Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 120 I can be your child’s godfather!

At this time, Lu Ziye turned around and stared at Xia You, stepped closer, and leaned directly against her.

"Speaking of which, you have Amazons cells, how could you be unconscious for so long? I doubt you are playing me!" Lu Ziye said quietly with sharp eyes.

"Ahem, actually, I remembered it a long time ago. I was very touched when I heard that you, Lao Lu, were angry for us. Plus, it was very comfortable lying on the ground, so I accidentally fell asleep." Xia Youyue said, her voice getting softer and softer at the end. Lu Ziye almost didn't hear it clearly.

".Asleep, you are so heartless." When Lu Ziye heard this, he didn't know what expression he should have on his face.

【Where is this place? Where is my evolution bottle? ! 】

Evolto's deep voice suddenly sounded in his mind, causing Lu Ziye to stand up in an instant.

[Don’t scream there! 】

As soon as Lu Ziye's thoughts moved, his voice resounded "among all things".

When Evolto in "Between All Things" heard this sound, he quickly condensed into the image of blood dive, and looked up at the empty black space above.

[This voice. Could it be that you made this space? 】

Evolto had no intention of giving up. He walked forward at first and did not touch the barrier until he took about ten steps. He immediately waved his right hand to condense the bleeding red energy, which rose like a flame.

The next moment, Evolto put his right hand on the wall of air in front of him, and blood-red energy instantly filled the wall of air in front of him.

But when the blood-red energy faded away, little rays of light flashed across the air wall without any signs of damage.

[It’s useless, you can’t break through. 】

Lu Ziye's voice sounded again, full of pity for Evolto.

According to his analysis, although he did not understand the ability of power, it was at least the space attached to power. How could Evolto, who had not recovered his full strength, break through this space?

To put it bluntly, if Evolto wants to break this space, he must have the power to do so!

When Evolto heard Lu Ziye's wild words, he simply lay down on the ground and even crossed his legs.

[Even if you risk death together, you still want to possess me because of the power of genetic factors, right? 】

Now, Evolto understands Lu Ziye's various behaviors, wants to possess him, and has taken away the evolution bottle, so the Evol drive must be in his hands.

[Yes, not only the genetic factors, but now your entire slime is mine. 】

At this point, Lu Ziye had nothing to hide and just showed off his cards.

[Hey, hey, what is slime? Even if you don't call me Evolto, calling me Blood Dive is fine. 】

Evolto, knowing that he couldn't escape, looked like he was in trouble and started to get closer.

[Okay Slime, do you have anything to say about your brother? 】

Lu Ziye didn't care about the name at all. The most important thing now was whether he could get more information about Killbus from Evolto.

When Evolto heard this, his swinging legs suddenly stopped.

[Oh, it seems you know our family very well. Killbus is my brother. How do you know him? 】

Evolto had no intention of saying more.

[Let’s put it this way, Killbus is going to Earth. 】

As Lu Zino finished speaking, Evolto, who had been lying down, suddenly sat up.

[He is going to Earth? But what does this have to do with me! 】

As he spoke, Evolto lay back down again. In his current condition, he couldn't do anything at all.

[Of course it does matter. When Killbus goes to Earth, he will definitely use the power of Pandora's Box to awaken the genetic factors in Ryuga's body. I don't need to say more about the rest, right? Another thing to mention, when I fight him, if I die, so will you! 】

Lu Ziye's implication was that he wanted Evolto to cooperate with him. As for whether they would die together, he really didn't know, but Evolto didn't know either, so naturally he could fool him.

[Tsk Killbus was once the king of our clan, but that bastard was a hedonist who loved destruction. His impulse to destroy drove him to destroy his own planet. Before the destruction, I tried my best to take away Pandora's Box, the origin of the Blood Star. But it is impossible for you and Zhan Rabbit to defeat Killbus, unless...]

After saying this, Evolto suddenly paused, slowly sat up and looked up at the sky.

[Unless I regain my full strength and absorb a few more planets, I will have a chance to deal with him. 】

[I see, you are a toad looking for a frog - an ugly flower, and you still want to regain your full strength. You want to eat your shit! 】

In real life, Lu Ziye couldn't help but roll his eyes. When Evolto regains full strength, the first thing he will do is to kill him.

After talking about this, he did not continue to argue with Evolto. It was obvious that he was convinced that there was nothing he could do, so he proposed the idea of ​​regaining full strength.

"Return to the Build plot line to increase the danger level of Long Wo, and then get the Dragon Evolution Bottle. Combined with the research information of Long Wo and Evolto, we should be able to make a Galaxy Muscle Bottle." Evolto didn't give a solution, but it didn't mean that Lu Ziye had no way at all.

If this is the case, the only uncertainty is that Evolto's strength has yet to be restored, and the strength of the Galaxy Muscle Bottle will also be unknown.

"Keep clearing the Knight's Realm and get the Milky Way Muscle Bottle?" Another idea came up, but Lu Ziye quickly rejected it.

First of all, the difficulty of getting the Knight's Realm corresponding to the Galaxy Muscle Bottle is definitely not low, the risks are high and the rewards are unstable.

"Lao Lu, what are you mumbling about?" Xia You reached out and patted Lu Ziye.

Lu Ziye had been in a daze since just now, and then suddenly started mumbling again.

After being interrupted by Xia You, Lu Ziye immediately explained: "How do you want to conquer the Build plot line? I have it!"

"Have...? Whose! Old Lu, Old Lu, I didn't expect you to have thick eyebrows and big eyes at such a young age, so what...I can be the child's godfather." Xia You was frightened, but her expression was Very serious.

"You're so cute!" Lu Ziye clenched his fists and almost didn't punch Xia You on the spot, "I said yes, I was talking about ways to conquer the plot line of Build!"

Hearing this, Xia You suddenly became curious: "What can I do?"

""Wheel War"! I want to challenge the wheel battle in the arena! "Lu Ziye's lips curled up into a smile.

He remembered that Xia You once said that the reward for wheel battles was special props, which is where Ran Ge's armored sound blade was obtained.

If he participates in using the Evol driver, he can obtain the corresponding props. The best special prop reward can be a dragon evolution bottle!

When the time comes, let Tan Li Dou research and develop it, and won't there be a Milky Way Muscle Bottle?

Maybe Tan Li Dou can give you some extra surprises and create a prop that is stronger than the Milky Way Muscle Bottle, but that’s not necessarily true!

".Huh? The "wheel battle" thing is not something that anyone can challenge. "A very tangled look flashed across Xia You's face, "The additional conditions of "Wheel Battle" are very cruel, and there is a possibility of death during the battle."

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