Shut up and let me be a Kamen Rider!

Chapter 126 I got up, and then I was defeated in seconds!

Six hours later, Lu Ziye and Ran Ge were walking on the way to the "Riding Arena".

At this time, Lu Ziye could be said to be very shocked. He got what he wanted and saw the strength of top players.

In the subsequent sparring sessions, Ran Ge completely suppressed his various offensive moves with pure technique, and in a short period of time, he had clearly studied the first-stage abilities and developed a way to deal with them.

"Boss Ran Ge, how many top players are there like you?" Lu Ziye asked involuntarily.

Facing a top player like Ran Ge, he probably had to use all the props to be able to fight against him.

If you simply compete in combat or use abilities, it is unlikely to defeat these players who have been immersed in fighting for a long time.

"I'm like this. What you want to say is that you can't beat it." Having said this, Ran Ge thought for a moment before continuing: "According to my understanding, there are at least forty people you can't handle at this stage." There are many, ranking second among players.”

"Our competition is quite fierce." Lu Ziye curled his lips.

Originally, he thought that with Evolto's power, he would be in the first echelon, but it turned out that he was in the second echelon.

It's hard to imagine what kind of power the players in the first echelon have.

"Of course it's intense. Many players have wishes they want to realize, and they are working hard." Ran Ge said with some emotion, "Maybe you are too relaxed. I have never seen a newcomer like you improve at such a speed. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as terrifying.”

What Ran Ge said was true. Lu Ziye had only participated in the Knight's Realm four times so far, and he had already caught up with the second echelon.

You know, if a normal player participates in Knight's Realm four times, they may still be struggling in the big team at the end. Those with a little better luck and strength will at most leave the big team and enter the seventh echelon with the lowest strength.

Of course, this so-called echelon is not accurate. It just gives big data to judge what level of knight's realm exploration to carry out.

"Boss Ran Ge, are you the first to play this knight game?" Lu Ziye couldn't help but become curious. He had not had a deep understanding of the background of this game for so long.

Hearing this, Ran Ge shook his head and said, "I should be considered the second batch. The first batch of players suffered heavy casualties, and only a few are still alive."

"Then have you ever thought about what if this game can't fulfill your wish?" Lu Ziye's reason for staying is that he likes knights, so he is definitely willing to stay.

But he may be an exception, so if other players don't understand the knight at all, will they really stay for that illusory wish?

"Perhaps wishes are indeed illusory. But who will know until the end." Ran Ge smiled and gave the answer.

Just when Lu Ziye was about to say something else, the two of them had already arrived at the "Riding Arena".

Xia You, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, came up to meet him. He looked at Lu Ziye first, as if he was confirming something.

Xia You shook her head in great disappointment and said, "Lao Lu, I've helped you register for the "Wheel Battle" and I'm just waiting for you to update the information. "

"Thank you Ang, I'll go first." Ignoring Xia You's reaction, Lu Ziye waved his hand directly and went to the top to update.

He walked to the top floor with ease, found the device he had used when he first arrived, and put his right hand on it.

[Player——Lu Ziye, information update completed]

[Registration for "Wheel Battle" has been completed]

[Grade judgment completed——C+~B- grade]

[Knight system: Evol (Eber) - Build system]

[Cross-Z, Build (Cross-Z, Chuangqi) - Build (Chuangqi) series]

[Gatack (steel bucket)-Kabuto (armor bucket) series]

[Notes on "Wheel War\

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