Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 107 Your armor is not as handsome as mine!


With two violent explosions, the two slammers and the Beito defenders were all defeated.

"Easy, easy." Wanzhang Longga said, waving his right fist.

"But why did the defenders of the Northern Capital appear here?" In contrast, Kiryu Zhantu thought more, and absorbed the ingredients of the two slammers at the same time with the empty bottle in his hand.

"Ask him directly about this." Lu Ziye raised his hand and pointed at the person walking opposite.

The person who came at the head was none other than Himuro Gentoku, the current acting prime minister of the Eastern Capital.

"I didn't expect to attack so soon." Himuro Handoku said, walking to the three of them and stopping in front of them, "This morning, Beidu declared war on us, and the war is about to begin!"

The moment he finished speaking, the defenders behind Himuro Gentoku all raised their guns and walked toward the three of them.

"What do you mean?" Kiryu Zhantu asked with a frown.

"Kamen Rider will be used as our country's military weapon to deal with the invaders of the Northern Capital. Is there any problem?" Himuro Hantoku said with an indifferent expression.

"We don't want to become a tool of war." Kiryu Zhantu made a judgment instantly.

"Wait." Lu Ziye stood up at the right time and pulled Kiryu Zhantu aside.

Himuro Gentoku did not stop the two of them, but instead raised his hand to let the defender lower his raised gun.

"War Rabbit, I understand that you don't want the Kamen Riders to participate in the war, but you can't stop the war. You have also seen that the Northern Capital has sent out the Bruisers. Can the army stop them? I think you know very well that there is no way to stop the Bruisers. The consequences of the attackers will ultimately be borne by the people. Do you want to see a ruined city?"

As long as it is made clear, Lu Ziye believes that Kiryu Zhantu can understand quickly.

"What do you want to say?" Kiryu Zhantu was slightly shaken by these words.

"I want to say that we don't need to be used as military weapons, but we have to protect the people in the city. You are a hero." Lu Ziye knew very well what Kiryu Zhantu cared about.

"You are right. I want to protect this kind of city and the people I cherish." Kiryu Zhantu's expression gradually became firm and he agreed with this statement.

Hearing this, Lu Ziye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The main reason is that rabbits are too easy to be autistic, and sometimes it's really hard not to give them some advice.

"It seems that you have discussed it." Upon seeing this, Himuro Hantoku threw the same bracelet to the three of them, "This device has positioning and call functions. No matter where you are, you can receive my instructions. "

"In addition, if you successfully prevent Beidu from attacking, I will exonerate you from the charges later."

Lu Ziye caught the bracelet and immediately used his power to check it.

[Monitoring bracelet: It has positioning function and call function. 】

Seeing that there were no other functions, Lu Ziye was a little relieved. Now Himuro Hantoku still had to be on guard. If there was a bomb device inside, he would have to say goodbye to his fifth girl.

But Himuro Hantoku didn't say anything more, turned around and left.

Until Himuro Gentoku's back completely disappeared, Kiryu Zhantu raised his hand and threw the bracelet out: "I hate being watched the most."

On the contrary, Wan Zhanglong put the bracelet on honestly. For him, eliminating the crime was something he had been working hard on.

Lu Ziye threw the bracelet into the ring space with his backhand, maybe it could come in handy later.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Wan Zhanglong asked looking at the two of them.



Kiryu Zhantu and Lu Ziye said almost simultaneously.

"Eh? It's a time like this. Is it really okay to do research and development and sleep?!" Wan Zhanglong was dumbfounded. He was the most nervous person.

"The honest man said, he will give instructions." Lu Ziye said with a yawn.

To be fair, he had been here for several days, and he squinted when he brought Himuro Hantoku back.

When it comes to work, it can be regarded as high-intensity overtime work, and there is not even overtime pay.

"Who is the honest man?" Kiryu Zhantu and Wanzhang Longga both looked at Lu Ziye with doubtful expressions on their faces.

"Handoku Himuro, he answers no matter what we ask, what is he if he isn't an honest man?" Lu Ziye said and walked towards the motorcycle.

The main reason he didn't say was that in the early plot, Evolto deceived Himuro Hentoku again and again. The key is to believe him again and again and not to be too honest.

"Honest man, that's a pretty good nickname!" Wan Zhang Long Wo was the first to express his agreement.

"In a way, it is indeed quite honest." Kiryu Zhantu also nodded.

Immediately, the three of them rode their motorcycles back to Nasita Coffee Shop.

At the same time, on the Tian Road at the junction of Dongdu and Beidu.

Two figures, one gold and one silver, kept intertwining, but every time they intertwined, the defenders on the sky road would fall.

It wasn't until the last defender fell that the two figures stopped moving.

"Brother Hai, your armor is not as handsome as mine!" The silver figure spoke first.

And he was Xia You, who had spent many days digging potatoes in Beidu, and was now a member of Beidu's offensive team.

"Really why are you here?" The golden figure glanced at the other person and walked towards the city of Dongdu.

The armor of the golden figure has a very metallic feel. Only the armor on the chest and face are light black and transparent. On the waist is the squeeze drive that Kiryu Sento has just completed. He is the Kamen Rider of Hokuto - Grease. (Grice)!

"Brother Hai, please wait for me." Xia You saw Yuu Du Yihai in front of him walking away and quickly chased after him.

"I told you, I don't know you at all, don't follow me!" Saruwatari Kazumi in front said so, but his pace slowed down.

"By the way, where are we going to find full bottles?" Xia You followed and asked again.

"Instead of looking for full bottles, let's beat them first." Saruwatari Yikai looked at the road in front of him and was in trouble. He didn't know which way to go.

"Can you find a place to eat first? I'm so hungry!" As she said that, Xia You's stomach growled.

"Why are you hungry again? Didn't you just eat potatoes!?" Saruwatari Yikai looked at Xia You's belly in disbelief. This little brother was very good at eating when he was on the farm. Now that the battle has just begun, he has eaten again. Started to feel hungry.

"Potatoes are not filling at all. I want to eat some meat." When Xia You said this, his mouth was watering. He missed the taste of meat so much.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Saruwatari Yikai sighed, looked into the distance and spotted a barbecue restaurant, and then called Xia You to head in that direction.

"Brother Hai is Brother Hai, I love you!" Upon hearing this, Xia You suddenly became energetic.

After the conversation ended, the two of them walked straight to the barbecue restaurant not far away.

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