Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 116: It’s not in vain, I’ll give you a thumbs up!

The pale flame is burning without any temperature, but it can make everyone feel its danger.

Evolto, who saw Lu Ziye approaching, immediately kept retreating. Even he was just possessing a human body and had not regained any power.

But at this moment, a hail of bullets fell, hitting Lu Ziye's way forward.

"." Lu Ziye tilted his head slightly and found the source at a glance.

Immediately afterwards, a beautiful figure walked out of the shadows, holding a transformed smoke gun in her hand.

Qianying has black hair and wears a white sports vest. Even with a black jacket, she can't hide her turbulence. A pair of shark pants outlines her beautiful lines.

Lu Ziye was still wondering who this was, but following the power in his eyes, information about this person emerged. It was Jiang Xueqing who he had met before.

"We meet again." Jiang Xueqing stopped in front of Evolto and said hello to Lu Ziye.

"What's that? If you look at it for nothing, I'll give you a thumbs up." After saying that, Lu Ziye gave a thumbs up.

When Jiang Xueqing heard this, she couldn't help but be startled, and then she reacted: "You are quite upright this time."

"Let's talk about it next time, I have other things to do." After saying this, Lu Ziye swayed and flew towards Evolto behind Jiang Xueqing.

"Kivat!" Jiang Xueqing raised her right hand, and the orange Kivat Bat IV fell down and bit her raised hand.

Then, colorful lines appeared on Jiang Xueqing's face, and her waist turned into a belt wrapped around chains.

"Henshin!" Jiang Xueqing drank lightly and put the Kivat Bat IV upside down on her belt.

Buzz buzz.

The orange halo of light flashed, spreading around like water ripples, and at the same time, gray-white armor appeared on Jiang Xueqing's body.

The moment the gray-white armor was completely formed, it shattered like a mirror, revealing the true form of the armor.

The moment Jiang Xueqing completed her transformation, she moved sideways, and her outstretched right hand intercepted Lu Ziye's right fist.


Jiang Xueqing was seen holding Lu Ziye's fist firmly and stopping in front of Evolto.

"Then I'll leave this place to you, Ciao (goodbye)~" Evolto raised a smile on his lips, waved his hand and turned to leave.


Jiang Xueqing's hand holding Lu Ziye's fist made a burning sound, and waves of white mist rose, causing him to let go of his hand.

"Hiss! You're burning me to death!" Jiang Xueqing let go and shook her right hand, and various small holes were burned out of the armor on her palm.

The moment Jiang Xueqing let go of her hand, Lu Ziye passed her directly, raised his hand and blasted Evolto who turned around!

Evolto, who was aware of it, was about to stuff the full bottle into the transformed smoke gun.

"Cobra! Mist Match! (Cobra! Mist Match!)"


The sound effect hadn't even finished sounding before Lu Ziye's right fist landed on his back.

After receiving the punch, Evolto almost fell forward on the spot and rolled several times on the ground.

The armor on Evolto's back was even worse. It was dented and burned under Lu Ziye's fist wrapped in pale flames.

"What kind of power is this?" Evolto felt it most clearly when he was attacked, and the burning sensation on his back frightened him.

"Of course it's the power gained on Mars." Lu Ziye opened his mouth.

If Evolto can talk about the power gained on Mars, then of course he, Lu Ziye, can do the same.

"." This sentence immediately silenced Evolto.

But the next moment, Evolto suddenly took out the smoke sword and quickly combined it with the transformed smoke rifle in his hand. When the combination of transformed smoke rifle was completed, he aimed at Lu Ziye and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang——!

Several rounds of bullets were fired at Lu Ziye. Jiang Xueqing, who was behind him, hesitated briefly and then swung his right fist at Lu Ziye's back.

Faced with an attack from two sides, Lu Ziye simply ignored the frontal gunfire and ducked to the side.

A few bullets were vaporized by the pale flames on his body before they even touched Lu Ziye, while Jiang Xueqing's punch was dodged sideways, and was hit in the face by the fired bullets.

Seeing this, Lu Ziye turned around and launched a roundhouse kick, volleying Jiang Xueqing towards Kiryu War Rabbit.

"Zhan Tu, why are you watching? Help me hold her down!" Lu Ziye yelled angrily.

From the moment he made a move, Kiryu Sento was stunned beside him. Those who didn't know it thought he was possessed by Tachibana-senpai!

"Oh okay!" Kiryu Zhantu was brought back to his senses by this roar, and he immediately faced the flying Jiang Xueqing.

Seeing Jiang Xueqing being dragged by Kiryu Zhantu, Lu Ziye turned his head and focused his attention on Evolto. Now no one was disturbing him.

"Full Bottle! (full bottle)"

"Come and try my trick."

Evolto inserts a full bottle into the slot of the transformed smoke rifle, and the projection of the bear suddenly appears on it.

"Steam Attack! (Steam Attack)"

Then, a light bomb was fired from the transformed smoke rifle. The light bomb expanded rapidly during flight, and instantly expanded into a light bomb several meters in size.

"It's just a light bomb!" After saying this, Lu Ziye's body sank slightly, and his right fist that was tucked in his lower abdomen suddenly swung out.

The right fist he swung collided with a light bullet that was several meters in size, and his shooting force was stopped in an instant.


The collision between the two made a tooth-piercing sharp sound, but the light bomb that was originally several meters in size expanded again, and the expanding light bomb became nearly ten meters in size in the blink of an eye.

"Crush it!!" Lu Ziye shouted softly, and the pale flames on his body suddenly surged.

The skyrocketing pale flame enveloped the light bullet, vaporizing it and shrinking it at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Evolto suddenly slid down to the ground and flew to the position under Lu Ziye at an extremely fast speed.

"In terms of combat experience, you can't compare to me." After saying this, Evolto turned the muzzle of the smoke rifle in his hand and pointed it at the driver on Lu Ziye's waist.

"Cobra! Steam Shot! (Cobra! Steam Shot!)"

Purple light bullets flew out, swinging and hitting the driver around Lu Ziye's waist.

"My combat experience is indeed no better than yours, but you underestimate my abilities."

Following Lu Ziye's words, the purple light bullet hit the driver, but was immediately covered in pale flames, completely eliminating it as if it were being swallowed.

Evolto was so close, giving Lu Ziye the best opportunity to reach out and grab Evolto's ankle.

"You" Before Evolto could say another word, Lu Ziye's already raised fist immediately fell down.


The fist that hit Evolto immediately shook him into the ground.

Evolto, half of his body buried in the ground, just raised his right hand and met Lu Ziye's fist again.

boom--! !

With a sound like an explosion, the cobra emblem on Evolto's chest was dissolved into a ball, and the armor on his body showed varying degrees of melting.

But at this moment, a virtual screen suddenly popped up and floated in front of Lu Ziye.

[The "Northern Capital Declaration of War Chapter" has ended. Players' stay time has ended and they will be forced to return in five minutes]

[It is detected that the player has the necessary plot props for the Build plot line, and the plot props will be forced to pop up]

A message was left on the virtual screen indicating that it had disappeared, and the magician's ring on Lu Ziye's left hand automatically deployed the magic circle.


Pandora's Box fell from it and landed in Evolto's hand.

Lu Ziye and Evolto's eyes turned and were focused on Pandora's Box.

The pictures are from running images to give everyone a sense of immersion.

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