his hand, and then answered politely.

—Secretly, Bai Zhi stretched out a thumb towards a certain white-haired loli.

In the end, among the few lolis, the only one who was really willing to show their household registration was Fang Qianxue, the son of God.


【Here Qianxue】

[Race: Human]

[Personal attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 8, Constitution 8, Intelligence 15, Perception 15, Charm 15]

[Yin and Yang Five Elements: Gold 20, Wood 20, Water 95, Fire 20, Earth 20, Yin 5, Yang 95]

【Current Status: Normal】

[Skills mastered: **** possession, enchantment. 】

[Introduction: Witch, Believer]


"The three innate attributes are full, the water attribute is 95, and the yang attribute is 95..."

Looking at the absolutely luxurious value in front of him, Bai Zhi couldn't help but feel a little astonished.

——Up to now, he finally knew why the other party was selected as the Son of God.

Not only Bai Zhi, but the rest of them were also a little scared.

"This attribute... does the **** represent you?"

Suddenly, Yan Huo Feng Yue turned her head to look at Bai Zhi's side.

"if not?"

Glancing at the other party, Bai Zhi put away Qian Xue's household registration.

"Okay, it's time to work. Since one Youjiang and one puppet cat can expand the space of the world in the pot so much, then let's put as many monsters in it as possible. I'm looking forward to the transformation inside."

It might be hard to find monsters in other places, but in Zhurong, a paradise, the most indispensable thing is monsters.

If Mu Mu and those pets are all put in, what will the world in the pot look like?

—Bai Zhi is looking forward to it.

Volume 2 The Miracle of Microprobability: Chapter 1534 Chapter 610 Big Bird Goes Around Bar All Staff (4k)

For Bai Zhi who has fully mastered the demon refining pot, collecting demons is quite simple.

Generally speaking, if you want to collect monsters in the demon refining pot, you have to beat the monsters to half-death before you can take them in. However, with the help of Mu Mu, those monsters basically lined up to send them in...

However, since I left for almost a week, except for those more loyal pets like Xiaojiao, most of the other pets ran away while Mumu was away. It takes quite a while.

As for this kind of matter, Bai Zhi is not in a hurry.

While letting the world in the demon refining pot evolve by itself, he checked the household registrations that he was more interested in.


【? Shu (excellent sauce)】

[Race: Divine Beast]

[Personal attributes: Strength 123, Dexterity 256, Constitution 135, Intelligence 17, Perception 93, Charm 100]

[Yin and Yang Five Elements: Metal 27, Wood 13, Water 34, Fire 93, Earth 34, Yin 54, Yang 12]

[Current status: weak (contaminated status)]

【master a skill:? ? ? 】

【Exclusive Skill: Fire Prevention】

[Introduction: In the polluted state, there is a certain probability of going crazy. You can get rid of the polluted state in the "Hanging Pot Yard" built in the pot. 】


【Jiaolong (Little Jiao)】

[Race: Monster]

[Personal attributes: Strength 358, Dexterity 127, Constitution 220, Intelligence 35, Perception 78, Charm 13]

[Yin and Yang Five Elements: Metal 34, Wood 7, Water 84, Fire 6, Earth 13, Yin 67, Yang 17]

[Current status: weak (polluted), alienated]

【master a skill:? ? ? 】

【Exclusive Skill: Dividing Water】

[Introduction: In this state, there is a certain probability that you will go crazy, and you will treat yourself as a frog every once in a while, and you can get rid of the pollution and alienation state in the "hanging pot courtyard" built in the pot. 】


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